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For the second night in a row, we fucked like bunnies. Also, for the second night in a row, I found myself having that incredible sex while wearing a garment that I would’ve never even dreamed about before this trip.

Kat and Madison were either oblivious to the fun we had, or they were being very polite about how much they had actually overheard. How could they have not heard us? If stumbling to and from the nursery hadn’t been noisy enough, Lily’s later commands of “Fuck me, you pissy little baby,” had to have caught someone’s ear.

The new day was a blank slate, and when it turned out to be a more mild day, it came as a bit of a relief. If nothing else, it was the chance to slow down and actually enjoy the new status quo without escalating it much further. Lily had insisted I stay in diapers for the day; which I didn’t offer any resistance towards.

We kept to ourselves for most of the day, letting Madison and Kat get a few things done on the farm while we took the opportunity to just unwind together. And unwinding, as it turned out, was attempting to do things like reading or walking together - but getting distracted when Lily’s curious hands would start pawing at my diaper. Our day had been peppered with frequent requests to check my diaper, or inquisitions about whether or not I needed a change.

I didn’t mind. For as much as I enjoyed the diapers myself, I loved how much she was enjoying it even more. It would be tempting to write off our new wave of silly and playful puppy love on just the introduction to our naughty new kink - but that felt disingenuous. We needed to have the rest of the real world sliced away, even for a day, so that we could be reminded of why we fell in love in the first place. The addition of diapers were just sprinkles on an already mouth-watering sundae.

I showed her the loft in the barn, and we somehow ended up having a literal roll in the hay - a rather energetic romp that found her tearing my damp diaper off of my body and playfully kicking it across the floor while in the throes of sex. Only to watch the diaper slide off the edge of the loft’s floor, landing somewhere in the barn below with a loud “splat” noise. We laughed, though it hardly slowed us down.

A little later, as we lie in the straw without any pants on, Lily finally asked something I had mused on a few times myself: “What happens when we leave here? Do we take the diapers home with us?”

“Do you want to?”

“I’m torn,” she said. “I want to say yes. Though I’m not sure we can quite pull off the ‘lifestyle’ element.”

I nodded, having had similar thoughts. It wasn’t impossible. I could imagine that there was a whole world of busy urbanites leading busy lives while wrapped up in a diaper. Still, it was hard to say if that was our life or not.

“We can play it by ear,” I thought aloud. “Maybe we find a place for it. Maybe it’s a little treat once in a while.”

She rolled over, landing on my chest, her lips poised at the side of my face. She gave my cheek a soft kiss, sending a joyous pulse through my body. She lifted her mouth to my ear. “That’s a future-us concern,” she said softly. “For now, you’ve got a few days ahead of you as my baby.”

“Does just wearing a diaper make me a baby?”

“Don’t you want to be my baby?”

“What does being your baby entail?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I picture, like, a bonnet and a pacifier. Or a bib. Maybe a onesie or something silly like that.”

“I’m sure Madison and Kat have some things if you were serious about that.”

“I may have asked Maddy already,” Lily confessed, giggling a little.

“Oh… What did she say?”

“We’re welcome to anything in the nursery. But…”


“Maddy may have reminded me that just about everything Kat has runs a little more...feminine?”


“But...I don't know. I kind of like that. If I’m being honest.”

I stared up at the barn’s rafters.

“I mean, you already wore my panties,” Lily continued. “Don’t you want to be my little girl?”

I could feel my heart beat faster while my stomach twisted a little.

“I-I’m sorry,” Lily said. “Maybe I’m being selfish and asking too much. I know this is a lot and…”

“No,” I interrupted. “I do want that. I want that a lot, actually.”

She moaned with satisfaction, giving my cheek another tender kiss. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before Lily slid her body completely over mine again, straddling my midsection with hers. I was instantly hard again, finding her to be just as wet. What came next was obvious.

The barn afforded us a feeling of privacy that may not have actually been earned. No doubt, Kat and Madison were somewhere. For all we knew, they were below us right now. I imagined my wet diaper having landed right in front of Madison’s feet. But we couldn’t see them, and we didn’t hear them, and so we did little to censor ourselves.

“Are you a baby girl?”


“Tell me. Are you a baby girl?”


“I want to hear you say it.”

“I...I’m a baby girl.” I wasn’t just saying it; in that moment, I felt it. I wanted that so badly. I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything. “I’m your baby girl. Mommy...I’m your baby girl.”

“Yes,” she said through her heavy breathing and moans. “Yes, you are. You’re my little baby girl.”

I still couldn’t believe I had said it. I needed to say it again. “M-mommy.”

“Yes, you like the sound of that?”

“Mom-mmm-my,” I said again, a long pleasurable moan getting caught in the word.

“Is my little girl getting fucked by her mommy?”


“Is my little girl going to wet her little diapers all night long?”

“Uh huh, yes. I promise.”

“Tell me what a soaking wet diaper you’re going to have.”

“It...it’s going to be so wet, I promise. I’m going to wet myself over and over and then I’m going to make a big stinky diaper and…”

“Oh?” Lily’s body, which had found an incredible groove on top of me, slowed a little, giving me a look that was as much interested as it was curious.

I could barely even believe I said it myself. It wasn’t something I had thought much about before. In fact, I hadn’t really thought of it at all. It was a concept that felt so far beyond the small puddles I was dipping my toe into. I could have chalked it up to just a willingness to say anything in this moment, yet...no part of me regrets saying it.

“Would you?” she asked.


“I’d never ask you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

“I know.”


“I would. If...uhm...it wouldn’t bother you.”

“It wouldn’t.”


“Well then, baby girl, I want you to make a dirty little diaper for mommy. Can you do that?”

“Yes,” I said. “Yes!”

“‘Yes’ to what? Tell me.”

“Yes, Mommy! I want to...use...my diaper for you! I want to make a stinky mess in my diaper and I want to…”

I never got to finish that thought, all of my energy was suddenly diverted to an epic climax unlike any I could remember having before. My eyes had instinctively closed as it happened, and as I pried them open, I watched as she convulsed herself - gyrating on my dripping cock for the final push she needed.

She collapsed back onto me; I was still inside her. We fell asleep like that in the hay.

Later, we’d slowly wake and gather our clothing. When we’d glance at each other, we’d both blush and grin as memories of the things we said came back to us. Neither of us seemed ashamed, but it did feel unclear what was said sincerely versus what was said in the heat of the moment.

“How are you feeling?” she finally asked.

“Good,” I offered. “Very good. And you?”

“Yes,” she said with a nod. It didn’t quite make sense, but I understood the sentiment.

We climbed down the ladder from the loft and were about to leave the barn when I remembered the wet diaper that had been kicked off from the loft. We both looked around the barn...but neither of us could find it. There was nothing directly below where we both believed it had fallen, and so the obvious answer was that something - or someone - had found it.

We nervously laughed about it, wondering when that had happened.



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