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Rather than responding to each individual comment about us starting to do ads, I thought I'd just try to cover it all in one post.

Longgggggg story short, it is not currently worth it for us to do ads, at least ads in the conventional sense that most of you are thinking about. Ad agencies and other businesses have been clamoring for a while to do ads on our show, but when you do the math, it's pocket change compared to what we're getting on Patreon AND what it could do to the flow of the show which is my #1 priority. For us to make anything worth a damn with ads, we'd have to have multiple ads playing every 15 minutes. Now where there are plenty of podcasts that are successful doing that (as well as every TV show ever) I'm not interested in going there justtttt yet.

Now, does that mean we'll never do ads? Absolutely not. Hell, we may even try a couple host read ads here and there in the near future just to see how it feels, what the audience response is and if it's mutually beneficial to us, the advertiser and the audience. The thing is, as much as we've grown, we're not WTF with Marc Maron or The Joe Rogan Experience, or at least we're not them YET! When you're pulling in those kind of download numbers, then you get a lot more mileage out of doing even just a couple of ads.

For the time being, I'm much more interested in the stories we're trying to tell and that includes the "stories" of the players as well as the characters. I'm also more interested in continuing to build this amazing community and making our Patreon an exclusive membership only experience for GCPNation. The second I think we can do ads in a way that doesn't distract from the experience and is worth it to us as a company, you'll know. As we continue to grow the Network, you could even say it's an inevitability. In the meantime, enjoy these halycon days of no to low ads.

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