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He’s seen Lauren a thousand times. He’s seen her every weekday for the last three or four years. He’s worked on projects with her. He’s been to work parties with her. They’ve had cups of coffee together. He’s seen pictures of her trip to Europe, and she’s seen plenty of pictures of his puppy.

And then, one random Thursday morning as she goes over some expense reports with him, Andre realizes something: Lauren is really fucking hot.

He assumes that he must’ve known this before. Maybe once, years ago, he had the same revelation. But somewhere along the way, it got lost in the everyday minutiae of office life. In between the countless meetings and late-night rushes to beat deadlines, her charming wit and pretty blue eyes faded into the background and he could only see her as his dependable and friendly co-worker.

You learn a lot about someone when you work with them long enough. Things you’ve never even talked about out loud before. You make observation after observation, and each one fills in a blank in their file in the back of your mind. And then? Voila. You know everything about them.

On this random Thursday, he remembers that Lauren is single. She’s been single for about a year. Divorced. He hadn’t met her ex-husband, though it sounds like he hadn’t missed much.

“Hey, real quick,” Andre says, interrupting Lauren’s spiel about how the documentation process is changing in the next month or two. “Are you doing anything tonight?”

And, wouldn’t you know it, she blushed. Cutest damn thing he ever saw. The smooth skin of her cheeks got a little rosy as she turned away from him bashfully. He could practically hear her say ‘Aw shucks.’

“I’m not,” she says, an eager grin on her face. “Why do you ask?”

“I was just thinking that maybe you and I could go out and grab something to eat?”

She laughs as she nods. “You know something, Dre? I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that for a year.”


He’s tempted to take her to McBride’s, on account of it being the closest bar to the office. But McBride’s sucks. McBride’s is where people from the office go for happy hours. It’s where they go for birthday parties. It’s where they go for holiday parties. It’s where they go to celebrate a new hire joining the team, and where they go when someone is leaving the company.

So they go to Chester’s instead. He doesn’t like this place much better, but it feels invigorating to be in an entirely new environment with Lauren. The second they walk through that door together, she seems like a different person. This is Real Life Lauren–a different person from Work Lauren. It’s a version that he doesn’t know all that much about.

“You’ve really been hoping I’d ask you out for a year?” he asks.

She shrugs. “Honestly, I’m amazed I remained this patient myself.”

“Why didn’t you just talk to me?”

“What if I was wrong?” she asks. “What if I thought there was some sort of connection, I took a chance, and…you didn’t feel the same way. It would’ve fucked up everything at work.”

“Oh shit,” he says, shaking his head. “I didn’t even think of that before I asked you out.”

They both laugh at this.

She bats her eyelashes and leans forward across the table a little, the cleavage of her breasts showing through the top of her blouse. “What the hell took you so long to ask me out?”

The truth–that he had somehow taken her everyday presence for granted–didn’t really fit the romantic vibe of the evening, so he took a chance on ad-libbing it: “I knew you just had your divorce and I didn’t want to pressure you into anything too soon, so…”

“Well, for what it’s worth,” she says. “You can pressure me anytime you want to.”

It’s the easiest first date that Andre has ever had. All that small-talk that one would usually have to do to learn about the other person is irrelevant. It’s like they can just skip over the first two dates. During the second round of drinks, her foot is already playfully rubbing his thigh under the table.

“Is it being too forward of me if I say I want to take you home with me after this round?” she asks.

“It’d be about as forward as me saying that I wanted to go home with you after this round.”

“And, just to confirm, you are saying that?”

He laughs. “I’m saying that, yes.”

For the very first time all evening, he catches a trace of hesitation on her face. She seems to be mulling over something. It doesn’t make him nervous, but he can’t help but be curious.

“Something…on your mind?”

“I should tell you, Dre–I don’t live alone.”

He knows so many things about her, but he did not know this. And given the fact that she felt the need to tell him this, he suspects that most people wouldn’t know this either.

“Is that a problem?” he asks.

“Personally, I don’t think so. But…you may feel otherwise.”

He laughs and shrugs. “Why is that? Still living with your ex-husband or something?”

This was intended to be a joke, but he’s the only one laughing.

“Oh,” he says, reading her face. “You…do live with your ex-husband?”

She shrugs and sighs. “Look, in this economy, there aren’t a lot of options. Neither of us love it. But it is what it is. He has his own room, and I have…well, the rest of the house.”

Andre considers this for a moment, but he doesn’t actually need too much convincing. It’s none of his business and it’s not his problem. He trusts Lauren, and so if she says it’s okay, then he trusts that it’s okay.

“It sounds like it’s your ex’s problem more than it’s mine,” he says.

She laughs. “How do you figure?”

“I dunno. How do you think he’d react to the sound of his ex-wife moaning in her bedroom without him?”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out, right?”


By the time they’ve reached Lauren’s house, Andre has completely forgotten about her ex-husband. The moment that the front door closes behind them, his lips are on hers, and his arms are wrapped around her tight little body. She tastes even better than he imagined. They need to take a few minutes–before they do anything else–to make up for lost time. To finally make good on all the flirtatious glances at the water cooler, the lingering touches during presentations, and the subtle smiles they flashed when they didn’t think anyone else was watching.

When they finally stop to take a well-deserved breath, Andre realizes he’s in Lauren’s kitchen. He doesn’t recall when they walked to it, nor does he recall how they even got here.

At first glance, everything seems as normal as any kitchen should be. There’s the toaster. The microwave. Coffee maker. Oh, neat, she has one of those fancy blenders that can turn an entire bushel of vegetables into a cup of juice–he makes a mental note to ask her later how she likes it.

But there’s also…a baby bottle on the counter? That’s interesting.

“Something you’re not telling me?” he asks, nodding towards the plastic bottle with its clear silicone nipple attached. He means it in jest–he assumes she just hosted some friends or relatives with a little one.

“Would it surprise you if I said I had a baby?” she asks.

“I barely even know Michelle from Operations,” he says, “and I’ve seen more pictures of her baby than I’ve ever seen of myself. I’m pretty sure I’d know if you had a baby.”

She laughs, shaking her head. “You don’t think I can keep a secret?”

“I suppose that depends on why you think you’d need to keep a baby secret from me.”

“Because it’s yours.”

He doesn’t always get her sense of humor, but he laughs anyway. It’s absurd enough that it has to be a joke.

“I’m making us some cocktails,” she says, changing the subject. “What would you like?”

“I don’t know what you have. Surprise me?”

“Very well. The house specialty is vodka and whatever juice I have in the fridge.”

Trés fancy,” he says, smiling.

He’s mostly forgotten about the bottle. Her apparent disinterest in explaining its origin suggests that it’s really not all that interesting of a story. Besides cocktails and more making out sound like much better things to be thinking about.

“Ooh, you’re in for a treat tonight,” she says, pulling the bottle from the fridge. “Mango.”

“You spoil me.”

“I haven’t even begun to spoil you yet, Dre.”

Mmm. He likes that.

They clink their glasses together and return to the living room where they take a seat on her plush sofa. He has to laugh–he’s sure they came stumbling through this room to get to the kitchen, but he has no recollection of being in here. It’s charming–it feels almost exactly like what he’d expect her home to look like. Everything has a crisp and clean look to it. Lots of blacks and whites in the aesthetic.

“It’s all very you,” he says, glancing around the room.

“I should hope so.”

“Your husband–er, ex-husband–I would never even guess that he lives here.”

“Very much by design,” she says.

“Is he around?”

“Why?” she smirks. “Do you want to meet him?”

“Quite the opposite. I’d like to avoid him. Seems like it’d be awkward, you know?”

“More so for him than you, I assure you. If he knows what’s good for him–and I think he does–he’ll stay sequestered in his room.”

Andre makes the decision not to bring up her ex-husband anymore. If Lauren doesn’t seem to care about his presence in the background while they canoodle, then Andre wasn’t going to care either.

And, with their vodka-mangoes in the bellies, they pick up where they left off–rolling around atop the sofa together, lips mashed together and fingers exploring whatever bit of flesh they can find.

It’s a game, he thinks. A rather fun one too. He can’t just slip his hand under her shirt and cup her breast with his hand. He has to work up to it. He has to read the signals. He’ll kiss her lips and then shift his mouth to her neck, sliding his tongue down her face as he does. Her reaction to this will tell him if he’s hot or cold.

Hot. Very hot.

His hand slips under her shirt. He takes his time, gently caressing her side and belly with his palm, occasionally sliding it around to the small of her back. This yields more moaning from her as she pulls at his shirt, trying to free his body from it. He takes a brief reprieve from touching her to allow her to yank the shirt off, and she casually tosses it to the floor.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she says. “Finally.”

“Finally,” he repeats, staring into her eyes with the biggest, stupidest, smile of his life.

He’s about to try something similar with her shirt–his hands already gripping the fabric in an attempt to hoist it over her head. But they’re interrupted by a sound from somewhere else in the house. It’s not really an alarming sound–it just sounds like a door closing. He’s so caught up in the moment that he probably wouldn’t care even if it was an explosion.

But she seems to care. He can see it on her face. He can feel it in her tensing body. She seems…agitated.

“I’m sorry,” she says, shaking her head. “I think I need to…” she pauses and starts over: “Would you mind giving me a moment?”

“Take all the time in the world.”

She laughs. “Are you sure about that?”

“I was being polite. Be quick, please.”

She slides off the couch, straightens her clothes a little, and trots out of the room.

He can hear her talking somewhere else in the house–though he can’t make out what she’s saying. She sounds frustrated–angry, even. He can’t help but wonder what the big deal is–so far as he can tell, it just sounded like the guy closed a door. He assumes there has to be more to it than that–he’s never known Lauren to be an unreasonable person.

But…maybe there’s a lot about her that he doesn’t know. Likewise, there’s probably lots about him that she doesn’t know yet. Like how he’s a notoriously loud snorer in his sleep. That’s going to be an uncomfortable conversation someday. Hopefully.

“...and I will not hesitate to spank you right in front of him.”

Well, he heard that.

He’s not entirely sure what to make of it. Maybe he misheard what she said? But he’s pretty sure that she just threatened to spank her ex-husband.

It’s got to be a joke. One of those weird in-jokes you develop with someone you’ve lived with for a long time, and that wouldn’t make any sense to anyone else.

She returns soon after, the same casual pace to her stroll and smile on her face as when she left.

“Sorry about that. Miss me much?”

He debates for a moment if he should bring up the spanking comment. Like, it’s none of his business–but it’s still pretty weird. And, the way he sees it, you can’t go spouting off about spankings when there’s company and not expect to be asked about it.

“I did miss you,” he says, smirking. “But it sounds like you had to deal with something real important. Important enough to threaten a, uhm, spanking?”

She shakes her head and tuts, before breaking into a laugh. “Heard that, did you?”

“And that was literally the only thing I heard.”

She bites her lip, looking like she’s contemplating a few things. He’s seen this look on her face before at work–it’s the look of decision making. The look of weighing all the options.

“Maybe it’s better if I tell you sooner than later,” she says, almost sounding like she’s talking to herself. “I don’t want you to think I’m a freak–but my life isn’t exactly normal.”

“Do you actually have a secret child?” he jokes.

“In a way…yes.”

This was her serious tone. He believes her when she says this. Given that it was not the answer he was expecting, it wipes the playful smirk completely off of his face.

“I’m not sure I want to know more, but I think I need to.”

“I think you do too,” she says. “Well, I could try and explain it to you. Or, I could just show you.”

“Show me,” he says. “That sounds easier.”

“You’d actually be surprised. Alright, fine. I guess we’re doing this. Come and follow me.”


He has no clue what to expect. He racks his brain, trying to guess what she’s about to show him, but the best he can come up with is that…there’s an actual baby in the house that she hasn’t told him about for some reason.

And that’s just preposterous.

But as they walk down a hallway, towards the closed door that Lauren seems to be aiming for, Andre can’t help but detect the scent of baby powder in the air. It’s been a while since he’s caught a whiff of that–it brings back memories of dealing with his baby sister when he was still a kid himself. Maybe it really is a child?

“You’re going to have questions,” she says, stopping at the door. “And that’s okay. I’ll answer them as best as I can.”

She turns the knob and pushes open the door, stepping back so that Andrew can see what lies beyond it for himself.

It is a nursery.

At first glance, it looks exactly like how he’d expect any infant’s nursery to look. There’s a crib, and a changing table. There’s a rocking chair in the corner. Stuffed animals lined up along one wall, and a shelf that’s chock full of diapers and baby supplies in another. Everything is in cute pastel colors. That smell he caught in the hallway is even stronger here–a dense cloud of baby powder, with hints of dirty diapers from accidents passed.

It’s not until he sees the actual baby that he begins to question everything he’s just seen. The baby is not…a baby. Sure, it’s dressed like a baby, with its cute and frilly pink dress and bonnet–though what baby has worn a bonnet since the Eisenhower administration? The hem of the dress barely conceals the exceptionally thick diaper underneath it. Of all the confusing things he’s seeing, it’s the size of the baby that really throws him off.

“That’s a, uh, man in a dress. And a diaper,” Andre says to Lauren.

“Why don’t you say hello, Janey?” Lauren coos to the babified man.

“Uhm, h-hello,” ‘Janey’ says in a hushed and timid tone. His–her?–cheeks turn a brilliant shade of pink as the word is emitted.

Andre has seen those timid eyes before. Maybe at some sort of holiday party that the office threw–probably one at fucking McBride’s. He ignores what the baby-man has said to him, turning back to Lauren again.

“That’s your husband, isn’t it? James?”

Ex-husband,” she corrects. “But she’s fitting into her new role rather nicely.”

Lauren was right–Andre has plenty of questions. But where does one even start when confronted with a scene like this?

“She was given strict instructions to stay in her nursery tonight,” Lauren says. “As you can see, she has no need to even go and use the bathroom.”

“I…I’m sorry,” Janey says.

“She got a little too curious,” Lauren says to Andre. “That’s what she said to me when I came in here. She had to see who the new man in the house was.”

It would be challenging to explain to someone, and he wasn’t sure what words he’d even use if he attempted to, but he did feel a slight bit of pride for himself when Lauren said the word ‘man.’ Even when he had met James at the work function, he couldn’t help but compare himself to the guy that Lauren had married. And at that time–Andre could recall–he was disappointed that Lauren had settled for someone so meager and lacking when she could have had someone like…him.

And this? Well, this settled that argument definitively. Andre wasn’t dressed like a fucking sissy. He wasn’t the one in a diaper. Instead, he was the one drinking cocktails with Lauren and slipping a hand into her shirt.

So, sure, there are plenty of questions. But Andre feels like he might know enough already.

“I haven’t mentioned this to you before for…obvious reasons,” Lauren says.

“I probably wouldn’t be telling everyone that my ex wears big diapers either,” he says, nodding.

“But she’s kind of cute, right?”

Andre laughs. “If I squint a little...”

Lauren laughs too. “Maybe it’s just a face only a mother could love.”

“Is that what it is? Are you Mommy, and he’s the little baby?”

“That’s right,” she says.

“I assume this is why you divorced him, right? Because he’s not potty trained?”

A relieved smile spreads across Lauren’s face. “Obviously.”

“Well, if that’s all this is, maybe you and I can go back to where we were before?”

She laughs. “You don’t have any other questions about Janey?”

“I think I get the jist of it,” he says.

He doesn’t actually understand even a small portion of it. But he also doesn’t think that he needs to. Lauren wants to kiss him–not whatever it is James has been turned into. All that? Those are conversations for another day, preferably after Andre has fucked Lauren silly.

“Alright, you heard the man, Janey. We have to go bye-byes now and grope each other on the couch,” she says to her ex-husband, voice drenched with condescending baby-talk. “You’re gonna be a good little girl and stay in your nursery, yes?”


Lauren tilts her head towards the giant infant, eyebrows raised as if to try and coax a specific response. “I’m sorry?”


“Good girl. I’ll be back to check on you later.”


Lauren sighs. “What? What is it?”

“M-my diaper… I think it needs to be…”

Andre can’t help but laugh again. “Are you fucking serious? You actually, like, use your diaper?”

“Oh you should see the messes he makes,” she says to him, before turning back to Janey. “How bad is it? Did you just wet?”


Lauren sighs and marches over to him. “I suppose I’ll just have to check for myself.”

With the speed and precision of someone who has probably done this countless times before, she lifts up the short hem of the dress and pulls the bulky diaper away from Janey’s skin, looking down the back of it.

“Nope,” she finally says. “No poopies in there. I think you’re good to stay in this one for a while longer.”

Andre figures that he really should have more questions than he does. He’s relatively sure that this isn’t normal, and he’s absolutely sure that he’s never seen anything like this before. But he also realizes that he’s riding some sort of weird high right now. He was just making out with Lauren on the couch, his hand almost on her breast–and she’s indicated that there’s plenty more of that to come. And looking at James–Janey now, apparently–in whatever state she was in, he couldn’t help but feel…powerful.

Andre doesn’t have to fully understand what he’s seeing here, he only needs to know that he’s not in Janey’s position.

“How about another cocktail,” he says to Lauren.

She smiles, seemingly satisfied with how well he’s taking this. “That sounds delightful. Though I’m thinking that we should cut out the middleman. No mango–just a shot of vodka?”

“Even better.”

“And then you’re going to let me suck your cock right?”

Admittedly, it did feel a little performative of her to say. Andre couldn’t recall a time when Lauren had ever been this blunt and direct–and he could see how devastating her question was to Janey, whose eyes welled with tears as she stared ahead pathetically in her big diaper and frilly dress.

Then again, he really did want Lauren to suck his cock, and so if this was the game–he’d play it too.

He wrapped his arm around Lauren’s shoulder, pulling her close to him. “C’mon. Your baby doesn’t need you right now.”

Lauren moaned approvingly, leaning into Andre. “Let’s go.”

They walk like this from the ‘nursery’ all the way back to the living room–his arm still pulling her close as she rests her head on his shoulder. It feels natural–like something they’ve done a thousand times before.

“You surprised me,” she finally says when they’re back in the kitchen. She’s pulling two shot glasses from a cabinet.

“When in Rome…”

“It’s weird, right? You can tell me it’s weird.”

He laughs. “I don’t think you need me to tell you that.”

“Any questions?”

“Let me get some of that vodka first.”

She laughs and quickly pours two shots that they immediately down. And no sooner than he places the shot glass on the counter, she refills it. He downs that too without question.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he chuckles to himself as he decides to just jump right into it: “I guess, really, my biggest question is just…why?”

“This was mutually agreed upon, believe it or not,” she shrugs. “Arguably, it’s more work for me to have to take care of Janey in this state. But I’ve found the experience of emasculating and humiliating him to be quite rewarding. It’s like having this punching bag that occasionally poops itself.”

“You’re not selling me on it,” he says, chucking again.

“Do I really have to sell you on it?” she asks. “Janey’s my problem. Look, she gets to live the pathetic little existence she wants, I get to torment her, and then I also get to go fuck actual men. Like you.”

“Well, I do like being an actual man like me.”

“I’ll take care of the dirty diapers. You just take care of my pussy. Deal?”

He laughs and nods. “I think that seems pretty fair. But, jeez…”


“Well…who the fuck are you?”

Now she’s laughing too, pouring them each another shot. “What? In all the years we’ve known each other, you never predicted that I make my ex-husband crawl around like a little sissy baby in a diaper?”

“Can’t say I’ve ever guessed that, no.”

“Well, maybe there’s a lot about me you don’t actually know then.”

“It seems so,” he says, downing the new shot. “And I’m very interested to get to know the real Lauren.’

“And what about you, Dre? Any secrets?”

“Just that I’ve wanted to fuck you silly for four years.”

“Oh please. That’s not a secret.”

There’s probably a window between their current buzz and when the extra shots bring on a much fuzzier mental state. It only serves to enhance their lust, and from the moment the shot glasses are put down again, they can’t keep their hands off each other. Gone is the game that Andre felt he had to play earlier. He doesn’t need to earn access to her breasts–she’s unbuttoning her shirt for him.

“Does he suckle from your chest like an infant?” he asks her as he stares at her voluptuous chest. He initially intends for it to be a joke, but as the words come out of his mouth, he finds that he’s actually curious to know.

“When I tell him to,” she answers. “Do you want to taste?”

“Do you…”

She laughs. “You’re not going to get anything from them. But don’t let that stop you.”

He’s not stopped. He leans in, pulling her bra up and over her breasts, watching them bounce splendidly in front of him. He’s been an admirer of these for a long time. He was even pretty certain that it was the first thing about her that he had ever noticed. And now, here they are in all their round and perky glory.

With one hand on each breast, he leans in closer. He draws one of her nipples in between his lips. For a moment, he wonders if there’s a right or wrong way to suck on a breast–but the motions seem to come naturally enough. And he assumes he’s doing something right, given the long, soft, moans coming from her mouth.

“You might be better at this than Janey is,” she says.

“Don’t even think about putting me in a diaper,” he says, pulling himself away.

“Dealing with one giant baby’s diapers is enough work for me, thank you very much.”

He nods with approval.

“And now there’s something that I’d like to see that I’ve been wondering about for the last few years,” she says, her hand cupping his erect cock through his pants.

“By all means,” he says. “I’ve wanted you to see it for a long time too.”

She quickly unfastens his pants, pulling them open so she can reach in and pull out his cock. Judging by the look on her face, it seems to either meet or surpass her expectations.

“We’ve known each other this long and I didn’t know about this?” she asks, looking up at him with a look of glee on her face.

“Well it’s all yours now.”

She accepts her gift by swallowing it whole. She moans almost as loudly as he does–he can’t help but wonder how long she’s been craving more adult pleasures like these.

In just a few short minutes, he feels the familiar pangs of his body giving up. Her mouth is just doing too good a job, and he doubts he can hang on for much longer. But not like this, he thinks. He’s waited too long for this moment, and he wants it to be a complete spectacle.

He thinks about Janey in her dress–a dress that no woman would ever wear. Were he to guess, it was made exclusively for someone like Janey–if not Janey herself. Men who weren’t fit to be men, but weren’t fit to be a powerful woman like Janey either.

And that diaper. Simultaneously disgusting and…thrilling. That a grown man–or whatever–would willingly choose to wear and use such a thing… It certainly took a special kind of pathetic little creature.

“Bring her out here,” he says to Lauren.

“Hmm?” she hums, looking up at him while his cock took up most of the space in her mouth.

“Don’t you think she should see what she’s missing out on while she waddles around in her diaper?”

Lauren slowly slid her mouth from him, her face still good and wet. “You think so?”

He nods. “Janey needs to learn about the birds and the bees at some point.” He does wonder if that was an incredibly corny thing to have said but her little chuckle feels a little like vindication.

“I’ll fetch him now. You stay here.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

It takes a little longer than he expects for her to return, and in that time he can hear bits and pieces of the conversation. Her commanding tone vs. Janey’s whimpering and whining.

“The baby is, begrudgingly, going to join us,” Lauren says, returning to the living room. “But I should warn you–just in case you want to change your mind–that she doesn’t exactly smell all that pleasant.”

“Oh? Did she, uh…”

“Pooped herself,” Lauren says, matter of factly. “Sure did. Filled them up real good too.”

He shakes his head. “What, she couldn’t hold it?”

“I think that’s the problem,” she says. “She doesn’t like making messy diapers, so she holds it. And then, of course, she holds it way too long and ends up having an actual accident.”

“So be it,” he smirks. “Bring her in.”

He smells Janey before he can see her. A pungent wall of… Well, he sees no reason to beat around the bush–she smells like shit. When Janey does finally emerge from the shadows in the hallway, she has a slow and careful waddle. It’s evident that she has a large load in her thick diaper that she’s trying her hardest not to jostle too much. Andre finds her movements to be quite amusing–it definitely reminds him of the days of his younger siblings having accidents in their pants when they weren’t supposed to have.

“When’s the last time you had sex?” he asks Lauren.

“With Janey?”

He nods.

“It’s been…quite a while.”

He chuckles to himself. “Thought so.” To Janey: “Why don’t you take a seat on the floor there, tyke. I’m going to show Mommy what she’s been missing.”

Lauren moans softly, sidling up to Andre so she can stroke his arm. “You should do what he says, Baby. Daddy knows best.”

“I…I don’t really want to sit,” Janey says. “Can I just…”

“You’re going to sit on the ground,” he says, pointing downwards. “Right there.”


Andre is quick to respond, barely even thinking about it: “What? Are you afraid you’re going to make a big mess? I think it’s a little too late for that.”

This power. It feels so good.

Janey glances at Lauren, seeking a second opinion.

“You heard him,” Lauren says. “Sit your butt down.”

Janey lets out a deeply disappointed ‘hrmph’ as she carefully lowers herself down towards the ground. As satisfying as it might have been to watch Janey ease her bottom into the pile of filth contained within her diaper, Andre is looking for something more immediate. He lends a hand, giving her a little push that throws off her balance.

The sound is quite literally a cartoonish ‘SPLAT’ as she lands on her diaper, forcing its contents to spread anywhere it can. The look on Janey’s face says everything–her lips quiver and tears begin rolling down her cheeks.

This shouldn’t work for him, Andre thinks. Were he told just a few hours ago that he’d watch a grown adult sit in a messy diaper of their own making, he’d have laughed. Maybe vomited a little in his mouth. Now, it thrills him.

“Much better,” he says, turning towards Lauren. “Ready?”

She nods.

He pulls her pants all the way down to her ankles so that she can step out of them. He pulls the panties from the floor, observing the dampness in the crotch. He takes a little sniff of it–what a sweet smell. And then, he turns towards Janey, approaching her again.

“Open wide.”


All Janey had to do was open her mouth a little–it was all Andre needed to shove the panties into her mouth.

“There you go,” he says, condescendingly patting her on the head. “Enjoy your little treat while you watch the show.”

“You know,” Lauren says to him, displaying a wide smile. “You said that you would’ve never guessed that I was like this outside of work.”

He nods. “Yeah?”

“But I feel like I’m seeing a side of you that I would’ve never predicted either. The real Dre.”

“What can I say? I surprise myself sometimes.”

She bends over the coffee table, propping herself up with her hands as he takes her from behind. They both face Janey–forcing her to watch their faces twitch and spasm with every thrust.

“Fuck me,” Lauren begs. “Fuck me hard.”

“Do you see this?” Andre asks Janey in between his pantings. “Aren’t you jealous?”

There’s no response–not that Janey could if she wanted to.

The stench of her diaper is so thick in the room now. It’s so nauseating that it somehow transcends disgust and becomes enthralling. Or maybe that’s just the extra shots of vodka kicking in.

He’s going to c*m inside of Lauren, he knows that much. Soon, too. And when he does, he’s going to make Janey clean Lauren out with her tongue.

And then, for good measure, he’s going to spank her in that dirty diaper.

The last thing he wants to think about while he’s fucking Lauren is work, but he can’t help but wonder what it’s going to be like when they’re both together in the office again. Will they pretend that nothing happened? He doubts that. But something is going to be different. They know too much about each other now.

They know the real versions of each other now, and there’s no coming back from that.

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Paul Bennett

Great story QH. I think the little sissy got more than they bargained for. While it may be too much for the sissy; it was definitely hot to read about.


That was such a great story