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Dear Naish,

Perhaps you saw the exciting news the other day that we surpassed one million dollars per year in revenue on Patreon. We blasted that message out to everyone that listens to our shows, but we wanted to take a moment here to speak directly with you, the Members of the Naish that subscribe on Patreon, who have given us opportunities we would have never dreamed of only five years ago. Our lives have changed for the better, and we have YOU to thank for it.

We also want to take this opportunity to make a change that we've debated doing for a long time - removing the public-facing number of our monthly Patreon revenue. We've come to the conclusion that publicly displaying that number not only presumes a "worth" to our content that we believe to be irrelevant, but it is also an outdated relic from the era of crowdfunding when Patreon came into being. As a company, we had to move on from the crowdfunding mindset long ago. We needed to reshape how we look at our work, our content, as a membership/subscription service. Now that this is a full-time job for many of us, it's important to us that we continue to shift the mindset away from the idea that this is a fundraising campaign to what it has been for years now - a content loaded subscription service that equates to membership in an exclusive club.

So that leaves two big questions: what about the $90k goal to fund an animated pilot? And what about the much more important $100k goal to have Troy watch Jurassic Park? As for the former, it's already in the works. There's no delivery date and we can't be sure what form it will take, but getting into animating our work has been a priority for us for years. We have also learned that producing a successful animated pilot goes well beyond the cash in your pocket. It's about relationships, and we're working on that every day. Suffice it to say, the pilot is one of the things we're most excited about with regards to our future plans and when we're ready to unleash it—as with most things we put our heart and soul into—we think you'll see it was worth the wait. And hold onto your butts for a plan on Troy watching Jurassic Park. We're cooking something up back here. Stay tuned.

Thank you for all that you do. As we always say, the best is yet to come.

With love,
The Glass Cannon Crew


Eric L

Congrats. Although as someone who supports many other creators and businesses I do like to know where my money is going. I support a news network that releases a yearly breakdown of revenue and expenses(Canadaland podcast). In building a new world and engaging a "community" I believe it is important to move away from the idea that discussing money like politics and religion should be taboo. It doesn't have to be we should discuss all these things openly. I struggle once in a while economically and its great that you all are in a place that you don't(hopefully). Please embrace radical honesty. I am an atheist, I vote Rhinocerous Party as often as possible and I make between 30000 to 45000 a year (depending on the year) here in Vancouver Canada. All the best!

Susan Younginer

So happy for all of you—the success is DESERVED! I enjoy the assortment of content, but I do hope the OG 5 will always have a current major offering. I also agree with others who enjoy the special guest appearances. Count me in for anything you develop, as I LOVE the creativity you all bring to The Naish. Congratulations on your successes!