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He’s late, again. And when he walks through the front door, his eyes are red and puffy. His hair is disheveled. He’s still sniffling.

“Hey,” she says. She almost forgoes a greeting altogether, jumping right into a line of questions about what happened and when it happened. But that’s probably not what he wants to hear right now. Right now, he just needs to feel like a normal person–and a normal person is greeted when they come home.

“Hey,” he says, dropping his bag off by the door while sliding his feet from his shoes. “Did you eat dinner already?”

“Yeah,” she says. “Just leftover pasta from last night. There’s plenty left if you’d like some too.”

“I can heat it up,” he says.

“Stop. Just come sit down at the table. I’ll put some in a bowl for you and heat it up.”

“Alright,” he says, begrudgingly. “Thank you.”

“Of course. And do you want a beer? Wine?”

“Just some water,” he says. He’s got this little schedule now where he only drinks alcohol on the weekends. She’s not yet convinced she can make the same adjustment in her life–but she’s proud of him for sticking with it, especially when he comes home looking like he’s had a hell of a day.

She drops some ice in a glass and pours some filtered water into it from the fridge, setting it near him while she waits for the food to heat. She pauses for a second while standing near the kitchen table, just about to ask how his day was. She thinks better of it and returns to the microwave.

“How was your day?” he asks.

She’s tempted to lie. She wonders if it would somehow make him feel better about his day if she made hers sound worse by comparison. Of course, without knowing just how bad his day was, there was no way to be sure how much worse she’d have to make her day sound. “Ah, well, half of the people in my office dropped dead today. And then their corpses came to life and tried to eat the rest of us.” That was probably worse than anything he had experienced.

Instead: “It was fine. Just another Tuesday, you know?”

He sighs. “I know it all too well.”

She wonders if a change of subject could help; let’s not focus on the now–let’s focus on the future, when things are better. “I was thinking that this weekend we should go over to that big bookstore in the city. We could make a whole day of it. Get coffee or brunch. Get lost in shelves of books. We could pick up some wine on the way back home and then spend the afternoon reading.”

He laughs, a genuine laugh that looks like it feels incredible for him to get out. “You know what? That sounds like a pretty good plan.”

She thought that’d get him smiling. She puts the bowl of pasta down in front of him and takes a seat at the table. She has a glass of wine. It’s her second, and they were both pretty generous pours.

“And then, when we’ve got a few glasses of wine in our bellies, I’ll sit on your face and you can stick your tongue in my pussy.”

He just about spits out a mouthful of pasta, quickly bringing his napkin to his face to try and mitigate a potential disaster. “Christ,” he finally says, his lips still curved into a smile. “Careful what you say when I’m eating.”

“So you don’t have a problem with the proposal itself?”

“No,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s a good idea.” But his smile is fading, some. It’s still there, but it suddenly seems less genuine.

“You have to get out of your head,” she says. “You think I care, but I don’t.”

“It’s not just that,” he says. “I have to get out of my own head too. That’s the hard part.”

She shrugs. It’s probably going to be the wine talking, but she figures the wine knows what needs to be said than she does: “Who fucking cares? They’re just diapers. It’s not like you have to wear a…bomb.”

She still doesn’t love saying the word ‘diapers’ in front of him–even though he uses the word far more than she does. The word has infantile connotations, yet nothing else feels right. Who wants to say ‘special briefs?’

“I might as well be,” he sighs. “I…I just don’t feel like a man anymore.”

“Men wear diapers.”

“No, men do not wear diapers.”

“Okay, so not all men wear diapers. But the men who do? They’re still men.”

He’s heard this before, she knows–because she’s the one who has said it. He shrugs, shoveling another forkful of pasta into his mouth. Now, his smile is completely gone.

Well, he’s in a bad mood now anyway. It seems as good a time as any for her to ask about his day. “So. How was your day?”

He chuckles a little to himself, as if he thought–for just a moment–that he had escaped that question. “It wasn’t too good.”

“Why not?”

“You know why.”


He grunts–which she knows to be an affirmative answer.

“You really ought to talk to HR about that,” she says. “You can just let this woman…bully you.”

“Sh-she’s not a bully.”

“Oh? She mocks you and calls you a ‘baby.’ She hides pacifiers in your desk drawer. She gift-wrapped a package of baby diapers and left them at your car in the parking lot.”

“How did you know about that?”

She blushes–if she had had a little less wine, she probably wouldn’t have said that out loud. “Chris told me.”

“Chris? Ah, fuck. What’s he doing telling you about that shit for, huh?”

“Chris is your friend. He cares about you. And he told me because…uh…well, I kind of shook it out of him.”

“You what?

“I ran into him at the store last week. I asked him about how you were doing at work. He was being kind of, you know, flighty about it–he didn’t want to give me straight answers. But I demanded the truth. And… was… Well, I wasn’t very nice about it, okay? I owe him an apology for getting in his face like I did, but I needed to know what was going on at your office since you won’t tell me anything.”

“It’s not a big deal,” he says. “It’s just some light hazing. You know how some people can be.”

“You need to go to HR.”

“You don’t understand, Ash. She’s the queen-fucking-bee. The world there revolves around her. I’m lucky that she hasn’t told anyone else that I wear diapers, you know? So…I just let her do her thing. I’m going to let it get out of her system. At some point, either she’ll give up, or I won’t have to wear these damn things anymore.”

“It wouldn’t matter if she was the goddamn Queen of England,” she says. “If a woman is bullying you–and she is–you go to HR. Hell, you could probably go right to the police at this point. It’s harassment.”

“It’s fine,” he says. “If I go to HR…she’s just going to ruin me. She’ll tell everyone.”

She shrugs. “So?”

“So? Ash, do you hear yourself? I’m an adult man. I would never recover from the world seeing me as an overgrown toddler.”

“I disagree. I think they’d see you as an adult with a disability–which is the truth of the matter. And I don’t care how important Karin is to your office’s ecosystem–people would turn on her if they knew she was bullying you because of a disability.”

He stands up, empty pasta bowl in his hand, and walks across the kitchen to the sink where he deposits it. “That’s the end of this discussion. I’m going upstairs because I pissed myself again. Then I’m going to take a bath. And then I’m going to go to bed. Thank you for heating some dinner for me. And thank you for trying to talk to me about it. But you just don’t get it.”

She’s certain that she lacks some of the perspective that he has on it, but she also thinks that the real problem is that he’s not standing up for himself.

She pours herself another glass of wine.

Thankfully, she thinks, he has a wife who is more than happy to stand up for him.


It was surprisingly easy to start a dialogue with Karin Wessler. So easy, in fact, that she wonders if she hasn’t fallen into some sort of trap herself.

All she did was search for Karin on social media, find her profile, and then she sent a message: “I’d like to talk to you about my husband.

Karin responded rather quickly, and there was a short exchange of messages. Karin, for the most part, seemed interested in what Ash might know about Karin and her husband. And then? She proposed lunch.

It was a request so ludicrous that it seemed to somehow transcend stupidity and begin to seem like a great idea.

Two days later, Karin is sitting at a table by herself at the Starbucks on 18th. Ash struts towards the table with a confident stride. She needs to be on her A-game here. This is a dangerous play, and if it backfires, it could have monumental ramifications on her husband’s life. And probably their marriage.

“Ashlynn,” Karin says, greeting her. “Thanks for coming.”

“It’s just Ash,” she replies. “And thank you for inviting me to meet you.” She pulls out a chair on the other side of the table and takes a seat.

“I think we’ve met before,” Karin says. “You were at the company holiday party last year, right? You and I wore similar dresses and we had a good laugh about that.”

“Ah yes,” Ash says, her lips curled into a big fake smile. “I do recall that.”

“Look, about your husband…” Clearly, Karin is ready to just jump right into this. Probably for the best. “I’m not sleeping with him, if that’s what you’re thinking. I can promise you that.”

Ash’s eyes narrow. Is that why Karin would think she wanted to talk to her?

“I didn’t think you were sleeping with him.”

“Oh. When you reached out to me…” She stops herself and starts to laugh, shaking her head. “I don’t know, you just had this angry-wife energy about you. And all I could think was that he had done something, or said something, that made you think he was having an affair with me.”

“It was good that you recognized the angry-wife energy,” Ash says, cracking a smile. A much realer smile. “Because I am rather angry with you.”

Karin’s face shifts a little. She suddenly looks confused–possibly even offended. “What reason would you have to be angry with me? I haven’t done anything. Are you mad because I’m not sleeping with your husband?”

“I’m pissed at you because of the way that you’ve been making fun of him.”


“The diapers?”

“Oh,” Karin says, the sound of someone acknowledging what was said–though not quite grasping it. Then, it clicks. “Oh! Shit. That? That’s what this is about? I was just joking with him.”

“Joking? Karin, the man comes home in tears because of you.”


“You don’t believe me?”

“I mean, well, I’m sure you see a side of him that I don’t. But…I never really got the feeling that he was upset about it. It was just teasing, you know? I knew a little secret about him and thought I’d have a little fun at his expense, that’s all.”

“It’s not like he wore his shirt to work backwards one day,” Ash says. “He’s suffering from a legitimate medical issue, and that’s been hell for him. Can you even imagine feeling so bad about yourself about a disability–only to have someone else you work with start making fun of you for it?”

“Ash, you’re making me sound like a fucking bully.”


Karin huffs defiantly and crosses her arms in front of her chest. Her tone changes, now sounding less friendly: “Did he put you up to this? Did he sic his wife on me because he was too much of a pansy to do it himself?”

“He doesn’t know I’m here,” Ash says. “And if he did, he’d probably be pretty damn mad about it.”

“So what do you want from me?” Karin asks. “Huh? You think I should just…avoid him? Not talk to him at all?”

“For starters, you could just…not be an asshole to him.”

Karin takes in a deep breath and sighs through her nose. Now, she looks irritated. “Maybe you should just butt out of this, Ash. It’s not your business.”

“No? Because when it involves my husband, it’s my business. How do you even know about the diapers anyway?”

Karin smirks, biting her bottom lip. “He showed them to me.”


She shrugs. “Believe whatever you want to believe, Ash.”

“Fine, humor me, then. Why would he show them to you?”

Karin seems to consider this for a moment, debating if she wants to tell her story or not. She sighs, then shrugs. “I needed his help with a project a few weeks ago. I tried calling and messaging him, but he wasn’t responding. I assumed he was just busy, but I figured I’d stop by his office later that day when I was passing through that area. His office door wasn’t locked…so I went in.”

“If you walked in on him, that hardly counts as him showing you.”

“He was just sitting at his desk. But he was in obvious distress. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he had a, uh, accident in his pants. They were soaked. Ruined. He didn’t know what to do, and he was terrified of leaving his office for fear that someone would see him.”

“But,” Ash says, talking to herself, “he could’ve called me. I would’ve helped…”

“Take it up with him,” Karin shrugs. “Because that day, I was his hero. He gave me his car keys and I went to his car to grab the spare slacks he kept in the trunk, along with a…”

“A diaper,” Ash said quietly, finishing Karin’s sentence.

“He was plenty embarrassed about the whole thing. But, I think he also liked the embarrassment.”

This frustrated Ash. “Oh come on. That’s your defense for why you’ve been making fun of him? Because you think he likes it when you try to humiliate him?”

“That man has a boner in his diaper every time he sees me. Maybe he comes home and cries to you. But when I see him, he looks at me like he wants to nurse off of my tits. Sure, I tease him. But I’m telling you–he likes it.”

“You have to stop,” Ash says. “You have to leave him alone. I…I don’t know how he looks at you, but the guy is going through some really hard stuff right now. He probably has no idea how to react to you. Please, Karin. Be reasonable. No more baby stuff. No more gifts. No more…being weird about my husband’s disability.”

To Ash’s surprise–perhaps dismay–a smile came back to Karin’s face rather quickly. “Look, I think it’s awfully sweet, what you’re doing here. But I’m not doing anything wrong. It’s just some harmless ribbing at the office. That he likes.”

“Look, Karin. I’m not leaving this table today until I’ve made it clear that you’re to leave my husband alone. What is it going to take?”

Karin chuckles to herself and sits back in her chair, stroking her chin and looking Ash over. “You know… Have you ever wondered how cute you’d look in a diaper?”

“Excuse me?”

“If I really wanted to misbehave at the office, I’d have taken your husband over my knees and spanked the piss right out of him. I’d offer to change his diapers right on top of his own desk. And you know what? I think he’d let me.”

“Karin, you have to…”

“Leave him alone, I know. And as much as I’d love to do that, I just have all these naughty ideas that I have to do something with.”

Ash thinks that she might be starting to see where this is going, and she doesn’t care for it. “What do you want, Karin? Just spit it out.”

“If I can’t change his diapers–if I can’t spank his pathetic little ass–then you should let me do it to you.”

“What? Are you crazy? You really think I’m going to let you…”

“If you want me to leave your husband alone… Hell, if you want me to not tell him that you came to talk to me behind his back–then I think you should consider taking me up on my offer.”


“I mean, now you’re on the hook, right? Maybe I’ll go and tell everyone at the office about your husband’s diapers now.”

“Stop. Please, just…”

“I’ll keep it all to myself, Ash. But only if you play with me.”

The situation was even worse now than it was when she first agreed to meet Karin. Was there another way out of this? Someone else she could talk to? Perhaps, but the more time she took to think about it, the more time she was giving Karin to cause more damage.

“Fine,” she finally says. “If that’ll get you off of my husband’s back.”

“What a sensible decision you’ve made, Ash.”

“And I have your word that you’ll leave him alone?”

Karin gave a big nod to confirm.

“Tell me when we’re doing this. Where.”

“I’ll send you my address,” she says. “Why don’t you drop by tonight. 7 PM work for you?”

“Yeah, fine.”

“Delightful,” Karin says, sipping her coffee like this is the most normal conversation she’s had all day. “I’m looking forward to seeing you. I imagine you have access to plenty of diapers, so you’ll have to supply your own.”

“Diapers?” Ash asks. “Plural? I mean, I’ll wear one for you, but…”

“You should know better than anyone else, Ash. Babies tend to have accidents and need to be changed. I think you should come prepared.”

Ash is finished being polite for now. She’s been polite enough, and she feels like it’s gotten her nowhere. She collects herself, stands, and walks out of the coffee shop without another word.

On the walk home, the only thing she can think about is how there might have been a different way for her to have convinced Karin to leave her husband alone. Was there another way to have handled this that didn’t end with her having to put a diaper on herself?

She supposes she’ll never know.


When he comes home from work that evening, he looks as emotionally drained as he usually does. But his eyes aren’t quite so puffy. There’s no wheeze in his voice–a telltale sign that he hadn’t spent the commute home crying.

“Hey,” she says, putting the finishing touches on a fresh salad that will be part of dinner. “How was work today?”

He shrugs, wrapping his arms around her. They kiss. “Better.”


“I mean…I pissed myself twice today. But…I don’t know…nobody gave me a hard time about it.”

“Do you mean Karin?”

He nods. She studies his face carefully, trying to see if she can read emotions that he’s never said aloud. Is he actually relieved that Karin hadn’t picked on him? Or, was there a part of him that missed feeling ashamed? One thing is for sure–he does seem happier. And one can’t ignore the correlation between his better mood and the fact that Karin hadn’t hassled him.

The only way that Ash can look at it is as a signal from Karin: ‘See? This is the way it could be every day. Assuming you do what I want you to.’

It’s decided. After dinner, she’s going to Karin’s.

“Dinner smells fantastic,” he says. “Let me change and I’ll be right back to help you get it on the table.”

“Are you, uhm, changing your…”

“Yeah,” he sighs. “Kinda wet.”

“Hold on. I’ll help.”

“What? No, Ash, you don’t have to do that. Let me care of this and you can take care of…”

“The cooking is all done,” she says. She failed the battle with Karin this morning–she’s not going to take no for an answer again. She steps forward, gently grabbing his hand, and pulls him towards the bedroom.

She’s offered to change his diaper before, and she’s meant it. It doesn’t sound like a fun thing, but neither does having to wear–and use–one. It’s her way of offering to share some of the burden that he carries around. Until now, he’s refused every time she’s offered. But she’s been thinking about her conversation with Karin a lot during the day, and she wonders if there wasn’t a nugget of truth in what Karin had said. Maybe there was some element of diapers that he actually liked. Maybe it brought out some inner child in him–someone that needed to be coddled and cared for.

Ash had decided that she needed to do two things for her husband: She’d need to show up to Karin’s house, in a diaper, so that she left him alone. Also, she’d need to give her husband the chance to work through his curiosities and positive feelings about diapers. If he wanted to feel good about them–even if he just wanted to feel ashamed–then she wanted to be the one to make that happen. Not some stranger from his office.

“You really don’t have to help with this,” he says. “I can change myself.”

“I know you can. But I want to take care of you too. You don’t have to do this by yourself. Please let me do this?”

“Uh…well…” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Y-yeah.”

“Go lie down on the bed,” she says. She pulls a new thick diaper from the closet that he keeps them in, along with a package of baby wipes. The plastic packaging for the wipes features a smiling baby, lying on his side. She wonders if he bought these for himself specifically because they were so infantile, or because there just weren’t better options for adults.

His hands are on his belt, unbuckling it so that he can pull his pants down.

“I got it,” she says, stepping in and grasping the waistband so that she can ease them down his legs and off at his feet entirely.

“What’s all this about?” he asks.

“Be honest with me,” she says. “Don’t you wonder what it’d be like to have someone else take care of you?”

“I mean, uhm…”

“Nobody has to know,” she coos. “But I promise I’ll take good care of you.”

He doesn’t answer, though his cheeks turn a bright red. Instead, his legs spread and he looks up at her with a sort-of hunger in his eyes. It’s a look she recognizes from those passionate nights they haven’t really experienced since he started having his problems. Before diapers.

She takes this look to mean that he wants what she’s proposing.

“Good boy,” she says, peeling back the tapes of his diapers. “Let Mommy take good care of you.”

He bites his bottom lip at this, moaning a little. He thrusts his hips towards her, practically pushing his diaper into her hands. She smiles as she opens it up, revealing the yellow-stained padding within.

“Someone had a little accident, huh? Did you go pee-pees in your diaper?” She hadn’t planned the baby-talk, but she finds it surprisingly fun.

He grunts, nodding his head. His stiffening cock certainly suggests that he’s liking the direction this is going in.

“I thought so,” she coos, giving his dick a playful bounce with her fingertip. She rolls up the dirty diaper, setting it aside. She opens the package of wipes, drawing one out and bringing it to her nose for a sniff. “It’s not scented.”

“I know, but…”

“Next time, I’ll buy some for you,” she says. “Wouldn’t it be nice if you smelled a little prettier down there?”

He says nothing, allowing her to do–and say–whatever she wants. With a clean wipe, she wraps it around his shaft, slowly running it up and down the length of it.

“We should do something about this before we put you in a fresh diaper, huh?”

“Mm,” he moans, sounding so desperate for more.

It won’t be long now, she thinks, and I might be in his position while Karin looks down at me. And she asks herself: Would I like this?

After only a minute of stroking his cock with the damp wipe, his body begins to buckle. “Uh…uhmmm…I’m a…big baby…” His creamy semen pours out of him and down her hand.

His face immediately turns a bright and vibrant shade of red, and he stares up at the ceiling without saying another word. He looks pathetic, though probably not as pathetic as he feels. It’s actually kind of endearing–she can’t remember the last time he had a burst of passion like that for anything.

She wonders how she’ll feel when it's her turn.


For the twelfth time, Ash tells herself that she’s doing all the right things. At home, she’s making her husband feel cared for and supported. And here, at Karin’s house, she’s helping to ensure that nobody else will ever have to hear about his diapers.

Theoretically, of course. She supposes there’s still a chance that she jumped through every hurdle Karin set out for her, only for Karin to stab her in the back and tell people anyway.

Then, she thinks, I’ll just kill her. She’s joking. Maybe.

“Did you have any trouble finding the place?” Karin asks, bringing Ash a glass of white wine.

“Not at all,” she responds. She tastes the wine, finding it to be drier than she normally likes. Still, she’ll drink it. She needs it.

“My husband moved out last year,” Karin says, looking around the living room wistfully, as if imagining what the room looked like back then. “I didn’t think I could afford the place by myself, but I think I’m getting along alright.”

“Divorce?” Ash asks.


It’s not any of her business, and if she was amongst any other company, Ash would probably keep her mouth shut. But Karin’s not her friend, and she feels empowered to ask all the things she normally wouldn’t.

“Did he cheat on you or something?”

Karin seems a little surprised by the question, like it was a conversation she wasn’t expecting to have. She recovers quickly, shrugging as she responds: “Yup. A whole goddamn affair right under my nose. And do you want to know the worst part? Guess who he had an affair with.”

There’s only 4 billion possibilities, Ash thinks. 8 billion if Karin’s ex swung both ways. “Uh…Taylor Swift?”

Karin emits an amused snort, but shakes her head. “His cousin.”

Ash grimaces. “Uh, really?”

Second-cousin,” Karin shrugs. “I don’t think that makes much of a difference, but that was his defense.”

“Not that it matters much,” Ash shrugs. “It’s still cheating.”

“Yes,” Karin says, smiling at her guest. “That’s exactly how I felt.”

Karin sits down on the couch near Ash. The smile that she had been wearing on her face since Ash arrived, a smug little number, seems to have faded for the first time. She almost looks worried.

“You okay?” Ash asks.

“I gotta be honest with you,” Karin sighs. “I’m a fucking mess. I thought I was done with all this shit–meeting people, dating, relationships. I don’t want to do it again. I’m trying, but I just don’t think that I’m any good at it.”

This was not how Ash thought the evening was going to go. Had she known she’d be a therapist, she’d have disclosed her rate upfront. “That sounds hard, yeah. But you’ll figure it all out. And you’ll be happier than you’ve ever been.”

Karin laughs, her cheeks a little flushed. “Shit, I’m sorry. I, uh, probably shouldn’t have pre-gamed with another glass of wine.”

“I mean…do you just want to talk? Because we can just talk.”

Karin sighs. “Look, I’m sorry about all of this. My life was upended, and nothing makes sense to me anymore. I mean, I saw your husband and his diapers and…I dunno. It triggered a bunch of stuff. Weird desires, mixed with depression, mixed with fucked up signals from my biological clock…”

This was not the conversation that Ash was expecting, though Karin probably hadn’t been expecting this either.

“You don’t have kids?” Ash asks.


“Do you want them?”

“Are you giving away some?”

Ash laughs and shakes her head. She has always been steadfastly child-free.

“I always told myself I didn’t want any,” Karin says. “But I’ve been wondering, lately, if I was wrong about that.”

Ash wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that–not only could she not relate to the sentiment, but it wasn’t what she came here to talk about. A feeling of regret washes over her, and her hands slid up her thighs, pausing at the sound of light crinkling coming from between her legs.

Karin hears it too, seemingly snapping out of her funk and her lips morphing into a small grin. “Oh. Did you…”

“Well. I thought I was coming here so that we could, uh, you know…”

“Right, right,” Karin says, sighing. “I…I’m not going to tell anyone about your husband. And I’ll leave him alone.”

This did cause Ash to release a long sigh of relief from her nostrils. She felt her body deflating, as if it had been filled to the brim with anxiety and worry. Still, she’s not as satisfied with this response as she had hoped she would’ve.

It’s the diaper–the one she put on under her pants just before leaving. For as much as tonight had felt like it was just a mission–a task–that she had to begrudgingly complete, there was a small, and growing, part of her that was actually…looking forward to this.

It was her husband’s face, she realized. That look when he was spurting into her hand–just after he gasped about being a big baby. She wants to experience that sort of pleasure for herself.

“I wore a diaper to your house,” she says to Karin. “And I’m not going to go home wearing the same diaper.”

Karin holds a hand up to her mouth, giggling. “Are you serious? You still want to do this?”

“Do you?”

Ash doesn’t know Karin particularly well, but she knows that she’s seeing a side of the woman that few probably ever saw. Karin looks overwhelmed and out of her element. She talks a good game, but never had to back herself up with action before now.

“Yeah,” she finally says to Ash. “But…”

“It’s not hard,” Ash says, sounding like she might be an expert–despite only having changed an adult’s diaper for the first time a few hours ago. She stands up, grasping at the hem of her dress so that she can pull it up to expose her diaper. “All you have to do is keep an eye on my diaper. When it looks dirty, you change it.”

“And, so, am I just supposed to, uh, lift your dress up everytime I want to check?”

“I suppose.”

“Or,” Karin shrugs, “you could just take your dress off.”

Ash blushes. This isn’t who she is. She’s never just…disrobed in the home of someone she barely knew. Even if she was best friends with Karin–a preposterous idea in itself–it would still feel wildly out of character. But she already knows she’s going to do it. She already decided–on the drive here–that she wasn’t going to be the same old Ash when she walked through Karin’s door tonight. Tonight, she was just going to roll with whatever happened.

She takes a deep breath, shrugs, and pulls her dress up and over her head. Soon, it’s completely off and cast aside–leaving her in just her diaper and her white bra. Instinctually, her hands cover the front of her body–but with so much exposed, it’s hard for her to know where to put her arms.

“Have you ever been with a woman before?” Karin asks.

“Uh, not really… Have you?”

Karin scratches her head, her wistful smile almost telling an entire story by itself. “A little.”

“You’re not asking to, uh, be with me, are you?”

Karin shrugs. “I…I was just curious.”


“You’re really pretty, you know that?”

Ash blushes. Hell, it feels like her entire body is blushing. It’s been a while since anyone has told her that she was pretty. It’s not something she resents her husband for–he’s certainly had his reasons for being distracted the last few months. But it feels good to be noticed.

“Thank you,” she says. She’d say it back to Karin–but she thinks it would sound hollow. Besides, Karin wasn’t mostly nude. If she took off her clothes too, then she’d compliment her.

“You look cute in a diaper,” Karin says. “It suits you.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“For what it's worth, you look better in a diaper than your husband does.”

“You’ve seen my husband in a diaper?”

“No,” Karin shrugs. “But I’ve done a lot of, er, imagining.”

It’s strange to think of Karin fantasizing about her husband, but Ash supposes that it’s no weirder than her standing in front of Karin now while wearing a diaper.

“Well, here I am,” Ash says, letting her arms slowly fall to her sides. “I’m a baby–just like you wanted. What do you want to do with me? What do you need to get out of your system?”

It’s a make-or-break moment for Karin, and they both know it. Ash has made her move–a rather bold one at that–and the ball is firmly in Karin’s court now. There’s a moment where Karin looks like she might waver–like she might cave and confess that she doesn’t know what to do. But she takes another long sip of wine, finishing what remained in her glass, takes a deep breath, and nods.

“Alright,” Karin says, stretching out her hands in front of her to crack her fingers. “Let’s do this.”

To Ash’s surprise, her heart leaps with excitement. Yes. This is exactly what she wants to hear.

“When I imagined this,” Karin says as she slowly orbits Ash’s near-nude body, “I thought I’d spank you first and then put you in a diaper.”

“I haven’t done anything bad though, have I?” Ash asks. It’s supposed to be flirtatious sounding, but it comes off sounding more genuine than she likes.

“That’s fair. Do you want to be spanked?”

Ash considers this. If her husband was a little more adventurous in the bedroom, it seems like the sort of thing she’d have suggested at some point. As it is, she’s never really given it much thought before. But, yes, that sounds kind of fun. She nods.

“Well, you’ll have to do something naughty, then.”


“I’m not a little girl in diapers,” Karin shrugs. The confidence that Ash heard in Karin’s voice at the coffee shop earlier today was back. “You’ll have to figure that out for yourself.”

“More wine,” Ash says, thrusting her empty glass towards Karin.

“Babies don’t drink wine.”

“If you want to have a good time tonight, I think you should just give me more wine.”

Karin laughs. “Very well. Are you thinking you’ll just have more fun while tipsy?”

“Actually,” Ash says, “I was thinking that wine always makes me have to pee. So…”

“Ah, I see,” Karin says, now rushing towards the bottle of wine. “I’m going to pour you extra.”

More wine is poured, and Ash holds the glass up to her mouth with both hands, thirstily lapping at it.

“You’d do that?” Karin asks. “Wet yourself?”

Ash nods. “I don’t see why not.”

“Does your husband ever, uhm…” It’s clear that Karin is searching for some tact with whatever her question is. Finally, she shrugs, indicating that she’s just going to be a little more blunt than she had initially wanted to be. “Does your husband ever poop his pants?”

The answer really isn’t any of Karin’s business, and Ash is tempted to say as much. But she’s also curious to see how Karin would react to the truth.

“It…doesn’t happen as often,” Ash says. “But it’s happened.”

“Hm,” Karin nods. Her response seems restrained–neither grossed out or overly excited by this revelation.

Ash is tempted to let it go, but she’s too curious: “How do you feel about that?”

“I…probably shouldn’t say.”

“No, no. Now, you have to.”

Karin threw her arms up in the air. “I like it! I like…the idea of it.”


“I don’t know that it’s the shit itself I care about,” Karin shrugs. “But, like, everything else. I’ve fantasized about watching his face as it happens. Like…this look of panic? Complete and utter humiliation?”

“Yes,” Ash says, speaking as someone who has seen his reactions with her own eyes. “Certainly the latter. What does the rest of that, uhm, fantasy look like?”

“Well, you know, he looks so helpless and pathetic. There’s a lump in the back of his diaper, and he smells terrible. Tears are welling in his eyes. And he wants to get out of his icky diaper, but he doesn’t think he can do it by himself. He needs help. He needs me to change him. And, even though it’s the most disgusting thing he’s ever done to himself before–even though he knows it's something that I’m going to laugh at him about–he crawls to my feet and looks up at me like he’s an actual baby. And he begs.”

Ash bites her bottom lip. Her heart is pounding in her chest. She’s pretty sure her pussy is wet now.

“Was that too much?” Karin asks. “I…probably should’ve just kept my mouth shut. Can we blame the wine?”

“I want that,” Ash says, her voice so soft that it can barely be heard.

Karin doesn’t hear it so much as she reads it on Ash’s lips. “Sorry? Did you say that you…want that? You want…that? What I just described?”

Ash laughs. “Can I also blame the wine?”

“If I’m being honest,” Karin says, “I think I’d rather picture you as the baby and not your husband.”


Karin suddenly seems close. Very close. She’s in Ash’s face. Had she been gradually drifting closer and closer? Or had she just teleported herself here in a single moment? She can smell the wine on Karin’s breath.

“You’d do that?” Karin asks.

“Poop myself?”

Karin nods.

“I’d do that.” As tempting as it is to leave it at that, she feels she needs to add one more thing to that: “I’d probably do almost anything.”

“Tell me,” Karin says. “Tell me what you’d do.”

“I’ll mess in my diaper,” Ash says, her voice getting low again–she knows Karin can hear her. “I’ll push it all out. And…I won’t tell you that I did it. I’ll pretend that it never happened. I might even deny that I did it if you were to ask me.”

“But I’ll know,” Karin says, her voice low now too. “I’ll smell it.”

“I’ll insist that it wasn’t me. I’ll…go and sit down in it.”

“You’ll sit in your dirty diaper?”

“Uh huh.”

“That’s naughty,” Karin says. “Very, very, naughty.”

Ash began to piss herself. She had been hoping that it’d be quiet and subtle–just a gradual dousing of the diaper that she could later surprise Karin with. Instead, almost immediately, the stream cut through the silence, and both women paused to listen.

“I’d check your diaper,” Karin finally continues, once the sound of Ash’s stream stops. “I’ll pull it open and reach inside. I’d feel the bottom of it. I’d squeeze it.”

Ash’s pussy is throbbing. “But…I’d still deny that I did it. What then?”

“If you were trying to earn a spanking, I’d say that’d do it. I’d drag you to the chair and pull you over my lap. And then…”

“You’re going to spank…my diaper?”

“Mmhmm. I’m going to smack that dirty bottom of yours, making that little mess you made worse with every spank.”

Karin’s hand is on Ash’s belly now, slowly rubbing it in a little circles. With each complete circle, her hand seems to get closer and closer to the waistband of the diaper. Ash lets out a meek little whimper, hoping–praying–that Karin’s hand finds a way inside her diaper.

“Wh-when does the spanking end?”

“It doesn’t end until you admit that you’re a naughty little baby who pooped in her diapers. I don’t care how long it takes. That’s what I’ll need to hear.”


“You should practice,” Karin says, as her hand suddenly plunges into Ash’s diaper. Her fingers rub the saturated padding for a moment, but her attention quickly turns to Ash’s moist pussy.

Ash can barely think, let alone speak. She tries, as hard as she can, to focus on the conversation. “P-practice?”

“Let me hear you say it,” Karin says. “Just tell me that you’re a naughty little baby who pooped in her diapers. Please? I really want to hear you say that.”

Ash’s mouth opens, but she has no idea what she’s going to say. Truthfully, Karin could’ve asked her to say anything, and she would’ve repeated it back verbatim. Her mind is somewhere else. Her mind is between her legs, inside of her diaper, getting rubbed by Karin’s fingertips.

“I…I’m a naughty little, uhm…baby. And, uhm, I did… No, wait. I…”

“Go on,” Karin coos. “You can say it.”

“I made poop in my diaper,” she blurts out.

“Close enough.”

Ash’s face closes the remaining distance between hers and Karin’s, and they kiss. A few quick ones, and then they lock together. They stumble backwards into the couch, rolling onto their sides. Karin’s clothes disappear, piece by piece, until she’s completely naked. Then, Ash’s bra is gone too, leaving her in just her diaper.

“Spank me,” Ash pleads.

“Suck on my tit,” Karin commands.

“Change my diaper,” Ash pleads.

“Crawl around on the floor,” Karin commands.

They talk past each other for another minute, each barking out demands and desires in between long, slow, kisses, and the sounds of moaning.

Ash eventually gets her diaper changed, but not for a while yet.


He’s on his back and his pants are off. Ash is in the process of cleaning him up, though it’s going slowly–she’s still not quite used to taking care of the messier diapers. A month ago, maybe even a few days ago, he’d have told her that she didn’t have to do this–that this wasn’t her responsibility. But everytime he says it, she tells him that she’s doing it because she wants to.

Now, he’s letting her. He might even be getting used to it.

“How are things at work?” she asks. She doesn’t love that their best conversations happen when he’s getting his diaper changed anymore, but she’ll take what she can get.

“Fine,” he says.

“No…bullying? Karin’s behaving herself?”


She picks up on the hesitation in his voice. “Hmm?”

He sighs. “She leaves me alone.”

“You’re not lying?”

He shakes his head. “She doesn’t even talk to me anymore. Not unless it's about work.”

That should be seen as a good thing. A victory. But he sounds disappointed. Ash thinks back to her first conversation with Karin back at the coffee shop. Karin had been so sure that he liked the teasing. He liked the threat of exposure. The threat of Karin stepping a little over the line and emasculating him for his diapers.

Ash knows what happened, of course. Karin got a new baby to play with. Once or twice a week, Karin gets to spank, bathe, change, kiss, and fuck her baby. She has no need for Ash’s husband anymore.

“You really did a number on this diaper, huh?” she asks.

He says nothing, his cheeks flaring brightly as he looks up at the ceiling. She’s been trying to step up her teasing game as of late. For one, it’s just hard for her to be mean–especially with her husband. But also, teasing him just makes her think of the way that Karin talks to her. And then she gets wet. Hot. Bothered.

Still, she likes taking care of him. She likes seeing that look of need in his eyes. The sound of helplessness in his voice when he asks if she’ll change him.

“I was thinking about this weekend,” he says.

“Oh yeah?”

“We, uh, never went to the bookstore like you talked about. Remember? Books? Brunch? Wine? My tongue in you?”

“Ah yes,” she chuckles. “No, we’re overdue for that.”

“Saturday, then?”

She has been hoping to make plans with Karin for Saturday, though neither has actually committed to anything yet. And Ash has said, time and time again, that her husband was going to come first. It was fine. She’d get her cunt eaten out on Saturday. On Sunday, she’d eat out Karin’s while pushing a big load into the back of her own diaper.

“That sounds fantastic,” she replies, a smile on her face.



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