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Folks, this story is so close to wrapping up. Next month I'll be posting the final installment of this epic. I hope you're all enjoying the story and anxious to see where this is leading.

I'd love your feedback. How did you feel about a large multi-part story like this? Is it something you want more of? Less of? Drop me a comment or send me a message with your thoughts.

The old Amanda Bishop, as it turned out, was the byproduct of her environment. She was lonely, overworked and isolated. She felt unloved, and there seemed to have been nobody in her life to convince her otherwise. She was a mother - but she was only a mother. Sometimes that was enough. Sometimes that was more than enough. Sometimes it felt like being stranded on a small lush tropical island, just her and her baby, surrounded by miles and miles of empty water.

Amanda Bishop, as it turned out, was a lot sweeter and nicer as some of that figurative water began to be populated again. Her edges were rounding out. She was nicer on the phone. Less demanding.

Maggie could recognize that her employer had gone from “big brat” to “big baby.”

“Are you not even bothering with pants anymore?”

For the second day in a row, Maggie had walked into Amanda’s home office to find her only clad in a diaper and shirt. She hadn’t said anything before, but she was now a little curious.

“Why bother?” Amanda said with a shrug. “Don’t you want to see if I need a change or not?”

“I just assume that you’re always in need of a change.”

Amanda blushed. That was more accurate than she cared to admit. While she was hesitant to suggest to herself that she was either reliant or addicted to her new often-diapered lifestyle, there was no denying that she was very much infatuated with it. In that very moment, her diaper had already been wet once, and she was already contemplating wetting it again.

“That’s not always true,” Amanda said with a sigh.

“Is it true now? And before you answer that, remember that I’m looking at your diaper right now. And it doesn’t look completely white to me.”

Amanda shrugged.

Perhaps another sign of just how often she had been using her diapers - while she once struggled with getting her body to just relax and release into the diaper, it now seemed completely effortless. She didn’t even need to close her eyes and focus like she once did.

“Are you...wetting yourself again? Right now? In front of me?”


It was still hard to call her that. She wished it wasn’t. But she tried to work it in when she could.

“I have to get some laundry in the dryer,” Maggie said, still shaking her head and smiling at the big baby’s soggy diaper. “I’ll be back in a few and we can take care of that diaper.”


The rented Range Rover pulled into the driveway. It was the most ridiculous situation to have been in, but he couldn’t remember where his Lexus was. It might still be parked in a garage in Cupertino - but it could also be somewhere in Denver. He made a mental note to call his assistant later and see if she had any idea where it was.

It had been a while since he was here. He had never actually considered it his home, despite buying the house. He could’ve probably counted on one hand the number of nights he actually spent here.

Truthfully, it was bittersweet. He missed Amanda. He missed Sophia. Well, he missed the concept of Sophia. He had seen her so few times that he imagined holding her in his arms again without any recognition for who the little girl would be now.

He lifted his hand to knock on the door, but he stopped himself. It was his house, after all, why should he knock. He tried the door. Locked. He tried a few keys, unsure of which would work, and finally he felt the key turn. Home sweet home.

Nothing had really changed since the last time he had been here. Maybe there were more shoes by the front door than there used to be. Amanda had texted him something about hiring a nanny a few weeks ago. He had forgotten about that.


Amanda’s hand crept down the front of her diaper. She couldn’t help it. The feeling of her soggy diaper was euphoric, and she couldn’t get enough of it. Her fingers, delving between her legs, gently squeezed the saturated plastic padding, feeling the warm moistness squish in her fingers. She moaned gently.

Her eyes darted to the door again. She couldn’t wait for Maggie to come back. Sure, she wanted a diaper change. Maybe she wanted a bottle or a breast or whatever else Maggie would be willing to give. But really, she just wanted to see Maggie. She wanted her hands on her again. She wanted to take in her scent and kiss her lips and neck. She wanted Maggie’s arms around her.

She had a silly thought. What if...I gave Maggie a little show to come back to? She slid off of her chair and onto the ground, on her hands and knees. Positioning herself with her soggy padded ass facing the door, she waited. She felt some stirring in her bowels, and felt pretty confident she could give Maggie quite the surprise as she walked in through the door.


He placed his bag down and walked deeper into the house. He didn’t see or hear anyone else. He saw that Amanda’s office door was closed. She was probably in there right now, working on her next book. He wondered how that was going with the nanny in the house now.

There were a number of baby bottles lined up on the counter. Seems like a lot of bottles for one baby. He shook the thought away. What the hell did he know about a baby or what was required to take care of one.

“Amanda? You home?”

No answer.


She heard something out there. It sounded like Maggie was somewhere in the kitchen. Perfect. Any minute now she’d be coming through that door and...BLAMMO! Amanda was going to give her a front row seat to her diaper getting filled.

Footsteps now, coming to the door. That’s it. Come on in, Mommy. I want to show you something.

The doorknob was slowly turning. Ok, this was it. It’s go time.

She pushed as hard as she could - which was far harder than she needed to. She had been ‘saving up’ for just this occasion, and had been fighting the urge to release her bowels sooner all morning long. With a loud and squishy splat, the back of her diapers ballooned out, filled with her epic mess.

But something was wrong. She had pushed too hard and too soon, for one. Her diaper was already full now and Maggie didn’t seem to have opened the door all the way yet. What was taking so long?

“Hey? Amanda? Are you in here?”

That wasn’t Maggie. Kenneth?

She rolled out of her position, scrambling over to the couch where a pair of shorts had been kicked under - probably from some diaper change over the last week or two. She scrambled to pull them up over her heavy and sagging diaper.

“H-hold on. One moment.”

The door remained shut, thankfully. She couldn’t even believe how close that had come to disaster. She was quite likely a second away from emptying her bowels into her diaper in front of her completely oblivious husband. And while that would later be an amusing thought, this was hardly how she wanted him to see her now.

That was to say nothing of the fact that she had actually messed herself just now and she needed to hide that fact from him.

“C-come in.” She straightened out her clothes and composed herself as best she could. She almost sat down...but that seemed like an especially bad idea right now. No big deal, she thought. Say a few quick words, send him on his way, clean your bottom.

“Amanda, hello.”


It infuriated her how little he had to do to remind her of why she fell for him in the first place. He looked like a damn GQ model with his tall build and chiseled face. Was that some grey hair peppered into his dark mane? Fuck.

“Back to writing, I see.”

“I’m surprised you found the house. Did you get here accidentally while looking for something else?” She was back in Queen Bitch Ms. Bishop mode again. It felt good. It had been a while.

“I deserve that,” he said with a shrug. He walked into the room, taking a seat on the couch.

Amanda thought about how, just moments ago, she crawled under that couch looking for some shorts to cover up her extremely messy diaper.

“Let’s not begin on what you deserve,” she retorted. “What brings you back? Periodic check to make sure Sophia and I are alive? Because you could’ve just texted. I would’ve let you know.”

“There’s no need to be a bitch…”

“Actually, there are plenty of reasons. But I’ll spare you.”

“So much for a warm welcome.” He sniffed the air curiously. Something seemed off to him, but he didn’t seem to be able to place it.

She could smell it too - her diaper. That was an intense load she just dropped into it. It was only going to get worse.

It distracted her. She wanted to focus, but all Amanda could imagine was pulling her pants down, revealing her devastated diaper. She’d untape it and let it drop to the ground with a thick splat. She’d pick it up and heave it at him. Here’s your warm welcome. I just warmed it up too.

She sighed. Her instinct was to drag her heels and double down on being aggressive and unkind. But, again, she felt like she had softened a little. It was a good thing, if she was being honest.

“It’s good you’re here,” she said. “You should see your daughter.”

“You have a nanny now, right? I mean, we should go grab some food tonight and…”

“No, I don’t think so.”

She forgot about it - or at least forgot about her earlier decision - and sat down at her chair. Immediately she felt the thick mushy mess fill every vacant part of the diaper that it could. It was equal parts euphoric and disgusting, and she couldn’t even imagine what her face looked like as she had sat in it.

“Are...you okay?” he asked.

“Fine,” she said. Oh man… That diaper was smelling quite ripe now.

He nodded.

“I’m going to go say hi to Sophia. And if I run into your nanny?”

“Her name is Mom...er...Maggie.”

“Maggie, got it. Alright, I’ll see you in a bit.”

He left her office and she immediately sighed in frustration. He was home a day earlier than he said he’d be. She practically filled a diaper in front of him - let alone sitting in her mess right there. She almost called Maggie “Mommy.” She needed to get her act together.


That wasn’t the interaction he expected from Amanda. In many ways, she was the same aggressive and snarky woman she always was. It could be a little intimidating. It was part of what made it hard for him to try and reach out more often. A poor excuse - but true. It wasn’t a conversation with her without shouting and the threat of something being thrown. And while she was certainly plenty upset and a little snarky with him, today she seemed...a little subdued?

There was a baby bottle in her office too. And it smelled like a dirty diaper in there. Again, maybe he was overthinking things. What did he know about being a mother? Or a father, for that matter.


“What...what happened?”

By the time Maggie made it back into Amanda’s office, she had met Kenneth. It was a brief interaction, and a polite one at that. Maggie could definitely see what Amanda saw in him - though she could also see what Amanda hated about him. He carried himself with some sort of importance. There was no...humility? Self-awareness.

Amanda was wiping tears from her eyes.

“I just...I’m a mess,” Amanda confessed.

Maggie could immediately tell that Amanda meant that in more ways than one. The woman looked distraught, for one. The room smelled even worse. She approached her, and as she neared, Amanda stood up. They embraced, hugging each other tightly.

“Everytime I think I know who I am, he shows up and challenges it all again.”

“Who do you want to be?”

“I want to be…” her voice trailed off. It was a harder question to answer than she thought it would be. “A mother. A baby. Can I be both?”

“You can be whatever you want to be. I’ll help you.”

Amanda rested her head on Maggie’s chest.

“I...did something very stupid.”

“Am I smelling that stupid thing?”

“I wasn’t wearing pants. I...I was going to surprise you.”

“Surprise me by not wearing pants? Baby, I feel like I’ve seen you waddling around in just a diaper more than I’ve seen you in pants the last week or two.”

“No...I mean...I was going to surprise you by, uhm, using my diaper. When you walked through the door. I was waiting. And…”

“It was him instead of me,” Maggie said with a nod.


“Did he…”

“No...I don’t think he saw. He had to have been able to smell it.”

“There’s a baby in the house, that’s probably all he assumed. Look, let’s not worry about it. You stay here and I’ll get a new diaper. Do you want that? A new diaper? Or should I get panties while Mr. Bishop is here?”

Amanda’s face flushed red. “No...I...well…”


“A diaper.”

“Okay, I’ll grab one. Later, when it's safe, you can sit on my lap and let it all out. Would you like that?”

“Yes. Yes...Mommy.”

“I’ll check in on that no-good man of yours on my way.”

Amanda nodded.

“What do you think? Should I get him into a diaper too?”

Amanda laughed and shook her head. “He’s not good enough for you to be his Mommy too.”

Maggie held her hand tightly as they left the office together.



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