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You have options.

There are some very reputable services out there who do excellent work. Services that have been around for years and have put in the hours to build a positive reputation. They’re the first to come up when you search online. There are apps that have pages upon pages of glowing reviews. You know, for a fact, that your money would be put to good use by hiring them.

But there are other options too.

Let’s be honest, this isn’t really about cleaning your house. Maybe your house isn’t even in need of cleaning. In fact, if it is dirty at all, it’s only because you went out of your way to mess it up a little.

So, you have a particular maid service in mind. You’ve seen their ads around. They’re not in the newspaper. They’re not in the search results. But you’ve seen the name...places. You know where you’ve seen them.

Yes, they’re a little pricier than the other services. You can imagine that they’re probably not even as thorough or efficient as the other, more well-known and reputable, services either.

But, again, you already know why you want to hire them. There’s only one reason why anyone would hire them.

Nanny Beatrix’s Sissy Maid Service.

They’ve only been operating for five years now - but what a five years it’s been. You rarely, if ever, see this with any other maid service. A waiting list for clients and potential new hires?

Gwenny - Reception

Gwenny, she answers the phones. Actually, they only accept appointments over the phone. If you want to set up an appointment, or to get on the waiting list, you’ll have to talk to Gwenny.

She’s a very polite young woman with a soft and hushed voice. Don’t be fooled by this, however. While a lesser caliber of potential client may be distracted and tempted to flirt, or otherwise derail the conversation of business, Gwenny is well equipped to either shut down such conversations, or to simply terminate the call.

There is, in fact, a list of banned numbers. Find yourself on this list and you won’t even make it to the switchboard.

It’s tempting to praise Nanny Beatrix for the wise decision to make Gwenny’s voice the first direct contact you have with the company, but if we were to praise her for every smart decision, we’d have little time to discuss anything else.

Gwenny hails from the business sector and has a rather impressive list of degrees and pedigrees attached to that life. The details aren’t that important anymore - just know that she’s got the walk to back up the talk. She left behind the board meetings, Power Point presentations, and - yes - suits and ties three years ago to join Nanny Beatrix’s team.

Like all of Nanny’s hires, Gwenny sought not just a new career - but a new lifestyle altogether. Why would she want to continue competing for attention and recognition in a world of alpha males when she would much rather serve under them instead. Quite literally.

You would think that a position behind a phone, and not customer-facing, wouldn’t require Gwenny to be as “done-up” as the maids in the field, but you’d be wrong. Gwenny isn’t treated any differently than the other staffers. Every morning, after getting a fresh diaper and clean plastic panties, she dons the same exact uniform as everyone else:

  • Fluffy white petticoat
  • Black dress
  • White apron
  • Black headband with large white bow
  • Collar

As is standard with every maid, the collar features a metal D-ring, perfect for leashes and tethering for a pacifier.

In Gwenny’s own words:

“Oh...gosh...you want to hear from me? Well, what is there to say, really? Back when I went by “Glenn,” I had just been passed over for a promotion. Again. The worst part? The woman who got the job was my former receptionist. Not only was the business world not for me, but I was beginning to think that my entire life had been a mistake. Something needed to change. That was when I found Nanny Beatrix. She offered a change, all right. A complete change. A wardrobe change. A body change. A diaper change.

“Now? Uhm...yes, you could say that I’m quite happy. For the first time ever, I feel like I’m exactly where I belong. I’m not stressing over reports and keeping up with the golf crowd. Now I’m the receptionist, and I get to help our powerful and important clients set up their appointments. I don’t have to worry about bathroom breaks, and Nanny keeps my bottles coming all day long. I couldn’t ask for a better work environment.

“Can...I tell you something funny? A few weeks ago, a woman called looking to set up an appointment - a birthday gift for her husband. I recognized her voice immediately: it was the woman who had gotten the job I was up for at my old job. And if that wasn’t enough, she recognized my voice immediately. She was absolutely delighted to hear that this was my new job, and made sure that I knew she’d be telling the rest of the office about this as soon as she got off the call.

“It made me so happy to know I could be bringing in so much potential business for Nanny Beatirix.”

Your Appointment

And so you’ve made an appointment. Or, more likely, you’ve done your time on the waiting list and then made an appointment. What now?

There’s a few decisions you’ll have to make when you’re setting up an appointment.

  1. How long would you like your appointment to be?
  2. How many maids would you like to employ? You could have as few as just one maid or you could hire all five.
  3. What services did you have in mind while the maids are in your employ? While house cleaning is the obvious primary task, many of the maids offer additional services. You’d be well served in carefully reviewing which maids you’re requesting and what additional perks they offer. At an additional price, of course.
  4. Do you require the assistance of a caregiver? Caregivers not only supervise - but they can help guide the experience. They can take care of everything from making sure each job is thoroughly completed to performing diaper changes on the maids. While caregivers are usually recommended for first-time clients, you certainly have the option to forgo this and take these responsibilities yourself.

What do you expect these maids to do, though? You’re hiring them for a set amount of time - and for that time, they’re yours. You could have a completely spotless home and they’d still need to be there for the time you’ve requested.

So why not have fun with that? Give them some things worth cleaning. Again - if you truly needed your house cleaned, and that was all you needed - you’d have probably hired someone else. But give these lovely maids a chance to flex those cleaning muscles. They’re not going to get any better if they don’t stay in practice.

John from Portsburg shares his experience: “I asked for three of Nanny Beatrix’s best to come clean my house. I believe I got Jennyfer, Candy and Lola, and within an hour they were all on their hands and knees in my kitchen, giving the floor the best cleaning and polishing it’s had since I first moved in. Of course later, after the other tasks I gave them, I had to have them clean the floor again. But they were more than happy to oblige.”

Let’s Get to Know the Maids

When you finally get to set up your appointment with Gwenny, she’ll ask if you have any preferences as to the maids which maids are sent to your home. Some clients don’t care, or have no preference. When considering the amount of training and discipline that Nanny Beatrix administers to each of her maids, this is hardly the wrong approach. You’re almost guaranteed to have a good experience with any of, or any combination of, the maids in her employ.

That said, maybe there is a specific experience you’re looking for. Maybe you have a type. Maybe one of the maids just gives you an extra special feeling somewhere in your body. In that case - and it's encouraged - you can select exactly who you are hiring.

But if it’s your first time, or if you just haven’t had the pleasure of working with all of the maids yet, maybe you could benefit from knowing more about your options.


Jennyfer is currently the most senior maid working under Nanny Beatrix. While other maids have come and gone over the years, Jennyfer’s hard work and unflinching loyalty remain. She has become the model employee. The example that new maids are expected to follow and the goal they are expected to achieve.

Yes, it’s true, Jennyfer was once Nanny Beatrix’s husband. You could, perhaps, argue that her dedication and steadfastness are connected to a personal connection with her now-employer. Or, perhaps, there was some ulterior reason for why she remained imbedded within the organization for so long. A debt? Blackmail? A punishment for some prior misdeed? Neither Jennyfer nor Beatrix herself have ever given such an idea any credence.

In the words of Beatrix herself: “Some people simply change and learn more about themselves as they grow older. Jennyfer decided for herself, and by her own volition, that perhaps she would be of more worth to herself - and perhaps her community - if she shed the trappings of her old life. In the years since, it pleases me to say that Jennyfer has never seemed more happy or more sure of herself. There’s a reason that her loyalty is frequently cited as one of her best features - she simply gives all of herself to her job.

“Maids are very much people. And while they have a job to do, and obligations to fulfill, there’s still a level of hesitation or uncertainty for many of them when it comes to taking on particular duties. But Jennyfer simply doesn’t have those hesitations. She is completely trusting of my judgement and confident of the mission of our service. When Jennyfer is dispatched to a home, she is more than a maid. She’s a tool. Use her. Guide her.

“Often, when clients ask me for recommendations on maids, Jennyfer is among the first names I provide. Do you want her to scrub your toilet? Do you want her to scrub your toilet with a toothbrush? Do you want her to scrub your toilet with a toothbrush that she holds in her mouth? What if she did that while you were urinating into the back of her diaper? Because she wouldn’t just nod and agree to that task - she’d practically beg you to, adding that she’d want you to spray the areas of the toilet she had just cleaned. Just so that she could do it again.”

You wouldn’t just have to take Beatrix’s word for it, of course. Anyone who has ever hired her before would likely say the same thing. Every single customer review, visible on Beatrix’s own website, would easily confirm this. But what about Jennyfer herself? How does she feel about her place within the organization, and her reputation for loyalty?

“I don’t want to, like, take credit for everything,” Jennyfer says calmly, “but I do believe that this company was built on the back of something that started in our home. Long before I was visiting a new home everyday to clean and serve - I was serving at home. Before I was even Jennyfer, really. It’s hard to even remember my life before it, really. Being obedient and subservient was just always in my blood, and Beatrix was able to help me embrace that. The dresses? The diapers? I suppose those were her ideas. But of course I agreed to them without a second thought.

“I’ve often heard of myself referred to as a ‘toy,’ and to be quite honest, it’s never really bothered me. Everyone has a role to play in this world. And if my role is to do things that make other people happy - and I’m good at it - why wouldn’t I just roll with it?”

So you wear diapers all the time?

“Oh yes. That’s not even an option. If you want to work for Beatrix - and I know that many people do - I think it's with the understanding that diapers are just a part of your life. I’ve been in them so long that I’m…”

Un-potty trained?

“Yes. Yes, exactly. I don’t think I could hold it if I wanted to.”

How do you feel about that?

“There was probably a time in my life when the feeling of losing control like that was very exciting to me. But that’s behind me, and now it’s just a fact of life.”

Are you disappointed by that?

“One door closes and another opens, you know? Our clients love it, and like I said before, pleasing them pleases me. The look of delight on a client’s face when I’m bent over, scrubbing the floor, and I’m suddenly filling my diaper? I could get off on just those reactions for the rest of my life.”

Do you?

“Well...when I can. We...all of us maids, we’re kept in chastity at almost all times. We’re always working towards earning a release. Even me. Especially me.”


If Jennyfer is the loyal and dependable girl scout, Bunny would be her antithesis. Whereas Jennyfer is often suggested to new clients and is often considered the safest choice, Bunny is...not.

“She’s a refined taste,” Beatrix says of her. “If this was a video game, and Jennyfer was level one, then Bunny would be the final level. She’s a challenge. She’s a handful. She’s a brat. By design, of course.”

Having the second-longest tenure on the team, Bunny carved out a reputation for herself early on by being difficult and stubborn. Where traits like this would normally be discouraged (be it by paddle...or more creative methods), Beatrix instead cultivated and nurtured it. According to Beatrix herself: “It was important to me that each of our maids have something unique to offer potential clients. There are brats...which we can usually cure during the training process, and then there’s Bunny. Bunny has a special knack that I felt would’ve been wasted if we treated her the same as the other girls.”

Often, Gwenny gives clients the choice of having a caretaker with their maids. In the case of Bunny, a caretaker is assumed. Even the most experienced clients can find that an un-checked Bunny will run rampant, and it takes the heaviest of hands and the firmest of voices to control her.

Need further evidence? Look no further than the reviews for Bunny on the website.

Says Daniel: “This was my fourth time hiring Nanny Beatrix’s Maid Service, and the first hiring Bunny specifically. Now, I consider myself to be quite domineering. Beyond my experience with Beatrix’s girls, I’ve had years of experience in dealing with subservient women and sissies. Yet, nothing prepared me for Bunny. When I told her to wash the dishes, she broke three plates in a row, claiming she “dropped” them. When I attempted to take her over my knee for a proper punishment, she forcefully emptied her bowels into her diaper and told me to “Try paddling that.” Later, giving her a toilet brush and asking her to take care of the bathroom, I found her, only five minutes later, lying on the floor while she pleasured herself with said brush. No punishment, no amount of chastising, seemed to affect her. In fact, I’d say that she took a perverse pleasure in frustrating me in her lack of respect for my authority. Never before had my limits been tested like this before. A+ experience. I will try again.”

Bunny’s history before joining Beatrix is a little hard to pin down. Even the other maids, and Beatrix herself, know little about her life prior to joining the team. Perhaps your best chance at getting more information would be to talk to the caregiver known as Mama - quite possibly the only person, besides Beatrix herself, able to exert any control over Bunny.

“I have a good relationship with Bunny,” Mama says. “Maybe better even than any other girl on the team. Really, it just comes down to respect. If she doesn’t respect you, she doesn’t listen to you. This has been true for her entire life. Her step-father, he certainly tried. But even his unresolved anger issues and a belt weren’t enough to tarnish Bunny’s sense of freedom and will. Bunny once told me that nothing in her life will ever top the feeling she got from pulling her own step-father over her knees before striking him with his own belt. I’ve often wondered why Bunny never opted to be a caregiver herself...but I suppose that’s obvious. She’s now allowed to do whatever she wants. She’s encouraged to, in fact. All that, and someone else still changes her diaper for her? Who would turn that down?”

Bunny not only refused to answer any questions directly, but she insisted that I “Suck on her diaper.”


Everyone on the team has a place. Each of the maids know this place. It’s a place they’ve helped build for themself. So when I tell you that Candy is the punching bag - remember that she already knows this. She wants this.

Each of Nanny Beatrix’s maids were once “disgusting” boys. This is no secret, though it may be something you’re liable to forget once you’ve spent enough time with any of them. Even Jennyfer, with her tall and masculine frame, has made her long hair and breast implants work for her in a transformative way.

But Candy? Short, overweight, balding, face full of stubble that seems to grow back minutes after one of the caretakers shave it in the morning? She does not share that convincing appearance. She permanently looks like the 40-something man in a wig and lipstick that, frankly, she is.

“Candy doesn’t want to be like the other girls,” says Beatrix. “Which is honestly for the best - because I don’t think that’s possible.”

Candy’s obedience is different from Jennyfer’s. Jennyfer has a job to do, and she seeks to do that job to the best of her ability so that she can enjoy the satisfaction of those she’s working under. Candy, meanwhile, seeks only humiliation and embarrassment. She wishes to be the butt of every joke, and the plaything that’s used and discarded without a second thought.

“Candy is a popular choice if you’re hiring two or more maids at once,” Gwenny says. “I suppose I understand that logic. It’s usually very clear that Candy is...not quite like the other girls. And this becomes abundantly more clear when you have someone else there to compare her to.”

“My personal recommendation?” Beatrix says. “If you’re into degradation, you can’t go wrong with hiring Lola and Candy together. Everything that Candy isn’t...Lola is. I can assure you, you will have the most pathetic little sissy baby sobbing at your feet with barely any effort if you play your cards right.”

I understand you’re a popular choice. Do you find that surprising?

“N-no, sir. I think our business attracts a very specific kind of person. And that kind of person likes seeing...people like me...as something they can push around?”

People like you? Who are people like you?

“I’m...uh...a sissy, you know? But I’m not a very pretty girl. I’m just kind of a joke.”

Does that reputation hurt your feelings?

“No. No sir. If that was the case, I wouldn’t be here. I’m here because I like this very much. I think...it’s probably the only way I could ever truly be happy.”

Who are your favorite types of clients?

“Oh...well...all of them are quite nice. I mean...no, they’re not nice to me. I hope they’re not nice, you know? [laughs] But I’m rarely let down by how...creative...our clients can be. There was this gentleman last week, and he...oh...I probably shouldn’t say…”

Oh, come on. You can share. I know you want to.

“Well...it’s just...he gave Lola and I enemas when we first arrived, you know? And...well...that didn’t take long before we both ended up…”

You can say it.

“...releasing them into our diapers. M-messing ourselves. But...then he went and took Lola and he changed her diaper right away. A-and then she had Lola on the bed and he was, like, pounding her. Like...really giving it to her. Her diaper was pulled down and her dress was pulled up. And she was screaming and moaning in pleasure. B-but...I had to clean. And I’m cleaning the whole house in my dirty diaper while listening to the two of them go at it.”

And you’re saying you liked that?

“Yes sir. I loved that.”


In a group of babies - almost literal babies who use diapers all day and are often forced to crawl around and drink from bottles - Lola is somehow on another level. She is the most baby.

“We’ve had a few maids come and go over the years,” says Beatrix. “And everyone brings something special and unique to the team, but sometimes you just get an idea in your head of the kind of person you’d like to have on your team. And it took a while to find her, but Lola is it. Lola is our star.”

“A common misconception,” adds Gwenny, “is that we offer four sissy maids and one female maid. But...we have five sissy maids.”

Fair skin, bright pink cheeks and golden looping curly hair, Lola is nothing short of cherubic. Her voice is soft, coated in sugar. Her bright blue eyes sparkle in just about any light.

You almost have to wonder where Lola would be if not in a position like this. In her diapers and maid’s outfit, and the little cat ears she sometimes wears, no other maid seems to personify the role quite like she does.

“Clients sometimes find her intimidating,” says Hilda, another caretaker. “They see someone so cute and adorable and they don’t know what to do with themselves. They can’t bring themselves to defile something so seemingly pure. But, of course, some folks...well, they want to do exactly that.”

“I was jealous when she first started,” admits Jennyfer. “I mean...the way that the clients just lusted after her. They looked at her in a way they don’t look at me anymore. Maybe they never have. But it’s not just the clients. It’s, you know, Beatrix herself. The way she treats Lola...I just...it’s hard sometimes.”

There are more reviews for Lola on Beatrix’s website than any other maid, by margins that could cause you to think that perhaps there was some error in tabulation. And with almost no exceptions, they are all love letters and gushing compliments. She often comes back to Beatrix’s office - and the home of the maids - with flowers, chocolates and even cash tucked into her plastic panties.

Your presence on the team can sometimes seem, from an outside perspective, divisive. Do you have any thoughts on that?

“At the end of the day, sir, I answer only to Mommy Beatrix. She asked me to be here. She pays me. She keeps me in my diapers. And so if she’s happy, that’s all that matters to me.”

Mommy? I don’t know if I’ve heard any other maid refer to her quite like that.

[Shrugs] “I have a special relationship with her. Maybe they don’t?”

How would you describe your most common interactions with clients?

“Mild? Tender. I see the other maids, like Missy or Candy, getting very intense treatments sometimes. Even Jennyfer can take quite a bit of punishment. But I often feel like clients go easy on me. They go for more sensual experiences.”

Do you prefer that?

“God no. Please, spread the word to all prospective clients. I’m not delicate. I won’t break. I want to be absolutely destroyed. Send me home in tears and a dress that’s torn to shreds. Fill my diaper more than I do. Use me in ways that you’re afraid to say out loud.”

Nobody has ever treated you like that?

“Once in a while it happens.”

When was the last time?

“I think it was...last month? Candy and I were hired by Candy’s ex-wife and her new husband.”


Missy is another interesting story - perhaps one of the most interesting. She’s the most recent addition to the roster, and she’s the first maid to be hired after previously having been a client.

“Mitch was never that great of a client,” reflects Jennyfer.

Gwenny adds: “He would pay a lot up front, expecting a lot. Which, of course, we could always deliver. But the problem came in when he would task the maids with a lot of bonus services, and he’d fail to pay for those services after the fact. Beatrix had given him a pass once or twice, just on account of his standing in society and the fact that he was paying us a lot upfront. Still...he was wracking up a bill that he seemed to have no intention of paying off.”

“I think Beatrix had to do something, you know?” Jennyfer continues. “I’m not sure what that conversation was like. All I know was that one day Beatrix said she was going to contact the card-holder for the payment method used to book the sessions...who I think was Mitch’s wife? And then, the next day, she announced that Mitch...er, Missy...was joining us as a maid.”

Missy is a little older, maybe in the same range as Jennyfer and Candy. And like Candy, there’s something undeniably masculine in her form, regardless of what she wears or tries to conceal it.

“She’s still coming around,” says Beatrix. “She has more training ahead of her. Not just out in the field - but back here in the house. She’s been difficult to deprogram from a lot of her more...adult...habits. But we’re well versed in reinforcing expected behaviors, and I have every reason to believe that she’ll one day be one of our most valuable assets.”

In her relatively short time as a maid, she’s already become quite popular.

Says Gwenny: “This happens everytime we get a new maid. It happened with Candy. It happened with Lola. It happened with Bunny...though not for as long. There’s this rush of clients who want to help “break-in” the new girl. But it’s on a whole other level with Missy. Maybe because she used to be one of them, you know?”

“Mitch once made me suck him off on his backyard deck,” Candy says. “...at a party he was throwing, in front of all his friends. It’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me...and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. But, it still felt like a small victory for Missy to join us. I hope she meets clients who treat her as well as he treated us.”

How are you acclimating to life as a maid, Missy?


[The caretaker Mama nudges Missy with her elbow.]


Is it what you hoped it would be?

[laughs] “Is that a joke? I mean...I’m not like the other sissies here. I’m just here because…” [Mama nudges him again.]

“Y-yes, sir. It is.”

How have your clients been treating you so far? It’s not exactly a secret that you are a former client yourself. Has this changed how your clients approach you?

“I was dusting this guy’s house yesterday. He...he pulls down my diaper and lubes up the handle of the feather duster and he...plants it right up inside me. Right into my hole. And, he expects me to...you know...dust with my ass holding the feather duster. And...like, I would never have thought of such a thing. Like...where do these people even get these ideas?”

You think he did that because you’re new? Or because you were once a client?

“I...I don’t know. Everytime I think I know what to expect, I’m holding a feather duster with my asshole.”

[There’s an audible noise coming from under Missy’s dress.]

“A...are you serious? I...I didn’t even know that I had to…”

Mama interjects: “I’m sorry, you’ll have to excuse us. Missy is on a very special diet right now as we get her used to having dependence on her diapers. I think she’s going to need a change. Maybe we can...continue this conversation later?”


Her maids have been thoroughly emasculated and babified - remnants of their former selves, all while becoming something more. But they’re not the only ones who have changed.

If you’re lucky enough to be invited into Beatrix’s home - which serves as both her office, headquarters, and as home to her staff - one of the first things you’ll see is a framed wedding photo on the wall of a man and woman.  The woman is clearly Beatrix, and while she barely looks like she’s aged at all, you can still see she’s changed.

“I suppose I keep it up to remind us where we came from,” Beatrix says. “I looked more innocent then, right?”

She points to the man in the photo. “I bet that face is almost completely unrecognizable as Jennyfer’s. This was only, like, six months before her transformation, too.”

Progressing deeper into the home, you can see the living room on the left: currently, Lola is playing a video game while Candy is reading a book. “They’re polar opposites,” Beatrix casually mentions as we walk by, “but I don’t think there’s a more inseparable pair.”

To the right, the office. There are two desks - the bigger one that belongs to Beatrix herself, and Gwenny’s desk. At this particular moment, Gwenny is at the desk, speaking with a client. There are three baby bottles lined up for her on the desk, and it looks like one has already been finished, with two more to go. She’s wearing an almost comically short dress that barely falls beyond her hips. Bunched up around her waist, it does nothing to conceal her thick diaper.

“Because her job is so important,” Beatrix says, “we don’t get as many chances to change her diapers during the day. So we have diapers custom made for her. They’re much thicker and much more absorbent. I’d say they’re comparable to, maybe, three regular diapers?”

She reaches between Gwenny’s legs and gives her thick diaper a squeeze. To Gwenny’s credit, she doesn’t miss a beat on the phone. There’s no reaction whatsoever.

“A little damp,” Beatrix says. “She’ll last a few more hours, I’m sure.”

Proceeding up the stairs, the scent of baby powder - a near-constant presence in the house from the moment you walk in through the door - becomes thick to the point of feeling like you’re in a constant cloud of it. The first door you pass, on your way down the hallway, makes it abundantly clear why that may be the case.

Through the door, Missy can be seen on a large changing table. She’s on her back while Mama peels open her diaper. She waves her hand in front of her nose as Missy covers her own face with her hands.

Further down the hallway, there’s another open door, revealing three separate cribs - each of them seeming far larger than a traditional infant’s crib. On the walls hang a bounty of restraining implements. Various cuffs, ropes, chains, muzzles, spreading bars and even straightjackets all seem within easy reach.

Surprisingly, Beatrix has little to say about this - instead choosing to let the items speak for themselves. Perhaps you’re wondering how often things like this are utilized. Is it part of the fabled training process? Are all the maids subject to these tools? Perhaps the only way to know would be to become a maid for yourself.

Which brings us to the next important question for Beatrix: What’s next?

“Expansion,” she says confidently.

“It’s a bit of a sore subject for some of our regional staff,” says Robert Hindelsmith, CEO for CleaNation - a nationwide chain of cleaning services-for-hire. “For years, we’ve been the leading cleaning service in almost every single region of the country. We still are...except for this one particular region. And I couldn’t understand it, you know? What could this one company offer that we couldn’t? So we did our research and...well, we see what we’re up against. Look, I’d like to think that at the end of the day, no matter how many offices they open up, people are going to want to go with the tried and true expertise of an actual cleaning service and not these...sissified pants-wetters. ...right?”

Interviews are already underway for the potential maids in the new branch.

“Everyone has been walking on eggshells around me,” Beatrix says with a smug smile. “I think they all believe I’m stressed out from this process. Let them think that.”

So, you’re not stressed?

“I’m growing my business. I’m making more money than I’ve ever made before. And do you know what I’ve been doing with myself the last few days? Playing with brand new toys. People on their hands and knees - begging with tears in their eyes - for the chance to be one of my sissy maids. There was a time when I’d have to “train” a little girl to use her diaper for me. Now? I simply point at a pathetic little would-be maid and I demand they fill their pants. The words are barely out of my mouth and they’re already finished.”

Do you know what you’re looking for with this new class of maids?

“I’ve happened into my current staff by a combination of luck, turnover, and finding maids whose traits compliment others. Having that knowledge and experience right from the get-go has made this process a dream. Believe me, I wish I could just have five more Lolas. But you need a Candy and a Bunny too.”

I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who desperately want to be your next sissy maid - if not with this new team, then with the new branches that will inevitably come after. Do you have any advice for them?

“I have met so many pathetic little sissy babies over the last few years. And most of them, honestly, aren’t worth the dirty diapers they’re wearing. Don’t waste my time if you’re not ready to be completely and hopelessly devoted to working for me. I will test and push everyone of your limits. Because if I don’t, our clients certainly will.”

What Now?

Let’s face it, you didn’t really need to be sold on Nanny Beatrix’s services. To know of her maids and to know what they can do for you already puts you in the market.

Have you made an appointment yet? Are you on the waiting list? Have you spoken with Gwenny? Perhaps, right now, you should stop what you’re doing and make that call.



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