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Hey guys/gals!

Just thought I'd give you a quick update to keep you informed: I spent most of the day packing stuff for my move tomorrow so I only got a small amount of video stuff done for Koopa Battle. I should be able to get the video finished and up by Tuesday at the latest, which we'll then follow up with a blast of acoustic shorts here and Streets of NY the following weekend.

Also just a reminder I'll be without internet until Thursday the 24th, so I won't make any large posts until after that date. I'll still be able to check my social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Patreon) on my phone so I won't be completely absent those few days. I'll also have to end uploading the Koopa Battle video from my laptop from some wifi hotspot like the library or something, haha.

That's all I wanted to say for now. Full-time GaMetal is coming soon! :)


Drake Silvos

Naughty ISP pulling its service. D;