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It's the WWTWSDAP season finale and we're chatting candidly about what it's like to have an audience. We don't really like to use the word 'famous', but we go into what it's like, the moment we felt we had crossed that line and express appreciation for the wonderful community we have. This wraps up Season One of WWTWSDAP - stay tuned for updates about season two on social media!


What's it like being (kinda) famous? | E26

It's the WWTWSDAP season finale and we're chatting candidly about what it's like to have an audience. We don't really like to use the word 'famous', but we go into what it's like, the moment we felt we had crossed that line and express appreciation for the wonderful community we have. This wraps up Season One of WWTWSDAP - stay tuned for updates about season two on social media!


toa kongu

Really enjoyed this season and the ADHD podcasts, I reeeaaally hope you guys and galls continue these.

Lea Antone

I am not into podcasts, so thank you for making these into videos as well. Don't live in NZ so I won't be running into any of you anytime soon, but getting my questions/comments read on twitch usually makes my day. You're all awesome; keep up the good work.

Kevin Barnett

Ellie’s single-best line delivery is in the milky tea episode of Bored. The way she says “this!” when she says there’s a special place in hell that is reserved for people who make tea like this!” Alan’s best is when he closes the grate in the in-and-out episode where Ben insists on buying something after they close. Alan gets this insane flicker in his eyes when he finishes the line “I told you… we’re closed” Rowan’s best I think is when he breaks the laptop in the first pen-dropping episode and Alan says they are real laptops. And Rowan just says drily “grow up mate.” I think Adam’s best performance is either when he screams at the end of the episode where Rowan destroys his bitcoin-containing hard drive or when he’s screaming at the end of the power-outage episode. Ben’s best strength I think is delivering really bizarre dialogue, mostly in Bored, matter-of-factly. Like the way he just has the throwaway line of “come on! It’s not rocket surgery!”


Thank you guys for knowing how scary it is and not getting angry. I was crying the whole ep. Love you. One more time please bring Ben around more if you'll decide to continue. Almost every topic I wonder what he would say and maybe he'll use the opportunity to open up a little bit


I would love to meet any and all of the members of Viva La Dirt League. I stumbled across Viva while working on a travel assignment. It was long hours and away from everyone I knew. Viva made me laugh daily. I thank you for your hard work!

Sylvie Gendron

From one fan's point of view: I would rather be interacting with you than be taking a photo. And that connection, however brief it is, will give me more joy than any image could. That said, I would never want to make you feel bad, so in the unlikely event that I ever meet any of you, I will be sure to ask for one! :) I try to comment on every one of your videos, to show appreciation yes, but mostly to feed the algorithm. I never expect any of you to read or reply. But I have to say, Adam, you did make my day when you replied to my comment a while ago. And finally, I think you guys have the right kind of fame. Too many people are chasing the "famous for being famous" illusion. You are famous for the quality of your content and you should be proud of that.


My thought is always like how many "views" a week does someone like Brad Pit get? 5 million? 20 million? That's kind of how I look at it. How many people engage with your content compared to someone who is traditionally famous? Another example could be, like, does Brad pit have like 1 billion all-time views on his movies and other content vs. how many does viva la dirt league have? Or Linus tech tips, or markapliar. Things like that. I think what separates fame from being famous is kind of what Adam said. Brad Pit is set up to be an icon. To appear at specific places and to be seen by the public. You guys are famous, but he has "fame" if that makes sense? It would not be awkward at all to sit next to one of you on a plane and have a friendly chat, for example, but to sit next to RDJ would be strange.. it's almost as if they're not real.

Justin Parrott

Coming from someone who lives in the rural Midwest United States I know it’s unlikely I would ever meet any of you, but I can safely say it would make my day/year. The work you all do brings a ton of joy to my life and I look forward to all of your content. Keep up the amazing work and know that your fan base is always looking forward to whatever comes next.