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Woot! Y'all just tipped us over the $2000/month mark, which mean the first Milestone Goal has been triggered (Penciled Pages Posted for Patrons!). That mean that, for the next comic page update, in addition to seeing the colored page, I'll also post up Adam's pencils for the same page for ALL Patrons to enjoy, so you can get a "behind the scenes look." It's actually a lot of fun for me to get to see how Adam's detailed linework is brought to life with Vero's beautiful colors, and I think you'll find it pretty cool to see that tool. Thank you all so, so much for making the launch of our Patreon Page so awesome! Next Milestone: "Patrons Get Safe-For-Work Digital Kickstarter Rewards", which is just $497 away. :D If we hit this Milestone Goal, I'll start sending out beautiful art in the form of desktop wallpapers and other digital goodies from the The Young Protectors Kickstarter to all backers who chose to receive the Special Digital Rewards (which is almost all of you). The Kickstarter backers get to have them first, but a month or so after, you'll get them too. And there are already a ton that have been made and sent out to the Kickstarter backers over a month ago, so I'll be able to send you a bunch at once. And they are pretty awesome. :D Oh, and tomorrow, I'll post the first "Sneak Preview" image for those backers who chose that reward (which, like I said, is almost all of you.) It'll be a sneak preview of one of the Romance Card pin-ups, so you won't want to miss that. Thank you so much for your support! I'm just bowled over and amazed by your generosity and kindness. We're already over a quarter of the way to raising enough so I can work on comics full time which just blows my mind. I'll do my best to make this something fun for y'all. You're the best. Alex



For anyone on Patreon who didn't get the Kickstarter - yes, the digital rewards are gorgeous. :-)


So agree, Jules. The rewards absolutely ARE gorgeous. It's so darn exciting. Thanks Alex and congrats on the progress.


Thank you, Chris and Jules! I'm so grateful to all of you for your amazing support!


This is officially AWESOOOOOME!


And we just hit the $2500/month goal so now y'all will get them sent to you as Patrons! When I get back tonight, I'll post about that. :)