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What is up #GCPNation?!! As I'm sure you all know, we have been CRAZY busy lately churning out content left and right. Since most of us still have numerous full-time obligations outside of the Glass Cannon Network, we are limited to how much we can interact and engage with the community, while still providing you with all of the content you look forward to every week. We know that if it comes down to putting out weekly shows like #TheGCP and #AnA as well as semi-regular shows like #RotLC and #FodJuice as opposed to doing more Facebook Lives, Twitter polls, Instagram stories and replying to every post/message/email, that keeping up with the shows is the most important.

That said, as we continue to grow and hopefully keep working towards a point where we can devote ourselves full-time to this, we'd love to take moments here and there to answer questions you may have or to just hear you out if you'd like to see more of a, b, and c and less of x, y and z. We can't promise that we'll be able to respond to or even fully absorb every request, but if we notice certain trends or similar "demands," it will help us continue to focus our efforts to keep bringing you more of what you want. The shows aren't going anywhere. At the same time, we also can't produce any more than what we are currently putting out at this time. But what else do you wish we did more of or were better at? What would you like to see more of right here on our Patreon? Obviously our $5 tier is our most popular membership option. What would it take to get you to join at a higher tier? Imagine if everyone doubled their pledge?! The thought of being able to do this full-time wouldn't seem so crazy. What can we do to make it happen?

Sound off when you can and thank you, as always, for all that you do to help make this community so special. We hope that as much as we entertain you every week, our passion for what we do can inspire you as well, just as you inspire us to keep working our asses off and turning crazy pipe-dreams into realities.



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