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Hey friends! If you haven't heard, we will be marathon gaming all day and night next Saturday 11/7 in support of the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals for the Extra Life Marathon. Your generosity over the years has, no exaggeration, changed our lives. Let's pay that forward together and change some more lives. I've set a lofty goal of $20K to raise for this wonderful charity and, call me a dreamer, but I think we can crush it. If you have even ONE DOLLAR to spare, we'll blow past the $20K goal. HELL! If each patreon subscriber gave $1.92, we'd hit it. Thank you for all you do for us. Let's Naish up and do some good for others too. I timed it. It takes 3 minutes to clink the link to our Extra Life page here and donate. Thank you and we'll see you next Saturday for a fun day of make believe!




Call to Action: Extra Life Marathon 11/7/20

We are marathon gaming next Saturday, but more importantly we are raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Please watch this video. https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=54608



Done! Looking forward to next weekend!