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Hey Patrons, GaMetal May Madness 2022 voting starts for you all today!

Patreon May Madness 2022 Submission Form 

May Madness 2022 Submission Form (Public Vote)

What is May Madness?

For those that are new to the GaMetal May Madness event: starting in 2015, every May I've gone back and remade some old GaMetal songs (old being songs made prior to 2015). This usually ends up being anywhere from 3-5 remakes, with some new songs (taken from the to-do list) thrown in as well.

In recent years, I've been taking both Patron and non-Patron requests for old GaMetal songs that you'd like to see return for May Madness.

As Patrons (all tiers), you can suggest up to 3 songs for remake contention. Only 1 is required if you can't think of another 2.

What songs are eligible?

The quick and easy version: any old GaMetal songs from 2009-2014 that haven't been remade from 2015-2022.  

You can also request a full version of a song from any GaMetal medley (including 2015-2021 medleys), such as last May's Armored Armadillo (which came from the 2014 Mega Man X Maverick Medley), or The Moon (which came from 2014's NES Medley #2).

For a more in-depth version: a full list of eligible songs can be viewed here.

| Friendly reminder: I won't -only- be going with the songs with the most votes, so songs that don't place in the top aren't necessarily counted out and vice versa, but the results of this ballot and the public ballot will have a very strong influence on my choices. |

I believe 2021 was the first year to feature 2 medley songs, but it's not out of the realm of possibility we could see up to 3 this year, as our list of yet-to-be-remade 2010-2014 songs is starting to grow a bit short at this point. So don't shy away from those! TheHarDeOne has gone through the trouble of listing out all of the eligible medley songs on the last few pages of the eligible song list (thanks HarDe!).

In other news: a new GaMetal Discord Request Battle has begun, and it's all about Kingdom Hearts!

After two consecutive years as one of the most requested new-to-GaMetal series from the GaMetal Song Ballots, I'd like to finally get a KH song done.

Like the Castlevania Request Battle back in October, I've begun this month's event with a qualifier round to determine the most wanted songs, and will then be pitting the top 2 (possibly 3, if close enough) against each other on Friday.

If you're not a GaMetal Discord member yet, you can join us and participate / get more info in the #request_battles channel here.

On a final note, both the Patreon and Public voting forms for May Madness 2022 will be closing on April 14th. I was going to open the public form today, but I've decided to hold off till tomorrow (since, currently, the GaMetal Discord is abuzz with Kingdom Hearts discussion).

Two other reminders: you can view everyone's responses and edit your own at any time in the Patreon May Madness form, but the public form (which you're also welcome to fill out when it goes live) will be uneditable/unviewable. 🙂👍🏼

That's all for today, if you have any questions at all feel free to ask in the comments below at any time. Happy voting! 😃





Where can I write my request? On discord or on Patreon?


Google form that's hyperlinked in this post


Mario rpg medley is the only one I really want 😂

Matthew Bankey

KINGDOM HEARTS?! AT LAST! ...Also, I'm still deciding whether to vote for Bob-omb Battlefield or Wily Castle from Mega Man 2 for May Madness... Edit: I placed my votes. Dr. Wily Castle Mega Man 2, Bob-omb Battlefield/Main Theme Super Mario 64, and Balloon Trip for May Madness The 13th Struggle and Sanctuary for the Kingdom Hearts Request Battle


It's unfortunately ineligible but hey you could vote for Beware the Forest's Mushrooms :)


The song choice list itself shows Super Mario RPG medley in single asterix, not double. The whole medley is like 45+ minutes IIRC. So only individual songs from Super Mario RPG would be feasible. I put down Fight Against Smithy, Who Likes Transforming as one of my choices myself!


Hey Genesis! SMRPG Medley in full is indeed ineligible (as it would take me literally months to make such a remake haha), but individual songs from the medley itself are eligible. Sorry for the confusion! 😅