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Kara giggled and shook her head.

“What?” I asked, sheepishly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, silly. I’m just really happy with how this looks right now.”

I scoffed. “I probably look ridiculous.”

“Yes,” she said, giggling again. “Very much so. But we both know you were going to look ridiculous. You might as well embrace it, Lee.”

It was a little strange to be told to ‘embrace it,’ when this was my idea in the first place. A few hours ago, I was certain that I’d need to be the one telling Kara to stick with it.

“Is that it? Am I all set?”

“Take a look for yourself,” she said. “Tell me what you think.”

I knew what to expect as my left leg scooted forward, but seeing things play out in your mind can be very different from reality. My range of motion was stifled almost immediately. Everything I knew about walking–even just standing–suddenly seemed not to matter.

I didn’t need to look in the mirror, I already had a good sense of my current status. Of course, I looked anyway.

The first thing to catch my eye was the most obvious: the diaper. It wasn’t just thick, it was epically thick. An absurdly plump cloth diaper–my first time wearing one. Kara and I had looked at plenty of adult-sized cloth diapers online, and yet this one didn’t look like any of those. My previous attempts at learning the origin of it were met with coy smiles and shrugs, leading me to believe that she had this custom made for me.

Typical Kara, really. She rarely did anything half-assed.

And what was a cloth diaper without some sort of waterproof housing? Again, Kara had pulled a last-minute audible, swapping out the simple white pull-up style vinyl pants for a pair that came in bright pink. With a locking waistband. Which I now wore over top of the diaper, with it locked.

The plastic pants weren’t the only things locked. Both hands were sealed in oversized locking mitts. I’d call them mittens, except a child’s mitten probably had more functionality than these. These were essentially blocks of foam and vinyl wrapped around my hands, restricting just about all movement of my digits. And if that wasn’t enough, there was also the 20” spreader bar between my legs; bound on either end to cuffs around my ankles. Kara had noted that there was the ability to attach locks to the cuffs too, but it seemed like overkill. If I couldn’t get out of the mitts, how was I expected to be able to access the cuffs?

I wore a dress, sort of. It was just barely a dress. It did absolutely nothing to cover up the bulky cloth diaper and plastic pants. It was a frilly shirt, if anything at all. A smock? Smock felt like the word I wanted to use, but I wasn’t sure. The wide pink garment seemed to stop just below my waist, with lighter pink ruffles flaring out from the hem.

The cap, quite literally, on this ensemble–the pièce de résistance, as she called it–was the bonnet. It was something I hadn’t seen coming, and it was only secured to my noggin after she had already bound my feet and hands. Of all the components in my get-up, the bonnet felt the most humiliating. More so than the diaper. Or the mitts. It was hard to say why, really. Perhaps it was just the element of surprise–something I hadn’t planned or accounted for. Or maybe it was just the straw that broke the kinky camel’s back–the subtle nudge that finally pushed me over the edge from feeling silly and embarrassed to feeling downright humiliated.

I took short stumbling steps away from the mirror, back towards Kara.

“Well?” she asked.

“It’s…a lot.”

“Too much?”

I laughed. “No…”

“This is what you wanted, right? To be the big helpless sissy baby that you are?”

My cheeks warmed and I looked down at the spreader bar between my legs. Her words cut through me like a knife, and my body had been made softer with all these accessories.


“Oh come on,” she said, giggling again. “You can do better than just ‘yes.’ Come on, Baby. Tell Mommy how much you like it.”

“I...I love it.”

She shook her head, seemingly unimpressed with that response as well. But also, I was disappointing myself. This was what I wanted: complete immersion. I wanted to lose myself, both physically and mentally, to my fantasies. Kara had done her part, and now I needed to do mine.

“Thank you, Mommy.” I hadn’t even intended to change my voice much, but my tone seemed more timid and childish suddenly.

“That’s better,” she said. “So how long do you think I should keep you like this, hmm?”

It surprised me that we hadn’t talked about this much before now. In fact there had been little planning involved in this day beyond ‘put all these kinky things on at once.’ Thinking back on my history with diapers, I’d usually just wear them until…I was done with them. After I had crawled around in them a little bit. After I had used them. After I had been so turned on by using them that I couldn’t help but to get myself off in them.

“For as long as you want,” I said. I was a little nervous to verbally hand her this sort of power. But, considering that she was already holding the keys, this was really just a formality.

“And just what am I supposed to do with a giant toddler?” she said with a laugh.

I shrugged. The answer was ‘whatever you want,’ but I wasn’t sure I needed to actually say that.

“Maybe I don’t have to do anything at all,” she said, shrugging. “Maybe I just go on with my day and leave you to deal with your helplessness. That sounds fun, doesn’t it?”


“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find some time to play with you. But for now, you’re on your own.”

She gave me a playful pat on the head, turned, and walked out of the room. Just like that. I opened my mouth to call out after her, but I knew it probably wouldn’t do much good. And for as momentarily miffed as I was about her abandoning me in this state, I knew that she was right. I was left to my own devices while having a severely limited range of movement.

I tried taking another short step forward, only to lose my balance and fall backwards, landing on the padding of the diaper. I could almost hear the PHHH of the baby powder puffing out from the back of my pants.

“This is ridiculous,” I muttered aloud to myself.

Suddenly Kara was back at the door again. Either she had come right back, or she had never gone that far away to begin with.

“Well we can’t have you being a mouthy little baby, can we? Let’s do something about that too.”

She walked back into the bedroom and rifled through our suitcase of toys and strange accessories until she found a pacifier.

“I…I don’t need that,” I protested.

“I disagree.” She walked over to me, slipping the rubber bulb into my mouth. “Of course, there’s always the possibility that you’ll spit this out. We should do something about that, don’t you think?”

I shook my head. I didn’t need yet another contraption attached to my body in an unremovable way.

“Sorry,” she said, shrugging. “My vote supersedes yours.”

She walked to the dresser, fetching a long piece of pink ribbon from it before walking back to me. First, she removed the bonnet. Then, she threaded the ribbon through the pacifier’s ring before stretching either side back behind my head and tied it. Finally, the bonnet was put back on my head again. Not only was the pacifier tightly pressed into my mouth, but between the ribbon’s knot, and it being hidden under the bonnet, it was guaranteed that I wouldn’t be from it again without her help.

“Anything to say now?” she said, stepping back from her further-perfected creation.

“Icanbuhweefdith,” I said, my speech instantly being transformed into infantile babble by the pacifier.

“An improvement, if nothing else. Now, I trust you’ll be a good baby while I run some errands?”


“Just going to the store and back,” she said. “I shouldn’t be too long. You can behave yourself for a little bit, right?”

I said nothing, knowing it would be poorly communicated anyways.

“I suppose it’d be hard for you to get into trouble in this state,” she added. “When I get back, I’ll give your diaper a thorough check, okay?”

I offered a pathetic shrug and she left again. This time, I could hear her marching into the living room where I heard the rattle of car keys before the door opened and closed.

There I was, left to my own devices in this helpless state. I felt kind of foolish for thinking it was such an overwhelming experience. The truth was that there was very little whelming, of any sort, taking place. With this outfit, I wasn’t able to do much, and what movement I did have was rather limited.

Even standing on my own feet again proved to be a frustrating ordeal. It was easy enough to propel my body upwards with my mitted hands, but it was a struggle to get my feet into the right place with the spreader bar in place. When I had finally managed to get back up onto my feet again, I took a few short steps before feeling myself starting to tumble forward again. I balanced myself against the wall, following out of the bedroom and down the hall, taking short and careful steps.


Thinking about the weather seemed like such an adult concept, and one that I wasn’t eager to dwell on now. But I watched as thick sheets of snow fell past the apartment window. I quickly shuffled to the window and looked down upon the street. A layer of white had already begun to build on the road, sidewalk, and the parked cars.

Shit. Did Kara know about the snowstorm when she left? It had to have been snowing when she walked outside–but I wouldn’t have put it past her to wave off the storm and go out anyways. Typical stubborn Kara.

I stumbled over to my cell phone, thinking that maybe I’d call or text her to make sure she was alright on the roads, but I quickly realized how futile that was. I couldn’t even use my mitted hands to lift the phone up from the coffee table, let alone dial it.

Kara used voice prompts to activate her phone sometimes. I wondered if I could do something like that.

“Phun! Cahkaha!”

I felt stupid for even trying. I was pretty sure I needed to set up voice prompts in my phone, and I certainly wasn’t going to be able to do it while babbling like an actual baby.

I took a step back from the coffee table, quickly having forgotten about the spacer bar, and tumbled backwards onto my diapered ass again. PHHH. I made a half-assed attempt at standing up again, but quickly gave up. Eventually I’d be back down here again anyways.

Crawling. That I could do. It still wasn’t easy with the bar between my feet, but at least I didn’t have to worry about keeping my balance. The small shifting movements across the carpet were the most infantile I had experienced yet. I had nowhere to be. Nowhere to go. Nobody to talk to. It was just me, crawling around like a baby.

For all intents and purposes, I was a baby right now. I couldn’t walk. Couldn’t talk. And if I had to use the bathroom, well…

Speaking of, I felt a familiar ache in my bladder. I was no stranger to using a diaper, though this thick cloth behemoth was an entirely new beast to me. I closed my eyes and let it go, feeling the wetness bloom through the diaper.

In a lot of ways, it was like every other diaper I had ever wet before. I could feel it grow heavier as it became more wet. I felt the warmness spread throughout the padding. But it was different, too. There was less swelling. It was as if it had gone from dry to sagging in just a moment.

The feeling of the wet bulky cloth between my legs was something else too. The disposables wicked away that moisture, but with these the moisture was just there. A constant reminder of what I had done, and the baby I was.

I felt my cock grow inside the diaper. This was it–everything I wanted from the ‘baby experience.’ A mix of a little sensory deprivation with some deep immersion. I had needed this so badly. I wanted even more. For as much as I loved the mitts, I wished that I could shed them so that I could thrust my hands into the plastic pants. Though, too, the pants would also need to be unlocked.

We–Kara, really–hadn’t considered locking my cock up. Somewhere in that bag of tricks was a chastity cage that rarely saw much use. On the one hand, I was happy that it wasn’t yet another lock on my body. On the other, maybe I could’ve benefited from not being distracted by my swollen cock that I could do little about.

Kara, come home.

I couldn’t say it aloud, and I couldn’t contact her, but I tried to will her presence into existence. I needed her to be here. I needed her to come through the door and check my diaper. She’d see it was wet. She’d play with my helpless body, teasing me with her pokes and tickles. Her hand would find its way to my plastic pants, and she’d stroke me through the thick diaper until I squirted into it.

Any minute now, the door would be open and there she’d be. I stared at the door.


I crawled to the window and looked out again. The snow seemed to be falling even harder now. A plow truck slowly rumbled down the street, but the roads still looked pretty treacherous. She shouldn’t be out there. It was a mistake to leave the apartment. A mistake to leave me alone.

For a while, I’d fret about her absence. I’d imagine her stranded on the side of the road somewhere. Or worse, she’d be smack in the middle of a 15-car pileup on the highway.

Then, I’d go back to worrying about myself. I was still locked up. I needed a diaper change. I was horny. I was lonely.

It would go back and forth like this.

She said she’d be gone for only a few minutes, but an hour had passed. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and I tried to unlock my phone and access my apps with my nose. But even this proved to be near-impossible; the pacifier bound to my mouth was always in the way, and gave me little clearance to achieve my goal. After a few failed attempts, I had to laugh at myself. Did I really think I was going to nose my way to calling her?

Though this did lead me to my next concern: What happened next? Say she didn’t come soon, for whatever reason, what was I supposed to do? Just stay mostly incapacitated until she did? If there was an emergency and she couldn’t come home at all, what would I do then? The very thought sent a chill down my spine. I stared out the window again, watching the thick white snowfall glide to the street.

There was another option. An option I didn’t really care for, but one nonetheless.

My next-door neighbor Blair. Assuming she was home, of course. Though, she probably had the common sense to stay home if it was starting to snow outside.

If I had to–if I absolutely had to–I’d go next door and see if she could help me. It would mean that she’d see me like this, of course. The giant baby next door. I’d never live it down. I’d never be able to look her in the eyes again. But if I had to?

I’d call that Plan B. Plan A was to just wait.

Kara, please. If she could just call me and let me know that she was okay. Hell, she knew my current state, all she had to do was text me. If I could just see a text message on my screen letting me know that she was okay, I could relax.

I stared at the phone for a while. Then I stared at the door. I wanted her to be okay. I wanted her to change my diaper.

Another hour had passed. My diaper was getting clammy. I was getting restless. My hands were getting sweaty inside of the locked mitts. I had grown tired of the everpresent rubber bulb of the pacifier between my teeth. Kara had been gone for two hours now.

I crawled across the living room to the front door. Slowly, carefully, I hoisted myself up onto my feet as I leaned against the door. I put a mitted hand on either side of the doorknob. I wasn’t even sure that I actually wanted to open the door. I just wanted to know that I could, if I had to. The first few attempts had been failures, but only after applying as much pressure into the sides of the knob as I could, I felt it starting to turn.

I stopped there. That was all I needed for now. It was back to waiting. The door wasn’t opening. My phone wasn’t lighting up.

Yet another hour passed. This was getting absurd. I continued to watch the snow fall heavily outside. I couldn’t even remember the forecast saying that we were supposed to get that much snow today. Just perfect timing for a freak snowstorm.

I had to do something. Otherwise, how much longer was I expected to wait while in this state? I truly did not want to have to leave this apartment. And I had no desire to let Blair see me like this. But…I was getting desperate. The damp cloth diaper was getting uncomfortable. My second wetting probably hadn’t helped that much. Worse, I could feel a building discomfort in my bowels. Maybe not soon, but eventually, that was going to be something to contend with.

I needed Kara. I needed her to be okay, and I needed her to be here for me.

Fuck. I was going to have to do it. It made me angry just thinking about it. I’d have to leave this apartment, waddle down the hallway, knock on Blair’s door, and then beg her to help me reach out to Kara while I looked like a baby.

Kara, you owe me.

My mitted hands were on either side of the doorknob. I applied pressure and slowly turned the knob. Voila, the door opened. First step complete.

I looked back to my cell phone, still sitting on the coffee table. I hoped to see it suddenly light up. In an epic hail mary play, Kara would’ve texted me, letting me know that she was fine and that she’d be home soon. Even better, she’d let me know that she was coming up the stairs now so that she could come change my diaper. But no. Nothing.


I took a look down the hallway of our apartment building in both directions. Nobody in sight. Everyone else was probably cuddled under some blankets while they watched TV. They were probably sipping on hot chocolate and watching the snowfall while I waddled down the hall–the small metal locks on my plastic pants and mitts jingling like little cat bells.


I raised an apprehensive mitted fist and slowly knocked on Blair’s door. THUD. THUD. THUD.

Part of me hoped that she wasn’t home. I’d almost rather have had no options than to have my one option be to expose myself to her. I could just go back to my apartment, close the door, and indefinitely wait out the return of Kara while I slowly developed a diaper rash.

But the door opened.

“Oh hey there,” she started to say, before quickly realizing what she was looking at. “Wh-what the hell?”

“Kawanahcahom,” I babbled at her. I knew what I was trying to say, but there was no way that she did.

“What?” she asked. She closed her eyes and shook her head, like she might have briefly thought she was having some sort of dream. “Lee? What the hell is going on?”

I pointed towards my face with the big mitts, hoping to communicate the fact that I couldn’t speak while the pacifier remained tied around my face.

“Come inside,” she said quickly, ushering me into her apartment before closing the door.

I had been to Blair's place a few times. Her and Kara had become buddies since we moved in a year or two ago. It had been a while since the last time I was over here myself, but I certainly didn’t expect the next time I walked through her door to be while I was dressed like this.

“Can I…take this off for you?” she asked, poking at the pacifier.

I nodded.

“Okay,” she said, stifling her laughter. “I think I just need to, uhm, take off your…bonnet.”

Blair had done an exceptional job of holding it together so far, but sooner or later she was going to crack. How could she not have a million questions for me?

She untied the bonnet’s strings underneath my chin and slowly lifted the infantile headdress off of me. Then, she untied the ribbon from the back of my head. I could immediately feel the release of tension and I let the pacifier fall from my mouth. I had tried to catch it in my hands, but it bounced off my mitts and skittered across her floor.

It didn’t matter. It felt good to be at least partially free.

“I don’t even know where to start,” she said. She was smirking, though I thought I could detect some concern in her voice. “Did someone do this to you?”

“N-no,” I said. “Well, yes. But…that’s not important. I need to get a hold of Kara.”

“Why? Where is she?”

I motioned towards her kitchen window where the fluffy white snow continued to fall.

“She’s out there in the storm?”

“She left three hours ago,” I said. “She was just going to the store. But…I can’t get a hold of her now.”

“Shit,” Blair said, trading her amusement for concern. “You don’t have your phone? Do you need to use mine?”

I was hoping that I didn’t have to explain why I hadn’t been able to call Kara myself, but there we were. I held up my bound hands.

“Oh,” she said. She wrapped both hands around one of the mitts and pulled on it, trying to liberate it from my hand. It didn’t budge. “It’s locked? What the hell kind of game are you two playing over there?”

“I…uh, it doesn’t matter. I can’t call her though. And she hasn’t called me. But…maybe you could give her a call for me?”

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “Of course. Let me call her now.”

She quickly tapped on her phone a few times to bring up Kara’s number and call it. She set it to speakerphone and we both stood there, listening to it ring while we hoped it was answered.

“Hey.” It was Kara’s voice.

“Oh thank god you’re alive,” I said.

“Lee?” Kara asked. “Are you calling from…Blair’s phone?”

“He came over here,” Blair said. “He, uh, couldn’t call you from his phone.”

“Oh shit, yeah…” I could’ve sworn I heard Kara laughing under her breath.

“Where are you?” I asked. “Are you okay?”

“I’m good,” Kara said. “Once I got to the store, the roads got so bad that I didn’t think it was worth going back out again. I was going to try and wait it out here. I don’t know if it was the storm or what, but I’ve barely had any reception.”

Fuck. Knowing that, I wished I had stayed in the apartment.

“Well we’re glad you’re safe,” said Blair.

“Lee, are you still wearing your…stuff?” asked Kara.

“Yes,”  I said, letting my frustration color my tone.

“I helped him get out of his…pacifier,” Blair said. “But the rest of it seems locked up pretty good.”

“Yeah…” Kara said. “I have the keys with me. Look, I’ll be home as soon as I can, okay?”

“It’s fine,” I said. “I’ll just go back to the apartment and wait for you.”

“Okay,” Kara replied. “I’m really sorry.”

“I’m just glad you’re safe,” I said.

“Well, uhm, if it helps,” Blair said, smiling, “I could…babysit? Watch over him while we wait for you to get back.”

“Hold on a minute,” I protested. “I don’t need a–”

“Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Kara said. “You’re sure you wouldn’t mind?”

“I don’t change diapers,” Blair said, winking at me as she said it. “But I can make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”

“The plastic pants are locked,” Kara said, either educating Blair or reminding me. “I’ll take care of whatever mess he’s made in his diaper when I get home.”

“Fair enough,” Blair said.

“Alright, I don’t have a lot of battery left on my phone,” Kara said. “Hopefully the snow lets up soon and the roads get cleared up enough that I can get home sooner than later.”

“Talk to you soon,” I muttered. “Be safe.”

The call ended. It was just Blair and I.

“So,” she said. “This is kind of embarrassing for you, huh?”

I nodded.

“This is a sex thing, right? You’re not actually some giant baby?”

I nodded again.

“You know, Kara told me you were into some kinky shit. I had no idea it was fucking diapers though.”

I sighed. “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”

“Probably not. But that’s more out of respect for Kara than it is for you.”

“Fair enough.”

“Do you, uh, use those diapers?”

I looked down at the plastic pants that housed the cloth diaper. I could see the beads of moisture on the clear plastic. She likely already knew the answer to her question.

“Yeah,” I said anyway.

“Aww, did you piddle in your pants already?” she asked, her voice dripping with condescending babytalk.

“I…didn’t think I would be waiting this long for her,” I said. I wasn’t sure if I was defending myself or just thinking out loud.

“Does she change your diapers?”

I offered a small pathetic nod.

“She’s a good girlfriend, huh?”


“Well, it sounds like she might be a while,” Blair said. “You cool with just hanging out with me for a while?”

I sighed. “I guess. I could just go back to my place though.”

“I promised Kara I was going to look after you. Now what kind of babysitter would I be if I left you to your own devices?”

“I don’t need a…”

“So says the little boy who peed his pants. Go ahead. Go sit on the couch over there. Can I get you something? Something to drink? Eat?”

“N-no,” I said, slowly shuffling towards her couch. “But maybe you could help me out. This bar between my legs isn’t locked. So maybe you could at least take that off for me?”

“No,” she said.

“No? What do you mean, no?”

“Kara has entrusted me with her baby,” she said. “If she had wanted me to take off any of your little toys, I’m sure she would’ve said so. But, seeing as how she didn’t, I don’t feel I can help you with that.”

“Oh come on. I just want to–”

“I can see why she tied that pacifier to your face,” she said, smirking. “You’re a chatty little baby, aren’t you?”

I collapsed into her couch, having made the arduously slow trek across the living room. “You don’t have to treat me like that, you know.”

She laughed. “And how should I treat a supposedly grown man who shows up at my apartment, unannounced, dressed like a big baby? Bonnet? Pacifier? Is that a little dress, by the way?”

“More of a smock,” I said.

She laughed again. “And that diaper is looking rather wet. Actually, no, you need to stand up again.”

“What? But I just…”

“Come on,” she said. “Get up. I don’t want you to leak all over my couch.”

“I won’t leak.”

“I’m not taking any chances.”

“But where am I supposed to–”

“You can just sit on the floor like a good little boy. Or is that a good little girl? Not really sure what I’m supposed to think with that dress.”

“Smock,” I muttered. But she had made her point. I slid off from her couch and onto the ground where I sat on her hardwood floor in my soggy diaper.

“How often do you get to play your little game with Kara?” she asked.

I saw little reason not to be honest with her. With everything out in the open, she’d probably just fact check it with Kara later anyways. “Not as often as we’d like.”

“We?” she asked. “Kara likes this as much as you do?”

“Maybe not as much. It’s…my thing, I guess. But I think she’s gotten into her role.”


I nodded.

“Is that what you call her?”


“It’s a special woman who will change your diaper. You hold onto her.”

“That’s the plan,” I said.

“So you clearly wet your diapers,” she said. “But do you…do other things?”

My heart thumped faster in my chest. I nodded sheepishly. “Y-yeah. Sometimes.”

“Yeah? And she changes those diapers too?”

I nodded.

“Does she like it?”

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

“I’m sure she likes it for the same reason you like it, right? She likes the feeling of having that sort of power over you while you like giving someone that sort of power.”

“I guess.”

I felt my cock stiffening again. Terrible timing, of course, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Talking about Kara changing my dirty diapers was having a rather stimulating effect on me.

“Maybe I should go,” I said.

“And why is that?” she asked.

So many reasons. Off the top of my head? I wanted to lie face down on my own carpet while I desperately humped my wet diaper. But also, the feeling in my bowels was getting a little more urgent. Maybe I could hold out until Kara finally got back. But maybe I couldn’t. And if I couldn’t, I didn’t want that to happen while I was in Blair’s apartment.

“Maybe it’s for the best,” I said.

“The best? Don’t be silly. Just stay here with me. We’ll wait for Kara together. If she needs to reach out to us, she’ll be calling me anyways, right?”

She had a point. Still, if something else was going to happen in my diaper, I needed to be back in my own place.

Maybe I could’ve found a more graceful way to say it, but I needed to make it clear that there were some things I didn’t want to happen while in her company. “I appreciate your help, Blair. But I think I should get back to my apartment. I…well…I don’t have a key to the plastic pants…”

Her eyebrows raised. “Well that’s what the plastic pants are for, right? If you spring a leak because you pee-peed your diaper too much, that’ll catch it all.”

“Sure. But, that’s not the only thing that could happen in a diaper.”

She shook her head and laughed again. “Seriously? You have to poop?”

That blunt question, with its almost childish language, was like a punch to the gut. I was reminded once more of the condition I sat before her in. The giant baby.

“Y-yeah. Maybe I could hold it. Maybe not.”

“Yeah? Well, let’s get back to your place, then.”

Finally, I felt I had made some headway with her and she was seeing sense. “Okay, thank you. Maybe you could just come and get me if Kara calls?”

“I’m coming with you,” she said.


“I’m still your babysitter. I can’t let you out of my sight. I just don’t want you stinking up my apartment when you dirty your diaper like that.”

There was no questioning that logic. I wanted to continue to argue that I didn’t need her to join me back at my apartment, but I already knew that I wasn’t going to be able to shake her.

To her credit, she did help me hobble out of her apartment and back to mine. WIth a patient hand on my arm, it was a much smoother journey than when I had shuffled my way to her apartment in the first place.

No sooner than she had closed the door to my apartment behind me, however, a mischievous smile was back on her face again.

“Well?” she asked. “Are you going to do it?”

“Do it?” I quickly realized what she meant. “That? Oh…I dunno. I don’t have to do it now. I was just concerned that it might be something that has to happen before Kara gets back.”

Blair pointed out the window, where the snow continued to fall. “I’d say it’s going to be a bit. And you said you had to go, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So? Just do it, then.”


“But what? Do you want to have to hold it for possibly hours?”

I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. I could wait for Kara to get back, with the growing discomfort and cramping in my belly. Or I could just let it all out now. It’d be a mess, and I’d be stuck in that mess until Kara got back.

“I don’t know...”

“Oh you big baby, just do it. You’re wearing a diaper. Besides, Kara’s the one who is going to have to clean it, not you.”

It wasn’t a terrible argument. Still: “I don’t think I could do it in front of you.”

“Well you’re going to have to,” she stated, firmly.

“Why? You really want to see me do that?”

She laughed. “Are you serious? The chance to watch a man dressed like that squat and fill his diaper like a pathetically helpless toddler? I absolutely want to see that.”

At the end of the day, she couldn’t actually make me empty my bowels into my diaper, and we both knew it. Either we’d wait around long enough for it to happen on its own, or I had to be willing to do it sooner. And, admittedly, I was willing.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone, myself included. The diapers and the baby stuff, it was about humiliation. I craved it. And this scenario felt as if it had been pulled out from one of my fantasies–stuck in a room with my attractive neighbor while I was dressed as a baby. And she was asking me to mess myself?

Maybe it was just my hormones talking, but I felt I’d be stupid if I didn’t.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll do it.”

“Seriously?” she asked. “Now?”

I nodded.

“Go on then.”

I had messed my diapers in front of Kara very few times. Usually I was coming to her after the deed was already done–or she discovered it for herself when the air around me had turned foul. But it was very rare that she had actually watched me as it happened.

I worried that there was no way that I could do this for Blair now. Yet, no sooner than I had squatted down a little, my body signaled that it had no qualms about letting this happen now or later–regardless of who was around.

I had a little mental pep-talk with myself: Okay, here we go. You can do this.

FLORP. It couldn’t have been easier, really. No sooner than I had released my muscle control, I felt everything rush out of me in one fell swoop. The mass quickly filled the back of the diaper, instantly causing it to sag more than it had been. Even after it happened, I held the position a little longer, thinking that there had to have been more coming. But no, it was all out, all at once.

It immediately stunk, and I felt my face burning as my cheeks likely turned a shade of pink that would put my dress–smock, maybe–to shame.

“Oh my,” she said, waving her hand in front of her face. “Did I say yet that I was grateful that I don’t have to be the one to change your diaper? Because I am feeling blessed right now.”

“Sorry,” I said softly. What a pathetic thing to say. There I was, filling my pants for her at her request, and I was apologizing for it.

“Do you like it?” she asked. “Do you like the feeling of having done something so dirty and disgusting in your diaper?”


“What do you normally like to do after you’ve made a poo in your diaper?”

I could think of a few things–none of which I wanted to say aloud. “I…would rather not–”

“Oh come on,” she said. “You just shit yourself in front of me. I don’t see any reason to keep secrets from me now.”

“I sit in my diaper,” I spat out. “And then I touch myself.”

She laughed–cackled, really–and shook her head. “Oh my god. Seriously?”

I nodded again.

“Fuck. I’m sorry, but I need to see that.”

I wished I had any sort of control. I could’ve told her that I was done, or that now I was waiting for Kara before I did anything else. But, fuck, I wanted to please Blair so badly. And with this stinking wet diaper between my legs, I felt like I had lost a good amount of the brain cells that helped me make logical decisions.

I sat down, right there, on the floor in front of her. SQUICK. The mess in the back of the diaper was squished and spread everywhere that it could go. I didn’t even want to know how much worse I had made things in there.

This was the part where I’d start desperately rubbing at my cock through my loaded diaper. But my hands were still locked in the mitts, and the best I could do was just helplessly press them into the padding.

Blair laughed, shaking her head again. “Aww, what’s wrong, Baby? Can’t touch yourself?”


“Maybe I could help? Would you like that? If I bent over like this…” she bent down in front of me, reaching between my legs, feeling the plastic pants with her hand. My eyes looked right down her sweater, catching her cleavage staring right back at me.

A moan escaped my lips.

“Ah, so you like this, huh?”


“You like it when I rub you like this?” Her hand quickly glided up and down the plastic pants.

I had no idea what her intent was–whether it was to actually get me off, or if it was just to tease me. But I needed to feel a hand, any hand, on my cock at that moment. And hers was there. It took barely any effort to get me to pop.

“Unnnh,” I muttered. “Fuck…”

“Oh my god,” she said, laughing. “Did you just… Already? Seriously?”

“Shit,” I said. “Uhm…”

“Holy fucking shit. You just creamed your messy diaper after I touched you for, like, five seconds.”

I didn’t even know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut.

“Well, while you were pooping your pants, I got this text message.”

She held up her cell phone to my face. It was a text message from Kara: Snow is letting up. I lucked out and am following a snow plow down the highway. Should be home soon.

“Why don’t you sit here in your own filth for a bit, Baby,” Blair cooed. “I’ll go meet Kara when she gets here and tell her all about what a good babysitter I was. I’m hoping it’s a job I get to do again, if I’m being honest.”

The door opened and closed behind me and she was gone. Once again I was alone in my diaper, though it was in a much different condition now than it had been earlier.

I wet myself one more time. What difference did it make?

There was a heavy feeling of shame and disgust in my chest. Today had spiraled out of control, and had gone places I never would’ve predicted.

A few minutes later, I heard talking in the hallway. Kara was back. Blair was filling her in now. I wondered what she’d say. I wondered how Kara would react. Would she be mad at me? Disappointed? I held my breath.

Suddenly, I could hear laughter. Both women seemed filled with joy and delight. I let out a sigh of relief.

I was nervous again, though for different reasons. Today–well, up until the point when Kara had left for the store–was the escalation of everything we had done before this. Then, in Kara’s absence, our game had skipped ten steps to become something even more extreme than anything we had ever talked about before. And if I was okay with the way things went today–and I had a loaded diaper that suggested I was–and she was too, then it only meant that we’d probably do it again.

It probably wasn’t the last time I had heard Blair refer to herself as my babysitter.

The door finally opened and Kara walked in by herself. After closing the door, she set down her bags and walked around me to face me head on. She looked down at me, still sitting in my disgusting swamp of a diaper. Her arms were crossed in front of her, though she was smiling. Her right hand was shaking gently, jingling some small keys in it.

“So I had a hell of an afternoon,” she said. “How was your day?”  



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