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You Rock!

Thank you so much for your pledge! Your donation quite literally helps to make all my work possible and I really appreciate it.

You are awesome in every way.

Explore All Your New Rewards!

Now that you're an official member of the Woolfpack, first off, I'd suggest opening my Patreon Rewards Overview in another tab right now (and bookmarking that page!):


Many of the new rewards I create will come to you automatically as I post them on the Patreon page. But that page offers some helpful tips about getting your rewards as well as a full thumbnail gallery of everything you have immediate access to right now!

And, just so you don't miss them, here is some specific information by tier:

All Patrons get immediate access to:

- every script page I every posted here
- every penciled page I've ever posted here
- every thumbnail page I've ever posted here
- the Spooky Jones short stories I posted here
(you'll also find links to all of those rewards on the Patreon Rewards page listed above)
- voting rights to future pin-ups
- and access to the exclusive True Fan Lounge at The Young Protectors Community site found here:


(be sure to log in using your Patreon account—or if you create a new account, be sure to use your Patreon email address—to access special Patreon benefits at the community site!)

If you pledged at the $5 level or higher:

Thank you so much! This is the most popular pledge level and without you, I wouldn't be able to continue making this comic. This is the level where I post most new pin-ups and each month's Patreon extras (such as the exclusive Preview Pages!). I try to pack this level with as many fun rewards as possible because this level of support makes such a huge difference in what I'm able to do on the long-term.

Here is a step-by-step about how to get access to the Preview pages:


(If you have any trouble with that, you'll find some tips in the Patreon FAQ on my Patreon Rewards page:  http://amwcomics.com/patreon-rewards/  Currently, the last FAQ question gives some solutions to the most common issues.)

To find out how to get a badge for your Disqus Avatar, please skip ahead to the section shockingly called "HOW TO GET A BADGE FOR YOUR DISQUS AVATAR."

If you've pledged at the $10 level or higher:

Thank you so much for your extraordinary support! In addition to all the current $5+ rewards, you're now able to access all the previously posted NSFW Patreon art via itch.io -- over 30 very sexy pin-ups in all, featuring your favorite characters from The Young Protectors and Artifice.

Please check out this link for instructions on how to link your Patreon to itch.io and access the rewards:

https://www.patreon.com/posts/way-to-download-19987864 )

And here's the link to get access to all that NSFW art :


So long as your Patreon support is current, you will have access to that library.

You'll also have access to the $10+ posts that will allow you to download that month's high-res art (usually posted around the 3rd or 4th of the month.)

If you pledged at the $25 level or higher:

Thank you so much for your super-powered support! In addition to all the rewards that $5+ and $10+ Patrons get access to, you now also have full access to a library of all the high-res art I've ever sent out (which includes many of the NSFW pin-ups).

You can find that library here:


So long as your Patreon support is current, you'll have access to both libraries at any time.


Again, thank you so much for your amazing support!

In order to make sure I'm able to spend my time making cool comics for y'all instead of tons of time making Disqus avatars, I'm trying to automate this as much as possible. So, to get a badge for your avatar image, you will need to send me your avatar image file in a specific way. It's not complicated, but if you miss a step, I won't be able to send you your Avatar with a badge.

How to get your special Avatar badge from Alex Woolfson on Vimeo.

Please follow these steps EXACTLY to get your Avatar badge:
(the video above shows you how)

1) the avatar file you send me can be JPEG, PNG, or TIFF and can be any size, but it MUST be perfectly SQUARE (for example: 128x128 px) -- anything else won't work. (I'm sorry I can't offer technical support for how to do this, but there's lots of tutorials on the Internet!)

Oh, and PRO TIP: the badge will be placed in the lower right corner of the image, so make sure your badge color will be visible over that background. (That is, a blue badge is going to be difficult to see over a blue background, a silver badge is tough to see over silver or white, etc.)

2) the FILENAME of the file you send me MUST be your EMAIL ADDRESS plus FILE EXTENSION with nothing else (for example:

You must name your file this way exactly -- otherwise I won't be able to send you your Avatar once I'm finished. (Take a look at the video for how to do this.)

3) once you've made and named your file correctly, please send me a direct email at


with that file ATTACHED to the email message (please use the Attach option in your mail program like you see in the video; don't just paste the image in the middle of the text of your message, it'll erase the filename)

4) in the SUBJECT: of that email please say "Patreon Avatar Badge" + the color of the badge (for example: "Patreon Avatar Badge BLUE")

5) Send it! That's it! You're done! :D

I'll then add the YP badge to your image file and send you your new 128x128 px Avatar! :D

If you've pledged at a level that earns you a spot on the Leaderboard of Awesome:

please also send me another, separate email with exactly how you'd like to be credited (i.e. I would like to be credited as "Jane S." in the Leaderboard of Awesome). In the SUBJECT: of that email, please say "Leaderboard of Awesome".

- Also, if you have one, please attach a 128 x 128 Avatar image with your email (the one I added a badge to would be the best). I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to include them on the Leaderboard of Awesome. :)

If you are expecting additional rewards like a coupon for a free item at my store:

- Those are sent out when I get the full list of monthly pledgers at the beginning of the new month, so expect to receive an email with a link for that around the 10th. :)


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Hopefully, someday Patreon will allow me to separate this note based on pledge level, but until then, I hope this helps y'all find the rewards you pledged for.

Please let me know if you have any questions. And thank you again for your awesome support! I can't say this enough—without Patreon support, I wouldn't be able to pay my artists and make these comics. You're the one making this possible. I hope you continue to enjoy what I'm putting out there. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to make being one of my awesome Patrons even more awesome.

Your friend,


Added: 2023-02