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It had been three days since my father had left me to entertain his new girl-toy while he went out for some drinks with his business associates. Three days since said girl-toy humped me in her soaked pampers. Three days since she had snuck into my room late at night, admitted that she had squirted in her diaper–just as I had in my pants–and then snuck right back out again.

Three days since I had become absolutely infatuated with said girl-toy.

The further we got from that evening, the more I wondered if it had just been a fleeting moment of poor decisions on both our parts. Every time I saw her, she was hanging from my father’s side. And with my father rarely having a reason to leave the house during the week, I never saw one of them without the other. There was no acknowledgement of the other night. No playful winks. No smiles that lingered a little too long. No strategically-worded statements that I could later decode and realize were secret messages to me.

I wasn’t mad about this–just disappointed.

I would’ve loved to have just let it go, but the night had done more than just make me infatuated with Quinn. It had instilled a new curiosity–and lust–for diapers.


“Alright, I wasn’t going to ask–because I didn’t want to get involved. But something is up with you,” Maris said, lifting a steaming cup of coffee to her face as she sat behind her desk.

I called Maris my work-wife. My wife while I was at work. The closest thing I had to a partner in life. I had no idea if she thought of me in a similar way, and I wasn’t about to ask. Talking about it would just ruin the unspoken dynamic we’d established over the last few years of working together.

“N-no,” I said, shrugging. “Everything is good.”

Maris laughed, shaking her head. “Dude, do you think I don’t know you better than my own husband? Something’s going on with you.”

There was once a time when I had a more romantic crush on Maris. Honestly, her getting engaged and then married was the best thing to have happened between us. It created a ceiling–a limit to our friendship. We’d never be more than this, and so there was no reason to fuck things up by talking about feelings. Instead, we spent 40 hours a week talking about everything together. For better or worse.

“Everything is cool,” I said, trying to reassure her. “It’s fine.”

“I bet I can guess,” she said, a smug smirk on her face.

I laughed. “I’d be really, really, impressed if you did.”

“Girl troubles?”

I shrugged. “I mean, sure, but aren’t most of my troubles girl-related?”

“Usually,” she said. “Or your father.”

I bit my tongue, resisting the urge not to blurt out that this particular trouble involved both a girl and my father. Still, I wondered if I could still use Maris as a sounding board for a watered-down version of my plight.

“Actually, maybe I could get your opinion on something?”

Her eyes lit up–Maris ate up my personal drama like it was chocolate. “Please!”

“So, there’s, uh, this girl that I like…”

“I knew it!”

“She’s not someone I would’ve ever seen myself falling for,” I continued. “She’s…immature.”

Maris laughed. “Doesn’t sound like your type. Or anyone’s. Who wants to deal with that?”

“I know,” I said. “But…that’s just it. Despite the fact that she seems wrong for me in so many ways, I’m still really attracted to her.”

“I’m not hearing the problem yet,” she said. “Because if you’re fine with her being immature, and you’re into her, it seems like all you have to do is…talk to her?”

“Right, well, that’s where the actual trouble comes in. See, she’s already with someone–someone I know really well, too. Someone I care about.”

“That’s a tough one. But…well, I suspect you already know the answer to this little crisis.”

Yeah, kidnap Quinn and run away.

I shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure I do. This girl…she woke something in me that nobody else ever has before.”

“Not even me?” teased Maris, winking to me from her desk.

I couldn’t help myself from imagining Maris in a diaper–her curvy hips would probably fill one out quite nicely. I just as quickly shook away the forbidden thought, though I could still feel my cheeks warming some.

“Sorry, sorry,” she said, laughing a little–probably noticing the color of my face. “I’m getting us off topic. So–you like this girl, sure. But she’s already seeing someone. Someone you’ve known longer, yes?”

I nodded.

“And someone you clearly respect.”

I nodded again.

“I mean…what can you do? I think you need to respect your friendship first. I never thought I’d say this but… Bros before hos.”

I cringed a little, as did she. My mind wandered again, trying to come up with a more applicable euphemism. Dads before…pads? Pops before pamps?

“You’re a good guy,” she said, allowing her smile to fade enough to show she was trying to be more serious. “I think you know you can’t come between your friend and this girl–no matter how great she is. Just think about it–if she left him for you, what’d stop her from leaving you for someone else? And then what? You’d be out a girl and a friend.”

I wasn’t entirely sold on her logic, but she was bringing up some good points. Were I a betting man, I’d say the odds were in favor of my father sticking around in my life longer than Quinn.

The conversation actually helped to sooth me a bit–I felt like I could start making peace with the reality of my situation.


My father’s car wasn’t in the driveway when I got home that afternoon. Not unheard of, though usually unexpected. I wondered if that meant Quinn was with him.

I did some light exploring of the house, curious to see if I was actually left alone or not. I didn’t see her in the living room or the kitchen. I even ventured to my father’s bedroom, cracking the door open for a quick glance in. No movement. Nobody on the bed.

I was about to close the door when the room’s scent caught my nose. Baby powder, again, and…diapers. Used diapers. I was reminded of her wet diaper being pressed into my midsection–the scent of her wet padding getting stronger with every move of her hips.

I shouldn’t have gone in, but I did. I was curious. Just to be certain that she wasn’t there, I called out: “Quinn? You around?”

No response.

I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, I was just curious about everything. What happened when it was just the two of them, in a private room together?

Her suitcases and backpack were all left open, clothing spilling out from all three onto the floor. As a child, he’d have chastised me for leaving my clothing on the ground. Seemed unfair that his new ‘daughter’ could get away with it now, but…maybe that was one of the perks of sleeping with ‘Daddy.’

I found his trash can, the plastic liner inside filled to the brim with bundled up used-diapers. There were, what, five? Six? Eight? I couldn’t really tell how deep the pile of diapers went, though–no matter how many there were–it still seemed like more than I expected.

I picked up a dirty diaper from the top of the pile. I couldn’t tell you why I did it–I barely even thought about it. I held it a little closer to my face, hoping to catch a whiff of that intoxicating aroma of powder and stale pee.

Fuck. It smelled like that–and then some. There was an extra scent present, something putrid and especially naughty. Had she actually…messed herself? Was that a thing she did? Here in our house?

I went to throw the diaper back into the trash can, simultaneously alarmed and excited by my discovery. Yet, as I turned around, I saw that the bedroom door was open. And Quinn was standing there.

“You called for me?” she asked, a big smile on her face.


“Oh, I…uhm…I wasn’t sure if you were here, and…”

“I was in the basement, throwing some clothes in the washing machine,” she said, shrugging. “One of my diapers had sprung a leak this morning.”

She seemed less interested in pretending she was an adult now. She wore a light blue onesie with green polka dots on it, her thick diaper seeming to be more accentuated than hidden. A pacifier hung from a short strap that was pinned to the onesie. She was just a bonnet, maybe some booties, away from looking completely like a giant toddler.

“Where’s my father?”

“He had to run over the office for a little bit,” she said. “He said he’d be back later.”

“I see. Well…” I looked down at my hand, noticing that I was still holding her dirty diaper in my hand.

“I’m a little curious about what you’re doing in here,” she said.

“I just, uh…”

“If you wanted one of my dirty diapers, you could’ve just asked,” she teased. “That one, in particular, might be a little…ripe.”

I threw it back down into the trash can, brushing my hands off on my pants like they had been coated with germs. Maybe they had been.

“I…uhm…” I paused and took a beat, hoping I’d think of a believable–yet not perverted–reason why I was going through a trash can full of diapers in my father’s bedroom.

“I was hoping to run into you this afternoon,” she said. “Maybe not in here, while you’re looking through my used diapers, but…”

“Sorry,” I said, sighing. “This is, quite possibly, the most awkward thing I’ve ever been caught doing.”

“What were you hoping to find?” she asked.

That was a difficult question to answer–mostly because I wasn’t sure myself. Was I looking for Quinn? Well, yes–but I was hoping I wouldn’t find her. Because then I could… I looked down at the trash can full of diapers. …steal one of her used diapers and jerk myself while smelling it? Well, I definitely couldn’t tell her that.

Instead, I changed the subject: “You were hoping to run into me?”

She nodded. “Yeah, well, we never finished our conversation the other night.”

I took a deep breath. “Was there much more to say about that?”

“You came in your pants,” she said.

“And you came in your diaper. What of it?”

“Well, the rules for our bet were…”

“We don’t know who came first,” I said. I couldn’t believe we were talking about the rules of a silly bet we made the other night–a bet that I had sense written off as a joke.

“I’d argue that it means we both won the bet,” she said.

“Hrm. And, uh, what does that mean?”

“I mean, it’s better than neither of us winning, right? This way, you get to fuck me. And I get to…”

“...make me wear one of your diapers,” I said, sighing. Whether I liked it or not, my cock was starting to firm up in my pants. “Are we really going to stick to that?”

“Do you really want to fuck me?” she asked. “Because you can. And because I want you to.”

I bit my bottom lip, feeling that I was fully erect now. “I…I don’t know.”

“He doesn’t have to know,” she said. “Besides, you won the bet.”

I laughed. “And so did you, apparently.”

“Right. So. You fuck me. And, then, I’ll put you in a diaper.”

“It doesn’t seem completely fair to me,” I said.

“How so?”

“You kind of win twice. I mean, first you get fucked. And then you get to make me wear a diaper.”

“Is that a humblebrag about your sexual talents?” she asked, shooting me a playful wink.

“No, I just mean, uhm…”

“Besides, you’re assuming that you won’t like wearing a diaper. And, who knows, maybe you’ll love it.”

“It’s possible, I guess.”

“So which do you want to do first? The diaper? Or the sex?”

“W-wait, Quinn. Hold on a sec.”


“We have some things to talk about first, I think. And…maybe we could go anywhere else in the entire world than my father’s bedroom?”


She followed me down the hallway and into my bedroom. It wasn’t until we had gotten there, and I watched her cross the threshold, that I realized she was carrying two diapers in her hand–fresh and factory folded, still.

“And, uh, what are those for?”

“One for you,” she said. “And one for me. Because, let’s face it, I’ll need a new one sooner or later.”

“So, you’re just…all about jumping into it? Right now?”

“You’re not?”

“Quinn, we need to talk.”

She grimaced, as she flomped onto my bed. “Ugh.”

“Look, I wish I was the kind of guy who just…fucked his dad’s girlfriend when she asked him too.”

Her lips curled further into a frown. “Well, yeah, it sounds really weird when you put it like that.”

“I’m not that kind of guy,” I said. “I like you. Well, I dunno, I think I do. I like something about you. But, you know, my father is my…father. And we’ve had each other’s backs for a very long time. Fooling around with you would just…well…it would fuck up a lot of things.”

“I can solve this problem very easily,” she said.

She remained on the bed, but popped herself into a position where she was on her hands and knees. She crawled across the bed towards where I was standing.

“How so?”

“I dump your father. Then I take all my stuff out of his room and drag it into your room. Then, I cuddle with you at night. I let you change my diapers. I let you play with my pussy.”

My cock throbs in my pants. I love the idea of that. Most of it, at least. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about changing a grown woman’s diaper…but there is something kind of exciting about the idea of it.

But her argument isn’t strong enough to sway me. If anything, they give me further resolve for standing my ground. A girl so fickle that she’ll just break up with whoever she’s with–regardless of whether or not it’s my own father–so she can be with the next person she meets? It just seems like a bad idea. Not to mention that there was no civil way for this to happen under my father’s roof.

Hey, pop, you know that girl you flew in from Toledo? Guess what? She’s sleeping with me now. You’re cool with that, right?

“I just don’t think any of this is a very good idea,” I said.

Her head was at crotch-level for me, and she eyed up the bulge in the front of my pants. “Are you sure?”

Not really. “Yes.”

“But…I want to play with you,” she whined–a playful whine, practically sung to me.

“I know, but…”

“You want to play with me, right?”

“Quinn, that’s not fair. You know that my…umm.” I lost track of my words as she stroked my cock through the front of my pants.

“We don’t have to talk about the other stuff,” she said, her voice more gentle and sensual now. “Let’s not worry about your Dad. Or silly bets. We don’t have to talk about anything.”

“Quinn, wait, I think that…ohhhh.” She did it again, short-circuiting my brain with her fingers.

“Please?” she asked. “May I?”

I was almost scared to ask, but I needed to know. “M-may you…what?”

“May I just…take a little look?” she asked.

“Quinn, I… I don’t know about that.”

“Just a little look,” she said. “That won’t hurt anybody.”

If I could have opened my mouth again, I’d have protested more. But her hands were pressed against me, and all I could think about was how badly I wanted her to open my pants so that I didn’t have to feel her through my clothes. So I just stood there, allowing her to do whatever she wanted.

She unfastened my belt, pulling it completely out from my pants and casting it aside. She giggled with delight as she unbuttoned and unzipped my khakis, pulling them open with both hands. There was just one thin layer of cloth between her and my cock–and she casually pulled down the front of my boxers with just a single finger, letting my manhood bounce out in front of her face.

“Ah, here it is,” she said, giving my dick a playful poke. “It’s nice.”


“I’m going to take a little taste.”

“Well…Quinn, I don’t know if…”

But it was too late. She swallowed me whole, the entire length of my shaft vanishing into her mouth with a gulp.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned, my head swinging backward so I was staring up at the ceiling as she began to suck me off. There were thousands of things I wanted to say–some criticizing her, and some thanking her–but I couldn’t get any of it out of my mouth.

And then I started thinking about her diaper. And her onesie. Fuck. It seemed to make the moment even hotter, thinking about her sitting there on my bed in a pissy diaper as she sucked me off.

“Is this good?” she asked, her mouth sliding off my cock for a moment. Her mouth dripped as she looked up at me, smiling widely. “Do you like this, big brother?”

I did. Oh, I very much enjoyed it. It had been a very long time since any young woman had taken me into their mouth like that. And she was much more talented at it than any of the mouths I had previously experienced–at least, to the best of my recollection. It was the ‘big brother,’ that was throwing me off. Did I like that? Or did it make my stomach turn?

But I thought I’d try something–just to see how it sounded: “It feels very good…little sister.”

“Mmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes as she seemed to pause for a moment so that she could fully absorb my words.

Then, she simply picked back up where she left off, wrapping her lips around my cock.


Her lips gently pulled themselves to the tip of my cock again, before sliding all the way back down my shaft. Her hand was nestled in my boxers, mostly cupping my balls, though she had a single finger poking around a little further back. Matters of the back-door were a bit of a curiosity for me, though not something I had experimented with much on my own.

With every little twitch of her body, she was bringing me closer to climax. Soon, I’d be filling her pretty little mouth. And while I desperately wanted to see her smiling face again, my cum leaking from the corners of her mouth, I also wanted more.

“Okay,” I said, pulling myself out from her mouth.


“Uh, turn around,” I said. “You have to face the wall over there.”

She shrugged. “Why?”

“So I can, uhm, access the back of your diaper and…”

She gasped excitedly. “Big brother! Are you going to pull down the back of my diaper and fuck me?”

“I…yeah. I think I need to.”

She laughed. “I think you do too. But do you think you can do me a favor?”

“Of course,” I said. At that point, I’d have done any weird thing she wanted. “What is it?”

“When you cum this time, do you think you can cum into the back of my diaper?”

“Oh, well…”


“Nothing would make me happier,” I said.

She immediately rotated her body around on the bed, sticking her plumply diapered ass into the air and towards my face. She waggled it about, only further enticing me.

Things had escalated. I had lost control of the situation. It was quite likely I never had control of it in the first place.

Okay, but let’s see if I’m still upset about this later, I said to myself as I pulled down the back of her diaper to expose the soft skin of her bottom.

“Fuck me,” she begged. “Please. Pleeeease.”

My fingers, just from being in the general proximity of her hairless pussy after pulling down her diapers, were drenched. She was wet. I had never felt lust like this before–this desire that filled every part of my body.

I held my cock in my hand, bringing it between her legs. “I didn’t hear you. What did you want me to do?”

“P-please, Max? Please, just…fuck me?” She sounded as broken as I was. So horny and excited that she could barely think. “I need my big brother to…”

“Okay,” I interrupted. I wanted to hear that complete sentence, though I was afraid it’d just make me cum on the spot.

I pushed myself inside of her. She was every bit as tight and juicy as I had imagined–hoped–she’d be. Nothing, absolutely nothing, had ever felt as good as this.

In just a few short minutes, I just barely pulled myself from her so that I could shoot my load into the back of her diaper. I had never seen a happier look on her face then when she pulled her diaper back into place and rolled over onto her back to look up at me again.


She was gone. Back to my father’s bedroom, and I could hear the shower running in the master bathroom. My father wasn’t back just yet, but he would be soon–or so said the texts he had sent to Quinn.

We were both pretty disappointed he wouldn’t be staying longer at the office. I wanted to lay with her on my bed for a few more hours. I’m not entirely what she ever wanted, moment to moment, though she seemed bummed that she’d need to take off her sticky diaper and wash the scent of sex off herself.

I was stuck in a fuzz. A daze. A state somewhere between awake and asleep. I stared up at the ceiling, replaying my memories of fucking her while her soggy diaper hung between her legs. I still couldn’t believe that any of it had actually happened to me. Quinn, as a person, still seemed so unreal to me. She was an alien who had crash-landed on our planet and was now upending the lives in our otherwise normal home.

Well, no, maybe not normal. If Quinn’s invitation to our house had taught me anything, it was that I really didn’t know as much about my father as I thought I did.

Was this the only strange kink my father had? How many of the women I had met over the years shared one of those kinks? Had women been diapered in my house before, without my knowledge? Was I mindlessly reading books or playing video games in my bedroom, while my father was changing the dirty diapers of some 30-year old woman?

I’d never know. It wasn’t the sort of thing I could ask him about. Even if I could, I doubted I really wanted the answers.

What was really puzzling me, though, was what my father expected me to think about Quinn. She was an agent of chaos. Too unpredictable. Surely he knew that. Surely, he knew that one day–whether anyone planned on it or not–I’d have found out about the things that Quinn liked. And wore. And what then? Did he expect me to shrug?

Maybe he was hoping I’d have seen enough at that point and would just move out. Honestly, that wasn’t a bad idea–except for the fact that I’d probably want to bring Quinn with me.

My fuzzing was cut short by the sound of my father’s arrival. Quinn darted past my bedroom door in just a fluffy white bathrobe, calling out his name. She left a trail of soap and baby powder scents in her wake, and they slowly wafted into my room.

I felt my cock growing in my pants again. I took a deep breath, trying to take in as much of her aroma as I could, as I let my hand slide over my hard cock.


Another late night. Another tap-tap-tap on my bedroom door.

I was half-asleep this time, somewhere in between a daydream and an actual dream–though either would’ve been about Quinn. Which, obviously, who was at the door.

“Did I wake you?” she asked quietly, letting herself in.


“But it’s okay if I’m here, right?”


“Good. So, earlier was fun, yeah?”

I laughed. “Yeah. I’d say that earlier was a real…hoot.”

She laughed as she sat down at the end of my bed. It was only at this point that I realized that she was carrying something with her, though I couldn’t quite see what it was in the dark.

“Did you need something?” I asked.

“I did, yes.”

“Oh.” I felt a little pang in my soft cock as I wondered if she had dropped by for another round of hot diaper-sex.

“Your father is fast asleep,” she said. “Snoring kind of loudly.”

“He does that,” I said, shrugging. “You learn to get used to it.”

“Well, while I couldn’t sleep, I was doing some thinking.”


“Well, I was thinking about before, right?” she asked. I couldn’t quite see her face, but I just knew that she was smiling. I swore I could hear it.


“And you got what you won in the bet. But I hadn’t.”

“And you, uh, weren’t satisfied by the hot sex on my bed?”

“Satisfied, sure. But a bet is a bet. And we both won.”

I shook my head. “You’re not serious about that, are you? You actually expect me to…”

“I do,” she said, holding up the object in her hand. In the dim and narrow beam of light coming through my window I could just about make out the shape of it. Not that there was much mystery about what it was.

A diaper. The diaper she’d expect me to wear.

“Look, I’m not so sure if I’m, like, into wearing them like you are,” I said.

“Don’t be silly, Big Brother. You’re wearing them because you have to. You wouldn’t renege on a bet, would you?

I did some quick mental math, trying to predict the worst case scenario to my refusal to wear a diaper. Was she going to go to my father–tattling on me like we were both toddlers? I couldn’t imagine that going over very well.

But I knew I’d be taking the diaper from her. I knew that I’d be putting it on. Because I knew that, at the end of the day, I’d do anything she asked me to.

“Here,” she said, holding it out towards me.

“Do, uh, you think it’ll fit me?” I was stalling. It probably sounded like I was trying to stall too.

She laughed into her hand. “Don’t kid yourself, Max. Your hips aren’t that much wider than mine. You could prolly even fit into my panties if you wanted to.”

I felt my face go white. “I, uh, don’t…really…”

“I’m kidding,” she said, the light catching some of her pearly white teeth. “Besides, I don’t even wear panties. Hell, I don’t even think I even packed any when I came here.”

“Right, right.”

“You’re going to put the diaper on,” she said.

“F-fine. But…only if you put on me.”

“Obviously,” she said, quietly laughing to herself again. “Babies can’t diaper themselves.”

As I was already sitting up in bed, it didn’t take much effort for me to get into ‘the position,’ as she called it. Flat on my back, legs spread a little. She took off the boxers and tee I had been sleeping in. Even after her sucking my cock, and even after fucking her on this very bed earlier, I still felt exposed and vulnerable as she looked down at my nude body.

The dim light helped some. With only the soft light from the window and the screen of Quinn’s phone, there wasn’t a lot of visibility in the room. I’d have thought that would mean putting me in a diaper would be a challenging prospect, yet the exuberant smile on her face suggested that it wasn’t an issue for her.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t have any boy diapers. This is the least girly diaper I have–and it’s still bright pink.”

“I can’t really see it,” I said.

“Maybe it’s better that way.”

I shrugged. “Nobody else is going to see it either.”

“Aw,” she said, a faux-pout on her face. “You’re not going to let me introduce your father to the newborn?”

“Don’t even joke about that,” I hissed. “He can’t ever know about this. Any of this. You and me having, uh, relations. Or this diaper. None of it.”

“Fine,” she said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Ruin all my fun, why don’t you.”

“I’d think this was plenty of fun for you,” I said. “Putting me in a diaper?”

“Yes, well, that’s true.”

She unfolded the diaper. And while I shouldn’t have been surprised at how big it was, I was reminded of a clown car as I watched her unfurl it into a flattened sheet–the inside of the diaper seemed infinitely bigger than what was possible when the folded garment was in her hand.

“You’ll have to lift your legs a little,” she cooed. “I have to slide this under your bottom.”

I did as she asked, feeling my cheeks warm a little as I felt the thick diaper rubbing against the skin of my ass as she tucked it in place beneath me.

“Have you done this before?” I asked. “Like, put someone else in a diaper?”

“Why? Do I seem good at it?”

I laughed. “You seem good at it, yes. Though I guess I wouldn’t know the difference if you were actually doing a terrible job.”

“I’ve done this before,” she said. “Not as often as I’ve put a diaper on myself, of course.”

“Of course.”

“But it’s happened.”

It felt like there were stories there. How many had there been? What were the situations that led them to the same position that I was in now? Why was she here, now, with me and not with them? How many ‘big brothers’ had there been in the past?

I cared about the answers to those questions, but not enough to ask. Maybe it just wasn’t the time. Maybe I liked the mystery more–the truth could have spoiled her uniqueness.

My rear parked atop the diaper, she pulled the front of it through my legs. She gripped my mostly-flaccid cock and positioned it to point down between my legs.

“Trust me,” she said. “It’s for the best if you end up having to pee.”

“But, I’m probably not going to…”

She shushed me, placing a finger on my lips. “Just in case, then.”

I sighed. “Sure, I guess.” I couldn’t imagine the scenario that I’d want to pee my pants like she did. That wasn’t part of the bet.

She carefully pulled the tapes–two on either side of the diaper–into place, pressing down on them firmly to seal me into it.

“All done,” she said. “You look lovely.”

I hoped she couldn’t see the color of my face too well, as I was sure that it had turned a vibrant shade of pink that matched the diaper. “Well, thank you. There you go–you got me into a diaper. Now what?”

She snorted. “Are you looking for further instruction? I could list off some things I’d like to see you do.”

“N-no, I mean…does this satisfy the bet?”

“It does. But please tell me that you’re not going to take the diaper off now.”

I had been tempted to. But I couldn’t think of any reason that I had to. I had a few more hours before I had to get up the next morning. I could, at the very least, sleep in the diaper.

“I’ll keep it on,” I said.

“Excellent. If you need my help changing yourself in the morning…”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“Sure,” she said, leaning in closer to my face. “Goodnight, big baby brother. Sleep tight.”

She kissed my lips, further rousing my manhood in the diaper, before pulling my blanket back over my body and taking her leave from my bedroom.


Waking in the morning, the thick diaper between my legs felt completely alien all over again–despite the fact that I had found a little comfort with it a few hours earlier, just before I finally fell asleep. The first thing I did was to run my hands over the thick crinkly thing. So weird. But…there was something about it that I liked.

As I threw my legs over the side of the bed, ready to make my morning pilgrimage to the toilet, I paused and wondered if I should actually give the thick padding a whirl. The alternative–taking it off and discarding it–felt like a waste of a diaper. No skin off my back, but I had a hunch these things weren’t cheap.

How much would it have offended Quinn to find a dry diaper in the trash can?

So, fine. I decided I’d wet my diaper. For science. To say that I had.

I slid off of the bed, walking to my door to make sure it was shut and locked. I didn’t need any nosey Quinns busting in on me while I was mid-wetting. But, while at the door, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the back of my door–entirely naked, save for the bulky diaper, bright pink, wrapped around my midsection. My cheeks blushed again and I sighed. I kind of hated that I was a little turned on by what I was seeing.

Okay then, all you have to do is…pee. Just let go.

Easier said than done, of course. Years and years of potty training had established a rhythm that my body had no interest in interrupting now. Despite my pleas for my bladder to release–and I did, badly, need to go–it held fast, seeming to respond with: “You know the drill, Max. Put yourself near a toilet and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Bullshit. I’ve pissed on trees in the woods. I’ve pissed in swimming pools, rivers, and even the ocean. I once pissed into Tanya Applebaum’s mother’s planter while drunk at a party years ago. Was this really all that different?

It’s just a tree. Just a swimming pool. Just a planter. Just a…

I was peeing. Slow, at first, but quickly gaining intensity as my body surrendered to the pleasure of the release. There was a brief moment where I wondered what there was to enjoy about the experience–it felt like I was just peeing into a void. But the answer came all at once–the feeling of the padding growing heavier and swelling as it absorbed my warm pee. The way that I could feel it sag between my legs. The heavier the diaper got, the more its fit on me changed.

And at last, all I could see in the mirror was a big baby in a pink soggy diaper.

My instinct was to immediately take the diaper off. It was done–the diaper had been used. I certainly couldn’t go to work like this, so it’d have to come off anyway. But. Maybe taking it off could wait a little bit. I did want to wear it a little longer. For science.

I pulled my sweatpants over the soaked behemoth and waddled out of my room to the bathroom so that I could brush my teeth and start getting ready for the day. I almost laughed aloud upon seeing the toilet. Sorry, not today, old friend.

In my usual routine, I’d get changed into the clothes I was wearing for work before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Wanting a little more time in my wet diaper, I opted to walk past my bedroom and head to the kitchen in my sweatpants. A slightly dangerous proposition, but I doubted my father would notice. If he was even up.

But he was, and Quinn too. They were already seated at the table, eating some toast and fruit, steaming coffee cups sitting in front of them.

“Not going to work today?” my father asked.

“Oh, uh, I am. Just going to eat first.”

“Sorry, I didn’t make you any toast,” he said.

I shrugged. “I’ll probably have cereal anyway.”

I grabbed myself some coffee and a bowl of cereal, cautiously taking a seat at the table. I was nervous to be so close to either one of them while in a diaper–my father especially. I wondered if his penchant for crinkly bottoms had given him an ear for detecting nearby diapers. It seemed like the sort of skill one would want to have if they were caring for a baby like Quinn.

He didn’t seem to react at all to the subtle rustling in my chair as I settled in. Quinn seemed to catch it, though.

“Sleep well?” she asked with a very slight grin.

“Just fine, thanks,” I said.

This piqued my father’s interest a little. I saw him glance to me and then to Quinn–as if detecting that he may have missed out on a conversation or two between us. I wondered what he thought of that. Did he feel threatened?

“Quinn and I are going to the zoo today,” he announced. He, notably, did not extend an invitation to me to join them. Not that I could if I wanted. I knew him well enough to read between the lines: “I’m spending time with MY little toy today.

“That sounds nice,” I said. I turned to Quinn: “Are you excited?”

“Mmhmm,” she said, nodding enthusiastically. “I can’t wait to see a hippopotamus.” Never had she sounded so childish as she did at this moment.

I studied my father’s eyes. At what point was he going to address Quinn’s immaturity? Did he really not think I’d see–and hear–his girlfriend acting like a toddler most of the time? Or, had he assumed that Quinn and I talked about it at some point, and now he didn’t have to?

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I wondered if, somehow, my father had put Quinn up to all the teasing and stimulating she had been doing to me since her arrival. I doubted it–but I wasn’t about to completely rule out that theory.

My father finally got up from the table at one point, wandering his way back into the kitchen for a refill on his coffee.

“You’re wet,” Quinn immediately whispered to me.

“How can you tell?”

“I know that waddle very well. So? How does it feel?”

“It, uhm…” I took a cautious look towards my father, fetching some cream from the fridge. As best as I could tell, he wasn’t aware of our little conversation. Still, I chose to keep my answer as brief as possible: “Good.”

She giggled a little to herself, though managed to put an abrupt end to it as my father returned to the table with his new cup of coffee. Just as soon as he sat down, she stood up.

“Excuse me,” she said to my father. “I have to, uhm, take care of something real quick.”

“Oh,” he said. “Do you need help?”

She shook her head. “N-no. I’ll be okay. I’ll be back in a moment.”

A diaper change, I assumed. It amused me some, thinking about how the two of us were sitting at the table in soggy diapers.

“Actually,” my father said to me, “I’m glad it’s just you and me now.”


“Do you have a minute or two before you have to get ready for work?”

I nodded. “I can spare a few minutes. What’s up?”

“I wanted to run something past you,” he said. He looked serious. More so than usual.

I swallowed hard, nervous about what this conversation might be about. It had to be that he knew about Quinn and I. He knew about her excursions to my bedroom. He knew that she sucked me off. That I fucked her. That she had sat on my lap and desperately humped me in her wet diaper.

“Okay,” I said. “Shoot.”

“I love Quinn,” he said. “I haven’t this way about anyone in a long, long, time. I mean, sure, I’ve dated plenty of ladies over the years. But I don’t know if I’ve felt this way since…”

Don’t say my mother. Please don’t say my mother.

“...your mother.”

“I see,” I said, taking a long, steady, sip of my coffee.

“I’m sure it’s kind of challenging for you, considering she’s, well, younger than you and all…”

“It’s certainly a bit to adapt to,” I said, gritting my teeth as I imagined my cock sliding into her dripping pussy.

“I’m taking her out to dinner tonight,” he said. “Over at Pine Ridge.”

“Pine Ridge? That’s pretty swanky. Is that…what you wanted to tell me?” I was sure that there was more, but I wanted to try and expedite this conversation.

“It’s a fancy place, sure,” he said, nodding. “But, you know, it seemed like the perfect place to ask Quinn a…very important question.”

I meant to say something like ‘Oh?’ Instead, I just grunted, already displeased with the direction that this conversation was headed.

“I was thinking, you know, that I’d ask her if she wanted to, uhm…” He laughed to himself, shaking his shoulders a little. “Yeah, I want to ask her to marry me, Max. And I wanted you to be the first to know.”


I have no idea how I ended up at work. I don’t remember the end of the conversation with my father. I don’t remember changing out of my wet diaper–though I wasn’t wearing it while in the office. I don’t remember driving to the office.

Suddenly I was just there.

“You alright?” Maris asked, staring at me from her desk.


“You’ve been walking around like a zombie ever since you got here this morning. What’s up?”

“Oh not much,” I said, shrugging. “My father just wants to marry his 20-year old girlfriend who I just had sex with yesterday.”

Wait, did I just…? I said the part aloud that I meant to just think to myself. Fuck.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her eyes flickering as she tried to process that. “What did you just say?”

The cat was completely out of the bag now. The bag was in flames too, little embers from it drifting off into the sky.

“Yeah,” I said, sighing. “That about sums it up.”

“I think you need to tell me everything,” she said, scooting her office chair closer to my desk.

“Later,” I said, trying to shoo her away. “I’ve got a lot to process right now.”

“Yeah, seems like it,” she said. “Well, if you need anything, you just let me know.”

I asked myself: What do I need?

I needed Quinn. On top of me. In a dirty diaper. With her lips on mine.

Why not get lost in another naughty tale? Check out the Master Story Index: https://www.patreon.com/posts/master-index-of-55547916



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