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Hey Patrons!

So I spent all night working on Two Planets Approaching the Roche Limit and have it about 95% finished, however, I'm still hearing a lot of things I want to touch up on and do with it. For the sake of quality (and not going crazy to release the song and video at 11:59 AM my time 😅), I've decided to go ahead and delay it a few more days and making it the 2023 premiere.

Apologies for the delay! But I promise it'll be worth the extra time. Also, I'll still be having a secret/surprise song coming up next after Two Planets. More details on that one in a few days!

This will make Live & Learn our official unintended 2022 finale, which luckily is still a bit fitting considering how well it's been doing.

I'll be taking off the rest of today and tomorrow to celebrate the New Year, I hope you all have an amazing final day of 2022, and thank you all for all of your help continuing to support GaMetal and helping this to be one of the greatest years to date. 2023 will be even better, I guarantee it, see you then! 😃


Matthew Bankey

I knew this would happen. At least Live and Learn makes for an excellent 2022 finale.


If I had a nickel for every time a Kirby final boss theme was intended to be the final song in a year but was delayed to be the premiere for the next year with a Sonic song taking the finale spot instead, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?

JT Young

You’re doing great my dude! Take your time and enjoy some rest, the song’s a long one, so we understand!


You've made some of your best work this year, I can't wait to hear another year of GaMetal. Hope you have a good new years break!

The HarDe One

After L&L you need some R&R


I'm pretty sure all of us here are fans of quality over quantity. 2022 happened to be jam packed with BOTH, from the well known, to the underrated. You even silently cranked out parts to a video game! I'm super proud of your efforts year round. I admire the attempt to get Kirby out there by 2022, but I'm sure it will still be plenty epic in 2023. Happy New Year and enjoy your break!


You still alive Jonny?