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Maybe it hasn't actually been that long, but it feels like it's been a while since I just said "Hi" and gave a little update about the Patreon without just talking about how I was moving or how things were delayed.


I'm all moved in, and just in time for the new year. There were a few delays and rearrangements of my posting schedules on Patreon - and so I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during that process.

I have to say though, while I've seen a lot of new names (and a few returning ones) subbing to the Patreon over the last month or two, it didn't hit me until this week that there's actually been a lot of growth here. I'm honestly flattered and humbled by the ever-growing number of readers here. The comments, the liked posts, the messages - I appreciate all of it, and it continues to be motivating for future content.

As I shake off the dust of 2020 and get back into the groove of writing regularly, let's take a look at what we can look forward to ahead here on the QH Patreon:

  • At some point I had run out of Archival stories that were scheduled for publication here. I don't have many Archival stories left to post, but I'll be posting what's left over the next few weeks. As with the previous Archive stories, these are stories that were posted on other platforms previously, but with some new editing, and in some cases, additional scenes.
  • In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country, has been a fun experience in creating content available to the public - but still benefiting my patrons by giving you first access to it. I'll be continuing this program throughout 2021 - having a few stories available for my patrons in advance of making them public. It would be nice if there was at least one story per week available like this (like chapters of Country currently), but we'll see how intensive on my schedule that is. Regardless, its something I'd like to do as often as possible.
  • I'll be bringing back monthly voting on future stories - but we'll be voting further in advance. Like, say, voting for a story you'll see in two months. Once I've ironed out the schedule that works best for me, I'll share the details here.
  • Lastly, I've been thinking about my long term ideas for Patreon. Things I'd like to offer. Things I'd like to try out. But I'd like to know what you're thinking about too. Not necessarily ideas for stories - but what improvements would you like to see to this Patreon? If you've got anything in mind, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message and let me know what you're thinking. There are no bad ideas - I'm simply curious if there's a lot of demand for things I'm not currently doing.

Again, a big hearty thanks to both the Patrons who have been around since the beginning, and the new Patrons! Absolutely none of this would be possible without you. I've written hundreds of pages worth of stories about dirty diapers in the last 7 or 8 months only because you show me that there's a demand for it. I once worried that I'd get sick of it...but honestly, it's just the opposite. I've loved writing these stories, and I'm so excited to show you some of the things I'm working on right now.

Happy New Year. Hopefully this is a good one. We're due for a good year...right?

Be safe. Be happy. And, of course, be naughty.



Paul Bennett

Thank you for the great content you post. I hope 2021 continues to see this platform grow for you.


Congrats your work deserves the attention and new patrons! I've actually read some of your work before but I'm more than happy to support you too continue creating art!