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In the Basement

Somewhere, upstairs, Felix was getting his diaper changed.

Fucking unreal.

Felix wasn’t an actual baby. Feilix wasn’t disabled–as far as he knew. He was just some guy who wore, and used, diapers.

In advance of their arrival, Susan had given him the rundown, as best as she could. “So, look. Before my sister and her husband get here, there’s something you should know about them…”

He laughed then, and he’s laughed every time he’d thought about it since then. He thought it was a joke–he thought she was pulling his leg. And then, when Marcie and Felix actually arrived, and he could see the top of the diaper sticking out from the waistband of Felix’s shorts, he was certain that it was actually Marcie and Felix who were pulling some sort of weird prank on them.

He didn’t think it was a prank anymore. But he didn’t understand it either. A grown man, willing shitting himself in a diaper? Because, as best as he could tell, his wife wanted him to?

Fucking unreal.

It was weird, and that was an understatement. Other men in his position, he thought, probably wouldn’t know what to do about it. They’d want to know everything, and they’d investigate the strange situation going on in their house.

But Edwin didn’t care. “Fuck that,” he said, booting up the Playstation again. If the girls wanted to play house and change some dude’s diapers, that was on them. He wasn’t interested. So long as Felix didn’t take a shit on his leather couch, he was pretty sure he could tolerate the odd company for the next week. And then things would be back to normal.

If he was being honest, though–and it wasn’t something he’d ever say to Susan–there was one aspect of their guests’ relationship that made him uncomfortable. Marcie had power. Not just some of the power–she had all of it. So much power that she could make her husband do stupid things like wear diapers. What else could she make him do? Dress up in a tutu? Eat food out of a bowl like a dog?

He never thought of Susan as a particularly submissive woman, though she wasn’t the take-charge type either. She knew her lane, though, and she stayed in it. She handled the cleaning and the cooking. She took care of the finances. He was the breadwinner. Occasionally, he was the repairman–or he’d be the one to make the call to someone who’d do the repairing for him. This arrangement worked for them.

Marcie felt like a threat. He wasn’t sure if he was right about that or not–but it was a feeling he had gotten since Susan and Marcie reconnected. Out of the blue, it seemed, Marcie crash-landed into his life. She was suddenly back in the States again, after being abroad for quite some time. She wanted to talk to Susan all the time, and they did.

Susan seemed different now. Not jarringly so, but there seemed to be subtle changes in how she talked to him since Marcie had come into the picture. It was the way she’d put her foot down a little more firmly than she used to when they were having an argument. The way that she’d ask him to pitch in with some of the chores more often. Last week, when he asked why she hadn’t cooked dinner, she said that she hadn’t ‘felt like it,’ and she encouraged him to cook his own.

Whatever. It was just a week. Not even–just five days. Then, Marcie and her pants-pooping husband would be gone and things could go back to normal. He’d get a little more assertive, he thought. He wouldn’t be mean–he’d just remind Susan who was in charge around here. He’d do his best to counter whatever it was Marcie was whispering into her ear.

He had more immediate concerns, though. Aliens were encroaching on his base, and he was running low on ammunition. He would eventually be able to use the plasma cannon–but he still had three minutes to go for the cooldown.

You know, he thought to himself, if this is the biggest problem in my life right now–I’d say I have it pretty good.


Edwin was an early riser. He liked the concept of sleeping in, but his body just didn’t allow for it. Between high school, college, and years of office jobs, he had been conditioned to get up early. Now, he was far too used to it to be angry about it.

This morning, the first morning after the arrival of his and Susan’s guests, he got up even earlier than he usually did. He figured he’d grab his clubs, hit up the driving range for an hour or two, and then drop by the office whenever he was ready–where he’d stay as late as he could to minimize the time he had to spend around Baby-Man.

“Good morning,” a voice said to Edwin when he came down the stairs. It was Felix, already awake and sitting on the couch while scrolling on his phone.

“It’s early,” Edwin said. “What are you doing up?”

“Just habit, I guess,” Felix shrugged.

Edwin hated that he could relate to that. “I know how that is.”

“You going to work?”

“Eventually,” Edwin shrugged. “But not before I get some coffee. If I make a pot, do you want some?”

“Sounds good,” Felix said. “Though…it tends to go right through me.”

Edwin couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that a problem? You’ve got that thing to catch it all.”

Felix shrugged. “I mean…that’s still work. For, uh, someone else.”

“And how do you feel about that, huh? Do you get off on having someone else wipe your ass for you?”


“You know what? Nevermind. It’s none of my business.” Edwin loaded a coffee filter with some ground coffee in the kitchen, flipping the switch to turn it on.

He could see Felix’s face over in the living room. His mouth hung open and he stared across the way at Edwin like he had something he wanted to say, but couldn’t quite get the words out. Edwin almost asked if there was something else he wanted to talk about–but the truth was that he didn’t think he actually cared.

“Hey, uhm… Can I ask you something?” Felix finally blurted out.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Would you say that you and Susan have a good relationship? A good, uh, marriage?”

Edwin snorted, finding this to be a pretty strange question to be asked by a stranger at any time of day–but especially this early in the morning.

“We do,” he said, nodding confidently. “We’re happy.”

“See, that’s what I thought too,” Felix said. “Y’know, with Marcie and I.”

“Uh huh.” Edwin was starting to tune out a little, focusing on the coffee pot rather than what was probably going to be a sob-story about how Felix and Marcie’s relationship took a nosedive.

“I was wrong,” Felix continued. “She wasn’t happy at all. And she was actually really resentful of me for being so oblivious to how she felt.”

There was something in Felix’s tone that Edwin didn’t really care for. Was Felix implying that he might be doing the same thing with Susan?

“Look, sounds like a shitty problem to have,” he said, wishing the coffee would drip into the pot a little quicker. “But I can’t relate to that.”

“Are you sure?” asked Felix. “No offense, but I’ve heard your wife talking to mine and…”

“Look, buddy. “No offense, but I’m probably not going to start taking marriage advice from a guy in a diaper. You’re probably sitting in your own piss right now, aren’t you?”

“Uh…I mean… That’s not really what we’re talking about, here.” But Felix’s brightly blushing cheeks gave him away.

“Uh huh.” He poured some coffee into a travel mug before putting the pot back on the maker’s hot plate. “Coffee’s ready, if you want some.”

He picked up his things and left the house without another word.


Edwin had spent most of the morning in a grumpy haze, muttering under his breath about the ‘nosey little pants-pisser’ as he whacked each golf ball out into the green abyss.

By mid-day, he had cooled on the issue considerably, deciding that he just wasn’t going to let the conversation bother him any more than it had. And then, by the time he was finally driving back to his house later that evening, he had forgotten all about it.

He was coming home late. Partially because he wanted to limit the amount  of time he had to see his guests, but partially because he did have a bit of actual work to tend to. He had called Susan a few hours before and explained that he’d be getting out late. She said it wasn’t an issue and that she’d be taking Marcie and Felix out to one of the local restaurants for a bite to eat.

See? he said to himself after that conversation. There are no problems with Susan and I. She gets me.

But something felt off by the time he actually crossed the threshold of his home. He couldn’t put a finger on what it was, but there was a strange energy in the house. Susan seemed…happy. Not that she wasn’t, usually–but it was a different kind of happiness. So happy that it almost seemed fake to him? Or maybe just a type of happiness he hadn’t seen in some time?

Something was up with Marcie and Felix too. Marcie seemed happy as well. Too happy. Giddy, even. Felix was just looking flustered and embarrassed–he wouldn’t make eye contact with Edwin.

Whatever, he thought. The guy probably made some sort of disgusting mess in his Huggies and the girls just had a good time making fun of him about it. Later, after the guests were gone, he’d ask Susan for all the gossip. For now, he couldn’t be bothered to care too much.

After dinner, Susan had stopped and bought some sticky buns for dessert, and so he joined everyone in those and some coffee. The conversation was fine enough, he supposed. It was kind of fascinating to watch Marcie and Susan interact with each other, he thought. You wouldn’t have guessed they had been apart for so long. They were finishing each other’s sentences. Laughing at half-told jokes that neither he or Felix seemed to comprehend. They would tell stories from their childhood that would careen into other stories–endless threads of memories that didn’t always make sense to him.

Despite the ever-present weirdness, even Felix seemed alright. Sometimes, when he spoke, Edwin could almost see him as a normal adult. If he squinted his eyes a little, he could almost see him as a likable guy.

Of course the illusion would be ruined, eventually, by Marcie having Felix stand up and come over to where she was sitting.

“Come here. I need to check your diaper.”


“No ‘buts,’ mister. This is for your own good.”

Susan had shot Edwin a grin from the other side of the table. He smiled back, but it felt like his wife was trying to convey something to him–something he didn’t understand. Weirdness. Everywhere.

As it turned out, Felix had thoroughly soaked his diaper, and was quickly whisked away for a fresh diaper, leaving him and his wife alone at the table.

“You can’t possibly think that’s normal, right?” he asked, shoveling a bite into his mouth.

She shrugged. “It’s different, sure. But is that a bad thing?”

“Babe. He’s literally pooping his pants like a toddler. And Marcie willingly cleans up after him.”

“I think it’s kind of sweet,” she said.

He scoffed.

“It’s unconventional,” she added. “But when you look at it from a certain angle, it almost seems…romantic?”

He laughed and shook his head. He was tempted to just call it bullshit, but thought he should at least hear her out before getting any more belligerent. “How so?”

“I mean, can you even imagine making yourself so vulnerable for someone else? The amount of trust it takes to let someone else take care of you after you’ve…”

“No,” he said. “Because I don’t have to be in that position. There’s plenty of ways to be romantic without shitting yourself.”

She sighed. “That’s not what I mean.”

His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“They’re happier now, if you can believe that. They weren’t doing as well before they started doing this.”

“They should write a book,” he said, not turning the sarcasm down as far as he thought he should’ve. “They can tour the nation, telling everyone about how they, too, can save their marriage if they just start pissing their pants.”

Susan frowned. “Yeah, well I’d probably buy a copy of that book.”

Edwin was reminded of the conversation he had with Felix in the early hours of the morning. There had been that question: “Would you say that you and Susan have a good relationship? A good, uh, marriage?” He had been offended by the question. The audacity! Looking at his wife’s face now, though, he wondered if Felix knew more than he let on. Maybe Marcie told him something. Maybe he overheard something Susan had said to her sister.

He decided to end the conversation there. He felt like he was on the verge of opening a can of worms–one that he wasn’t prepared to clean up after if it was opened.

Instead, he just nodded and smiled. “You know…now that I think about it, I guess I could see how it’s a little romantic.”

It was a fib, but it was a fib that made her smile. He’d consider that a victory.

Atop the Coffee Table

Edwin had tried to stick around and chit-chat with everyone else after they were done eating, but he had reached a point where he just needed to go and do his own thing. He excused himself from the living room–even being kind enough to extend an offer to Felix to join him in the basement. Felix declined, just as Edwin had hoped he would.

He had big plans for vanquishing the alien hordes who had been pestering the western side of his base, but after only an hour of gaming, he decided that what he really needed was some quiet. And a glass of scotch. Or two.

Eventually, he crept up the basement steps, hoping that he could make it all the way into his bed without waking Susan, who–at this time of night–should be asleep.

But there she was, in the living room. She was sitting by herself on the couch, illuminated only by the standing lamp in the corner of the room. Sitting in front of her, on the coffee table, was a big diaper–likely one of the ones that Felix was wearing these days.

“This is kind of ridiculous,” he said, pointing to the diaper. “It’s one thing to wear diapers around our house. But to just start leaving them everywhere? C’mon.”

Susan shook her head while smiling. “He didn’t leave that out. That one is mine.”

“Yours?” he laughed. “Are you in on the baby-thing now? Because I have to be honest with you, I don’t think I want to change diapers. That’s why we didn’t have any kids, you know?”

“Have a seat, Ed,” she said, her hand extended towards the loveseat on the other side of the coffee table.

He groaned. He didn’t know what this conversation was going to be about, but he already knew that he didn’t like it. He knew he shouldn’t have been so snarky to her when they were talking during dessert earlier.

He took a seat, his eyes fixed on the diaper as he did. Even folded up, it was pretty big. He’d seen plenty of diapers the last few years–his sister seemed to pump one out every other week or so–and they were so insignificant compared to this one.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Do you know much about what Marcie and Felix’s marriage used to be like?”

He shrugged. “Felix mentioned something about it to me this morning.”

Susan laughed. “What about all the things I’ve told you? Like, when I would get off the phone with Marcie and then I’d come tell you what we talked about?”

“Oh, uh…” He could fib again, but there’d be no point. He’d already, inadvertently, made it clear that he hadn’t been paying attention to those conversations. Of course, she probably already knew that.

“See, that’s why we’re talking right now.”

It was going to be one of those conversations, he thought. It’d start off friendly enough–she’d call it something like ‘constructive criticism.’ But then, by the end of the conversation, he’d feel like shit and would have to tell her how awful of a husband he was, and how he’d try harder.

Okay, okay. I got this.

“Tell me about their marriage,” he said.

“It sounds like it wasn’t in a very good place,” she said, her voice soft and serious. “She said that he didn’t spend much time with her. They weren’t talking much. He’d be in the office all day and then he’d go out afterwards with the people he worked with. Sometimes guys, but sometimes women.”

“It’s not a crime to be friends with people of the opposite sex,” he said. He sounded defensive, but he didn’t care. Was he going to have to point out the fact that some of her friends were men?

“No, it’s not,” she said. “But it’s a problem when you’re kissing them. Feeling their chests up. Carrying their panties home with you in your jacket pocket and forgetting about them so your wife finds them.”


“She was done with him, you know? She was going to move out and divorce him. Start over.”

“That didn’t seem to happen.”

“Well, he begged her to stay. He got on his hands and knees and threw a whole temper tantrum about how badly he needed her. And, at that moment, she had an idea.”

He laughed. “If he was going to act like a baby…she was going to treat him like one?”

“Bingo. She told him what he’d have to do if she decided to stay.”

“And he agreed,” Edwin sighed. “Hence…the diapers.”

She nodded.

He looked down at the plump white diaper sitting on the coffee table again, and then back up at her. “So what does that have to do with us?”

“Do you think you’re a good husband, Ed?”

Was that some sort of trick question? Did she really expect him to admit that he wasn’t. “Do you think I’m a bad husband, Sue?”

“You haven’t been paying attention,” she said. “You haven’t been listening to me.”

“In general? Or…” He sighed. No, he hadn’t been–she was right about that. He swallowed and started over: “I think there’s better ways to handle this. Like therapy, you know? We don’t need…diapers.”

“Did you know I got paperwork from an attorney to start filing for divorce last year?”

“Last year?” He shook his head. “No.”

“You remember what happened last year, don’t you?” she asked.

“No clue.”


“How did you know about…” He didn’t finish that, but his face asked the full question that he couldn’t ask aloud: How did you know about her?

“She called you? Why? I mean…”

“She thought she was doing me a favor,” Susan said. “She wanted to let me know what a scumbag you were. Not just for cheating on me with her, but for how you treated her.”

“I…I didn’t know that you knew. You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me that you knew?” He wanted to know everything. He wanted to know exactly what Monica would’ve told her.

“Edwin, there’s something else that happened last year. Do you remember?”

He sighed and threw up his hands. “No fucking idea.”

“My sister and I reconnected.”

Susan looked kind of surprised by the fact that Edwin was laughing.

Despite feeling like he was still missing a few pieces of the puzzle, he was pretty sure he had sussed out what the picture was supposed to be anyway. Somewhere, overseas, Marcie and Felix were having marital problems. Felix was cheating on her. Who knows where the idea came from–maybe it’s some weird European thing that hasn’t caught on in the US yet–but Marcie had swapped out divorce for diapers. At around the same time, she reconnects with her sister Susan, who is also having a bad time of it in her marriage. Marcie floats an idea past her. Then, over the course of the next year, the two women put some sort of plan into motion. A plan that brings Marcie and Felix back to the states. A plan that involves showing Edwin what a submissive husband looks like. And then, finally, BAM, she throws a diaper at him.

Or something like that.

He looks down at the diaper on the coffee table. “So, let’s just skip a few parts of this conversation, yeah? I think you’re asking me to put that on? Start acting like Felix?”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” she said.

“Right, right. But there’s consequences if I don’t, yes? You’re going to divorce me? Take my stuff? My money?”

Susan laughed, a genuinely hearty laugh like she had heard a really good joke. “Ed, I’m not some supervillain. If we decide that we’re done and ready to move on in different directions, I’m willing to accept that. It doesn’t have to be this knock-out/drag-out fight in a courtroom–I trust we can handle ending our marriage in a civil way.”

“But if I want to stay…”

“Well, yes,” she nodded, pointing down at the diaper. “That’s what I’d want.”

“Of all the fucking things in the entire world? Not therapy? You don’t even want to key my truck or punch me in the face? You just want me to…wear a diaper?”

“I don’t think I’m asking for all that much.”

Edwin was the one laughing now. “Oh sure. We both saw Felix–squatting down and being made to shit himself in front of you and Marcie. That’s not asking for too much at all! If you don’t think it’s that big of a deal, why don’t you wear one?”

She sighed. “Ed, if I thought I was being a baby, maybe I would. Let me ask you something.”


“Do you love me? Do you want this marriage to work?”

“Of course,” he said. “What kind of question is that?”

“I’m asking, because I mean it when I say that it’s either the diapers or divorce. Wouldn’t you feel pretty stupid if our marriage ended because you didn’t do the one thing I asked?”

He shook his head. “No, I doubt I’ll regret that much.”

“I’m going to bed,” she said, standing up. “You can sleep on the couch.”

A Little Later

Susan was fast asleep when he slunk into the bedroom on his tip-toes. He slowly eased himself atop the bed next to her, sinking down into the divet his body had created on his side of the mattress. That might have been the most stealthy he had ever been in his life, he thought. Almost completely undetectable.

Except for, of course, the plasticked rustle emanating from his bottom as he got comfortable in the bed.

He could hear Susan’s sleepy voice from his side. “Ed? I thought I told you to…”

“G-give me your hand, Sue.”

She didn’t give him her hand so much as he just took it. He guided it down his body and between his legs. Her hand found what he wanted to show her–her fingers squeezing the soft padding.

“Y-you wearing the diaper?”

“I don’t think I put it on very well,” he whispered.

“It’s backwards,” she giggled.


“But don’t worry about that. I’ll be the one putting the diapers on you.”

He sighed. “Yeah, okay.”


It had been the last thing Susan said to him before going to bed that convinced him to rethink his stance. “Wouldn’t you feel pretty stupid if our marriage ended because you didn’t do the one thing I asked?”

Edwin still didn’t think it was a great idea. He was essentially being asked to sacrifice his dignity, and he was close to saying that this just wasn’t fair.

But…he had also fucked up, and he knew it. He had known it for a while now, and he had been waiting for it to catch up with him. And while he didn’t think his comeuppance would involve diapers, of all things, he knew that something was coming nonetheless.

Monica. What a fucking trainwreck that had been.

She was only twenty when they met, still in college. Worse, she was the daughter of a guy he worked with. She had been dragged along to some work-related outdoor picnic one day, and Edwin–not knowing who she was–liked what he saw. He got her a beer and they talked about Stanley Kubrick. Or, maybe, he just talked about Kubrick and she listened? Or, even more likely, she’d have listened to anything he had to say as long as he kept his hand on her thigh. Regardless, he left the picnic with her phone number. And even after learning that she was Walt Jenning’s daughter, he still thought it’d be a good idea to call her.

The sex was incredible. Easily the best he ever had. Probably the best he ever would have too. If he had to have, he would’ve paid an absurd amount of money for pussy like that.

But she was young, with a good amount of growing up to do herself. It wasn’t in vogue to say such things, but he suspected she had some ‘daddy issues.’ That was fine for a while–he liked when she leaned into it while they fucked. She called him ‘Daddy’ once and he came in her so hard that he thought it might ooze out of her mouth. Eventually, though, that youth and immaturity became a problem. She demanded more of his time. More of his money. More of his love. And when she finally said that he had to choose between his wife and her, he knew he had to bail.

Ending the tryst had been ugly. A disaster. How anyone at his office–especially Walt Jennings–didn’t find out about it was a miracle. How his wife hadn’t found out about it was a miracle.

Except Susan had known. Monica had reached out to her. That was bad. Very bad. He had no idea what she might have said to Susan, but even the smallest amount of information painted Edwin in a very poor light.

He supposed he deserved diapers. The punishment, it seemed, almost fit the crime–if he squinted a bit. He had fucked around with an immature young woman. And now he’d be treated like an immature little boy.

For just a little while. He didn’t think this would last forever. He’d do his time in pampers and then they’d move on.



The next morning, Edwin woke before Susan did. He went about his morning business as he usually did–brushing his teeth, mouthwash, putting his contacts in, slapping some deodorant on his under-arms. Next, he’d have to piss.

He stood in front of the toilet for a solid minute, fussing with the diaper. According to Susan, it was on backwards. “But don’t worry about that,” she had said. “I’ll be the one putting the diapers on you.” He just pulled the damn thing down like it was just another pair of boxers and he pissed into the toilet bowl. When he was done, he made a feeble attempt at spinning the diaper around and pulling it back up again, but he just couldn’t get it to fit right. It seemed too loose. Too crooked. He just balled up the whole thing and threw it in the trash can before walking back into the bedroom without any clothes on at all.

Susan was awake and sitting up when he returned. “You’re missing something.”

“The diaper? Uh…yeah, I tried to fix it, but…”

She laughed. “Come here. I’ll get a new one.”

He thought she was joking for a moment. “A new one?”

“You didn’t think I had just one diaper, did you?”

“I…I just assumed you borrowed one of Felix’s.”

Her head tilted as she smiled. It was a condescending look. “Oh, you sweet summer child.”

He didn’t quite understand what she was smiling about.

“Ed, honey, when’s the last time you looked at the bank account? When's the last time you paid a bill?”

“I mean…you’re the one who usually handles that stuff.”

“Exactly,” she said. “And you spend all your time in your little man cave, yes? So you’ve been blissfully unaware of what’s been happening under your nose for the last few weeks.”

“I have no idea what you mean.”

“Exactly,” she said. “Go ahead. Open up my closet door. Take a look and tell me what you see.”

Was this some sort of joke? He almost refused, not interested in whatever game she was playing. No, i have to play along. You’re trying to save your marriage, remember? He sighed and walked to the closet door, opening it.

Some of it was what he expected–some of her clothes were still hanging off to the side. There were still a few shelves loaded with her many, many, shoes. But the rest of the space seemed to have been completely taken over with…diapers. So. Many. Diapers. Stacks and stacks of plastic packages, all containing giant diapers like the one he had woke up in this morning. Some were white. Some were blue. Some had colorful prints on them. Some were even pink.

“Wh-what is…”

“Those are all your diapers,” she said. “I’m surprised you haven’t noticed any of them arriving at the house. I think there were even a few boxes you brought in from outside when you came home.”

Come to think of it, he did remember bringing in some big boxes from the front porch when he had come home from the office. Those were diapers?

He sighed. As much as he wanted to ask if she was being serious or not, he was sure he already knew the answer. “That’s a lot of diapers.”

“I know.”

“How long do you see this going on for?”

“When all of those diapers are gone,” she said. “Then, assuming you don’t need diapers by that time, we can talk about you getting your big boy underpants back.”

“Wait…you mean…”

“Oh yes. Go ahead and check your dresser. They’re all gone now. They’re mine.”

He didn’t bother checking. He believed her.

“Now, come over here and let me put you into a new diaper.”

“H-how long do I have to wear each diaper for?”

“I think you already know the answer to that, Ed.”

Until I’ve used it? Until I need to have my diaper changed? He felt his cheeks warming considerably.

This was actually happening.

Meet Felix

There was a scowl on Edwin’s face as he gripped his controller in his hands. On the screen, he could see a horde of alien soldiers approaching them. Good. Let them come. Today isn’t the day to fuck with me.

He heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs. He glanced over his shoulder, hoping to see Susan coming down the steps. Maybe, she had come to her senses. Maybe she, too, realized that diapers were an absurd way of handling this marital crisis.

Nope. It was just Felix. Edwin sighed and looked back at his TV again.

“Hey,” Felix said.

“Hey,” Edwin replied, his voice almost completely devoid of emotion.

“I, uhm, heard about the…diapers.”

Edwin rolled his eyes. “I figured you’d find out quickly. You probably knew about them before I did.”

Felix nodded, taking a seat on the couch near Edwin. “Yeah…probably.”

“So, are you here to gloat because I’m getting knocked down a peg?”

“What?” Felix asked, as if the thought honestly hadn’t crossed his mind. “No, not at all. I just thought, uh, maybe you could use someone to talk to.”

“I have plenty of people I could talk to, thank you very much.”

“Yeah, but you probably can’t talk to them about diapers.”

Edwin sighed. “That’s assuming I want to talk about diapers at all.”

Felix laughed. “I know that you just see me as this sniveling little wimp who waddles around in diapers. But you and I are more alike than you think.”

“How so?” Edwin asked, not entirely invested in the potential conversation.

“I had a room like this once,” Felix said, looking around the basement. “I didn’t call it a ‘man cave,’ I called it my study. But it was the same thing–a sanctuary for my manhood.”

“Hrm,” Edwin grunted. “You don’t have a room like that now?”

“Well, we don’t have that house anymore. We moved, remember? Not that it matters much anyway. Do you know what that room was used for during the last few months I had it?”


“Diapers. It was where Marcie kept all my diapers. It was where she changed my diapers. It was like a…”

“Nursery?” asked Edwin. He had paused his game, and seemed much more interested in what Felix was saying now.

“Yeah. Pretty much.”

Edwin sighed, leaning back in his seat as his diaper crinkled in his pants. He felt his cheeks glowing.

“It’s not as bad as you think it is,” Felix said.

“No, it’s probably worse.”

“It grows on you.”

“You sound pretty sure of that.”

“You know what I tell myself, Edwin?”

“What’s that?”

“I remind myself–every single time Marcie puts a new diaper on me–that even though I’m the one waddling around in a diaper and shitting myself like a baby…she’s the one who has to clean up after me.”

Edwin laughed at this.

“It feels overwhelming right now. You’re thinking to yourself: ‘There’s no way that I can wear a diaper everyday. Out in public. Out to work. Around my friends and family.’ But do you have any idea how many times people have mentioned to me that they’ve noticed I’m wearing diapers?”

Edwin shook his head.

“Like, two or three times. That’s it. And, sure, maybe more people notice and keep it to themselves. But 99% of those people are complete strangers who you’ll never see again. My wife? Susan? They want you to be crippled with fear. And, you know, sometimes I am. Like, I wasn’t looking forward to being exposed to you and Susan this week. And, uh, it wasn’t easy to have you watching me cream in my diaper after I sat in it last night. But…it’s not as scary as you think it is.”

As tempting as it was to reply with some sarcastic quip, Edwin did genuinely appreciate the insight. “I needed to hear that.”

“And you have to remember,” Felix continued, “Susan is going to have to change every diaper you wear. So fucking fill them up. Fill them to the brim. Sit in them. Roll around in them. Make the fucking diaper explode. That’s what I do, dude. I’m about to push a big mess into these diapers. And then I’m going to sit down in them. And then I’m going to get Marcie to wipe my ass for me.”

Edwin was laughing again–a genuine belly laugh. And it was contagious, soon infecting Felix. Now, both men were laughing together on the couch.

Finally, when the laughter started to subside, Edwin caught his breath and asked the last question that was on his mind: “But you like wearing diapers? Using them?”

Felix was quick to nod. “I came around on them. I can’t speak for you, obviously. But…yeah. There are moments I’m not as fond of them–I was a bit of a wreck about coming here while in diapers–but otherwise? I’m, uh…having a pretty good time with them. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a punishment at all.”

Diaper Check

Felix went back upstairs–probably to poop in his diaper and get changed. Edwin thought that Felix might have popped a squat and done his business down in the basement, but he was kind of glad that didn’t happen.

But, he also kind of wished that that had happened. He thought it might have bolstered his confidence a little to see someone looking more pathetic than he felt right now.

The privacy was good though. He had to piss. And he’d be pissing in his diaper for the first time.

He supposed that he could just go to the bathroom, pull down his diaper, and use a toilet. He wondered if Susan would ever know. And so what if she did? What was she going to do about it? Spank him?

That actually sounded kind of nice.

He thought about what Felix had told him–how he didn’t view it as a punishment most of the time. He chuckled to himself as he looked down at the slight bulge in his pants. He was kind of curious to know what it felt like to piss himself. Well, there were a lot of things he was curious about experiencing–but he figured it’d be best to start small.

It was surprisingly hard. His body knew when it was an appropriate time to piss, and when it wasn’t. And this–sitting on the couch with his pants on–wasn’t the appropriate time. He took a deep breath, held it, and slowly released it through his nostrils. Just…pee. Piss yourself. You want this. Let it happen.

He did it again. Deep breath. Hold. Release. Assure himself that it was alright. He went through this cycle a few more times.

Suddenly, he felt a little trickle from the tip of his dick. Drops of warmth had made contact with the padding. He closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip as the floodgates finally opened, and a stream sprung forth into his diaper.

It was so weird. He had imagined it feeling similar to wearing a wet bathing suit–but this was nothing like that. The diaper swelled and seemed to thicken around him as the padding absorbed everything he pumped into it–the warmth spreading throughout as it did. It felt kind of…wrong? Naughty?

As tempting as it was to leave it at that and just go back to his game, he couldn’t help himself. He stuck his hand down his pants, feeling the soggy bulge between his thighs. Oh. Maybe he could see himself liking this more than he thought.

He had just begun contemplating whether or not he should start stroking the front of his diaper–just as he had seen Felix do the night before–when he heard footsteps on the stairs again.

It was Susan. She had a small stack of items in her hand. Another diaper, it looked like, and a plastic container.

“Just wanted to check up on you,” she said.

He sighed. She never bothered checking on him when he was in the basement before diapers were involved.

“Well, here I am.”

“Felix is getting changed right now,” she said.

“Oh. Did he…”

Susan nodded, waving her hand in front of her face. “Yup. Real stinky, too.”

“Well I didn't do anything like that in my diaper.”

“Not yet.”

He shrugged. What did she want him to say? That he couldn’t wait until he, too, got to push a warm load into the back of his diaper? He wasn’t there yet–if he was to ever get there at all.

“Any accidents I should know about, Ed?”

“Why don’t you come over here and check?”

She snorted. “Talking back to Mommy so soon?”

“Is that what Felix calls Marcie?”

“I don’t know, actually,” she shrugged. “I should ask.”

“Is that what you want to be called?” he asked. His tone was sarcastic, but somewhere in there was some genuine curiosity.

“We can figure that out later, Ed. One thing at a time. First thing’s first–your diaper? Did you use it or not?”

As tempting as it was to push back a little more, what he really wanted was to just be done with this conversation. The quickest path to the end would be compliance.

“I wet myself.” It was easier to say than he thought it’d be.

She let out a soft, almost inaudible, moan: “Mm.” It seemed that she liked that answer. “I wasn’t sure if you would or not.”

“I’ve been told that I didn’t have a choice.”

She walked around the back of the couch so that she stood between him and the television. The game was paused now–a menu screen of options was partially obscuring a horde of killer aliens that were frozen in place. In the dark room, with the bright blue hues of the TV illuminating her back, Edwin thought Susan looked rather majestic. As if power was just radiating from her like an aura. It was surprisingly arousing.

“Unzip your pants,” she said. “Show me your diaper.”

He did as she asked, standing up and unfastening his pants, pulling them down just enough so that his diaper was visible to her. It didn’t matter how hard he tried to be calm and collected–he felt like an absolute fool as she looked down at the wet and sagging garment between her legs.

She reached down and grasped the front of the diaper, giving the swollen padding a firm squeeze. He had no doubt that she could feel more than just the state of his diaper–she could feel the slowly stiffening bulge contained within.

“You know, Felix likes his diapers too,” she said, her lips in a tight little grin.

“I…I don’t like the diaper.”

“Are you sure? Because that’s not what it feels like.”

“N-no, it’s not that. It’s…uh…”

Her hand was tightening on the diaper again, closing around his cock. He let out a breathy little moan that he wasn’t expecting, and his cheeks turned a bright red immediately after.

“Are you sure?” she asked again.

How could he explain it to her? He didn’t think it was the diaper, per se. It was this new power structure. It was the way that she was standing before him now–practically glowing. He felt small and pathetic and he never got to feel that way. Until now, he didn’t even know that he liked to feel that way. And…

Okay. Maybe he liked the diaper. A little. An itsy bitsy little tiny bit.

“Wh-what do you want me to say?” he asked.

“I want you to tell me the truth.”

“Fuck…” he muttered, feeling her hand tighten on the front of his diaper a little more. “F-fine. I like it.” He could’ve stopped there, but it was as if her hand worked him like a puppet, making him spit out everything on the forefront of his mind: “The diaper feels good. It, uh, felt good to wet it. I, uhm…I…” He would’ve said more if he could, but her hand was stroking the diaper now, and the pleasure he was feeling was shutting down other important parts of his brain.

“What do you think Monica would say if she could see you now?” she asked. “The little baby in his pissy little diaper, moaning and squirming as his little baby-dick gets rubbed.”

That was mean, he thought. But, damn, if that didn’t send another thrill through his body. Monica, almost ten years younger than him. Monica, who had once called him ‘Daddy.’ Monica, who now hated him so much that she was more than happy to have dished all their dirty secrets to Susan. She’d probably love to see him in this state. She’d laugh. She’d hold out her cellphone and snap photos that she’d quickly upload to Snapchat or something.

Then, Susan’s hand abruptly stopped, and it was pulled away from his diaper. His mouth hung open as he looked up at her, wordlessly pleading with her to finish what she started.

“You’re mine now,” she said. “All mine. I don’t think the younger chickies are going to be interested in a man in diapers.”

“Uh…” he gasped. “Uhm… But…”

“Oh, do you want me to keep rubbing your diaper, Baby?”

This was a side of her he hadn’t seen before, but when he had wished he had known about a long time ago. There probably wouldn’t have been a Monica. Or a Gwen. Or…well, there were a few more names, mostly lost to time, that it would be better if Susan didn’t know about.


“Ask me to rub your diaper,” she said. “Tell me that it feels good for a pissy little baby like you.”

“Uhm… C-could you rub my diaper for me some more? I’m a pissy little baby and, uh…” He couldn’t really remember the rest of what she had wanted him to say, but he thought he got out the important parts.

“Of course,” she cooed, her hand clutching the front of his diaper again. “But if I do something for you, you have to do something for me.”

Oh yes, he thought. Keep this up and I’ll be yours forever. I’ll do whatever the hell you want me to–no matter how humiliating.

His head rapidly nodded as she began to stroke him through the diaper again.

“Well…I want my closet back. So tomorrow, I think I’m going to need you to move all those diapers in the bedroom down here.”

“Down…here?” he asked.

“Mmmhmm. And I’m thinking we’ll put a little shelf right over there…” she pointed towards the wall where a framed baseball jersey was mounted on the wall. “That’s where we can keep all the baby supplies. You know, like baby powder and wipes and pacifiers and all that. We’ll need a place where I can change your diaper–but I figure we can just use this couch for now.”

His leather couch. The couch where, one day earlier, he warned Felix not to let his diaper leak on it. Now, if anyone was to ever leak on the couch–it’d probably be him.

He was breathing heavily and quickly. A familiar tingle was spreading throughout his body. Soon, he’d be cumming into his wet diaper.

Her hand stopped again.

“I need practice changing messy diapers,” she said. “You’re going to make one for me soon, right?”


“You better not make me wait too long. Marcie says she’s got an enema bag packed in her suitcase that we can borrow.”

He sighed. He’d agree to just about anything for her to finish stroking him.

“Soon,” he said. He didn’t know when that was, but he could figure that out later.

“For your sake, I hope so.”

Her hand started pumping on his diaper again.

He thought about what Felix had mentioned earlier–how Felix somehow thought that he was pulling one over on Marcie when she had to clean up after his messy diapers. An amusing way to look at it, but he couldn’t help but feel that Felix might have been deluding himself. Nobody who was filling the seat of their diapers could actually believe they were holding onto any sort of power.

But that wasn’t all that Felix had said. He also said: “Sometimes, it didn’t feel like a punishment at all.

Feeling Susan’s hand on his diaper now, and seeing the smile on her face as she stared down at him now–a look of excitement and passion he hadn’t seen in her face in some time–he felt like he was just starting to see how that might be true.

Two seconds later he was grunting and wheezing as his cock spat his sticky goo into the saturated padding.

New Normal

Three days later, the house felt very different than it did on the day that Susan and Felix first arrived. Upstairs, the sisters were sitting at the dining room table, sipping from cups of tea and laughing. Marcie was showing Susan some of her favorite websites to buy infantile outfits and accessories from. Susan was taking notes.

Down in the basement, there was a large pile of packages of diapers stacked up near the leather couch. They needed to find a more permanent home, but they were at least in the room they belonged in now.

On the couch itself, sat Felix and Edwin. Both wore only t-shirts and diapers. Initially, neither had been especially happy about the chosen wardrobe, but the women were adamant that this was for the best. According to them, it promoted ‘normalcy’ with the diapers–neither could feel all that awkward when they saw that the other had their diaper exposed too.

It seemed to be working. They each had a controller in their hands and were working together in blowing away hordes of aliens. They were laughing and cheering each other on. They had also managed to go a whole two hours without thinking, or talking, about diapers.

“I…I gotta go,” Edwin sighed, pausing the game for a moment.


“N-no,” he laughed. “I mean…I have to…go.”

“Oh,” Felix replied, laughing too. “Well…just go.”

“I’m never going to get used to this,” Edwin said, shaking his head.

“You will. I mean…there’s times I don’t even think about it anymore. My body realizes that it has to go…and I just let it happen. Sometimes I don’t even realize that I have to go until I feel myself starting to piss. Or…worse.”

“Worse,” Edwin nodded. “What I have to do is…worse.”

Felix smiled. “You gotta do it. You just have to push it all out.”


“Well, I’m not going to judge you. And the girls upstairs–they want you to do it.”

“Yeah,” Edwin said, though mostly to himself. “Just got to…do it.”

He slid off the couch, and stood between Felix and the TV. He hadn’t really considered the fact that he would be giving Felix a little show–but he really wasn’t considering much of anything.

“If you do it,” Felix said to him, “I’ll do it too.”


Suddenly, they were both squatting in front of the couch. They weren’t facing each other, though both could see the other from the corners of their eyes.

Edwin started, as the muffled rumbling of a fart heralded the sudden, and violent, eruption of his bowels–just about everything inside of him being pushed out into the back of his diaper in an instant.

Felix responded with a grunt, his face glowing red as he put some effort into pushing a much quieter–though just as epic–mass into his own diaper. Edwin watched the padding expand outward before sagging down between Felix’s legs–just as felt his own diaper doing now.

“What now?” Edwin asked.

“The girls would want to change us,” Felix said. “But I’m not ready for that. Are you?”

Edwin laughed–he still couldn’t believe he was having this conversation right now. “I mean…we haven’t finished this level yet.”

“Right,” Felix said. “Maybe we finish that first?”

“And, uhm, sit down, right?”

“Right,” Felix said again. “We should be comfortable.”

“You first.”

There was no hesitating on Felix’s end. He backed himself up into the couch and sat down. Edwin was quite sure he could hear the SQUELCH of Felix’s mess squishing beneath him as he did. He made it look so easy. And maybe it was–or maybe Felix just had a lot of experience doing that.

Edwin had doubts. Hesitations. But he pushed them aside. His diaper was already a mess–there seemed little point in being precious about it now. He sat down on the couch, feeling the soft mushy load spread into every direction that it could. It was disgusting. It was smelly. It was…so bizarrely erotic.

“See?” Felix said, his hand already down his own diaper. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

Edwin was as hard as a rock–he couldn’t deny that. He put down his controller and started feeling the front of his diaper, letting out a low moan as he did.

A little later, the women would come down the basement steps to check on their babies–finding them lazily reclined on the couch, their diapers full, stinky, and sticky. The sisters would look to each other and nod, completely pleased with what they had managed to accomplish.


Marcie and Felix’s car disappeared down the street, headed back to their own home that was hours and hours away. Felix was double-diapered–Marcie said she wanted to get home as quickly as possible, so there wouldn’t be time for diaper changes along the way. One could only imagine the state of Felix’s bottom by the time they got back.

There was a good minute or two where Susan and Edwin stood at the window without saying anything to the other.

“So…” Edwin finally said. “That was your sister, huh?”

Susan laughed. “I’d say that visit went well.”

“Easy for you to say. You still have all your panties.”

“The diapers are an upgrade,” she told him, reaching between his legs and squeezing the bulge in the front of his thick diaper. “Don’t you think?”


“It was easier to get you into them than I thought it’d be,” she shrugged. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’ve always been a closet baby.”

“I don’t know about that,” he replied. He had never thought about such things before–but that was because he didn’t know such pleasures existed. He wondered how he’d feel about diapers if he discovered them on his own. He guessed that he’d probably have liked them then too.

“You feel wet,” she said.

“A little.”

“Do you think it can hold more?”

He shrugged.

“I guess we’ll find out. Come with me.”

She had that look in her eyes again. That excited and horny face that almost made her look like a stranger to him. He liked seeing her like this.

“Where are we going?”

“The bedroom, silly.”

“A-are we going to…?”

“No,” she laughed. “You’re not going to be inside of me for a long time. I don’t fuck boys in diapers. You want to make cummies? You can do it in your pampers.”

HIs heart sunk in his chest and he frowned. “Then…what are we doing?”

“You’re going to massage my back. Lick my pussy. Suck on my tits. You’re going to please me, Ed. And you’re not going to stop until I say so. And I’m warning you right now–I think I could go all night.”

He scratched his head as he considered this for a moment. But he wasn’t considering whether or not he wanted to comply with her demands–he already knew he was going to. He was wondering what he should say to her.

He settled on: “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For…everything. For taking you for granted. For, uh, making a lot of bad decisions.” Including bad decisions that she didn’t even know about. Yet. Eventually, he thought he might tell her of all his transgressions. If this really was the path to a better marriage, it’d be built on lies if he wasn’t completely honest.

“Apologizing to me now isn’t going to change my mind about the diapers,” she said.

“I don’t expect it to. I just…I have to start somewhere.”

She smirked. “Thank you. Come on, then. Mommy has needs.”

Her hand left his diaper, grabbing his hand instead. She started walking, towing him all the way to the bedroom.




“I don’t fuck boys in diapers” fuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk that’s a hot line🥵🥵 this story was amazing, QH! Brilliant work as usual!

Paul Bennett

Another good story QH. Thanks for writing and sharing it.