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A few months ago, I had the pleasure of writing this story for one of my Patrons as a commission. While my schedule and availability for commissions can vary, if you have an idea in mind - feel free to reach out to me regarding a commission of your own!

Driving home from work in the Benz, the windows down and the radio turned loud, he couldn’t help but think of just how good his life was. Good job, good looks, and a whole world that seemed to revolve around him.

He daydreamed about his cute young receptionist April and how badly he wanted to bend her over his desk. He thought about that arrogant prick Kyle, and how it wouldn’t be much longer before he was his boss.

And now? He was driving home to his gorgeous wife, Adria, a beautiful and powerful woman herself.

I’m a fucking king, he thought.

Walking in through the front door, he was surprised to find Adria already home  - sitting on the couch in the living room, tapping her foot as she waited. Her face, typically quite serious looking, seemed even more frustrated than usual.

“I-I’m sorry?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. “Are you upset about something?”

“Am I upset about something? No. I’m upset about a great many things, Paul. Set down your briefcase. Hang up your coat. Sit down. We need to have a talk.”

There were few things in this world that Paul Donovan feared. But his wife when she was angry? That was one of them. And there was something about her tone that was unsettling right now. He quickly set aside his things before sitting down, eager to hear what she had to say.

“I think it’s safe to say that you have a pretty decent reputation at the firm,” she said, crossing her arms. “People speak well and highly of you.”

He smiled and nodded - confidently but also cautiously. He wondered where she was going with this.

“But I think it’s also fair to say,” she continued, “that you wouldn’t have that job or that reputation if it wasn’t for me. Am I right?”

“Well...yes,” he said. “I mean, it is your father’s firm…”

“So, can you imagine my complete and utter disgust when my father pulls me aside the other day and vents to me about what a disappointment you are?”

The color drained from his face, and he could feel his mouth hanging open. The words seemed so unbelievable that they bordered on blatant lies.

“That couldn’t be,” he said. “I’m...I’m an important and integral part of the firm and…”

“He said that of all the departments’ earnings, yours is consistently the lowest,” she continued. “What more, he had concerns about how you were spending your time in the office and how you were using company resources. Do you know what he found?”

His heart rate rapidly increased. He began to sweat. But he didn’t dare open his mouth.

She sighed and continued: “Lude websites. Online gambling and sports betting. Extravagant business meetings in cities we don’t even do business in? Like...Paul, what the hell is going on with you?”

He opened his mouth to say something, but he had no clue where to start. The truth? The truth was that he felt indestructible until this moment. With his wife being the son of the firm’s founder, and with his good reputation amongst his co-workers, he honestly believed he could get away with anything. And for quite a while, he had.

“Well that ends now,” she said. “It all ends now.”

“W-wait,” he said. “I’m really sorry. I just got carried away and it’ll never happen again. I promise you that!”

“I’m not sure you even think you deserve a second chance, Paul. You humiliated yourself, and worse, you’ve made my own father question me. I’m angry. Furious, actually. I could crush you if I wanted, you know that? I could take away your job, your home, and your cushy lifestyle. I could prevent you from ever getting a decent job in this city again.”

“Please, Adria, I-I lost control of myself. But I can be better. I can change.”

“Damn right you can change. Whether you like it or not, there’s going to be some changes around here.”

“Of course! Anything!”

“I’m so disgusted with you as a husband. As someone I promised my father that he could trust. So, you’re going to have to repair everything you’ve damaged. I’m going to be watching your every move in that office, and you’re going to work harder than you’ve ever worked in your entire life. You’re going to outperform everyone else. You’re going to change my father’s mind about you so that he no longer holds this above my head. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes! Of course!”

“But that’s only going to fix your standing with him and the firm. If you want to keep your home, your car, your fancy golf clubs, and your wife, I have some demands of my own.”

“I can only imagine,” he said humbly. He imagined her suggesting couples therapy.

“I’ve moved you out of our bedroom and into the guest bedroom. That’s where you’ll be sleeping until I’ve said otherwise.”

He sighed, but nodded.

“And I’ve made some changes to the decor in that room. And to your wardrobe. And, frankly, it’s going to stay that way for as long as I say. The master bedroom is locked and only I have the key.”

Changes to the decor? His wardrobe? He had no idea what she meant.

His confused thoughts must have been obvious, per his expression, and so she grinned and stated: “Go, have a look at your new room!”

Slowly, hesitantly, he stood from the couch and walked up the stairs and down the hall towards what was once the guest room - a room he realized he hadn’t been in since he painted it over a year ago. He wondered what she had done with it - and for how long she had been cooking whatever devious plot she was revealing now.

Stopped at the door, his hand on the door knob, he caught the faintest of scents from the other side. It was vaguely familiar, like something from his childhood, but he couldn’t place it.

“What have you done?” he muttered aloud. The question was aimed at himself as much as it was to Adria.

“Go on,” she said. “Open the door.”

He entered the room, and his senses were immediately so overloaded that he wasn’t sure how to process anything. There had to have been some sort of mistake. Was this the wrong room? Had he misunderstood what Adria had been saying? Because this didn’t look like a bedroom. Pastel teddybears danced on the walls, while a crib stood where a bed once did. There was some sort of changing table set up against the wall, while standing next to the dresser was a massive shelf that was well-stocked with row after row of diapers in various colors and prints. The scent was now more recognizable as baby powder.

He turned to face her in the hallway. She could barely contain her glee and excitement.

“Adria...I don’t understand. What is this? Are you having a baby? A-are you pregnant?”

“Look again,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Paul spun back to the room again, this time taking a closer look at everything around him. The crib was unlike any he had seen before. It was enormous; an adult could easily fit inside of it. A new fear was creeping through him, and everytime he looked at something else, it seemed to build. That changing table was very large. Those diapers - hundreds of them - were quite large. There was a painted plaque hanging above the crib - a baby blue background with bright pink letters: Baby Paul.

“Adria...what the hell is this?”

“I told you, Paul. I could destroy you if I wanted. And believe me, I want to. Very much. But I’m willing to spare you that crushing defeat - but at the cost of every shred of your dignity. You want your fancy job? Your fancy life? Then we play by my rules. And the first rule is that while in our house, you’re nothing more than a pathetic baby.”

“But...I don’t…” He didn’t even know what to say. “A baby? Adria, are you serious? Of all the things I could do to make it up to you...a baby?”

“If you’ve proven one thing to me, Paul, it’s that you’re simply not mature enough to handle any of the power I’ve allowed for you to have. So maybe it’s time for you to start over. Maybe a year or two back in diapers will give you some respect for how adults are supposed to behave.”

“I...I couldn’t possibly… Diapers? You expect me to wear diapers?”

“I don’t just expect you to wear diapers, my dear. I expect you to piss in them. I expect you to fill them up with disgustingly filthy messes. I expect you to come crawling to me, begging for me to change your pathetic diaper while I laugh at you.”

HIs thoughts raced in a blur. He felt backed into a corner. An hour ago, he was flirting with his receptionist while holding onto the belief that he was unstoppable. Now, his wife held his life hostage while telling him he had to wear a diaper. He tried to consider alternatives - but he was a long way from his family, and most of the friends he had were people he had only met through Adria. She clearly had the upper hand, and there really weren’t any other options.

“When you’re done pouting, why don’t you take your clothes off and get up on the changing table?”


“Paul,” she said calmly, but sternly, “all it will take is one phone call to my father and your job is terminated. Your reputation is terminated. If you want that, I’m willing to make it happen. But if you want to hold on to any part of that lush life you’ve had up until now, you’re going to take your clothes off and crawl onto that changing table like a good baby.”

He was blushing, and he hated himself for it. He had just called himself a king. But here he was, already being called a baby.

Paul began removing his clothes. He didn’t want to. But he needed time to think, and further process everything that Adria had thrown at him. Maybe there were more options that he hadn’t yet considered, but he wasn’t going to think of them while Adria impatiently waited for him to follow her commands. He’d suffer whatever temporary embarrassment she had in store for him now. Later? He’d figure it all out and end this mockery.

“That’s a good boy. Hurry now. The sooner you’re up on the table, the sooner we can move on with our day.”

He had been naked around her a thousand times before. Hell, he had been naked around a woman more times in his life than he could even begin to count. Yet he never felt so ashamed and exposed as he did now. He hustled to the changing table, quickly climbing onto it just so that he could spare himself the vulnerability he felt standing before her. This...wasn’t much better, but he felt less aware of himself now.

“Very good. Keep following orders like that and we’ll have no problems at all.”

He let out a frustrated sigh. It was clear that he had to just take whatever she dished for now.

“I haven’t been around diapers since my babysitting days,” she said. “But I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.”

Paul felt her soft hand playfully grasp his manhood, giving it a comical shake.

“This thing? This thing is trouble,” she said. “Looking up smut on the company phone? What the hell were you thinking? And if you think I’m oblivious to your lusting after your little receptionist...what’s her name? April? Well we might as well put a stop to that too.”

He felt something cold, almost metal-like, touching his cock. He arched his head up the best he could to see what she was doing, only to see her locking some sort of cage around his dick, locking it shut with a key.

“Adria! What the… What is that? What are you doing?”

“Oh, calm down. Your cock isn’t going anywhere. We’re just giving it a little...break, that’s all. When you’ve proven you can be a good boy again, maybe I’ll unlock you. But until then, your cock is mine, and you can use this time to think about what a bad boy you’ve been.”

“But...you can’t…”

“I can do whatever I want,” she said, gently putting a finger over his lips. “Here, why don’t you get used to this while I work on getting your ass in a diaper?”

He felt a bulbous rubber shape press into his mouth, recognizing it as a pacifier when his lips reached its plastic shield.

He wanted to tear it from his mouth and throw it across the room, though he didn’t. For now, she had him where she wanted, and he didn’t know of anything he could do about it.

Outside of his vision, he could feel her hands on him. He could smell the baby powder waft to his nose as she doused his bottom with it. He heard the large thick diaper crinkle as she unfolded it and slid it under him. As quickly as it started, it was done. She stepped back to admire her handiwork; all he could see was her wide grin.

“Off from the table now. Let’s have a look at you in the mirror.”

He complied, easing himself down. He wasn’t prepared for how the diaper would feel - the way that it simultaneously seemed to hug his body while poofing out in an awkward way. The way that it bulked between his legs, and behind his ass, he could already tell that his walking would be reduced to a strange waddle.

She took him by the hand, leading him to the tall mirror installed on the back of the door. There he was. His fit and handsome body did nothing to hide what he was now: an enormous baby in a diaper; pacifier sticking out from his mouth.

“Later,” she said in an almost whisper-like voice in his ear, “we’re going to cut off all of your filthy pubes. I see no reason for you to have these masculine relics while you’re in your little cock-cage, yes?”

Paul watched in the mirror as his face grew red again.

“Could you imagine if you had just opened your eyes and paid attention a little,” she cooed seductively. “You would’ve noticed all the things I had been ordering over the last few weeks. The work I had been doing in this room. It’s all quite a testament to just how badly you needed to be taken down a peg or two.”

He released another long sigh.

“The rules are simple. When you’re not at work, you’re home. And when you’re home, you’re dressed like a baby. The dressers in this room have plenty of onesies and infantile clothing for you to wear. I have your big boy clothes, and I will give them to you in the morning - though I’ll be taking them back at night.”

“Tha...tha diapath?” he tried to ask through the pacifier. She plucked it from his mouth so that he could try again. “What about the diapers? I don’t have to wear those to work, do I?”

“The diapers are here to stay, I’m afraid. You’re just going to have to be a brave baby and hope that none of the important men find out you’re pissing yourself during board meetings.”

He cringed at this thought. It wasn’t the first time she mentioned him actually using the diapers - and he had been fighting his bladder since his car ride home from work.

She put the pacifier back into his mouth. “But you’re going to have to be on your very best behavior. Remember: my father is looking for you to prove to him that you’re a model employee. And so you’re going to have to do that without making a spectacle of yourself with your dirty diapers. Maybe I could offer your little assistant April a considerable raise in salary if she agrees to help change your pampers every once in a while?”

He watched his face grow red again in the mirror. He shook his head side to side, silently begging her not to implement that. She only smiled and shrugged.

“I picked out something cute for you to wear,” she said. “I have to get some things together myself. I have a very special treat for you tonight. So why don’t you slip into the outfit I put over there and I’ll check on you in a little bit, okay?”

He didn’t respond, only watching as she left the room. He immediately spat out the pacifier, running his hands over his diaper; unable to believe just how ridiculous his life had become in a short amount of time. But protesting seemed out of the question right now, and he took the clothes from the top of the dresser.

It was just a pale blue onesie with a cartoon teddy-bear on the front of it. He couldn’t believe such a thing was made in an adult size. Worse, he couldn’t believe that the dresser was likely full of countless things like this. He slipped it over his head, fastening the buttons at its base, under the bottom of his diaper.

With nothing left to do but wait for whatever insane punishment Adria wanted to throw at him next, he took a seat on the changing table and waited.

An hour passed, and then another. And then another. He considered leaving the room - she never said he couldn’t - but the pressure in his bladder had grown intensely, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. Clearly she expected him to use the diaper. If he had asked to use a toilet, she’d likely just laugh in his face. So what was he to do?

There really wasn’t any other option. He slid from the changing table and let it go - his diaper swelling and sagging within his tight onesie. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and he blushed. God he was pathetic right now.

Soon after, there was a brisk knock on the door before it opened. It was Adria. “Come on down to the living room.”

He followed her from the room and down the hall; down the stairs. She was dressed very well, he thought - kind of flirty. Her short skirt, boots, that tight black top. He wondered if she was going somewhere. If so...did this have anything to do with her surprise?

As Paul entered the living room, his eyes finally met the ‘surprise,’ and his heart almost stopped completely. He felt himself blush again. This couldn’t possibly be happening.

“Well… surprise,” she said with a shrug.

It was Kyle Rourke. The same Kyle Rourke who oversaw one of the best teams at the firm. Not only had Paul seen him as his only competition for one day getting a promotion - but he had gone as far as to tell Adria that on multiple occasions. And now, here he was - as handsome and confident as Paul had once been - witnessing Paul in a diaper and onesie.

“Paul, I believe you know Mr. Rourke.”

“Paul, I have to say...this is a good look for you,” Kyle said with a laugh.

Paul didn’t even know what to do. Every instinct told him to just turn and leave but… That seemed like a bad idea. If Adria had gotten Kyle in on this, there was no telling just how much worse she could make things for him.

“I should be honest with you, Paul,” Adria said. “I too was a bad girl. When I found out about all your little secret hobbies, I decided to get one of my own. And so I’ve been riding Mr. Rourke’s cock a few times a week. You know...in between discussing how we’d make you into a pathetic little baby.”

“How are you enjoying that new chastity device?” Kyle asked. “That was my idea, you know.”

“Y-you...the both of you...you planned all of this?”

“Now is that anyway to thank us?” Adria said with a laugh. “We’ve given you the gift of a second chance. The least you could do is get on your knees and tell us how thankful you are.”


“I’m sorry,” she added, “I realize I made that sound like a suggestion - but it was actually a command. On your knees, baby. Tell us you’re thankful.”

Paul wanted to protest, but he realized it would do him no good. Slowly, he dropped to his knees, looking up at them. “I...well...th-thank you.”

“He sounded more sincere than I thought he would,” Kyle said with a shrug.

“He can do better than that,” Adria said. “You know? He once confided in me that he had a curiosity about the taste of cock.”

“Adria! N-no…”

“I think what the baby meant to say was that he would be happy to show you just how thankful he is. Because the last thing he’d want is for his other co-workers to learn that he’s been reduced to a cock-caged infant while his wife fucks one of his workmates.”

Kyle nodded with a grin, unzipping his pants. He reached in, pulling out his own dick - an impressively girthed beast that Paul would never have expected. It was no wonder Adria was so content with Kyle’s company.

“You’ll be a good baby and drink up every last drop, yes?” Adria asked.

“Y-yes,” Paul said shamefully. Somewhere, deep within himself, he knew this subservient place existed that he had never explored before.

He was there now.

Kyle’s cock was suddenly in his face, and Paul took it into his mouth. He had no idea what to do with it once it was there...but thankfully, Adria’s hands were there, guiding Paul’s head up and down Kyle’s cock.

Kyle moaned, planting a hand atop Paul’s head so that he could guide him himself. Adria released her grip, allowing Kyle to take over. He pushed and pulled Paul’s head up and down his shaft.

Adria turned his attention to Paul’s onesie, and with a flick of her wrist she unsnapped the buttons under his diaper. His diaper tumbled out of the fabric with a surprising heft. She put her hand on the diaper, finding that her suspicions were correct.

“Did you see this? The baby has already pissed himself. Like...completely flooded it.”

“Mmm,” is all Kyle could offer in response.

“Hurry up,” she said with a sigh. “The sooner you fill his mouth up the sooner we can go have some fun of our own tonight.”

Kyle offered an affirmative moan, and began to increase the speed at which he fucked Paul’s mouth. Quickly now, he forced himself in and out; Paul’s head being pushed to and fro with so much force that he worried he’d get whiplash.

Finally, with a grunt and a long passionate moan, Kyle held Paul’s face still while he came. Paul’s eyes grew wide as the large dose of fluid exploded into his mouth, coating the back of his throat, causing him to cough and sputter. Slowly, Kyle pulled his cock out, a lingering sticky white trail dribbling down Paul’s face as Kyle put his manhood back into his pants.

Adria offered only a satisfied laugh. “Well, now that that’s done, we’re going out. We’re taking your Benz. You stay there, in your pissy diaper. We’ll talk about getting you a diaper change once I get home. I can only imagine the presents you’ll have left in there for me by then.”


Adria revealed another pacifier. But this time it was Kyle who took it from her hand, and he pressed it into Paul’s mouth himself. They laughed together before finally leaving, hand-in-hand.

Paul remained on his knees for a bit after. He had no idea what to make of his life anymore, nor did he know what tomorrow had in store for him. But one thing was for sure - he had never felt so pathetic, so small, and so insignificant. His diaper was full of piss and his mouth still tasted of another man’s come.

He wiped a tear from his eye. The damage was done now. There was no plan B, nor escape. He was going to have to comply until he was released from his diapers and chastity - or else risk losing everything else. Deep within him, he was already looking forward to them coming home and mocking him again.

He was a fool for ever thinking he was a king.



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