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Need to catch up with the Doing Business saga so far? Here's a comprehensive index of all the chapters so far. 


“I know I said that it felt like the right decision at the time, but I’ve been doubting myself ever since. Sure, we had problems–but every couple has problems, right? Maybe I could’ve worked a little harder on fixing them. Maybe I could’ve listened more. Talked a little less. My biggest fear was that she was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I just threw her away.”

Jorge smirked for a moment before seeming to realize that bursting into laughter was not the response that his friend was looking for. “Dude. Leaving Danielle was probably the smartest thing you’ve ever done in your entire life.”


“Eric, she was controlling. She wasn’t any fun. She didn’t like drinking. Hell, she didn’t like dessert. Who the fuck doesn’t like dessert? It’s not even like she just didn’t enjoy cake, you know? She just didn’t like any dessert at all. That’s a fucking sociopath, right there.”

“I’d like to think that I saw a side of her that nobody else did. She could be nice. Uh…from time to time.”

This time, Jorge really did laugh–shaking his head as he did. “Goddamn, man. Just you wait. Not too long from now, you’re going to be balls-deep in pussy and you’re going to be telling me that leaving Danielle was such a good idea.”

“I mean, I could be having sex with Danielle right now…”

“When was the last time you had sex with her? Be honest.”

“It was, uh…” Eric paused and glanced off into space. He seemed stuck like that for a solid minute. “I guess it’s been a while.”

“I’m not saying a good relationship is all sex. But you should at least be having some once in a while.”

A gentle breeze had made its way down the shoreline, blowing through the resort’s cantina where the two men were sipping on their bottles of beer. The ice-cold libations had certainly been doing some good work in cutting through the remarkably thick evening heat, but the wind had a more immediate effect. Eric couldn’t help but sigh with pleasure as he felt the coolness whisk past his face.

“I’m glad you came with me, man,” Jorge said, clinking his bottle against Eric’s. “You needed to get away. You needed this.”

This was a place that seemed completely alien to Eric. An all-inclusive resort, stocked full of beautiful women and seemingly endless alcohol and food. It was the sort of place that he had rolled his eyes at in the past. He’d never come here on his own accord. But at Jorge’s expense? Sure, he’d kill a few days on a Mexican beach.

“What do you think of them?” Jorge asked, slyly thrusting his chin in the direction of two women sitting at a table on the other side of the cantina.

“I mean, they’re pretty hot. But they’ve got to be at least, like, 15 years older than us.”


“So…there's plenty of women who look closer to our own age around here. Really beautiful women too. Like her. And her. And that one over there.”

“I think that’s a guy.”

“Well, he’s a good looking guy.”

“Do you think you stand a chance with any of them?” Jorge asked. “I mean, I’m not saying you don’t. You’re a good looking guy. And you can even be pretty charming when you get out of your own head. But what are the odds that you’re going to talk to any of them?”

“Probably not good… But I didn’t come here to sleep with someone. I came here to get away from reality for a little bit. To drink until I can’t see straight.”

“And I invited you to come with me so you could get laid, my friend. The sooner you find some stranger to hook up with, the sooner you’ll realize that it’s time to move on from Danielle.”

“Uh huh. And…what does this have to do with those ladies?” Eric asked, casually pointing towards the older women that Jorge had pointed out a moment earlier.

“Trust me on this, dude. Those are exactly the kind of women you want. They’re here for the same reason we are.”

“To get over a bad breakup?”

“Uh, maybe. But more specifically, they’re here because they want to have no-strings-attached sex with some nice stranger. And in this sea of 20-something bikini-models, they’re probably feeling pretty insecure, right? So then you show up, young and charming, and it gets ‘em all hot and bothered. ‘Oh, what?’ they’ll say. ‘This cute stud-muffin wants to fuck me? Well, let me just open my legs.’”

“Stud-muffin? Have you ever even talked to a woman before?”

“I’m telling you, dude. Those ladies? That’s what you need. They’re probably married or divorced, right? They haven’t had good dick since, like, the first Obama term. So they’re going to be absolute animals in bed.”

Eric didn’t exactly believe everything that Jorge was saying, but Jorge sometimes managed to sound so confident that it was actually convincing. And–thousands of miles away from home–Eric considered that there might not actually be much harm in at least trying to score himself a one-night stand. And there was something about a slightly older woman that just seemed less threatening to him.

“Look, I’m not saying it’s a good idea… But now I’m kind of curious to see how viable your theory is.”

“Dude, you are not going to regret this.”

“So what’s the plan? Waltz up to their table and ask if they want to talk?”

“No, no, no. You’re not picking up women at the church picnic. We need to, like, make them feel special. Important. They’ve probably got these dumb husbands who play golf all the time and ignore them, right?”

You play golf.”

“Okay, but I’m not married.”

“Touche, I guess.”

“So we need to make them feel noticed. Like, make them feel like they did when they were teenagers or something.”

Eric laughed, shaking his head. “It’s a little disturbing how much thought you’ve put into this. And if any of our female friends back home heard you talking like this, they’d punch you in the face.”

“But they’re not here. You’re in, right?”

“Sure, I’m in. Show me your magical powers of seduction.”

Jorge wasted no time in waving over one of the servers shuffling from table to table with a tray and a notepad.

“Hey, could you do me a huge favor?” he asked the young blonde.

She smirked–the look of someone who had already seen how moves like these played out in the past. Countless times. “Sure. What do you need?”

“Do you see those two women over there?”

The server’s eyes followed in the direction of Jorge’s pointing finger. Her smile seemed to grow. “Uh huh. I see ‘em.”

“My buddy and I were hoping you could deliver a couple of drinks over to them.”

“Sure. And what should I bring over?”

“Whatever they’re already drinking.”

Were Eric to guess, he’d say that her expression read as: ‘Are you sure about that?’ But what she said was: “You bet. And I’m assuming you want me to tell them that the drinks are, uh, compliments of you?”

“Of course,” Jorge nodded.

Off she went, a smug smile on her face.

“I didn’t love her attitude,” Jorge said soon after. “But whatever. Now we just sit back and wait.”

“You do remember the ‘all-inclusive’ part of the ‘all-inclusive resort,’ right?” Eric asked. “I’m not sure this gesture means all that much when nobody is paying anything extra for them.”

Jorge muttered some curse word under his breath. “Alright, that’s fair. But it’s still the thought that counts.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

It took a few minutes, but they eventually watched as the server picked up two new cocktails from the bar and carried them over to the two women, placing them down in front of them. They watched as the server explained the situation, and eventually pointed over towards Eric and Jorge. Eric held his breath as he waited for the reaction.

Laughter. They were actually laughing. And not just them, but the server too.

“Now what?” he asked Jorge.

“We, uh, wait.” He sounded uncertain–the laughter seemed to have deflated him a little.

“Wait for what? Them to stop laughing?”

“We wait for them to come over here and thank us for the drinks.”

“You really think that’s going to happen?”

Jorge shrugged. “Maybe? Look, if this doesn’t pan out, we cut our losses and head down to another bar. There’s like a thousand of them here on the resort. We’ll just start over. Maybe try some different tactics. I’ve got some other ideas, too. Like, we could walk up to some women, right? And we’d…”

“Uh, wait,” Eric said, nodding towards the ladies. “They’re waving to us. I…think they want us to go over there.”

Jorge looked confused. Flummoxed, even. This didn’t seem to be the way this was supposed to work. “They’re supposed to, uh, come to us.”

“We should be thankful they’re acknowledging us at all,” Eric said. “You know what? I’m going to go over there. Are you coming or not?”

“Yeah, alright,” Jorge said, standing up and cracking his neck.

“Ah,” said one of the women at the table as the men approached. “These must be the gentlemen who helped expedite our second round of cocktails.”

“That was very courteous of you,” said the other, an accent in her voice. French, perhaps?

“Pull up a seat,” the first woman said to Eric, pointing to some vacant chairs under a nearby table that wasn’t being used. She then pointed to Jorge. “You too. Come. Sit with us.”

“We, uh, can go if you want,” Jorge said to Eric, in a tone just quiet enough that perhaps the women didn’t hear it.

But Eric was picking up the actual meaning of what Jorge was saying: “Maybe we should go look for a situation where I feel like I’m the one in control.

Eric pulled up a chair and sat down. A moment later, Jorge begrudgingly dragged a chair next to Eric’s.

“Allow me to introduce ourselves,” Jorge started, flashing his exceptionally white teeth at the ladies. “My name is Jorge. And this is my good friend Eric. We’re just here for a few days. How about yourselves?”

“I’m Gabby,” the first woman said.

“And I’m Neve,” said the other–the one with the accent. “It’s a pleasure to meet the two of you.”

“Oh my. Neve,” said Jorge, enunciating the name slowly to himself. “That’s a beautiful name. And Gabby? Is that short for…”

“Gabrielle,” Gabby said.

“Another beautiful name!”

“Quite the schmoozer you have here,” Gabby said to Eric. “Is this how he is all the time?”

“Well, you know, we’re trying to make a good first impression, so…”

“Was that a good first impression, you think?” Neve asked Gabby.

Gabby shrugged. “It was fine. Though I am a little curious as to what attracted you two to our table.” She leaned back in her chair, scanning the cantina. “There are some very attractive women here.”

“You don’t think they’re prettier than you, do you?” Jorge asked, seeming to double down on his suave act.

“Well, they’re younger than us, for sure,” said Neve. “Nice skin. Good hair. They’re certainly not thinking about the inevitability of menopause.”

“But do you know what they lack?” asked Eric. He was feeling emboldened. Whereas Jorge seemed thrown off by the confidence the older women exuded, Eric was seeing an opportunity.

“I’d love to hear,” Gabby said, her smile seeming to get a little bigger every time he looked at her.

“They lack your confidence. Your presence.”

“Hm, I rather like this one,” Gabby said to Neve, pointing at Eric. “What do you think? Can I keep him?”

“You have one at home already,” Neve said. “And isn’t he a handful on his own?”

“Married?” asked Jorge.

“Never,” Gabby said. “I just have a little one back home.”

Eric blushed, realizing he may have just been compared to a child. “H-how old?”

“How old are you?” she asked.


“Ah. Well, you’re older than him.”

I should hope so, he thought. “I’m sure motherhood is rewarding, but I bet it’s nice to get away once in a while too.”

The women looked at each other, sharing a little smirk, before laughing. The exchange made Eric curious, as he felt like he was out of the loop for some sort of in-joke.

“Exactly,” Gabby said. “Mommy needs to have some time for herself.”

“And how about you, Neve?” asked Jorge. “Married? Children?”

“Neither at the moment,” she answered.

Jorge’s eyebrows raised, an amused expression on his face. “At the moment? Did you have some before?”

Eric couldn’t help but cringe a little. Jorge was just being playful, but it seemed like a dangerous question to ask. The answer could very well have been: “Yeah, up until they fell off a cliff.

But Neve just smiled. “My babies have grown up and moved on. As for a spouse… Well, which would be more exciting for you? If I was or wasn’t married?”

Jorge’s cheeks reddened. The men’s intentions had been rather obvious since they first made contact, but this almost felt like being called out.

“That’s a good question,” added Gabby. “I’m assuming you didn’t drop by for just the camaraderie.”

Eric was starting to feel more confident in his ability to read the women’s vibes. They weren’t interested in games or pickup lines. They needed to see men who were brave enough to say what they wanted.

And, now that he was here at their table, Danielle was the furthest thing from his mind. Jorge might have actually been right about coming to the resort. He needed to reset himself. He needed distractions. He needed copious amounts of booze and meaningless sex.

“Why does anyone come to a place like this?” he asked.

Gabby presented a closed fist in front of her face. “Good food.” She extended a finger. “Alcohol.” She extended another finger. “Warm weather.” And another finger. “Massages.” Another finger extended. “And…ah yes, sexual advances from strangers I’ll never see again.”

“So far so good,” Neve said. “This morning’s massage was divine. We had that fresh tuna for lunch. And we’ve got ourselves some extra cocktails here. So, I suppose all that’s missing is the…”

“You know,” Jorge interrupted, some confidence returning to his tone. “If you two aren’t doing anything tonight, maybe we should all, uh, spend some time together?”

“DId you have any plans tonight?” Gabby asked her friend, gently nudging her with her elbow.

“Isn’t there supposed to be a bonfire on the beach?”

“Really? You wanted to go to that?”

“I don’t know,” Neve shrugged. “I thought it sounded nice.”

“If you want to watch shirtless men chugging beer while gaping into an open flame, I’ll take you to my cousin’s farm in South Carolina.”

“Fine, fine,” Neve said. “Let’s let these gentlemen charm us off our feet.”

“That’s the spirit,” Gabby said. She turned her attention back to the men. “Now then. How do you see tonight playing out? Should we get a few more drinks first? Should we take a moonlit walk down the promenade to get in the mood?”

Neve jumped in: “Or should we cut out all the shit and just head back to our room? We’ve got a suite. It’s very nice. Very big.”

“A suite?” chuckled Jorge. “Here? That must’ve cost an arm and a leg.”

Neither directly addressed the comment, instead just shrugging and laughing amongst each other. Everything about them was making Eric a little nervous. These women–whoever they were–were much further out of their league than they’d have guessed.

“Shall we head over?” Gabby asked, finishing the last of the drink she was working on and picking up the full glass. “I’ll take this one for the road. And, obviously, there’s plenty more back at the suite if we need more.”

Jorge glanced back at Eric, his eyes big and excited. “Yes. Absolutely. Lead the way.”

Soon, the two women were walking a few yards ahead of the men. They were arm in arm, giggling and laughing with each other like two schoolgirls.

“Dude,” Jorge said. “What did I fucking tell you? Jackpot.”

Eric laughed and shook his head. “You sure about that, buddy?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I think we misjudged them.” He wanted to say that Jorge had misjudged them, but he was willing to take a little of the blame on this. “They’re obviously rich. Probably powerful. They’re not just out of our league–they’re from an entirely different dimension.”

“Even better.”

“Jorge, bud, they’re going to eat us alive.”

“Good! I’ll give them a fork and a knife.”

Truthfully, Eric was feeling pretty excited himself–though it might not have been the same brand of excitement as Jorge’s. Jorge, he wanted drunk raucous sex–the kind of night that you barely remember the next day, but what memories you have are spun into legendary stories told at parties for years to come. Eric, meanwhile, was just looking forward to experiencing life after Danielle. He wanted women to laugh at his jokes again. He wanted to catch someone smiling at him out of the corner of his eye. He wanted someone to earnestly ask him what his favorite film was. Hell, even if someone just asked what his favorite color was, he’d love that too.

The suite was every bit as impressive as the men thought it would be. Probably even more. Eric was pretty sure that it was bigger than the apartment he had lived in after graduating college. And, sure, it was incredibly excessive–especially at a resort where you were encouraged to wander around and do activities. But if he had that sort of stupid money, maybe he’d want things like this too.

“So, I gotta ask,” Jorge said, strolling around the main living room and picking up a banana from a bowl of fruit on the table. He seemed surprised that it was, in fact, a real banana and not just a decoration. “What do you two do with yourselves that allows you to snag a room like this one?”

“Consulting,” Neve shrugged.

“The mercenaries of the business world,” Gabby added.

“Damn,” Jorge said, shaking his head.

“Oh come now,” Gabby said, launching the cork from a champagne bottle into a towel with a loud POP. “Did you come up here to gawk? Or did you come up here to have a good time?”

Wine glasses are distributed and everyone gets some bubbly in their glass.

“Do we not have champagne flutes in here?” Neve asked.

“I grabbed the first thing I saw,” Gabby responded. “Besides–these hold more.”

A toast is made. To new friends. Clink.

Time starts to accelerate. One minute, they’re dancing to some obnoxiously upbeat pop song. The next, they’re all laughing about how Jorge pronounces the word ‘onion.’ In the blink of an eye, Neve is whispering something into Jorge’s ear that’s making his face turn bright red. Then they’re dancing again.

Eric stepped out onto the balcony for some air, a glass of something in his hand–he’s not quite sure what it was or where it came from. Some variety of cocktail that seemed heavy on the pineapple.

“Neve seems rather smitten with your friend,” Gabby’s voice said from behind him, the sound of the glass door sliding shut again.

“He’s a charmer,” Eric shrugged. “Does that mean I get…you?”

She walked past him, leaning over the railing so that her ass was sticking up in the air in his direction. “If you want me.”

He does. He just wished it was a little easier. Stupidly, he was still thinking about Danielle. He blamed the booze–not that it would stop him from drinking more.

“There’s no pressure, of course,” she added, perhaps sensing that his focus was split.

“No, no, I’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head. He stepped forward to lean over the railing with her. It was a pretty amazing view. “I broke up with someone recently. I know it was the right thing…but, you know, here I am. In an amazing suite with two beautiful women and all I can think about is her.”

“That’s actually a little relatable,” she said.

Glancing over at her, he could see a thin chain dangling from her neck. A little trinket hung from it. Was it a key? Or was it just supposed to look like a key?

“Yeah?” he said, trying not to stare too much at the pendant. “Did you, uh, break up with someone too?”

“Sort of,” she said. “Though I didn’t break up with a person. More like…a drastic life change.”

“Oh? Care to elaborate?”

“You could say that I had a relationship with my job,” she said. “My company. I put all of myself into it, and in a lot of ways, you could say that I loved it like one might love their partner.”

“What happened?”

She laughed, a surprisingly hearty laugh–right from her chest. “Everything happened. A perfect storm of things. The world I knew just started falling apart–but it happened at about the same time that I realized I was ready to move on anyway.”

Eric nodded, taking another sip of his drink. “Yeah, I hear that.”

“It was a few months ago, now. But it still hurts.”

“I swear,” he said, chuckling. “It’s like you’re talking about my relationship.”

“This is how they win, of course,” Gabby sighed. “The Danielles and Darren Yangs of the world. They get in our heads and ruin the fun rum-soaked moments on resort suite balconies.”

“Rum?” asked Eric, taking a sip of his cocktail again. “Is there rum in this?”

“I honestly don’t remember.”

They both laughed.

“Fuck Darren Yang,” Eric said. “Whoever he is.”

“Fuck Danielle,” Gabby replied. “You’re too good for her.”

Eric looked over his shoulder, curious to see what was going on in the suite between Jorge and Neve. But he didn’t see either of them.

“Oh, she’s probably got him in her room by now,” Gabby said.


“Your friend is going to have a good night, I think.”

He was feeling a little bolder again. She had that kind of spirit about her–it was infectious. “What about me? Think I’ll have a good night?”

“I’m not sure,” she said, turning her head back towards the illuminated resort below the balcony while grinning. “But I’m pretty sure I’ll have a good night.”

Eric smiled. Here it comes. The part where she devours me whole.

She turned to him, placing her hand on his cheek. “Why don’t you get on your knees for me. LIke a good boy.”

The sinking feeling he usually experienced when feeling distressed or anxious was suddenly present–except it didn’t feel as overwhelmingly negative for once. Overwhelming, sure. But he was also excited. Who was this woman, and what was she going to do with him? Because…he was pretty sure that he’d let her do anything she wanted.

“Right here?” he asked, looking around him. He could see the other balconies from some of the neighboring suites, though they all seemed angled in a way that he couldn’t really see if anyone was on them or not. Which probably meant that they couldn’t see him either.

“It’ll be better for both of us if you don’t think and just do.”

He was sure she was right about that. Without another thought, he dropped to his knees before her. When was the last time he was on his knees before a beautiful woman? Had he ever done that before? He certainly wouldn’t have done that for Danielle. He looked up, astonished at the way she seemed to tower over him. She was a queen. A goddess. He wasn’t worthy.

“I told myself that I was going to take a break from my vices while I was on vacation,” she said, looking down at him.

“Wh-what are your vices?”

“Submissive men who will do anything I tell them to. That’s you, yes?”

He nodded, laughing a little. “Sounds like me, yeah.”

“I thought so. Well, you should be fun.”

“I’m fun,” he said, his eagerness seeping into his voice.

“I have to piss,” she said.

“Should I, uhm, wait here?”

“I was thinking that I might…piss on you?” She laughed to herself, like she couldn’t believe she had said that either.

On me?”

“Wouldn’t that be cute? If I marked my territory?”

This was far beyond anything he’d ever fucked with in his life. He knew there were people out there who were into that sort of thing, but he never imagined he’d meet one. Though, he couldn’t say he was actually disgusted by it. That might have been the booze talking–but he didn’t think so. There was something about her idea that he actually found kind of…hot. He didn’t think it was the pissing itself–but he hadn’t ruled it out yet either. It was the ‘marking of territory’ part that got him a little worked up. That he was interested in. Like he had fallen into her trap, and now he was all hers.

“Y-you would do that?” he asked.

She nodded. “Do you want me to?”

He chuckled. “Sort of?”

“You don’t have to do much,” she shrugged. “Just stay kneeling where you are. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“But…my clothes–”

“If you really wanted to, you could take them off. Personally, I think you should leave them on.”

She made a convincing argument, he thought. Of course, just about anything she said at this point was going to sound like a good idea.

He continued gazing up her body. She looked even more splendid by the minute. Did he want to be peed on? Well…no. Or, at least, it wasn’t the sort of thing he normally liked. But if she wanted to pee on him? He could see himself having some deep regrets if he didn’t take her up on this offer.

It was one final thought that solidified where he stood on her idea: It’s just piss. The showers at this resort had probably cleaned up worse things.

How much longer was he going to think about it? “Well, uh, I’m ready when you are.”

She reached down between her legs and pulled up the hem of her breezy summer dress, revealing the rather lacy red number that was serving as panties. If he didn’t know better, she had gone out to drink with the intent of eventually meeting someone who would eventually see these.

Right. Into. Her trap.

She shuffled her body forward a little–just enough so that, with her legs spread open, she could place one on either side of his body. Her fingers pulled aside the dainty piece of cloth that concealed her pussy. It fell just below his mouth. A shame, he thought, as part of him was wondering what it might be like to stick his mouth under it while she was letting go. He still could, he thought, it would just require him bending his body a little.

He imagined it slowly dribbling out of her at first before growing into a heavier stream. But no. As soon as she unclenched her bladder, a deluge of piss poured from her. It immediately saturated his chest, flowing down his shirt to soak everything in its path. As the flow continued, he continued to become more drenched. He felt the warm liquid dampening his pants now–his cock made rock hard by the naughty act.

Out here in the open air? On this balcony? This was unreal. Quite possibly the most unreal thing that had ever happened to him. He made a mental note later to thank Jorge for this trip. For this night. Fuck. He’d pay for a night’s worth of lap dances later this week if Jorge wanted them.

Her stream was slowly tapering out. He decided to not let these last few seconds go to waste and he hunched down just enough so that he could catch some of it in her mouth. He had never tasted piss before. He never thought he would’ve wanted to either. But here he was, lapping it up from her cunt like it was liquid gold and he had never been happier in his life.

“Oh my,” she said, biting her bottom lip for a moment as she felt his face graze against her. “I like you. I’m tempted to take you home with me.”

“You can just stow me away in your luggage,” he said, gulping the last of her forbidden juices down his throat.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“N-now what?” he asked, his back straightening as looked back up her body again.

“Would you like to go inside?” she asked.

He nodded–an overeager nod that made him feel like a puppy who wanted its belly rubbed.

“Follow me,” she said, taking a few steps past him to open the sliding glass door. She turned back towards him for a moment: “But you’re going to have to crawl.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He looked down at the front of his pants, finding that they were completely drenched. There was a puddle of piss on the floor beneath him, not yet absorbed into the lacquered tiles. It was tempting to just get on all fours and lick it all clean–the only reason he didn’t was because he knew she’d be waiting for him inside. A shame. He wondered if the puddle would still be there later.

Crawling. He hadn’t done that in a long time. But it was easy enough to do. And surprisingly fun. Just like a puppy, he thought. Her puppy.

Back inside the suite, he saw a wide smile on Gabby’s face. He almost asked why she was so happy–but then he heard it. A series of pleasured grunt’s coming from one of the bedrooms.

“Unh! Unh! Oh my god! Unh! Unnnnhh.”

He couldn’t be sure–he hadn’t ever heard anything like those sounds before–but he was pretty sure that it was Jorge making those noises.

“What do you think they’re up to?” Gabby asked Eric.

He laughed. “Whatever it is, it sounds fun.”

“Do you want to go have a peek with me?”

“Wait…really? I don’t know. That seems like a, uh, private moment, doesn’t it?”

“Oh please,” she scoffed. “If we had gotten into my bedroom first, Neve would’ve bust in with a bucket of popcorn.”

He is very curious. Especially if Jorge’s time is anything like what he just experienced himself out on the balcony with Gabby. But it does seems wrong to barge in on his friend like that.

Apparently, his thoughts on the matter weren’t important, as he watched Gabby confidently strutting towards the closed door–ready to open it herself. He began to open his mouth, unsure of what he might say–but decided against it. If she was going to be nosey, let her take the heat. He’d still get his curiosity satisfied.

She opened the door. “Oh wow.”

Eric had to see what was happening. He scurried forward on his hands and knees, ending up behind Gabby so he could look through her legs and into Neve’s room. Sure enough, it was not what he expected. Jorge was in the position that he imagined Neve would be in–face down on the mattress with his ass up in the air. Neve stood behind him, wearing a harness around her midsection that secured a purple dong to her crotch. Eric could only see a small portion of it, though. The rest of it seemed to be buried inside of Jorge’s bottom. Neve turned to the two eavesdroppers, smiling and waving.

“How did this happen?” Gabby asked, waving back.

“I gave him some options,” Neve shrugged. “This is what he picked.”

“Hey, wait, is that my harness,” Gabby laughed.

“I’ll clean it up and give it back when I’m done,” Neve said, almost sounding like a teenager who had been caught wearing her mother’s sweater.

It was hard for Eric to say which was more surreal–that his best friend was seeming to have the time of his life while getting pegged by a stranger, or that Neve and Gabby were having the most casual of conversations about borrowing each other’s sex-toys while it was happening.

“And what about him?” Neve asked, pointing to Eric. “Baby?”

“I haven’t decided yet,” Gabby shrugged. “You’d think I’d be sick of babies, but…”

“Well, if you need any milk later…”

Gabby laughed. “I assume you’ll be feeding your little friend there when you’re done with him.”

“He had a taste earlier,” Neve shrugged. “I think he’s working up an appetite for some more.”

“Perhaps we should leave them to it, then?” Gabby asked, looking over her shoulder at Eric.

He shrugged. “Uh, sure?”

The door was closed, and Gabby began walking across the room, towards the doorway that led to, presumably, her bedroom.

Eric, of course, had a number of questions. He wasn’t even sure where to start, finding himself so overwhelmed with confusion that he just started spitting out words that had the cadence of questions. “Milk? Uh…babies?”

Gabby laughed. “Do you really want to know?”

He did. But he also felt like he needed to catch up to the progress Jorge was making in Neve’s room. And if his throbbing cock was anything to go by, he’d prefer doing over talking. Maybe there’d be a Q&A segment later–after the action.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” he said.

“Suit yourself.” She gestured towards a suitcase near the bed. “Should we pick something fun out of the suitcase? Or should we go for something a little…simpler.”

God, what he wouldn’t give to just be fucking her right now. But now he felt like he was on a gameshow.

“Behind door number one, we have what is–most likely–the most amazing pussy you’ll have ever rammed your ding-dong into. But, we also have door number two here–and that promises mysterious pleasures that you’d spend the rest of your life wondering about if you don’t choose it. So…what’s it gonna be?”

“I mean…I feel like I have to, at least, see what’s in the luggage, right?”

There was a moment where she almost seemed disappointed by his choice. Was she actually hoping for some straight-up sex? If so, it begged the question of why she even brought the suitcase with her. Though, he supposed, this could mean that he was just tonight’s contestant. She had welcomed others into her suite the night before. And there’d be a new one tomorrow.

“Let’s see what we’ve got here,” she said, a big grin returning to her face as she dragged the suitcase up onto the bed. “Neve got the harness out already–that might’ve been my first choice too.”

First, she pulled a vibrator from the pack–one of those absolute units you plugged directly into a wall and had the big white head on the end. ‘Personal massager’ a catalog might call it–the wink and nudge implied. Interesting, he thought. It was the sort of thing he was always curious about, but never thought to buy for himself. Toys, in general, were a hard sell for him–his palm was always free.

Next, she pulled out…

“Diapers?” he laughed. He wasn’t completely sure what they were, but that was definitely what the white folded objects reminded him of.

“Interested?” she asked, holding one of them closer to his face for a better look.

That, sure as hell, was a big adult diaper.

Ohhhh. Things were clicking now. Milk. Babies. She hadn’t been making him crawl around like a puppy–she was making him crawl around like a baby. Even when she said he’d be a ‘good boy’ for kneeling before her while out on the balcony.

“I…I’m not sure about that,” he said, hoping that it wouldn’t offend her.

“No?” she cooed, her lips pursed as she talked in a condescendingly infantile tone. “You don’t want to have Mommy change your dirty diapies?”

There was no telling how he was supposed to react to that. “It’s…uh, interesting? I’m not sure that’s for me. I mean…maybe it’s the sort of thing I could learn to love. But…”

“I’m on vacation,” she said, almost sounding like she was talking to herself. “I should probably be taking a break from changing diapers…”

He sighed with relief, though he was sure to pocket the idea of grown men wearing diapers. Something to think about later, perhaps.

Another thought: Much earlier in the evening, she had mentioned having a ‘little one’ back at home. That, too, made a little more sense now. He thought about the key that hung around her neck again. A key to a crib? A cage? He wouldn’t put it past her.

“W-well, I can assure you that I’m not some sort of baby,” he said.

“I dunno,” she said, booping him on his nose. “You’re already kind of pissy.”

That he was. His clothes were still wet, though at least he wasn’t dripping any longer. Once in a while, he thought he might have caught a whiff of her drying piss on him. It was surprisingly exciting. What if he just never washed these clothes again? Would her piss age on his shirt like a fine wine? He’d pull it from its protective bag a year from now and take a deep inhalation of it, finding himself knocked on his ass in ecstasy? He hoped so.

“Oh, what do you think of this?” she said, pulling out another item. It was an artificial cock–rather lifelike, even in its color. What was interesting about it was that at the end of it was what looked like a…pacifier.

“Holy shit,” he laughed. “That’s a real thing they make?”

“I had this made for me,” she shrugged. “Haven’t had a chance to give it a test though. Though…it wouldn’t be very fair of me to let you be the one to break it in.”

He nodded, thinking that he had a general idea of who she meant. He tried to imagine what that person might be like–her ‘baby’ back at home. Was he the same age as her? No, probably younger. Perhaps even the same age as him. But maybe not. It could be her husband. One of those cuckolding situations, where one partner gets off on sacrificing all his dignity while the other fucks everything that moves.

How do people even meet like that? The internet, maybe–when uncertain, it’s probably the internet.

He wanted to know everything. He wanted to be a fly on the wall at her home. He wanted to stow away in her luggage and wake up in her living room so that he could meet the man who is seemingly well-accustomed to diapers.

Really, he found himself just wanting to be a part of this strange world.

“I mean…if you really want me to wear a diaper,” he said, “I’m not opposed to it.”

“Is that so?” she asked, clearly feigning surprise. Clearly she knew he’d say that long before he did.

“I mean…you are on vacation–like you said. So if you’re tired of that whole thing and you just want to…”

“I wouldn’t have brought diapers with me on vacation if I didn’t want to use them. What I meant to say earlier was that I should be taking a break from changing diapers. Except I never seem to tire of them.”

“Ah,” he laughed. This was definitely happening now.

In hindsight, it was hard to recall the exact sequence of events as they actually played out. It was as if his memory–when faced with events that were wildly outside of anything ever recalled before–lost the ability to properly track it.

He was put into a diaper, that much he remembers clearly. He recalled the way his cheeks blushed as he lifted his ass into the air so that Gabby could slide a diaper under him. And he remembered how immediate the feeling of thickness was between his legs when she taped it shut around him.

The clothes he had been wearing–the ones still soaked with her piss–were on the floor. It would make sense that they had been removed prior to when she put the diaper on him–but he also had the distinct memory of the scent of her urine wafting to his face while he was being diapered. He had wondered: Will my diaper eventually smell like this shirt does?

He remembered looking at himself in the mirror, his clothes stripped away so that he could see himself in the diaper. But he might have looked into the long mirror a few different times–there’s a memory of his diaper being fresh and clean. And there’s a memory of his diaper sagging between his legs–the padding soaked and heavy.

She spanked him. She spanked his bare ass. This almost certainly took place after he had been initially diapered, though the moment’s exact spot in the timeline is hard to say.

Jorge had been there at that moment. Watching. This, he remembers vividly. He would’ve expected Jorge to have this smug smile on his face as he watched his friend being humiliated and infantalized–except there was no such look. Jorge was smiling, sure, but he just looked happy. Content. Satisfied. His look said something like: “Did I not tell you that tonight would be amazing?”

He remembered the feeling of wetting himself–and it being his choice to wet. There was certainly some encouraging happening–there were many voices taking delight in watching the color and texture of his diaper change–but he was sure that it was his choice to empty his bladder.

He drank the milk. Right from Neve’s breast. As did Jorge. This might have been the hardest moment to recall with clarity. He remembers the feeling of the soft breast pressing against his face. The awkwardness as he fumbled his lips around her nipple. How naturally it came to him to suckle. But the taste of the milk…that eluded him. He loved it, that was all he knew.

“I could give you my number,” he said to Gabby at some point. “My email address. We should stay in touch. We should–”

“Be a good boy and finish licking Mommy’s clit,” she responded.

More memories would come in time. As the hangover subsided. As the days passed. As he settled back into the everyday.

“Did you cum?”

The boldness of the question–something that Eric couldn’t remember Jorge ever asking him before–brought him back to reality as he brought a cup of coffee to his lips.

They had asked the women if they’d be joining them for breakfast. The women said they had plans. They asked the women if they wanted to do any of the activities at the resort with them during the day. The women said they had plans. They asked the women if they wanted to get together again tonight. The women said they had plans.

Message received. They went home instead, changing into some fresh clothes. Eric’s clothes from the night before–still holding onto that scent–were stuffed into a plastic bag and tied shut.

Now they were eating breakfast–just the two of them–while still digesting the previous night.

“I did,” Eric said. “But I think I came inside the, uh…” He didn’t really have to finish that thought.

“I came on Neve’s bed,” Jorge said. He sounded proud of it. “It was fucking unreal. Like she just…fucked it right out of me. I wasn’t even touching myself. I’ve never experienced that before.”

“I tasted breastmilk,” Eric said, staring at the ramekin of disposable half-and-half cups left on the table for them.

“Good, right? Think we can get some of that back home?”

It was a joke, he was pretty sure. But it was a good question.

“How does your ass feel?” Eric asked.

Jorge snorted. “Fine. The secret is lube, I think. I still feel pretty greased up back there.”

“Need a diaper? Just in case anything wants to just slide out?”

“Did she give you some extras for the road?” Jorge asked. It wasn’t the sound of someone interested in wearing a diaper himself–it was the sound of someone changing the subject.

“Nah…just the one I’m wearing.”

“You’re still wearing it?”

“I feel like I probably won’t be able to take it off without ruining it. And, like, when’s the next time I’m going to wear a diaper? Figure I might as well enjoy this one while I can.”

“Look around you,” Jorge laughed. “The most beautiful people you’ll ever see in your life are walking around us. And you’re sitting here with a literal diaper on under your shorts.”

Was Jorge trying to shame him? Or was he, rightfully, pointing out the absurdity of the situation?

“It’s true,” Eric shrugged. “Ain’t that something?”

His eyes  looked around the restaurant at the other people eating breakfast or brunch or whatever this particular meal was supposed to be. He looked out the window at the people strolling past with big stupid smiles on their faces. They were all living their best vacation life right now–and so why shouldn’t he?

Jorge smiled. “So? Are you over Danielle yet?”

This might have been the longest he had ever gone without thinking of her. Usually, she was among his first thoughts in the morning. Even if he wasn’t thinking of her, specifically, he was at least being haunted by the feeling of regret that he associated with her. See also: longing and loss. But he hadn’t thought of her once today. He wasn’t even feeling consumed with regret. He hadn’t even realized those thoughts were missing at all until Jorge had mentioned her.

Eric sighed. “Is it weird that this is the best I’ve felt in a while?”

“Right there with you,” Jorge laughed, his cheeks looking a little rosier than they had a moment ago.

“What do you want to do today?” Eric asked, taking another long sip of his coffee. There was a surprising amount of optimism in his voice–as if, whatever the answer was, it was going to be the right answer.

“Let’s get back out there. See if we can’t have ourselves another adventure.”

“Sounds good to me,” shrugged Eric.

“Of course, we’ll have to find someone who’s willing to babysit you…”

“That sounds like a challenge.”

“You up for it?”

Eric gazed out the window again. Somewhere out there were Neve and Gabby; though the odds were slim they’d meet again. Then again, perhaps Neve and Gabby’s existences proved that there were wild experiences all over this resort. Somewhere out there was another woman with a kink unlike any he had ever considered before. There might even be another woman willing to change his diaper.

He smiled at Jorge. “Alright, c’mon. Let’s go.”



Paul Bennett

Well that was quite a story. I wonder if Mommy Heller is going to share her adventures with Clarky upon her return. Will Clarky soon be all diapered up and licking Mommy's clit while she tells him about having a vacation tryst with another diapered boy toy? I could see her doing that and Clarky being initially upset but deep down he knows that Mommy deserves pleasure and a vacation too.