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This week, Doing Business’s 41st chapter drops. 

First of all–that’s a lot of story.

Secondly, this is the season finale for the second arc of Doing Business.

I want to take a quick second to thank everyone who has been reading along with this story, liking the posts, leaving comments, and sending me messages about it. It’s still very exciting to me to see how much everyone is still enjoying this series. And it’s that outspoken enjoyment that keeps motivating me to continue the story.

So, let’s talk about what’s next.

Following this week’s installment, Doing Business is going on a pretty short hiatus.

Wait! Hold on, baby. Don’t throw a temper tantrum just yet. Yes, it might be a few weeks before Season 3 of Doing Business starts. But I won’t be leaving you empty-handed!

Weekly, starting on March 27th, I’ll be sharing a few new self-contained short stories taking place within the Doing Business universe. None of these are what I’d call ‘mandatory reading,’ but they were fun little experiments in telling stories from points of view other than Clark’s. These stories will be made available to all patrons.

That’ll take us into mid/late April, where we’ll finally kick off the next season proper.

Thinking even further ahead: While writing Season 2, I decided that I had two more ‘big’ stories that I wanted to tell with these characters–these would become Seasons 3 and 4. I don’t want to say Season 4 is the ‘end’ of Doing Business, but it’ll at least be a stopping point for the time being. 

And beyond that? Well…let’s talk about that when we get there. You haven’t even finished Season 2 yet.

Thanks again, everyone! 




D. Karch

So we get stories from the other "pets/slaves" of the other executives? Like the other diaper girl or the other one that was becoming a new diaper boy possibly?? These sound like fun to read and very interesting how you might tell them from their perspective. Or from the "Dom(ms) point of view.


I actually can't wait for the short story series. I think it will be really fun. Also on a side note, I will throw a tantrum if I wanna. It usually leads to a spanking *grin*