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Commission. Im sorry everybody, i have been remarkably slow this month. Im still adapting to work on photoshop, I have started making all my job in this program to try and make an improvement in the quality of my job but it has been harder than i thought, however im getting more used to it as time goes. Tomorrow i'll be working on the next page of my comic it has only one two... 4 panels i think it should be done tomorrow it self. 

After that we got carolina for this weekend that i have been also working on. I think that is all. After that i have the deadbattle pic, im thinking who ever wins im going to draw in an atomic holding the other one in maybe a hanging or by the waist in an atomic giving it a spanking, i'll think about it, i want both butts  on display. 

Have a good... whouh is almost morning, how long have i been in here?




Great pic as always. When you mentioned Overwatch I was really happy and was expecting to finally see D.va or Mercy in an Atomic wedgie but this is equally awesome. Thanks for your hard work and we'll be expecting your next comic page *Cheers* (It's interesting)


I think that this might be your first propeller wedgie XD


Would love for more overwatch and especially d.va


Love it so much thank you!