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Hey Patrons!

So unfortunately, I fell WAY behind in August due mostly to work. I had been requesting a week off every month for a while but I wasn't able to get it last month, which unfortunately set me back a good bit. I plan on getting caught up by releasing at least 4 songs before October.

The next 2 songs lined up are the last drawing winner, Silence (Dream Chaser) from F-Zero: Climax, followed by the most requested GaMetal song of all time: Hopes and Dreams / Save the World from Undertale. We'll follow that up with another Patreon Request List drawing winner. The next drawing will take place around the 5th, so keep an eye out for drawing-related posts. Also I'll be getting the request list updated most likely by sometime tomorrow.

I also fell a bit behind on acoustic shorts, but I have a new plan to get them all finished. For most of the month (except maybe some weekends), I'll be releasing a new acoustic short or 2 every day. I feel like this will be a bit less taxing and easier for me rather than doing a ton at once which really wore me out for some reason xD. 

Big announcement time!

My lease is up in October, and my wife and I will be moving once again (we've been moving every year for like 3 years now, it's really tiring). We're looking at moving to a different city, not far but nearby, but far enough to where I'll be leaving my current job.

Over the past few months, I've been making a lot more income from Youtube. It's still a fraction of what I make here on Patreon, but it's 3x, almost 4x, what I was making from it last year. To be specific, I've been making almost $400 from Youtube per month compared to around $100 I was making from it last year.

I've given it a lot of thought, and have determined that starting in November, I will be going full-time with GaMetal and my Youtube channel. We were already close to the full-time goal, but the added income from Youtube has been helping out a great deal to the point where I feel that I'll be making just as much as I am now by releasing an extra song each month compared to working part-time. Plus it just seems like a lot of hassle to me to find another job that I'd probably be leaving shortly after anyways since we were so close to the full-time goal. xD

I couldn't have made it this far without the support you all have given me here. I can't express how thankful I am to have all of you here. I know to some people outside of Patreon it might seem like some sort of cash-grab thing, but there's really nothing more I want to do in life than just make music, but when you have bills and stuff it's not that easy. You all have given me that opportunity and seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. The fact that I can even consider doing this full-time now is just mind-blowing.

The best way I can repay you is to just assure you that a lot more awesome content will be coming (and catching up on acoustic shorts! :S). I'm extremely excited about what is to come and I'll be sharing those future plans with you as the time draws closer.

That's all for now! I'm taking a day off today because I worked on the NES Medley IV for almost 14 straight hours yesterday. Funny story: I got really sick in the middle of the day, from what I assumed was something I ate. I felt like dying while I was recording drum video so that's why there's not a ton of drum footage xD. To spare you the details, I got it out my system in the middle of the day yesterday and I'm feeling better now. :)

By the way, I want to give a shout out to Kelsey Peterson who just recently became a Patron. She's the one that drew the really awesome picture I've been using as my icon here and probably some other places I forgot. Check her out for me if you get some time. Thanks Kelsey!

Thanks everyone! September is going to be epic. :)


Drake Silvos

I too am glad to help in this undertaking. Cheers!

Jason Banner

Congratulations, Jonny!


Congratulations, dude! Hope that you're feeling better from all the work that you've done on the medley.




Congrats Dude! Good luck on the move!


Congratulations on the news Jonny! We're all happy to have helped you achieve a full time job. Also once you move into your next place, give us a heads up on whether or not the conditions will allow you to perform vocals.

Roberto Briseño

It's a honor!! Success in all your proyects Jonny!!


I have been following your music for quite some time now (think I got hooked with Meridian Child release) and it has become part of my routine. Knowing you still enjoy doing these remix and manage to turn it into a full-time job, it feels like a deserved thing to me. So as the others say, congrats and good luck for what's coming, and again thanks for the hard work you did so far.

The HarDe One

Dude it's great to hear! Good thing you were able to get the Medley out before the month ticked away, moving ain't cheap. Please keep up the good work with the music and streams; I'm a very happy and satisfied patreon.

Jamison 'SolarZero' M.

Well this is a milestone I was hoping to see you reach. Don't stop being awesome Jonny.