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Hey Patrons! Just a quick reminder/update I'll be doing the

Patron Album drawing

on Monday. I initially said the 5th (Sunday) but I'm working all weekend, so I decided to move it back a day to the 6th.

All the way back in September, I did a post on here called 'Highly requested songs (and my thoughts on them)' where I discussed most of the top requests via Youtube, Twitter, emails, etc. We've actually managed to hit on 8 of the 15 series/songs I mentioned in that post, which I consider to be pretty good!

So here are now some of the most requested songs at the moment. I have a ton of comments to sift through and I'm mostly going by memory, so this is more of an estimation than anything. Some of these also happen to be on the Patron Request List!

Chances are I probably forgot something and the order of the list is definitely a rough estimate. :P


1. Undertale - Hopes and Dreams / Save the World is EASILY and BY FAR the most requested song on my Youtube channel at the moment. And probably ever. The previous most requested song was Megalovania which we did back in November, but HaD/StW has probably double or triple that amount. I feel we've done a pretty good job of holding back on going Undertale-crazy, unlike some of my peers who just went ballistic and covered non-stop Undertale songs for months. We've only done 2 UT songs, and ASGORE was back at the beginning of the year, so the time is approaching for this song to get it's turn. I'll just have to wait on Spear of Justice which I actually prefer over HaD/StW xD. 

2. Pokemon - Dialga's Fight to the Finish rules the Pokemon requests, with lots of other Pokemon songs scattered about. It's a pretty cool song I guess, I'm really not that familiar with the Mystery Dungeon games. xD Aside from Patron song drawings, Dialga will have to be next for the Pokemon franchise.

3. Final Fantasy - One-Winged Angel continues to top the FF requests, and even more so since the release of Let the Battles Begin. I've been staying away from this song for a very long time, but with the recent success of LtBB (which honestly I was partly using as a tool to determine whether or not I wanted to do OWA this year), I think this one will be coming sometime before the year is over. I'm interested in laying down the vocals, but I have to find a way to do it with my current living arrangement first.

In second place for FF is Clash on the Big Bridge. Definitely not as much as One-Winged, but high enough for me to take notice. I've always wanted to do this song so it'll also mostly likely happen sometime this year.

4. Shovel Knight - Probably the most requested game series I haven't done a song from yet. Strike the Earth! is the obvious choice, but the whole soundtrack is amazing and I'm pretty sure that fan base would be happy with most choices from it. I'm personally a fan of The Defender which I've seen some requests for.

5. Splatoon - Calamari Inkantation (the Squid Sister's Theme) is the most requested of the Splatoon songs by a long shot. I really love the game and the music, and have been wanting to follow-up on the Splattack! remake, so this'll be happening for sure sometime soon.

6. Touhou - Another series with a ton of great songs, I put this one off last year so we'll have to do one this year. There's a few on the Patreon Request List that I might pick one off from if it doesn't get chosen randomly.

I think I'll pass on U.N. Owen Was Her, though, cause all I can think of when I hear that song is Ronald McDonald.

7. Bravely Default/Second - Surprisingly, even though the YT video performed rather averagely, I've still been getting a lot of requests for more Bravely songs. The Second songs have been pretty scattered and not as many as Default. The two that come to mind are Serpent Eating the Ground and Wicked Flight. I prefer Serpent personally, but when I think about it, the 2 could go together really well as a dual remix. Not a high priority here, but I'll keep it in mind.

8. Earthbound/Mother - I feel pretty stupid for leaving Earthbound out of the SNES Medley, and plan on making it up to the EB fans eventually. Most requests are related to Mother 3 at the moment, with the most requested I think being Master Porky's Theme. I'm also a pretty big fan of Porky's Porkies, so it really comes down to those 2 for me, at the moment.

9. Wario: Master of Disguise - Who would've thought? I'm actually seeing a lot of requests for Head Honcho Carpaccio which is a super awesome song and one I've been wanting to do since we did Count Canolli back in 2014. I'm definitely going to be doing this one sometime soon.

10. Sonic - Sonic Fan Medley #2! People have been bringing it up since we released Mega Man Mega Medley #2, and it has to be done, for Sonic's 25th anniversary. I'm thinking of going with a Classic Sonic Fan Medley, since the first medley was almost all Modern Sonic songs. I think it'd be cool to have everyone vote for their favorite songs from the classic Sonic games (Sonic 1-3), like 3 from each, and putting a medley together from that. Just gotta find out a way to do it first.

Oh, and since we just did Doomsday Zone / Big Arms, we actually knocked out 2 of the most requested Sonic songs. The rest are dispersed.

11. Zelda - Rather mixed here as well, but Gerudo Valley comes to mind, people have been wanting a full version of it for a while (if you recall, it was in the Ocarina of Time medley). I've personally been wanting to get back to Wind Waker and do Molgera Battle.

12. Kirby - I'm putting this near the bottom because the next official GaMetal song is C-R-O-W-N-E-D, which was the 2nd most requested song on YT (behind Hopes and Dreams). Still, I'm always seeing new and different Kirby requests and its definitely one of my most requested franchises, not to mention a personal favorite of mine, so there'll always be more Kirby. 

With C-R-O-W-N-E-D on the way, the remaining requests are somewhat scattered with the exception of maybe Marx's Theme which I've always felt was cool but not a personal favorite. I'm starting to see a lot of Planet Robobot requests but no particular song has topped as the obvious #1 from that game yet, request-wise.

13. Mega Man - Another franchise that's popular in the GaMetal world, I've been seeing a lot of requests for songs from the Zero series lately. We touched on Cannonball in Mega Man Mega Medley II, and might end up doing a full version someday, but I think Falling Down could be a good choice since it has a pretty good number of requests.

14. Smash Bros - Why haven't I done the Smash 4 theme yet? I don't know! I'm still wanting to do some sort of medley with all 4 SSB main themes (I guess the first SSB would be the credits theme?). It'll happen eventually.

15. Kid Icarus - Hang in there, Pit. Lightning Battle is still the top requested KI song, and has a lot of overall requests, but it's sort of died down a little bit recently (you could say it.. lost it's thunder), still, Lightning Battle is a personal favorite of mine and one I'm really itching to do, but first I have to  figure out that crazy bass line at the beginning. xD

Honorable Mention: Mario & Luigi - Adventure's End

is still a requested song that I plan on doing sometime as a sort of follow up to Dark Star Core.


So, out of the songs/series I listed above, which are YOU most wanting to hear? Discuss in the comments below!



I've heard enough Undertale remixes but Hopes and Dreams might be good to hear from you sometime. Out of all of those on the list, the song I'd most want to hear is a tossup between Shovel Knight and Bravely Default. While The Defender is great, my personal favorite is An Underlying Problem. Serpent Eating the Ground would be amazing to hear from you but it is a marathon of a song at 6+ minutes so a dual mix with Wicked Flight would make it one of the longest remixes, disregarding medleys you've done. It's funny you mention Clash on the Big Bridge going to be done this year. I was actually planning on requesting an acoustic for this month that would be a good fit for the end of a video of that. A Classic Sonic medley is a great idea but I had an idea that instead of just Sonic 1-3, it could be widened to any game before Sonic Adventure. I mean there's some songs from Sonic The Fighters, Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic CD that could be great to throw into a medley, not to mention I recall a song from Sonic Spinball being on the request list.


Dialga's Fight to the Finish is definitely in my top 10 most-wanted covers, I'm super-excited you're probably gonna do it. The Mystery Dungeon series is excellent btw, highly recommend either Explorers of Sky or Super.


Honestly, for your second Sonic medley you should make it literal Sonic Fan Medley - fangames and ROM hacks have some AWESOME music.


Seeing as how One Winged Angel was one of my 3 requests, I'd be super happy to see you tackle that ahead of the one you had picked for me!


If you were to do a touhou cover, which song would you lean towards the most?


would love to hear falling down from megaman zero 4, and adventure end! There's also the new final boss from mario & luigi paper jam, as good a the first two! Also, will you post the list of request before doing the drawing? Just to be sure that everything is right :)


Probably Nuclear Fusion since I've seen that one requested more. The series is full of great songs though. I was hoping one would get picked in a random drawing but it hasn't happened yet. xD

Roberto Briseño

My attention comes to Shovel Knight, Super Smash 4 or Kirby songs! In other point, I see that other channel use one of your song (the Attack of the Koopa Bros to be exact in this video <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiIJvGw7QT8)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiIJvGw7QT8)</a> and it's awesome! Congratulations!! You're expandin the good music far and beyond!!

Nicolas Daoust

Among those, Molgera, Clash on the Big Bridge and a Smash Bros theme medley stand out for me. But there are a lot of good choices there, your fans have taste!

Kyle Kretzer

Finally got a chance to listen to all these songs. I know it's a dark horse, but Serpent Eating the Ground (either with or without Wicked Flight) is my #1 choice of these!


To be honest (even though this post is a long away from being recent), I was actually gonna put Dialga's Fight to the Finish as among my wanted until I saw someone already put it. XD Also, Ran Ran Ruu!