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My father often told me: “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

I was thankful that he couldn’t see me now, because I was playing the world’s stupidest game. I had absolutely nothing to win, and everything to lose.

“What are you doing back there?” she said, tugging on the leash. “Stay by my side.”

I scurried to her side again. I was trying my hardest to keep up with her, but it wasn’t exactly easy to do. She’d stop, then talk to someone, then go, then stop, talk to someone else. Then, it was back to the kitchen to refill an empty bowl or to get more ice. Back to the living room. Then out to the deck. Back inside. All the while, she dragged me around with the leash attached to the collar around my neck.

“Are you enjoying yourself,” she asked a young couple standing near a bookshelf.

“Taylor, can I just say that I think you throw the absolute best parties?” the young woman said. It was sort of a statement - sort of a question.

“Oh, you flatter me,” Taylor said.

“You’ve outdone yourself on the food,” the man said.

“Catered, admittedly. But I’ll take credit for having the good taste to hire these specific caterers.” The three of them laughed.

“And...this?” the young woman asked, pointing to me. “This is a...friend?”

“Do you think I’d treat friends like this?” asked Taylor with a wry grin.

“If you do...maybe you oughta give me a call sometime,” the man said. They laughed again.

“This is my little project. A pet, I suppose. I’ve been calling him Piggy, but I suppose you could call him whatever you want to.”

“Piggy is good,” the woman said. “It seems appropriate.”

“And I assume,” the man said, taking a step around me to get a better look at my entire ensemble, “this little outfit is...functional?”

I looked up to Taylor’s face, watching her lips curl with delight. She simply adored answering questions about me.

“Fully and completely.”

“Really? And that goes for...both ends?”

Taylor nodded.

“Roger!” the young woman playfully slapped the man’s shoulder. “You’re not really thinking about…”

“Now now,” Taylor said, “I wouldn’t have brought my little pet out into the party tonight if I didn’t want him to get used. If you’re serious, simply say the word and I’ll hand over the leash.”

“Good to know,” the man - Roger, apparently - chuckled. “Maybe after I get a few more drinks in me.”

“Are you serious?” the woman said, again playfully slapping his shoulder.

“Maybe! I don’t know.”

“Well if you do,” she finally admitted, “can you at least let me know so that I can watch?”

I did not know any of the people at this party. I barely knew Taylor herself. I knew what she wanted me to know, and she took much happiness in keeping everything close to the chest.

At its core, our arrangement made complete sense. I wanted to be humiliated and treated like a completely disposable plaything. She wanted to, in her words, “absolutely destroy” someone.

Starting at my head, I wore a pink leather mask that completely covered my head. Little pink pig ears sat atop it, while a firm pig-nose protruding from the front of it. In my mouth was a hollow tube, that was secured with a strap around my head. It left my mouth permanently open, and drooling. It was, as Taylor put it, an inviting hole.

My hands were sealed inside locked mitts. I was just about useless in them, having no access to my fingers or even my ability to grip things. Of all the implements Taylor deemed necessary, this had surprised me in being the most effective at making me feel completely helpless.

I wore a pink t-shirt, a girl’s sized shirt, I suspected, and a few sizes too small at that. It barely covered my belly, and the only thing on the shirt was the word “OINK” in plain black letters on the front of it.

The “coup de grace,” as Taylor called it, were my diapers. Diapers, plural. Three layers, in fact, with each layer progressively larger and thicker - topped off with a pair of baggy plastic panties that encapsulated all of the them. Taylor wanted to find a way to implement a curly little pig’s tail on the back of the plastic panties, and I couldn’t decide if I was relieved or disappointed that it didn’t work out.

And that was it. Nobody knew who I was. I didn’t know who they were. I was dragged around the party with the leash, given only the most basic of instructions: “You’ll do what you’re told.”

No matter how many times people asked the same questions, Taylor graciously answered them with a smile each and every time. Yes, I was expected to use my diaper. Yes, I was available to have my face fucked. Yes, it was quite alright to shove anything you wanted to into my diaper or my mouth.

For a while, I was mostly just a novelty. A fun anecdote for people to talk about while drinking or eating. There was so much potential for humiliation here, yet while nobody took advantage of it, it just felt like a wasted opportunity.

This didn’t seem to be lost on Taylor either. I was becoming deadweight on a string, as she talked up my willingness to serve - only to have people shyly turn down the opportunity to try me out for themselves.

“May I see?” a man finally asked. He was tall and handsome, and filled out his suit quite nicely. In another life, he may have been the kind of guy I wished that I was. Now, he was the kind of guy I wished would bend me over and fill my ass with a cock.

“I insist,” Taylor said, handing the leash to him.

The first thing he did was look into my eyes. Had I any defenses left, or any dignity to spare, he would’ve dissolved them with that look. He looked deep inside me, finally nodding - possibly confirming that I was as pathetic as he had hoped.

He stuck a finger into my hollow mouth tube, feeling the shape of the rubber ring that held my mouth open while probing the inside of my mouth.

“It’s tight,” he said. “But I think it’ll work.”

“Oh? So...you’re interested?”

“What good is your little pig if he’s not being used?”

Taylor nodded enthusiastically. I felt my heart beginning to beat faster and faster.

“Here?” he said. “Or is there a room where I could…”

“I was thinking people could just take him wherever they wanted. I mean...if you wanted to do it here, I certainly don’t have a problem with that.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to offend anyone here if they didn’t want to see…”

“I think you should do it here,” a woman nearby said.

“Yes,” another man said. “Please.”

The handsome man spoke a little louder, getting the attention of more people. “Well? What does everyone think? Should Piggy suck me off? Right here?”

As far as I could tell, there wasn’t a single objection to this. People were clapping. Cheering. Laughing. People were calling others to come closer and check out what was about to happen.

“On your knees, Piggy,” Handsome Man said.

I did as I was asked, without hesitation. I heard various whispers (“Is he really doing it?”) and comments (“Come here and watch this. This is going to be good.”) around me (“Where the hell do you find someone like this, anyways?”), with some of the people talking (“He beat me to it...I was going to ask her for the leash.”) as if I wasn’t even there (“Such a pathetic little piece of garbage.”). It didn’t bother me in the slightest.

Handsome Man wasn’t one for wasting his time or mine. I was already at his service, and I had no way to respond to anything he would’ve said to me. The way he just wordlessly unzipped his pants in front of me and let his semi-hard cock flop out of his pants made me feel like I was no different to him as a urinal - just a tool for his business.

There were a few impressed noises and words from the crowd around us, mostly women who were probably already smitten with Handsome Man. I wondered what those women thought about the fact that he was about to jam his cock into my mouth. Did it only excite them further?

“Is his diaper clean?” Handsome Man asked.

“I’m not sure,” Taylor said with a shrug. “Did you have a preference?”

“I was thinking that it would be better if I was fucking this little pig’s mouth while his diaper was good and full, that’s all.”

Taylor pulled open the back of my plastic pants and carefully peered into the back of my many layers of diapers. Unable to get a good answer from that, she carefully dipped a hand into the diapers.

Everyone loved that. They laughed and cheered.

“A little damp,” she finally announced. “Sorry to disappoint.”

Handsome Man shrugged. “Not much we can do about that I suppose.”

“If you want the piggy to have a dirty diaper,” Taylor said, “I have ways of making that happen.

“We could put it to a vote,” Handsome Man said. “Who here thinks piggy out to be left in a clean diaper?”

I was a little surprised by the silence. Surely someone at this party didn’t want this grown man to be filling his diaper in front of them. Either nobody wanted to be the voice of dissent...or Taylor’s parties attracted a very sadistic crowd.

“I see,” Handsome Man said. “And so then what do we think about the idea of having the little piggy fill his diapers? Having him sit and waddle and crawl in a diaper full of his own filth?”

Laughter. Cheering. It seemed, best I could tell, to be a unanimous reaction.

Somebody - a feminine voice belonging to someone who wasn’t in my field of vision - had begun chanting: “Dirty piggy diapers! Dirty piggy diapers!”

It caught on. Seemingly everyone in the room, even Taylor, was chanting along with her.

“Dirty piggy diapers! Dirty piggy diapers.”

“The crowd has spoken,” Taylor said. “I shall return shortly.”

“We’ll take good care of him in the meantime,” Handsome Man said.

Taylor vanished from the area. I didn’t know where she was going, nor what she was getting. I good take a few guesses at what she might be retrieving - but they’d only be guesses. We had never talked about this previously.

But I’d be fine with anything she brought out. After all, as soon as she put me into diapers, I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be taking them off while they were still dry.

Handsome Man’s cock was in my face. It was quite hard now, and stood at an impressive length and girth. He approached my mouth with it, sizing up the opening compared to his shaft.

“May I help?” a young woman asked.

“If you think it’s necessary,” he said.

She was cute. Hot. Tall, long dark hair, a slender build. Part of me wished I was encountering her anywhere else. But part of me was glad that she was here right now.

She grasped his cock in her hand, and she carefully guided it into my mouth. It was like threading a large, strange, needle. And once his cock had successfully landed in my mouth, her hands migrated to the sides of my head, where she started guiding my head up and down his shaft.

I had pleasured men with my mouth before. Many a night had been spent on my knees in bar bathrooms, parking lots, bedrooms and even a local government official’s office. I was never one to toot my own horn - but I knew what to do with my mouth.

But this was unlike anything I had ever done before. Without use of my lips, I was almost entirely unable to do much on my own accord. I had been reduced to just a fuckhole. I wondered if it would be much different if he just fucked a hole in a tree. A warm tree, I suppose, but I’d digress.

He just stood there with his cock loaded into my mouth. The dark-haired woman did most of the work, slowly moving my head up and down his shaft with her hands. I’d glance up into the eyes of Handsome Man, and I’d see only indifference. He didn’t care who I was. I wasn’t even sure that he was getting off on this. I think he just liked the spectacle of it.

Though, in his defence, everyone else seemed to like it too.

“I’m baaack,” Taylor sung from somewhere behind me. I couldn’t see her, nor did I know what she had brought with her. But judging by the reactions of the people around me, it was something good.

“Are you fucking serious?” one man said. “Is that a…”

“Who even has one of those?” another woman said.

“I’d say things just got interesting,” another guest said, “but we’re well beyond just interesting.”

“Could I have your assistance with this, Amy?” Taylor said, now standing directly behind me.

The dark-haired woman released my head from her grip, assumedly revealing herself to be Amy, and reached behind me to hold something that Taylor handed her. Her arm was just out of my view. I tried to turn my head to see it, only to find that Handsome Man’s cock had it locked in place.

“Eyes over here, Piggy,” he said to me, noting my curiosity.

“What do you think?” Taylor asked everyone. “Should I show him? Or should I just use it?”

Everyone around us were quick to respond:

“Don’t show him.”

“Let him figure it out for himself!”

“Absolutely not.”

“Just do it!”

I was excited by this response, honestly. I’d hardly call this evening expected, but each little surprise had left me wanting more, and I kept wondering if I had reached the ceiling for how strange things would get.

“This will be a little tricky to do while his diapers are on,” Taylor said, giving me a firm swat on my massive bulging undergarment. “But likely not impossible. I think we’ll just need to change his angle a little bit”

Handsome Man nodded, either having been signaled to do something, or just knowing what he needed to do. He took a few steps backwards, taking my face with him as it was still stuck to his cock - the rest of my body stayed in place. I was now leaning forward a little bit, and I used my mitted hands to brace myself so that I didn’t just topple over.

Behind me, I could feel a hand, Taylor’s I assumed, sliding into the back of my diaper.She was holding something, but I couldn’t sense what it was. She finally reached her intended destination - my little asshole. Something small and firm was pressed against it. Not a finger, nor a plug of any sort. More like...a nozzle.

I felt stupid for not putting the pieces together sooner. When Taylor offered to fix the problem of me not having used my diaper, what else could it have been?

“I’m in,” she said. “Here we go.”

The sudden rush of water being pumped into my bottom only confirmed it - an enema.

I had been given enemas before. You don’t live a lifestyle like this without having your insides cleaned out like this once in a while. But to have it done in a room full of people, in a diaper, with a man’s cock in my mouth, pushed this experience far beyond anything I had ever done before. Nobody could see it because of my pig mask, but I could feel myself blushing pretty brightly.

“We’ll just give this a little bit here,” she said. “We’ll fill him up good.”

“Forgive my ignorance,” a man to my left said. “I gather that this is going to cause him to…”

“What goes in must come out,” she answered. “Sooner rather than later. Much sooner.” Then, raising her voice a little to address everyone: “I mean, if y’all have been enjoying the show so far, I have to imagine that you’re okay with seeing a lot of things. But I just want to make it clear that this isn’t going to be pretty. You may not see what he blasts into his poor diaper, but you’ll certainly hear it. You’ll definitely smell it. If you don’t think you want to experience that, maybe this would be the time to go get some food.”

Just about everyone stayed where they were. I spied a single woman off to the left, shaking her head and mouth “Hell no” before slipping away.

Amy momentarily stepped into my peripheral vision holding the enema bag, gently squeezing its contents into me. I could feel myself bloating as I took on all the liquid.

Finally, either I had taken it all, or I had taken enough. A hand snaked into the back of my diaper again and retrieved the nozzle from my ass, easing it out slowly before pulling the hose from the diaper altogether.

“There,” Taylor said confidently. “This shouldn’t take too long to work its magic. Feel free to carry on. Or you can wait a little bit.”

“I’m already here,” Handsome Man said, rubbing the top of my pig mask. “We’ll just take our time.”

And take his time he did. Amy was back on head-duty - I wondered if she just insisted that she take this role on, or if I had missed some sort of communication as to why she was in charge of using my head to fuck him.

Beyond feeling bloated, I wasn’t feeling any immediate cramping or pressure on my bowels. That would come sooner than later, and I was cherishing this moment while I could. As my mouth continued to slide up and down his shaft without any of my own agency, I pondered my options about what I’d do once the pressure reached its zenith. Did I hold it, wallowing in desperation for a saving grace that was all but guaranteed not to come? Or did I just release it immediately? If I was to guess, Taylor would’ve rathered the former - but she certainly wouldn’t complain about the latter.

Truthfully, I probably didn’t need the enema. If I had been instructed to push something filthy into my diaper, and had been given a little more time, I probably would’ve been able to satisfy the request.

Taylor gave my exposed belly a playful rub. I liked feeling her soft fingers on my skin. She was a gorgeous woman. Far out of my league, and the type who would likely scoff at my very existence if I approached her at any other time. Being her toy now would be the closest we’d ever get - and that was still probably more than I deserved.

“How’s it going in your tummy, Piggy?” she cooed.

“Is he going to blow soon or what?” a man called out, his words a little slurred by alcohol.

“Patience, my friends. I promise, this will be worth it.”

Slowly and surely, the pressure is mounting. I feel things churning in my guts. My current position, on my knees, but not quite sitting on the back of my legs, has my bottom in, what feels to be, an almost ideal position for release. Around me, I can see the growing excitement in everyone’s faces. I see it in Amy’s smile as she bounces my head up and down Handsome Man’s cock. Even he seems to be ready for a pay off.

“Do you see his face?” someone asks. “He’s feeling it right now, for sure.”

“Should I get my camera?”

“Can you even imagine being so disgusting?”

“Any second now!”

I could probably hold it a little longer. Maybe another two or three minutes. Maybe four if I really wanted to test my will - though I doubted Amy’s movement of my head would allow for that sort of focus. I decided to give it a little longer, but that I’ll release it sooner than later. It’s pathetic that the last strand of agency I hold on to is when I release an enema into a diaper.

But even that is taken from me at the last second.

“Do it,” Handsome Man says. “Fill your diaper right now.”

There’s no hesitation on my part. My response is so sudden that it feels automatic. I don’t even have to push - I merely surrender my hold and let my body do the rest. The enema explodes out of my bottom with a loud thunderous chorus of humiliating squelches and rude noises. Even the sound of the diaper itself as it’s filled to capacity with a combination of liquid and thick mush are loud. I unconsciously attempt to groan and moan as my bowels evacuate, but with Handsome Man’s shaft practically down my throat, the best that I can do is gurgle and squeak.

“If his mouth wasn’t occupied,” Amy says, “this would be when I’d like to see him crawling around while oinking like the disgusting pig he is.”

My body is on edge. I can feel more cramps coming, and few smaller waves follow - each further squeezing in a little more into my swampy diaper.

Handsome Man likes this. He likes this a lot. By the time I’ve begun to come back to reality after putting all my attention into what was happening in my pants, I find that Handsome Man has taken over Amy’s job and is now guiding my head up and down his shaft himself. Faster and faster. He’s fucking my mouth with the intent to blow his load into it.

“Is that good?” Taylor asks. I’m not sure who she’s asking. “His pampers are completely loaded,” she continues, narrating to an audience who is likely already aware. “And now? He gets to just be used as a fuck toy while he marinates in his filthy diapers.”

A man to my right waves a hand in front of his face - the first sign that the stench of my bottom is reaching other nostrils than just my own. He excuses himself and leaves - having seen, and smelled, enough.

“Yes, he does smell quite revolting, right? A real dirty little piggy.”

There’s no fanfare or commentary from Handsome Man. He goes from being dead set on completing his mission to, suddenly and aggressively, completing it. Right into my mouth, fired down my throat. I’m left gasping and wheezing as he finally pulls his cock from the hollow mouthtube. People are cheering and clapping. I fall backwards, sandwiching my diaper between my body and the back of my calves. Its contents are audibly squished into new humiliating places. More laughter from the guests.

My mind is beginning to numb a little. There’s too much going on at once and I can’t seem to find a moment to process any of it.

“Well,” another man says, “if the seal is broken now, maybe I should have a turn.”

His voice is a little familiar, and I realize it was one of the guys Taylor had dragged me to earlier in the evening - Roger.

Taylor starts to ask “Should we clean out his mouth first for you or…”

“Don’t bother,” Roger says. “We’re all friends here.”

His cock was suddenly in my mouth. Smaller, thinner - but what it lacked in size, he made up for in energy. His hands held my head still while his hips wildly thrashed to and fro, rapidly ramming his penis into my open mouth.

I wouldn’t have thought it’d do much for him. But maybe all it took was will-power and the desire to further humiliate a diaper-shitting pig to get him off, because in less than three minutes, he climaxed himself, recklessly splattering the side.

“Who...is next…” Roger said, out of breath.

“Please, honey,” Taylor said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Go have a seat before you have a goddamn heart attack.”  Then, turning back to the other guests: “But...like he said - who’s next?”

A short balding man was next.

Then another man, a bearded hipster type.

An older guy.

It went on like this. I lost count around 8 or 9 guys. They were lining up. Every once in a while Taylor would pause the line long enough to thoroughly rinse out my open mouth, letting it drain into a bowl. Then it was back to work.

I was becoming more than just numb. I felt myself slipping in and out of disassociation. I didn’t think it would happen - nor did I think it could. Yet I had seemingly found my breaking point. On display in my filthy diaper, whose rotten odor only seemed to grow stronger with every jostle of my body and a long line of cocks getting lodged into my mouth, spreading their seeds anywhere and everywhere. It was on my mask's face. It was on my shirt. Down my throat. Some got creative and sprayed it into my diaper.

Finally, Taylor stepped in and got into my face.

“Are you enjoying this, Piggy?”

At first, I couldn’t tell if this was a trick question or not. It felt like a loaded question, or if she was trying to make a point. But then, when she reached down and grabbed at the front of my diaper, I could see what she was getting at - she wanted to know if I was aroused or not.

And I most certainly was.

She carefully reached her hand down the front of the plastic panties and multiple diapers - to the shock and horror of the guests around us. They were certain that she was sticking her hand into an enema-blasted wasteland, of which there’d be no other way to disinfect herself but to cut her hand off. Still, she managed to find my cock, hard as a rock.

Her hand was extracted and she waved it in the air to show that it hadn’t been contaminated. “I’ll still need to wash it...a few times,” she said. “But I would like to confirm that our pathetic little piggy is, in fact, getting off on this.”

The crowd seemed split on what to do with this information. Some thought it was disgusting - that I was disgusting. Some thought this information should be exploited. Some thought, both, that I was disgusting and that they should do something about the fact I was getting off on it all.

“Now hold on,” Taylor said, trying to temper the chorus of opinions. “Piggy here has been an exceptionally good fuck toy tonight, wouldn’t you all agree? Maybe we owe him a small bit of gratitude.

Again, there seemed to be differing opinions on that.

“If you want to jack off his shitty little penis, have at it,” someone said.

“I ain’t touching it with a 10 foot pole,” said another woman.

“Now now, nobody has to touch anyone or anything. Piggy is more than capable of handling this himself, am I right?”

I nervously nodded my head. Was she actually asking me to…

“Good. Then everyone can step back a little and lets give him some space. Piggy is going to hump his dirty diaper for us until he makes yet another little mess in his pants.”

Everyone could agree that this was a good idea.

I thought about, for a fraction of a second, just walking away. Maybe she’d stop me, maybe she wouldn’t. But...I assured her that I’d take it all. Anything. Everything. And I’d do it willingly.

So, without any protest, I turned my body around and layed down, face down, on the ground. What else could I do, but to give the people what they wanted? Slowly, at first, I began humping the ground with my thick loaded diaper. It was surprisingly awkward. Regardless of how shameful and humiliating it was - and it was both of those things in spades - I truly wanted to get myself off in this manner. The problem was that simply humping the ground in these thick diapers wasn’t as conducive to me getting off as I would’ve wanted; nor as anyone else would’ve wanted. I was hopelessly grinding my diaper on the floor, hoping that it’d start to rub my cock, quite literally, the right way, but to no avail. Yet nobody was stepping in with a plan B. Either they didn’t know my plight - or they just didn’t care.

“Is this going to take all night?” someone finally said.

“Now hold on,” Taylor assured everyone, “let’s give the little dirty baby some more time. I’m sure the piggy just needs to find the perfect rhythm for rolling in his own filth.”

That...seemed to be the trigger I needed. Taylor’s sexy sing-song voice, simultaneously condescending towards me while defensive of her plaything, gave me a renewed burst of energy as I lay on the ground.

I had never stopped humping my diapers, but I had started to do it with more vigor and gusto. I was finding, as Taylor had put it, my rhythm.

“See? Look at the little piglet go. Hey gets reminded of his shitty little bottom and he just can’t help but fuck his diapers even harder.”

“How could he forget?” a woman called out. “I can’t get the smell of his shit out of my nose. I feel like I’m going to go home smelling like his dirty diaper.”

Even better. I needed to hear that. I wanted more.

“Next time,” someone else chimed in, “maybe consider just leaving him out back in a pen with mud.”

“A pigpen, hmm? Interesting. I’d consider that. Assuming there’s a next time. Does everyone want a next time?”

Cheers and laughter. The sound of hands slapping against each other in celebration.

I was grunting and groaning audibly now as I frantically rubbed my diaper against the floor.

“Oink like a pig,” someone demanded. People were agreeing with that idea. Someone - likely Taylor - made it into a chant that everyone around us was joining in on.

“Oink like a pig! Oink like a pig!”

Taylor finally unfastened the tube’s strap from around my head, taking it from my mouth. For the first time in hours, I could move my jaw again. There was a deep rooted soreness throughout it that I knew I’d be feeling later.

I had never, as far as I could recall, actually made an oinking sound for people. Well, maybe not since I was a little boy in a kindergarten class. I should’ve seen this coming - it seemed so obvious and predestined that I’d made to further embrace this persona tonight.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that this, as just about everything else in the course of the evening, came quite easily. I simply made an obnoxious snorting sound as I breathed in. Everyone ate it up. Devoured it. They wanted more.

And so in the final moments before I came in my already-obliterated diapers, I was making loud pig noises while wildly thrashing my crotch against the floor. I was disconnecting from reality again, lost in my own world of being a disgusting pig whose only goal was to get off.

Then, it was over, and I was left lying in the middle of the room as everyone around me laughed and toasted to my complete and utter humiliation.

Tears flowed from my eyes. I don’t think I was sad or upset...it was just this overwhelming feeling. Sensory overload. I had lost control of myself in a way that I felt I never had before.

“I think he’s had enough,” Taylor said. “For now.”

“Time to change his diaper, eh?” a woman said. “I don’t envy the soul who has to touch that putrid thing.”

“I never said I was going to change him. I mean, if anyone here feels up to the challenge, they’re more than welcome to take the leash. But I’m thinking we’ll at least tie him out back for now.”

“Like a dog?”

“Or a pig,” Taylor said. The guests around - those who hadn’t finally relented and found fresher smelling areas of the party - laughed.

And that was how my night at the party ended - being led out to the fenced-in backyard where my leash was tied to one of the fence posts.

“I can trust you without your mouthpiece in, yes?” she asked me. “No screaming or yelling?”

I shook my head. Even with the ability to talk, I was scared to do it.

She put a bowl of water at my feet in case I got thirsty. If nothing else, I was looking forward to cleansing my mouth of the taste of an entire party’s worth of men’s come.

“If it's determined that your services are needed again, I’ll come fetch you. Otherwise, you’ll need to stay out here until the party is over.” She glanced at the time on her smart watch. “About two hours or so?”

I badly wanted to ask about my diapers, but I kept my mouth shut. Two hours while tied to a fence in the backyard was already quite an endeavor. But with this absolute disaster of a diaper? I was going to need to soak my entire ass in diaper rash ointment for a week after tonight.

For most of the next few hours, I listened to the ambient fun of the party - too distant for me to catch any particular conversations, but always close enough to know that there was at least someone on the back deck watching me while laughing. Occasionally, a group of guests would stumble into the grass to mock me. They’d laugh until they cried as they made oinking noises and called me names.

The sounds slowly faded until it was just completely silent. The party was over, and I had no idea if I had been out there for two hours or four.

Taylor came and collected me not long after. She removed the collar and leash and allowed me to take a shower - in addition to offering me any of the food and liquor that were still left. I couldn’t think of much else except for changing out of these diapers initially, but I did end up taking her up on that offer after the shower.

Later, fully dressed, and leaving her house with a doggie bag of food and a bottle of tequila I pilfered from the bar, I made my escape. I hadn’t seen Taylor since just before going into the shower, but that was likely for the best. I didn’t want our interaction to be awkward - nor did I want her to do anything silly like offer me money. Nor did I want her to take my tequila.

Stepping out of the house to head back to my car, I overheard two people talking - the two voices I felt like I knew best after tonight: Taylor and Handsome Man. I slowed my pace, even going so far as to step into the shadows so I could eavesdrop.

“...literally the best party. You’ve outdone yourself.”

“I mean, I couldn’t take credit for all of the work,” Taylor said with a laugh.



Paul Bennett

This was amazing. Thank you.