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Hey again!

I have an update to share with you all regarding song distribution, in this case, distribution to services like Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, Amazon, and everything else along those lines.

Since the beginning of 2018, I've been releasing songs to these services in sets (anywhere from 5-10+ songs), 3-4 times a year. This year I'll be doing things a bit differently: all eligible songs will be releasing as singles instead. At the beginning of the new year, they'll then all be combined into the yearly compilation album (ie. X, XI, etc).

Ultimately, this should lead to me being able to get these songs up to these places much quicker than I was previously. There was a bit of a delay with getting these first few up, as I had to get my financials in order...

...because this also means: individual album artwork!

*Wind Spirit Shrine's official name is 'Divine Wind', and had to be titled as such for licensing... if it gets through, any way. As such, I made 2 versions with both names. Take your pick.

Of the above, the King Olly, Sorrow's Distortion, and Wood Man album artwork was created by VI - XI artist nintendonut1.

The others were made by myself with the sprites made by Discovery, who created the classic purple/blue bard sprites as well as some of the new ones seen briefly in the VI: Reignited reveal trailer.

And we've got more in the works! Eventually, once we're caught up, I'll be releasing these alongside songs when they are released, rather than afterwards. Until then, I'll release them to you all as they are completed.

As far as licensing goes, King Olly was unfortunately rejected (which I half expected, as there's no official US release), but Sorrow's Distortion just passed earlier today and should be up on streaming services at any moment. The rest are still processing, so I can't make any confirmation for them at this point in time.

Whenever a song passes licensing and is up on these services, I'll let you know in the next update post.

That's all for now, hope you enjoy the new song art! 😃




Dude, yes!!! I kind of went straight to imagining the worse when I saw the distribution channels being listed. But that's amazing!!


That is so exciting!! Congratulations and thank you so much!