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Well if you read the previous post you know what im going to say. I need an operation on my hand. I still dont have a date for it but so far i know that if everything goes well, i will need little recovery. I dont know how much but they said a week or two. Im really nervous on this. Im scare for my hand.

I would also like to know if you guys have ideas on this, what should i do for it? I mean regarding the patreon. Are you gonna be ok with the patreon having two weeks without content? You would prefer to drop out before the payment and come back later? Tell me please because i honestly dont know what to do. One idea was cutting in half the prices but i dont know if that will work for it, we could try I just dont know if it would work. 

Regarding the pic, im a fan of Red vs blue. For a while i wanted to do Tex getting a wedgie from Sister but Tex is an IA, doesnt has a human body so... it was impossible. Then i thought of Carolina, and it all come together. You can say she took a really good beat back there.




Get some rest man


You should rest man, I mean imagine how hard it would be to masturbate if you permanently ruin your hand XD. But on the topic of Tex, you can always take creative liberty with it, like a synth body from fallout 4.