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Stepping into The Closet the next morning, Lyndie already had a wide, goofy, grin on her face. Her eyes were immediately fixated on my pants.

“Looking for something?” I asked.

“You know what I’m looking for. And I think I see it.”

I tossed my shoulder bag down, awkwardly bending my body to see if I could find an angle in which my diaper was visible through my pants. I had spent way too much time staring at the mirror in my room that morning for someone to tell me now that they could see my diaper.


She laughed. “I’m kidding. I don’t think I actually see anything. But I’m enjoying how easy it is to get you all riled up.”

I sighed. “I guess I’m just being paranoid.”

“But you are wearing a diaper, right?”

There was something about hearing Lyndie say that word that made me uncomfortable. It was not only a reminder of the fact that I was wearing a diaper in the office, but that I had exposed myself–perhaps literally and figuratively–to people I shouldn’t have.

I mouthed the word “yes,” while nodding.

“And so what’s the schedule here?” she asked. “Do you have to report to her for your morning diaper change?”

I shrugged. “I…I guess so.”

“I’d love to be a fly on the wall in her office,” she said, chuckling to herself as she shook her head.

“You want to see me getting changed?”

“Wouldn’t you if you knew that I was getting my diaper changed by the company’s CEO?”

I got the point she was making, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine that scenario. Maybe my reality was far too surreal to allow for me to step back and imagine it happening to someone else.

“Sure,” I said, opting for the answer that felt least likely to stir up additional conversation.

“You just want to see me nekkid.”

“I…I do not…”

She laughed again. “I’m teasing.” She might have winked. Or maybe she just blinked. Maybe I just saw what I wanted to see.

I wouldn’t have minded seeing Lyndie naked, and I suspected that she could’ve guessed as much herself.

I tried my hardest to shrug off her teasing, even if the combination of her jokes at my expense and her referencing of my diapers were having a little bit of a stiffening effect on my cock. Before Ms. Heller came along and claimed all of my thoughts for herself, a decent percentage of my worktime-consciousness had been consumed by daydreams of Lyndie. It was the one-two-punch of being both cute and being the only female peer I had in my life. And we were left to our own devices in a small room for 5 days of the week.

“Well,” Lyndie said. “Are you going to go and get your diaper checked by Mommy?” Her voice was rich with a saccharine tone that was hard to translate as being either sarcastic or mocking. Both? Neither?

“I guess I’ll see you later,” I said.

“Have fun.”

No sooner than I had stepped out from The Closet and onto the office floor, ‘Anderson’ had revealed himself, strutting out from around the corner and almost running me over.

“Well well well,” he said, a cocky smile on his face. “Where are you off to?”

It was odd that he cared at all, considering that he almost always ignored us except for when he needed something.

“Just going to a, uh, meeting.” It was the truth, in a way.

“A meeting?” He laughed. “You’re funny, kid. But what kind of meeting does an intern need to be at?”

I stared ahead at him, really trying to get a good read on him. For the first time, I felt like I could see him for who he really was. Whereas in the past I had seen him as just another tie-wearing part of the corporate ladder that I was at the very bottom of, I could see that he had just as little clout around the office as I did. The classic school bully–picking on kids smaller than him because anyone else wouldn’t give him the time of day.

With a semi-hard cock inside of a diaper, I wasn’t about to claim that I had any clout of my own. But I had a very powerful ally now. A powerful Mommy. Suddenly, Anderson meant absolutely nothing to me.

“I’m meeting with Gabrielle Heller,” I said.

He laughed. I was sure that he did find some genuine humor in what I said, but he exaggerated that, kicking his head back and letting out a throaty “Ha!”

“You’re a comedian too, eh?” he said. “You’re just full of surprises. Look, I have some stuff that needs to get filed and I was hoping that you and the other intern-chick could…”

“Actually, I should get going,” I said. “I don’t want to be late.”

He tilted his head, looking a little confused. Maybe he didn’t believe I was meeting with Ms. Heller, but he seemed to believe that I actually had somewhere to be. And maybe I was just speculating, or again seeing what I wanted to, but I swore that I sensed some jealousy in his expression. I, the lowly intern, had someplace to be. And he just had a menial job to hand off–likely one that was just pushed on him in the first place.

I walked past him, and deeper into the office labyrinth. Anderson’s presence behind me faded until it dissipated.

The ritual of progressing across the office floor to Ms. Heller’s office was one that I enjoyed more every time I did it. I was excited to see her. I was excited to feel her hands on me. Excited for her to check my diaper.

But when I reached her office, I found that the lights were off and she wasn’t in there.

“I think she’s in a meeting right now,” said a soft feminine voice from behind me.

I turned around, spotting a young woman I had never seen before. She looked no older than I or Lyndie; though as far as I knew, there were no other interns.

“Oh,” I said. “Do you…know when she’ll be back?”

“She’s in a meeting with my boss,” she said. “It could be another half hour or so.”

“I’ll just come back later,” I said, sheepishly shrugging. I didn’t know who she was, but it didn’t matter to me either. The less contact I had with people while waddling about in a diaper, the better.

“Do you work here?” she asked.

Dammit. No further questions, please. “Well…I’m an intern,” I said.

“Oh. And you had to see…Ms. Heller?”

A fair question. She had the same surprised look on her face I thought I saw on Anderson minutes before.

“Well, uhm…” I tried to think of a good, non-diaper related, reason why a lowly intern was going to meet with the company’s CEO. “It’s part of the program I’m in for school. I get to meet with Ms. Heller too.”

“Oh,” the young woman said, not sounding entirely convinced.

I should’ve just turned and walked away, but I felt stuck in place by some sort of social contract that forced me to pretend that I cared who she was.

“I’m Clark,” I said, holding my hand out towards her.

“Ava,” she said, shaking it.

“Who is your boss?” I asked.

“Neve Beaufort,” she replied. “VP of…”

“...Product Development,” I said, finishing her sentence.

“You know her?”

“We’ve met,” I said, recalling the other morning when I had walked into Ms. Heller’s office while Ms. Beaufort was there.

Ava ran her fingers through her long brown hair that cascaded down the left side of her face and over her cardigan. I would never claim to be an expert judge of character based on one’s looks, but everything about Ava’s tone and body language suggested that she was more like me than she was like Lyndie. Soft spoken and introverted.

“Are you Ms. Heller’s new assistant?” asked Ava. “I heard she was getting one.”

“I, well…” I nervously scratched my head, unsure how to answer. “The job was offered to me, yes. I haven’t accepted it yet.”

She bit her lower lip and glanced over her shoulder, looking to see who else might be around. Deciding the coast was clear, she leaned in a little closer to me: “Diapers?”

It was the last thing I had ever expected this complete stranger to say to me. My vision got blurry and I could hear a piercing ringing in my ears as I felt paralysis grip my body. How was this possible? Was I cursed to have every single person I came in contact with learn of my diapers?

“How did you know?” I ask.

She let out a long sigh. I didn’t quite get her reaction at first, but it slowly dawned on me what that sound was. Relief.

“Me too,” she said.

“Wait, what?”

“Neve. Ms. Beaufort? She, uhm, keeps me in…them.”

I had no idea what to say. I just shook my head in disbelief.

“Sometimes it’s hard to know who is involved and who isn’t,” she continued.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said.

“The execs here. Well…not all of them. But some, I think. They all do it. They all have their own…babies. Or, playthings of some variety. Pets. I’m Ms. Beaufort’s. And you belong to Ms. Heller, yes?”

I nodded. The words ‘belong to’ felt awkward, though they weren’t wrong.

“So you do wear a diaper?” Ava asked.

“Y-yes. And you?”

She nodded, her cheeks glowing pink.

Neither of us said anything for a few moments. I couldn’t speak for her, but I was just lost on what to say next. Did we talk about how we ended up in the strange position we were in? Did I confess that I actually liked it and hoped that she felt the same way?

“This is all very new to me,” I finally said.

“It’s a lot,” she said, nodding. “We could talk sometime.”

“Yeah. That might be really good.”

“Not here,” she said.

“Right. Okay, how should I reach you later so that we can…”

“Look me up in the inter-office directory. Ava Barten. Just shoot me an email with your cell number, okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, nodding eagerly. “Of course.”

“Alright, I should get back to work,” she said. “But I hope to hear from you soon.”

“You will,” I said. “I promise.”

We split off in our separate paths, and I made a hasty retreat back towards The Closet. My mind was buzzing with this revelation. I was not alone. There was at least one other ‘office-baby.’ And, from the sound of it, perhaps even more. How did this even happen? How did it start? Would I have ever found out if it wasn’t for running into Ava? Was Ava in a diaper when I met her? Did she know that I was in a diaper?

I felt exhausted by the time I reached the door to my small shared office. All these questions and no answers.

My diaper was wet. I was vaguely aware of this–it wasn’t like I had lost control of my bladder or anything. But I couldn’t quite place the moment that I had wet myself. Somewhere in the last few minutes, I had to go and I had justified just letting it out into my diaper. It had been such an automatic process that it was almost scary to me.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Lyndie said as I shuffled into The Closet, closing the door behind me.

“It’s been a wild morning,” I replied.

“Yeah? Gabrielle making you do even more wacky things for her amusement now? Let me guess. She stuck a hand up your ass and made you her puppet?”

“W-what? No. I didn’t even get to see her. She was in a meeting.”

“Okay,” Lyndie said with a shrug. “So why do you look so pale then?”

“I’m not alone.”

She shook her head. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Like…the diapers? The baby stuff? I’m not the only one.”

Her eyes grew large as she laughed. “Are you fucking serious? What, is there like some sort of weird secret baby-cult here?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. We’re supposed to talk later and maybe then I can get some more details.”

“So this girl just walked up to you and was like, ‘Hey, I wear diapers too’?”

“Sort of. She didn’t know about me, specifically. But I think she knew that Ms. Heller had a, uh, vacancy for that position.”

“Un-fucking-real,” she said. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m jealous.”


“I don’t want to be a baby like you,” she said. “But…damn. Why didn’t some powerful executive want me to be their little office play-toy?”

“I’m sure they’re looking for specific kinds of people,” I replied. “Well-behaved minions and the like.”

“I’ll take some solace in that,” she said. “What’s that say about you that you got snatched up almost immediately?”

“She clearly saw something she liked.”

She laughed. “You were probably already one diaper away from being a big baby when you strolled into this building in the first place.”

“H-hey,” I shot back. “I…I wasn’t a…” I stopped myself. Maybe she was right. Or maybe it just didn’t matter.

“So she wasn’t even there to change your diaper? Are you going to get a diaper rash now?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Do you want some help?”

“Are you actually asking if you can–”

“I’m just teasing.” Her tone certainly suggested that was the case, but I swore I could read something else in the expression on her face. Curiosity?


“Anderson probably,” I said.

“I don’t think so,” Lyndie replied. “He came by earlier when you left.”

I opened the office door to reveal that it was Gabrielle Heller herself. My eyes grew large as I skittered back from the door with what I could only imagine to be a look of horror on my face. I could tell that Lyndie didn’t know who she was, but could make an educated guess simply based on my expression alone.

“Ah, here’s where they hid you,” Ms. Heller said, strolling into the small office, closing the door behind her. “I had to ask a few different people where they stashed away the interns, and it was surprisingly hard to get a good answer. I have to admit, I’ve walked past this door for years and always just assumed it was a closet.”

“It pretty much is just a closet,” Lyndie said.

“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting,” said Ms. Heller, offering a hand towards Lyndie.

“Lyndie Brown,” she said, shaking Ms. Heller’s hand. “I’m also an intern.”

“Nice to meet you. I am Gabrielle Heller. I’m kind of in charge around here.”

Lyndie shook her head. “So I’ve heard.”

“Ah, so you’re familiar with me?”

Lyndie looked at me and then back at Ms. Heller. Lyndie seemed humbled for the first time that I had ever seen. She had spent most of her time bemoaning the corporate culture of this company, and so I didn’t think it was respect for Ms. Heller as a CEO. It was respect for Ms. Heller as a powerful woman.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a thing or two.”

Ms. Heller laughed. “Well, I shouldn’t pry too much. I don’t know what Mr. Ashburn here has told you or not.”

Lyndie quickly blurted out: “He told me about the diapers.” She then looked back at me, mouthing the word ‘sorry.’

I couldn’t be too mad. The truth was already out, whether Ms. Heller knew it or not.

“Ah, perfect,” Ms. Heller said. “Then I suppose it won’t be too awkward when I let Clark know that I came to find him because I wanted to check on said diaper.”

I felt my face burn as I sheepishly looked down at the floor. “Here?”

“Well, it’d be silly to make you walk all the way back to my office just so I can check your diaper, yes?”


“I’m happy that she’s here,” Ms. Heller said. “As an up and coming woman of business herself, maybe she could benefit from a little lesson on dealing with big babies.”

I watched Lyndie’s lips curl into a smile. I wanted to protest, but I couldn’t imagine that she’d listen to me. I obediently stepped toward Ms. Heller.

It was best just to get this sort of thing over with as quickly as possible.



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