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Everything happened in just seconds, but in my memory it played out over a matter of minutes. Kat’s soft grunting as she pushed on her bowels. The gentle shifts of her diaper over my face as she tried to get her positioning right. Her body, still between my hands while I held her in place over my face, grew tense and rigid.

I wondered what was going on in her mind. I wondered if she felt any shame - though I hoped she didn’t. I had seen her mess her diaper multiple times in this past week, and it had always seemed so effortless. I wondered what was different now. The position? Her placement on top of me?

There was a rumble in her diaper, vibrating my nose. I could hear it...I could literally hear her bottom opening and expelling her mess into the diaper. The slight crackles and sticky sounds of movement. Her mess hitting the diaper and slowly spreading, finding any vacant spot that it could. The weight on my face increased, as what had been soggy padding now became more firm - taking on a strange new malleable texture.

The scent - it was all at once overwhelming and foul. I was at ground zero for her sinful deed, and nothing could have prepared me for it. But it was also...intoxicating. I relished it. It was the scent of someone naughty and infantile. The scent of a baby who was allowing me to be witness to the most private thing she could possibly do - and in the most exploitative way possible.

She finally finished. She wasn’t kidding...that was quite the load, or so it seemed. For a moment or two she stayed planted atop my face, until she slowly slid off of me - sliding down my chest and belly until she was in the grass again lying on her side near my diaper. Fresh air filled my nose and mouth. I was laughing - overjoyed and overstimulated by everything that had just happened.

“Come over here,” she cooed. Get out of the mud, dirty baby.”

“Dirty baby? Me? Need I remind you what you just did?”

She innocently shrugged as I slowly propped myself up and flung myself into the dry grass next to her. Her fingertips danced on my chest playfully, tickling a little.

“I’m sorry I’m so dirty,” she said.

“You shouldn’t apologize for what you are,” I teased. We both laughed.

“It’s...different,” she said, staring up into the clouds. “I have so much fun with Mommy. But, it’s this game of control. There’s a big, and there’s a little. And that’s just how it kind of needs to be. I’ve dreamed of just playing with another...you know...baby.”

“Ta da!”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile.

Her hand danced further down my chest, skating across my belly before finally landing on the front of my panties and diapers. She slid her hand in between the two, stroking the firm lump concealed beneath.

“What do I do with this?” she playfully asked.

“Oh...well...you don’t have to do anything with that…”

“Hmmm, but I want to. It’s like this...nice toy, all gift-wrapped for me.”

I couldn’t help but moan as her hand stroked me again through the diaper. “Well...I’m not going to stop you...”

“D-did you like it?” she asked. “When I rode your face in my diaper?”

I nodded.

“What about when I...filled my diaper on you?”

I took a deep breath in. The country air did little to mask her pungent diaper, and I filled my lungs with her naughty fumes. I smiled and nodded again.

“You’re just as bad as I am,” she said with a laugh.

I shrugged. I wanted to say more, but only a moan leaked from my mouth.

“Have you piddled in your diaper this morning, baby?”


“A shame,” she said, “I would’ve liked to have tasted that.”

She shifted her body down in the grass so her head was more level with my diaper. Carefully, her hands grasped the lip of the front of my diaper and pulled it down, revealing my cock to her. I blushed as I realized that I couldn’t even remember anymore if she was the last person left in the house who hadn’t seen it this week. What a strange week.

Her soft lips descended on it without any further hesitation. She kissed it and took into her mouth, coating it with her saliva as her lips and tongue slid around it. She pulled her head back briefly: “I-its been a while, you know. Since I’ve...pleasure a boy.”

“You’re doing fine,” I said. Not that it mattered, as her face was already back between my legs.

She moved her body again, now kneeling between my legs as she pleasured me in the grass. I watched her body bob up and down as her mouth did on my shaft. It took a minute or two to realize it, but it occurred to me that she was slowly bouncing her full diaper off the ground as she went, while one of her hands was planted down the front of her diaper. With every little bounce, she was no doubt spreading her mess across her bottom further. And judging by the little moans coming from her mouth, vibrating my cock as she suckled on it, she was getting off on it. I was impressed.

My head was spinning. The world around me seemed to be floating away. What the hell was even happening right now? We were in this field wearing diapers, half covered in mud, and she was sucking me off while bouncing in her own mess. What would Lily say if she saw this? Was this what she meant when she wished for me to have a good experience with Kat?

“Oh god…” I said, as Kat’s rhythm had reached a fever pitch within me. Not only that, but I could see that she was working herself to something quite blissful as well. We seemed to be trading moans. Her mouth would slide down my shaft and I’d bellow some deep moan or groan, and then as she slid back up it and sat back into her dirty diaper, her fingers hitting the right spot and she’d moan herself. Back and forth this went.

“Now!” I said abruptly, perhaps realizing that it was happening a lot more suddenly than I thought it would. To her credit, she barely even flinched; if anything, her lips tightened on me and she sucked me dry, taking every single drop down her throat. She bounced on her bottom one or two more times before she collapsed at my side, moaning and shaking herself.

Neither of us moved for a while. She finally made the first move, slowly wiggling close enough where she could kiss my cheek. I rolled to my side to face her, and we smiled at each other.

“I wish you didn’t have to go,” she said.

“But we’ll come back.”


“Of course.”

We may have said more, but it all faded into a sleepy sense of bliss shared by the two of us. I reciprocated her earlier gesture by gently guiding her hand to my diapers where I now wet myself. I felt my diaper flood and grow warm and soggy, her hand gently squeezing it as it happened. She looked as delighted as I felt. She mouthed a thank you to me, and we both slowly drifted off to sleep - thoroughly exhausted from our bout of sensory overload.

“...the hell happened over here?” was the first thing I heard in a while after. My eyes slowly opened, and I was met with a jumble of memories and visions of where I was and how I got here.

I was in the grass. Wearing a diaper. Panties were over it. I had mud caked on back and on my ass. That was mud, right? Right, right, we were skipping around and…

“You two had quite the adventure,” Madison said, looking down on us with a smile on her face.

...Kat filled her diaper. While sitting on my face. Her mouth was on me…

“Which one of you did that?” Lily said, also looking down on the two of us as she waved her hand in front of her face. “That diaper is quite ripe.”

I looked over to Kat who was stirring herself. She blushed brightly, realizing we had been caught in a rather compromising position.

“See? I told you,” Madison said. “They’d waste no time being naughty together. Babies like this? They’ve been waiting for this chance all week.”

“Aren’t you two cold?” asked Lily.

I shrugged, not feeling especially cold. If I was feeling anything it was humiliation. Though I didn’t feel any shame.

The women helped us back up to our feet. Madison checked Kat’s diaper while Lily followed Madison’s motions in checking mine.

“Wet,” Lily said. “Muddy on the backside, but just wet inside.”

“Well this little girl dropped quite a load into the back of her diaper,” Madison said, shaking her head. “The two of you were fine with that? Cuddling while being so stinky?”

Kat and I looked to each other and laughed. Would they even believe how much stranger the reality was if we told them?

We were each led back to the house, hand-in-hand with our significant others. Madison and Lily sharing amused glances and laughs while Kat and I did the same. Perhaps all of this had seemed inevitable, though it didn’t change how satisfied everyone seemed to be with it.

“You take care of your baby first,” Madison said, gesturing to me while we walked. We were still wearing nothing but our filthy diapers, our clothes in the barn left behind for now. “Mine is going to need a firehose to get clean. It won’t be pretty, and she’ll stink up the nursery something fierce.”

“That seems fair. I’ll still need to give my little boy...er, girl... a bath. I swear, it’s like they were rolling around in the mud together.”

I enjoyed that moment, being towed behind Lily as we were marched back to the house to be cleaned up. I liked how we were talked about as if we weren’t there. I liked the feeling of being a little boy again, having gotten caught being silly and free.

My diaper got cleaned up, the panties were thrown in the wash, and for the first time in my life since I was, like, 4 or 5 years old, I was drawn a bath. And while I had expected that Lily would leave me to wash my muddy body up myself, she insisted on taking control of the situation, scrubbing my vulnerable and bashful body with some soap and washcloth.

“Such a dirty little baby,” she said, taking her time while she cleaned every square inch. “You’re lucky I’m here to scrub you clean, baby.” I blushed profusely.

Out of the bath and into a fresh diaper, extra baby powder. Any other time, I probably would’ve been in a state of blissful arousal, being humiliated and treated just like a baby. But after the intense day I shared with Kat, this felt more...normal. It was almost more embarrassing now, being treated as just a baby in need of things like a bath or a diaper, rather than feeling like it was a wild new adventure for a curious kinkster.

“It’s our last night here,” Lily said after taping me into my fresh diaper. We were in the guest room, letting Madison and Kat make use of the nursery to contend with the disaster that was Kat’s diaper. “Are you going to miss this?”

“The farm? The diapers? Madison and Kat?”

“All of that, yes,” she said with a wistful smile. “Are you ready to return to real life?”

“Not at all,” I said with a depressed sigh.

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. I hugged her back. “I know. Me neither. But...I’m really glad you enjoyed yourself. I honestly didn’t see it playing out like this but…” she shrugged and smiled.

She didn’t have to say anything else about it. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t already overanalyzed 100 times myself.

“It’s our last dinner with them tonight. We should make it special, don’t you think?” Lily asked.

I nodded, but I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, or how we would go about doing that.

“I think we need to make you look your best.”

I tilted my head curiously.

“Well? Don’t you want to go out with a bang?”

“What did you have in mind?”

She smiled and walked to the closet where she pulled a garment from off of a hanger. She held it up for me: a dress.

My eyes widened, my mouth hung open and I felt my cheeks warm. “You...you can’t be serious…”

“Oh please,” she said with a shrug and a sly smile. “Madison and Kat have both seen you in panties. And a diaper, as if that wasn’t even more embarrassing. It’s not exactly a secret anymore that you’re just another baby girl. Why not use this last night to...celebrate that? Embrace it? I promise, I’d never suggest such a thing if I felt like you were going to be mocked or shamed for it. Everyone’s going to love it. You’re going to love it.”

There wasn’t a single thing she said that I found not to be true. Truly, the only thing holding me back was...me.

I nodded. “Okay,” I said. I could barely contain a gleeful smile.



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