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Thirteen: Inspiration

She found the act of naming to be an incredibly intimate one. Maybe it was because she had never been a fan of her own name - Harper always sounded more like the name of a profession and not a little girl. You know - one who...harps. But to choose your own name, to pick a single word that encapsulated who you were and who you wanted to be - she simply adored everything about it.

She had once pressed Layne to choose a baby name for himself. An identity separate from ‘Layne,’ and one reserved just for his time in little space. He didn’t have quite the same affinity for it that she did, tossing out a few joke-names like ‘Steve’ and ‘Thanos.’

So she picked for him, and she picked Baby Puddles.

It was an incredibly effective name. It’s infantile simplicity never failed to immediately help regress him when he heard it. She could sometimes weaponize it - lobbing it into a heated argument to freeze him in his tracks for a few moments.

She reckoned, though, that even if the name hadn’t been something as silly as Puddles, it would’ve been effective. There was power in identity - even in just a temporary alter-ego. As soon as there were some memories associated with a given name, hearing it would invoke them.

As she had put each of her new babies into a diaper, she asked them to pick a baby name. A new identity to be born into.

Syd had been very into the idea. They had done it once before - choosing a new name for themself after having shed most of the identity that was assigned to them at birth. Syd represented things, or so they had said, though Harper hadn’t gotten to hear those reasons just yet. For that matter, she had no idea who Syd was before they were Syd. It was a point of curiosity, though she was fine with leaving well enough alone. She liked Syd.

“Bunny,” Syd had said in response to Harper’s question, without letting a single moment pass.

“Baby Bunny, is that right?”

Syd nodded.

Grace had been a little more challenged by the concept. The entire experience of being exposed and diapered by a near-stranger was overwhelming enough. Harper having stuck her fingers between Grace’s legs probably hadn’t helped much.

Grace had hemmed and hawed a little, pretending to think about names when she seemed much more interested in feeling the plump Carnival diaper that Harper had just finished taping onto her.

“I...I don’t care,” Grace said. “Call me anything you want.”

“Anything? Be careful what you wish for.”

Grace had gone on, mindlessly grabbing at the padding between her legs as if it was the most interesting thing she had ever worn. It may have been.

It occurred to Harper that maybe there were two different approaches to the concept of alternate identity: there were those who wanted to have a hand in who they were and how they’d be seen, and then there were those who wanted to be told who they were so that they could live up to that name.

Bunnies and Puddles. Grace was a Puddle. It was no wonder that there was some sort of chemistry between her and Layne.

“We’ll just call you Princess,” Harper finally said, planting her hand on Grace’s diaper for a playful squeeze.

Grace offered a moan of approval.

Back in the stockroom, the babies were reacquainted. For two people who had never even known of the other a very short time ago, their similar circumstances had created a strange bond, like little siblings. They shrieked in delight at the sight of each other in their new diapers and hugged.

“Hi, I’m Baby Bunny!”

“And I’m Princess!”

Layne was there, maybe in the middle of trying to say something to Syd before she and Grace stepped out from the nursery. Harper was a little annoyed by his presence - fearing that he’d inevitably do something that would make the other babies feel judged or objectified.

“This is a Baby Party. A party for babies,” she said.

“Okay?” Layne said with a shrug. “I was just coming over to say ‘hi’ and…”

“If you’re joining the party you’re going to have to put a diaper on. Those are the rules for the Baby Party.”

Layne’s cheeks grew red as he contemplated his options. Clearly he feared missing out. But sticking around would put him in a vulnerable position.

She had been waiting for Layne to say something, but it was Grace’s voice she heard first: “Join us?”

He laughed, a release of some of his pent up anxiety. “Yeah, alright. Fine.”

A few minutes later, the nursery door opened again and Layne emerged, wearing only his blue Epitaph Records tee and a light blue diaper featuring polar bears and penguins - the Polar Party.

“Hi,” said Syd with a wide mile. “My name is Baby Bunny.”

“And I’m Princess,” said Grace. “What’s your name?”

“Ugh, c’mon…”

“Tell them your name, baby,” Harper said from behind him.

“Hi. I’m...Baby Puddles.”

Everyone got a good laugh out of that, with Layne eventually joining in.

Soon after, Layne and Harper unfurled a number of blankets onto the floor. It wasn’t much, but it was a place to crawl and roll around without worrying about getting too dirty. Harper had also begun to pass out some treats that she had brought along for the babies. Bottles of juice and milk. Baggies of animal crackers. There were some jars of baby food too, but there were no immediate takers for those.

“Do you know about the bet?” Syd asked Layne as the three babies sat in a circle, watching each other clumsily drinking from their bottles.


“The first person to use their diaper is the winner.”

“Does the winner get a prize?” he asked.

Syd shrugged.

“We could set some stakes,” Harper said as she looked down at her babies.

“Winner gets an extra bottle?” Grace asked.

“Oh, I’ll give you all the bottles you want,” Harper said with a grin.

“It’s not the winner who gets something,” Syd said. “It’s the loser.”

“Go on,” said a curious Layne.

“I don’t know,” Syd said. “I’m making this up as I go. But can, like, diapers be...re-used?”

“Well, they are traditionally pretty disposable,” said Layne. “We have some cloth diapers out front but…”

“No, no,” said Harper, shaking a finger as she picked up Syd’s thread. “Syd - Baby Bunny - is suggesting that a ‘winner’s’ used diaper be given to the loser to wear. Is that right?”

Syd nodded.

“Overtop of their diaper, maybe?” asked Syd.

“Tapes don’t always cooperate like that,” Harper said, looking around the stockroom. “But...I see plenty of packing tape. We could make it work.”

“So this is a game now?” asked Layne. “A competition? I thought this was an introduction to the wonderful world of diapers.”

“You talk too much, Baby Puddles,” said Harper. “And besides, you’re lucky you were invited to this Baby Party at all.”

“I’m just saying, maybe if this was a more chill…” He was cut off by a pacifier being pressed into his mouth, as Harper’s hand had reached around his head from behind him. The other two babies seemed delighted by this.

“I could do it right now,” Syd said.

Grace tilted her head curiously. “Hmm?”

“I could totally wet myself.”

“Then do it,” said Harper. “Show us what a little baby you are.”

Syd always put up a strong and daring front, but more often than not, they were the first to blush and act shy when an embarrassing topic came up. Right on schedule, there were their glowing pink cheeks. Everyone watched as Syd contemplated how to achieve this. They tried re-positioning their legs a few times. They stood up, and then they sat back down on the blanket again.

“I...I have to go. I just...can’t. Not yet.”

“Evvybubby geth pee shy ah tha firth thime eh diaperth,” said Layne through his pacifier.

“Puddles, I stuck that thing in your mouth so that everyone else had a chance to speak.”

“Have you ever worn a diaper?” Grace asked Harper.

She nodded. “A few times. But...I tend to feel off my game when I’m not in charge. When I’m, you know, not on top.”

Syd laughed. “Ain’t that the truth.”

“I feel guilty,” Grace said. “I like this - all of this. Quite a bit. But it’s hard to enjoy.”

“Why so?” asked Harper.

“I was so sure that you people were...disgusting.”

“I hathe tah bweak et too you,” Layne said, “buth we are.”

Harper shot Layne a frustrated look before turning back to Grace. “Even if we were, it’s...controlled disgust. But we’re all here because we want to be, right? We’re not hurting anyone. Nothing we do here tonight - no matter how crazy it seems - will ever affect another person outside of these walls.”

“Unleth you make ah diaper tho thtinky that Effie thmellth it tahmorrow.”

Harper grumbled. “Actually, I take back what I just said. One of us may end up getting hurt by the end of the night.”

“You can enjoy this,” Syd said, putting their hand on Grace’s shoulder. “You have my permission.”

“And mine,” said Harper.”

“Anth mine,” said Layne, doing his best to maneuver the pacifier in his mouth as he spoke.

For a good minute or two, nobody said anything - as if waiting for Grace to respond. She simply smiled and looked down at the ground. And when she finally looked up, her cheeks were rosier than they had been moments earlier.

“Okay,” she said. “I...just wet my diaper.”

Syd’s mouth dropped open incredulously while Harper grinned from ear to ear.

“And then there were two,” said Harper.


Of course, Grace hadn’t just wet her diaper. She had also saturated the wad of cloth that Harper had shoved into her diaper earlier - her cute yellow ducky panties. And while the diaper had done its part in absorbing all the liquid it could, the rest remained trapped in her panties - the damp cloth pressed against her skin. It was every bit as humiliating as Harper had likely intended it for it to be. Not only had she pissed herself - the first tonight to do so - but she had all but ensured that she’d never be able to look at these panties again without remembering what happened to them here.

It was hard to think that she could be any more embarrassed tonight, considering not only what she had just done - but what they all would likely do at some point. But the thought of her soaking wet panties getting exposed to everyone else felt worse.

“I swear,” Syd said, shaking their head in frustration. “I have to go. But my body just isn’t letting me.”

“It can be hard,” Harper said with a sympathetic nod. “Your first time using a diaper had been tough, right?” she asked Layne.



Layne was experiencing an issue that he suspected was unique among the other babies in the room. Like Syd, he knew that he could wet himself. He had felt the aching of his bladder calling him earlier, and adding a bottle of juice to that had only grown that feeling. But this wasn’t the psychological problem Syd was experiencing. This was physical.

And who could blame me, he thought. Surrounded by cute people in diapers? He was a tad excited.

It was actually a bit of a relief that he felt himself becoming so enamored with the company. The diaper biz had almost entirely sucked out the last of his kink-drive - if not his sex-drive altogether. It had slowly been rekindled again, following his overnight stay in the nursery and the night with Harper, though he still saw those as exceptions to the rule. But no - there were some pretty bodies in diapers before him, and he was more than okay with it.

Or, he wished he could be even more there for it, but he had just found the perfect position in which he could sit and not make it look like he had a raging hard-on in his diaper. Almost any attempt to get up or relocate now, he figured, would reveal the truth.

“And who will it be?” cooed Harper, walking around the circle of babies. “Who is gonna be the, uh, lucky baby? Though I guess that depends on which you’d like more - winning or losing. I know at least one of you babies is especially fond of being a dirty little boy.

Layne blushed and scoffed, as if he could be incredulous for such an obvious observation. He saw Grace cracking a smile. He spit the pacifier into his hand. He couldn’t even remember how it ended up in his mouth in the first place.

“Is that true?” asked Grace. “Is he a naughty little baby?”

“Oh, sweet Princess,” Harper said, “you have no idea. Does she, Puddles?”

“Sometimes,” he said, “it’s not the worst thing to just...let mysteries remain mysteries. We don’t have to, like, talk about it.”

“I think we do,” said Syd. To Harper: “Tell us?”

“Please?” added Grace. Ganging up on him like siblings.

“Well, I mean...there’s so much to tell. I couldn’t tell you everything.

“Tell us something good,” Syd said. “Consider it...inspiration. You know, to make it easier for us to be as big of babies as Layne is.”

“Well who am I to stand in the way of inspiration?” Harper asked. “I ‘m tempted to tell you a story. I mean, I could tell you about Lake George. Or...Boston.”

“No,” Layne said. “I don’t know about that…”

“First of all, why is that pacifier out of your mouth?” Harper asked. “Get that back in there. Second, Boston was far from the worst embarrassment you’ve ever experienced.”

He grumbled, sliding the pacifier back into his mouth.

“Tell us about Boston,” Syd said.

“Yeah,” said Grace - still in her little-sister mode.

“Tonight isn’t about Puddles,” Harper said. “Even the most embarrassing story would probably just serve to shine an unnecessary spotlight on this little boy’s adventures.”

“Aw,” the other babies said in unison.

“At least tell us,” said Syd. “Does he use - like, really use his diapers?”

Layne offered a pleading look to Harper. A ‘Please, don’t say anything in front of Grace’ kind of look.

But Grace would probably figure it out sooner or later, given enough time.

“My goodness,” Harper said to the babies, “you have no idea just how dreadful this little baby’s diaper can be.”

They giggled amongst each other - coming close to breaking into a cackle. Layne’s shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Do you know what a ‘blow-out’ is? Well, I’m sure you can imagine what that is. But he is the Prince of Blow-Outs. There was this stretch of time where I swore he had somehow mastered the technique of filling a diaper so much that it had nowhere else to go but...out.”

“That happened...outside?” asked Grace.

Harper nodded. “Afraid so. For what it’s worth, I’m not sure we ever attracted much attention. Except for when we wanted to. Boston, I guess, was...obvious.”

“You’re not going to tell us about Boston?” asked Syd.

“Ask me later. When Puddles isn’t here to give me his sad eyes.”

“Thahth noth berry nighth,” he murmured through the pacifier.

“The moral of this story, babies, is that you can do your absolute worst in these diapers. Wet them. Mess them. Absolutely desecrate them. And at the end of the day? You just get changed, take a shower, put some normal pants on, and you get to walk away looking like a normal adult again. Puddles here manages to fool people every day into thinking he’s a normal adult.”


“Let that be your inspiration. No matter what you do, I’ve already seen worse.”

“Alright,” Syd said with a smile. “That works for me.”

“Feeling inspired?” asked Harper. “Think you could wet a diaper now?”

“Oh, no,” Syd said. “I’m feeling inspired because I wet myself already. While you were talking.”


“I love it,” they said.

And eyes were, once again, on Baby Puddles.

“And then there was one,” said Harper. “I suppose that makes you the loser.”

“Whath elth ith new?”



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