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Northwood braves the mysterious hole, descending into the darkness.



Trevor Russell

I swear after listening to Giant Slayer, Androids & Aliens, and Raiders this whole situation the players got themselves into had me rolling XD never laughed so hard before!

Michael Stiehl

First and foremost I think Binky is an excellent character! However he should be and would have been dead at our table. The survival knot tying and moving full action is not allowed. I do agree with Joe he did have his sword out when he was being lowered. So that would have been another move action nulled. He should have had some falling damage when he goes unconscious. I think Joe calling binky grant is calling the kettle black because he always cries when he is in trouble as well. Skid should punish players for bad decisions in my opinion. I love this show and the characters but the lack of punishment for bad decision making makes it feel more like a show than a real game! Please go back to giantslayer days of killing characters when they should be !