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Hey Patrons! So I've gotten a lot of new Patrons lately and I wanted to make an official 'welcome post' with a bunch of information for you. I tend to get a lot of similar questions when people first pledge, so this will be sort of an FAQ to help everyone learn their way around. If you've been around for a while, this is all stuff you probably already know, but you might learn something new.

First off, I just want to give an ENORMOUS THANK YOU for becoming a Patron. Even if you're just donating $1 one time per month, every little bit helps, and I'm eternally grateful for it. I know it can be hard to regularly donate to someone or something, even if it's a small amount (I can't tell you how many times I've passed on a $2 iPhone app/game thinking 'that's way too much', haha), so I've tried my best to make my rewards, well, rewarding!

In the beginning, I was saving pledges to upgrade or replace music-related equipment (replacing guitar strings, the new camera, the new video background, replacing a busted studio monitor, things like that).  Thanks to all of your generosity, I am now able to work on GaMetal material as a full time job! I can't express how grateful I am for every one of you. We've still only scratched the surface, as I'm now making the same amount as I did when I worked on GaMetal part-time with a second job. Now, however, I have a lot more time to dedicate to the growth of GaMetal, which means not only new songs, but other new things as well, like albums! In the future, hopefully I'll be able to replace more of the outdated equipment I've been using for ages. But all that aside, I wouldn't be able to do any of this, or be where I am now, without your generous support. Again, thank you so much!!

I'll now give you some info, sorted by Tier, to help you get familiar with Patreon and where you can find/do certain things.

Tier 1+
The Patron feed can be found on my Patreon home page (http://patreon.com/jonnyatma). All posts I make can be found in the "Creator Posts" section, and there's also a 'Patron Posts" section where you can post, as well as see other posts made by Patrons. You can scroll all the way back to my first post ever here, so if you ever get bored feel free to look around. Sometimes I'll post important news pertaining to future plans, or just make an unrelated blog-type post about something.

I also regularly make new posts to keep you updated on everything I'm working on at the moment. It's also where you can find freebie rewards that I make available for all tiers. Most importantly right now I'd direct you to:

All Patreon Acoustic Shorts (a post with links to every acoustic short I've made for Tier 5+ Patrons)

Discord Server 

Tier 2+

Early downloads are released on the Patreon stream a day before the video is released. Usually you'll receive an email when I upload these posts, but I've been told that occasionally the email will go out late. So you can always come and check if it's the day before video day and you haven't received an email yet, just in case.

Tier 3+

The current edition of the Patreon Request List (17th Edition) can be found here. All the info you need for posting your requests is in that thread.

I always make sure this list is fully updated before our request list drawings, so if I don't get a song from your list chosen and posted immediately, don't worry, I'll have it up before the next drawing. Promise :). Also I usually send out a final post before I do the drawing just to make sure I don't miss anyone.

I also post 'new editions' of the request list every once in a while, to clean up the comments section and make any rule revisions. If you don't see it, check the 'request list' featured tag on the sidebar of the main page.

Tier 4+
I scan my list of Patrons before I upload each video to make sure I don't miss any new people in the credits. In case I do miss you (or worse: mess up your name!), please send me a message and I'll get it fixed the next time around.

Tier 5+

You can send your acoustic short requests to me either by message or posting on the acoustic short thread. Feel free to list several songs if you don't have an order preference and plan on pledging for a while. Also, if there's a specific part of the song you don't want me to miss (especially for songs that are originally pretty long), let me know so I don't miss it for you.

Lately I've been making acoustic short loops from some acoustic short requests, I'll usually do this for songs that are on the shorter side (around 45 seconds or so).

Tier 6+

I've been making sure to double check before drawings to make sure I don't miss any second-song choices from people that move up to this tier. So like I mentioned earlier, if I don't have it updated immediately, don't worry, I will before the next drawing. :)

Tier 7+

I'll get with you via message to find out what song you'd like to put in our Patreon medleys.


If you have any other questions, please ask! You can either comment here or send me a message.

Also, don't be afraid to send me a message for any reason. I'm happy to talk with all of you! You are the one's helping me reach my goals so you mean the world to me. I'll always respond as soon as I can.

One last time: Thank you so much for your support!!! You all are the greatest! :)

PS: Oh yeah, and when you comment, you can go down a line by pressing 'shift+enter', and not just 'enter', which will automatically post the comment. We've all done it.


Michael molloy

Love your music been listening since I first heard the epically epic and long Mario rpg remix. Finally I'm able to support ya and your awesome music. Thank you so much for the awesome music over the years.

Jan Hecker

You are actually the first person on patreon I supported. Certainly a lot of others would deserve it too. But after listening to your covers for a while I felt like I had no choice but making this official. There's a lot of covers of game music out there and while they pose an interesting variation, I usually rather go back to the original. Yours tho are different. They seem to enhance the original potential of the tracks making it unique masterpieces. You certainly are born to do this, so keep it up!

Victor Damázio

You just earned a new Patreon!


I would send a message, but I'm super-new to Patreon and its layout, and can't for the life of me figure out how to do the messaging on here. So this is gonna be a comment, which I hope is fine. Anywho, I wanted to ask you a question, Jonny - Since you've got a freakin' amazing album download for all of your 2015 handiwork, do you plan on creating similar albums for 2016, or any other years, future and/or past? I'm pretty sure I also asked this in a comment recently, so I apologize if this seems impatient, nosy, or any number of other unflattering adjectives. I'm simply curious, is all. Also, major thanks for that shift/enter tip. I would totally have fallen for that one were it not for this welcome post.


Thanks for the pledge Jacob, and welcome! For future reference, you can send messages by clicking your icon in the top right corner, going to 'messages', then 'new message' and putting in my name. I actually will be releasing the GaMetal VI album (all of the 2016 songs) on BandCamp in a few months, before I get to that we have the Patreon album coming out within the next couple of months or so. GaMetal VI will probably be out sometime around May. And none of that seems impatient/nosy/etc, feel free to ask any questions you'd like! xD And yes, the shift/enter thing happens to all of us, even those who have been on here for a while. I actually just did it on this very post, haha.


Well, thanks for the info! Sounds like I'll have plenty of sweet tunes to look forward to this year.


Heya, Jonny! I just want to say thanks for making these great remixes! I'm happy I was able to become a Patreon!

Andrew D. Lawrenson

Out of curiosity, on what basis would you consider doing a medley? I know you've mentioned before that they're low priority because of the much longer time it takes to produce, and was wondering what would qualify a soundtrack for one.


I've been listening to your music since my balls dropped. Life is hard and meaningless, but you make it somewhat livable.


Love your stuff, I only just now got around to pledging for some reason. I have a question about the song request list I'm unsure of. What do I do if I want to request a boss theme that has more than one theme? For example, Magalor form Kirby: Return to Dreamland. Would I request one of his boss themes or can I request both? I know both themes have been made into a video, I'm just using him as an example since I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.