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Thanks to hitting our $6000/month Milestone Goal, Patrons get to see my original script page now in addition to the regular updates. Enjoy!




But but... Anni said!! Bad Anni, breaking his word about no harm ever coming to Kyle! <a href="http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/typ/ete-ch1-page-30/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/typ/ete-ch1-page-30/</a> and <a href="http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/typ/ete-ch2-page-15/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/typ/ete-ch2-page-15/</a>


glowing green -&gt; glowing red, good call, looks better!


It fit better with the Dampener power colors. And green glow had become Spooky's signature. :)


Where did the sturdy stand go?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-24 06:03:49 End of the second paragraph under "Panels 2&amp;3"
2015-04-01 17:25:14 End of the second paragraph under "Panels 2&3"

End of the second paragraph under "Panels 2&3"


IKR? (I mean where is a tiny deux ex machina when a guy needs one?)


As you know, Adam is very faithful to my script—both in terms of details and spirit. So, when Adam makes a change, there's usually a good reason (continuity, something just wasn't working artistically, etc.). I like to give my artist's room for creative license if it doesn't change the story. And any kind of redraw at the pencils stage involves a lot of extra work for Adam. Unless I feel there is a strong story reason why I should insist that he redraw a panel, I let things stand. So, here's what happened: I included the sturdy stand in my script because, just like you, I figured that if there wasn't one, the Dampener would be washed away or at least be damaged by Tsunami's collapsing wave. And then... several months passed and by the time Adam and I got to these pages, I had forgotten my story reason for having it, so when Adam didn't include it in the thumbs, I didn't flag it. It wasn't until after page 115 had been posted and the pencils for page 116 were complete that I realized that I *had* asked for that for a story reason. And by then, it was far too late to make changes for the webcomic. Now, I could ask for the panels with the Dampener to be redrawn so they would match my intention in the book. If a lot of people are thrown by why the Dampener wasn't damaged by the wave, I might do that. But it would be asking for hours of work from Adam and Vero. And that's something I always need to keep in mind when I push for perfection. :)


I hope Adam knows his Star Trek, or a little reseach came in handy ;)


Thanks for that information. It's always interesting and makes great sense. More TYP is often more desirable than fussing a minute time consuming detail (well that's just me). I was just pointing it out because we were all looking of that last minute 'save' and your script page gave me the idea that 'toppling the dampener' wasn't going to be IT! If it's me... the art is just fine. I think the fact that the water (rather beautifully) does collapse straight down, means that we can all just accept that Alien tech that does what it does was built 'Kontari-tough'. LOL. I just pointed out that I don't think 'we' are getting a save that way. Darn Kontari... they should stay home. Heh.


Heh. There's a story why these Kontari didn't. I wonder if I'll get to tell it someday...


HA! Okay that might take a few weeks... (snort), but you know? I'll bet there's a milestone for that... :)