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Four days until my mother visits.

I had only missed a day–a day and a half, tops –of work, and yet I felt like I hadn’t walked down the halls of the office building in months. Everything seemed exactly the same. As it probably should’ve.

“There’s the big baby,” a familiar voice said. Lyndie appeared from seemingly nowhere, walking at my side.

“Hey, Lyndie. Do you, uh, have to say the b-word so loud in the office?”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I missed you, you paranoid little baby.” She said that last word a bit louder than she had the first time.

Still, as best as I could tell, nobody heard her. Nobody cared.

“How was your weekend?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said with a shrug. “It wasn’t as exciting as yours, but whose could be?”

“I’d love nothing more than having a really chill and normal weekend,” I said. “Like, I want that more than anything.”

She shrugged. “What about this weekend coming up?”

I grumbled some unintelligible words–even to me–aloud.

“Oh, you have plans already?”

“My mother is coming up.”

“As in, like, your mother. Not your Mommy?”

“That’s the one.”

“Exciting,” she said, voice thoroughly laced with sarcasm. “But I’m not a big fan of mothers, myself. Hopefully you have a good relationship with yours?”

“It’s complicated.”

Everyone has a complicated relationship with their parents,” Lyndie said. “That’s just how it works.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t need the extra complication of waddling around my mother while in a pair of…” I stopped short of saying ‘diaper’ aloud while walking past the other employees.

“Just talk to Ms. Heller. I’m sure she’ll…”

“No,” I said, cutting her off. “I already talked to her. It…didn’t go like I hoped it would.”

I don’t know what sort of reaction I was hoping for from Lyndie, but my heart sank when I saw it was just a shrug and a nonchalant chuckle.

“Yeah,” Lyndie said, “you get yourself into some really weird situations. Good luck with that.”

“Thanks so much.”

We parted ways in front of Ms. Heller’s office. Lyndie said she’d see me around, and I had no doubt that was true–inevitably, I’d be set to the nursery for a diaper change. My current diaper was already at least halfway to being fully soaked.

“Good morning, Baby,” Ms. Heller said as I entered her office. I wish I knew where she got her energy from, because she was looking completely recharged–while I was feeling like a shambling zombie.

“Good morning, Mommy.”

I stood still in the center of her office, as I knew the routine at this point. She unfastened my belt and pants, sliding them down my legs far enough that she could see my thick diaper in all of it’s moistened glory.

“Just a little wet,” she said. “Unfortunate, as I was in the mood for changing a diaper this morning.”

“You still could.”

“And waste a diaper?” she laughed. “That can hold plenty more.”

I braced myself for one of her ‘assignments.’ Would she order me to load the back of my diaper within the next few hours again?

“Actually,” she continued, “how confident are you that this diaper could last you a few more hours?”

It was a curious question. Still, I thought I’d give my most honest estimation: “I could probably last a while longer before I need to be changed.”

“Perfect,” she said. “I have a task for you.”

Here it comes. This was the part where she gave me some sort of humiliating assignment that would end with me stinking up some small section of the office.


“Sadly–for me–it’s nothing too exciting. Actual work, I’m afraid.”

I was actually a little excited about this. I missed work.

“What sort of work?” I asked.

“Some of the departments are getting together for a meeting this morning. It’s a quarterly affair–mostly each department giving a presentation on what they’re currently working on. Usually, it’s just a lot of people bragging about how great they, and their teams, are and how they deserve more money and/or praise.”

“Hmm,” I responded, a little less interested in this task.

“I’d rather not go if I didn’t have to,” she continued, shrugging. “But lucky for me, I have my little baby assistant that can go in my stead.”

“I, uhm, wouldn’t know what to do or say to these people.”

“That’s the best part,” she said. “You don’t have to do or say much of anything. All you have to do is sit there and take a few notes. I promise, it’ll be easy.”

The assignment didn’t sound all that fun to me, but it was at least something different. Besides, I wondered if my reputation could benefit a little from being seen by other humans who weren’t in the executives’ diaper cult.

“No problem,” I said, giving her a confident nod. “I’ll bring back thorough notes.”

“Not too thorough, Baby. If I actually cared, I’d have gone myself.”

I nodded again.

“Now then. We do have one other matter to discuss.”

The change in Mommy’s tone alarmed me. Whatever it was we had to discuss next, I could tell that it was a conversation she wasn’t interested in having either.


“Thomas Pritchard.”

“Ah yes,” I said, nodding. ‘Anderson,’ as Lyndie and I called him for a long while.

“He’s advised HR that he plans on taking his concerns to the Board of Directors.”

“How bad would it be if he did” I asked.

“Not as bad as one would think–there are members of the board who are sympathetic to our, uhm, little games. The bigger concern is there would be more than just board members at this meeting. Mr. Pritchard could inspire others to take a deeper look at what’s going on around here. And while I’d like to think that we’ve done our due diligence in hiding our actions from everyone else…” She paused and sighed. “...I don’t think that’s true at all.”


“We’re flying by the seat of our pants,” she said. “Always have been. Sure, we’ve got Nancy from HR on our side. We’ve got the nursery. But I’ve always felt that we’re one incident away from being exposed to the wrong people. And once that one card is removed…the entire house of cards topples.”

My heart pounded in my chest. “So…what do we do?”

“I’ve scheduled a meeting with him. Just he and I. Silly little men like that can always be reasoned with. I’m only telling you in case he approaches you. He may.”

“And if he does?”

“Send him my way,” she said. “And don’t say anything else to him.”

That was an easy enough request to follow. I hadn’t seen Anderson–Thomas–since he had ranted at me in the hallway a week or three ago. And if he stepped in my path again, I was already planning on ducking and dodging.

My pants were hoisted back up again and I was sent on my way to this meeting. As I walked through the corridors of cubicles and offices, diaper rustling in pants with every step, I was reminded how paranoid the office made me. Was everyone looking at me? Staring? Making mental notes about the nature of my waddle or the subtle crinkles emanating from my backside?

I was distracted from my paranoia by a familiar face near the entrance to the conference room I had been sent to.

“Welcome back, Clark,” Ava said.

I was simultaneously happy and nervous to see her. I liked Ava. She liked me. I had also botched her attempt at kissing me.

Ava told me not to worry about that, of course. I was hoping she meant that.

“It’s good to see you,” I said. “Are you here with Ms. Beaufort?”

“I’m here for her.”

I laughed, nodding. “Likewise. I’m here on Mommy–er–Ms. Heller’s behalf.”

Ava stifled a little laugh with her hand. “Looks like it’s just you and me then.”

The meeting was–as Mommy had warned–a pep rally for each department to do some bragging and showing off. They blasted us with numbers and abbreviations that meant nothing to me–though I jotted them down anyway. EBITDA. EPS. ROA. CPS. CMS.

I glanced over to the pad of paper in front of Ava, seeing a similar growing list of letters and numbers. She had also sketched a cartoonish stick figure shrugging, a stream of question marks streaming out of their simplistic head.

“This is dumb. I wrote on the edge of my notebook, before sliding it a little closer to her so that she could read it.

She smiled before scribbling something down on her own notepad before sliding it closer for me to read: “The absolute worst.”

I was wetting myself again. I had briefly debated if I was going to hold it until after the meeting or not, but I landed on just going for it. Mommy, herself, had said that the diaper had some more capacity left in it and I trusted that judgment. Besides, there was something absolutely thrilling about pissing my pants as I sat in this packed conference room with people taking their jobs much more seriously than I was.

I felt Ava pushing her notebook against my elbow, trying to get my attention. I looked down at what she had written: “Did you just wet yourself?”

I felt my cheeks turn bright red as I tried to avoid eye contact with anyone else in the room, instead staring straight down at my own paper. I quickly scribbled out: “How did you know???”

“It takes a baby to know a baby,” she wrote.

I flipped the page over to a clean one in my notebook. “Do you think anyone else noticed?”

She wrote: “Not at all. Look at them all–they actually LIKE this stuff. They’re not paying attention to us.”

I responded: “It’s weird, right? Peeing our pants in a room of people?”

I watched her lips curl into a smirk as she jotted down her next note for me: “I wish I could get away with more than just wetting myself here.”

My eyes widened as I read her words. I had to take a cautious look around the room, wondering if anyone else had even the slightest clue as to what sorts of messages we were writing to each other. But, as best as I could tell, we were in our own little bubble as everyone else stared ahead at the slides being projected on the wall. Bar graphs and pie charts. More numbers.

My handwriting was getting a little less precise as I scribbled my next note to her. In my pants, my shriveled cock strained its cage while I still felt the warmth of my soggy diaper. “Really? You’d mess yourself?”

She quietly laughed at my note, quickly getting her pen to paper again to respond: “I won’t. I’d never get away with it. I wish I could.”

I had once heard that Ava’s dirty diapers were famously foul, though I had no experience with this myself. She was probably right that this wasn’t the time for it. Even if, in my filthiest of fantasies, she stood up and pushed an awful mess into the seat of her pants right in the middle of this meeting.

It took me a few minutes to respond. I couldn’t continue this conversation without further exciting myself. And, while in chastity, getting excited just wasn’t all that comfortable. To get my mind off of Ava’s diapers, I simply listened in to the meeting. A rotund man in a sweater vest was currently pointing at a series of stats that meant absolutely nothing to me.

“...and if you’ll look here on this next slide, performance never fell below 89%. Considering the challenges our team faced in the last fiscal year, I’d say that’s pretty impressive. Especially if you factor in the cuts we had to make to our…”

That was more than enough. My locked-up cock was no longer throbbing.

“This sucks. I wrote in my notebook before showing it to her, resetting us back to the beginning of the conversation.

She smirked again, her pen dancing across her paper–I loved her cursive handwriting. “I’m peeing now too.”

Almost immediately, my cock was aching. What else could I write, except: “Just two babies–trying to blend in with the adults.”

The notes kind of trailed off at that point, with the both of us just idly staring off to space. Occasionally one of us would jot down a note or would draw some silly scribble in the margin to try and amuse each other.

At last, it was over. The projector was shut down. People were packing up notes and folders. The doors opened and everyone was filing back out, into the freedom of any place that wasn’t this boring conference room.

Ava and I lingered a little longer than the rest, waiting for everyone else to leave first. We hadn’t planned on this, though I wondered if it was just a natural defense mechanism for those who wore diapers. In the event that our soggy diapers were sagging too far, or were leaking, you didn’t want anyone walking behind you.

The doors closed behind the last of the other attendees, leaving Ava and I alone in the conference room.

“Hey, so…”

“We’re good,” Ava said, cutting me off. “If…that’s what you wanted to talk about.”

“Well, yeah. But also, I just wanted to say that I, uhm, regret how things went last week.”

“It’s not a big deal. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you.”

“No,” I said. “You should’ve. I shouldn’t have made you feel like I wasn’t interested.”


“Because I was. Uh, still am, too.”

She smiled, sitting back in her chair again. “Good to know. Maybe I’ll remember that for next time. If there’s a next time.”

“Fair enough.”

I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. We had a little time left in the time allotted for this conference room reservation. We were both still seated, so it seemed like we both had the idea of running out the clock with each other. There was no rush to get back to whatever embarrassment likely awaited us. I knew that I, for one, was slightly overdue for a diaper change. Ava probably needed one for herself.

“How was Seattle?” she asked.

I wanted to answer, but I had to laugh first. I wasn’t even sure how to convey that experience into words yet.

“That bad?” she asked.

“No, no. It wasn’t bad. It was just…a lot.”

“I bet,” she said, nodding. “I was on a ‘business trip’ with Ms. Beaufort last year. She certainly gave me the ‘business.’ Sometimes I feel like I’m still recovering from it.”

I had questions, but I bit my tongue.

“Lyndie said something about you hanging out with some other girl?”

Was that a note of jealousy in her tone? I didn’t know Ava well enough to be able to decipher the difference between that and just genuine curiosity.

“I wouldn’t use the words ‘hanging out’ to describe it,” I said, shaking my head as I sighed. “She was a, uh, ‘babysitter’ for a while. Until she wasn’t.”

“Uh oh.”

“Jesus,” I said–mostly to myself. “All that happened this past weekend?”

She laughed. “Time flies when you’re having fun.”

“Sure, sure. Fun.”

“So here’s a question for you.”

My ears perk up and my heart rate climbs a little. Hot gossip? Flirting?

She clears her throat, cheeks a little flushed. “So…if I know I need a diaper change, am I supposed to go back to Ms. Beaufort first, so that she can send me off to the nursery? Or am I just supposed to go directly to the nursery?”

I had to chuckle. I hadn’t considered this question before, and she was making a good point.

“You need a diaper change?” I asked.

She smirked. “Well sure. And you do too, right? You wet yourself at least once during that meeting.”

I felt my face glowing as I looked down at my pad of paper in front of me. I still see the words I had hastily scribbled down earlier: “How did you know???”

“Better safe than sorry,” Ava said. “I don’t feel like getting spanked because I didn’t let Ms. Beaufort know I needed a change first.”

“She spanks you?”

“Not often. But…it’s happened.”

We’re just two blushing babies, sitting in an empty conference room in our wet diapers.

“Actually, I did have one more thing I wanted to tell you,” she said.


“It’s…” her voice trailed off for a moment as she sighed. “Sorry, sorry. This is harder to say than I thought it was going to be.”

I couldn’t even begin to guess what this might be about. “Look, there’s no rush.” I glanced at the time again. “Actually, you have about five minutes.”

“It’s just that, well…”

Knock knock.

I sighed, glancing up at the conference room door at the same time as Ava.

“Yes?” Ava answered. “Come in.”

“Ah ha,” said Lyndie, sliding into the room. “Here’s where the babies are hiding.”

“We’re not hiding,” I said. “We were just chatting.”

“Ms. Heller warned me that you might be in desperate need of a diaper change by now, and she sent me to fetch the two of you.”

“I guess that answers that question,” Ava said to me, shrugging. We both laughed.

I should’ve known, of course. Mommy had thought of these sorts of things before we did.

I was tempted to ask Ava to complete her thought, but I also knew that if it was hard to say whatever it was to just me–it probably wasn’t going to be any easier with Lyndie in the room too. I could see it in her face that she was a little disappointed that the moment was spoiled too, as she just shrugged and mouthed the word: Sorry.

“Come along now,” Lyndie said, herding us out of the conference room like we were sheep. Or toddlers, really. “We’ll get you into some nice clean pants in no time at all. In fact, if you were holding onto anything else, you might as well get it all out now.”

Ava laughed and shook her head as we walked behind Lyndie as she led us back to the nursery.

“No way,” she whispered to me.

“You did say you had to mess,” I whispered back.

“I’m not subjecting you to that.”

“But if you have to go… Well, you’ll go eventually anyway.”

“I’ll save that for later,” she whispered. “When it’s only Lyndie’s problem.”

“I can hear the two of you, you know,” Lyndie said from the front of our tight formation. “And Ava’s right, Clarky. You don’t want to get mixed up in one of her accidents.”

Ava blushed. I blushed too, though I wasn’t entirely sure why. Was it just because we were talking about diapers and messing? Secondhand embarrassment?

Were it any other time, I’d probably be struggling with my cramped cock again–bemoaning its indefinitely-flaccid state. Instead, I was distracted by Ava’s mystery. What was it that she had to tell me?

I could only guess. And hope. I hoped that she’d say that she felt the same way about me as I was starting to feel about her.




I almost cried when I ran out of words to read lol. Great chapter

Paul Bennett

Thanks QH great chapter. I wonder how long it will take Ava to finish her thought. Hopefully before Clark' mom shows up; she can find the nerve to blurt it out.