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Oh, hey. What’s up?

I’ve not done too many ‘blog’ posts in the last few months. I’m not against them, but I think I’ve been more willing to just let my stories do all the talkin’ for me.

But, sometimes it’s probably nice to know that I’m still a human being and not an advanced AI created for the purpose of writing ABDL stories. (Or, is that exactly what an advanced AI would say?)

If you like to read about updates and future plans more regularly, you ought to join me on the QH Discord. We’ve recently had a few new faces drop by and stick around–and we’re all having some great daily convos. I’ve been sharing details there about upcoming stories and even some commentary on stories I’ve written previously.

What else is in the news…

I didn’t mention it this summer when it happened, but I’ll say it now: The QH Patreon hit its third birthday in July. It’s wild to me that we’re in the fourth year of this thing now. It still feels like just a few months ago when I was putting together the first stories that I’d be sharing here. So much writing! So much writing that hasn’t stopped either.

I say this every year, but I continue to say it because it’s still true: I’m not sick of this yet. I still have plenty of ideas for future stories. This is still fun for me. So, we’re not going anywhere, anytime soon.

What else, what else…

Oh, so Doing Business just wrapped up its third season. I’m very happy to see that people are still following along with it and enjoying it. If you’re wondering what’s coming next for this story, let me give you a little breakdown of the weeks to come:

  • The story is taking a week off right now.
  • Next Friday, 10/27/23, will start Doing Business: Memorandums II - a five-part series of one-off stories taking place in the Doing Business universe.
  • Once that’s completed, the story will take another brief pause for a week or two.
  • Then, Doing Business Season 4 will start.

I am hard at work on Doing Business Season 4 right now, and I’m pretty deep into it. As you might have guessed from the end of Part 66, there’s some big changes in place for Clark as we enter this next season, and I’m excited to show them to you.

Also…Season 4 will be the final season of Doing Business. We can talk about that more later, but just wanted to throw that out there now so you’re not surprised later.

Another thing…

I decided to make a little adjustment to my publishing schedule. Previously, the plan has been to publish a new story every week (usually on Mondays) for Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers (alternating between stories that are exclusive to Tier 3, and stories that are for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers). That plan will stay intact, with the exception of months that have five Mondays. This month, October, is one of those months. In months like this, I won’t be posting a new story on the last Monday of the month (10/30/23).

Tier 2 subscribers are still getting access to two new stories a month, while Tier 3 subscribers are still getting four a month. I still believe this is a good deal, especially when considering the ever-expanding archive of older stories that subscribers at each tier have access to.

Why the change? Honestly, it’s something I should’ve done sooner. Having a week off, every few months, helps to ensure that I can always stay on schedule–and it also gives some extra time for things like proofreading finished stories and outlining new ones.

If you have any concerns or objections to this, I encourage you to reach out to me and share them with me. I’m working for you, so you certainly have a right to say when you don’t like something.

Other bits and bites:

  • There’s still an issue with Patreon text posts not showing things like italicized text on desktop browsers. I’ve received confirmation from Patreon that this is being addressed, though I don’t know when it will be resolved. [UPDATE: It looks like this might've already been fixed]
  • What’s coming after Doing Business? I haven’t completely committed to the next ‘big’ story yet, but I have a good feeling I know what it’s going to be, and I’ve been working on a MASSIVE outline for it. You might even catch a stray hint about it in the next season of Doing Business…
  • What smells? Is that you? Maybe it’s time to change that diaper.

As always, thank you so much for your patronage. Your support makes these stories happen, and I wouldn’t be writing them if people weren’t subscribing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I’m very reachable if you want to provide any feedback, or just want to talk about your feelings on The Fall of the House of Usher.

Stay naughty.



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