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“So, before we begin, I think I need to lay down a few rules. Maybe I don’t need to. But I just don’t want to later regret not having said these things. Do I have your attention?”

Andrea just nodded, while Richard had to tap Flora on the shoulder so that she could put down her phone for a moment. Murphy was already laser focused on Cammy and what she had to say as she stood in front of the group.

“What happens in this house tonight, stays in this house,” Cammy said. “And so that means no phones.” This yielded a few groans from the group. “Look,” she continued. “I don’t love it either. I’d like to think that nobody here would take photos or, I don’t know, live-Tweet tonight. But I think it’s for everybody’s comfort and safety if we just took that option off the table entirely. It’s for the same reasons that I’ve asked you all to stay over tonight. We do this together. Agreed?”

“I’m in,” Murphy said with a confident nod. He brushed his long brown hair from his eyes. He called himself a gamer, and he never hid his desire to win; even if it was sometimes hard to say what he considered a victory to look like.

“Yeah,” Andrea said. Her aesthetic was somewhere between goth and punk - and it was just as cold and secretive as her demeanor. A shame, Murphy thought. With her curves and curly black hair, she was quite cute.

“Of course,” Richard shrugged. There was probably a time in his life that he was amongst the jocks and cool kids. He had good looks and a hell of a smile. But there was a nervous anxiousness about him. Perhaps, especially within the present company, he was just full of dark desires that he didn’t know how to express.

“I guess,” pouted Flora, already dreading the loss of her phone. Her feathery rose hair cascaded down her lightly freckled skin. She looked to be a girl out of time; maybe just a tie-dyed shirt away from effortlessly blending into 1969.

“Shall we talk about the challenge?”

Murphy rubbed his hands together eagerly.

Cammy revealed a small orange pill bottle. There was no label on it. No markings. She placed it down on the small table she had set up in front of her, so that everyone could see it. Then, she opened it and spilled its contents onto the table. Five pill capsules - all identical and white in color.

“I think it’s safe to say that we’re all here because we’re gluttons for shame and humiliation. And so I’ve picked a challenge that’s going to push that envelope considerably. I won’t say that it's too late to back out - but I suspect that most of you are going to at least second guess how interested you are in being here.”

Flora and Richard nervously glanced at each other. Murphy stared ahead with a small grin on his face. Andrea didn’t seem to show much of a reaction either way. They were all eager to hear more.

“All five of these pills are identical in every way. However, four of these pills contain a harmless sugar-based placebo. They will have no effect on you whatsoever. But the fifth pill? The fifth pill contains a highly effective laxative known as Emptisall. It will cause some mild cramping, but no long term side effects. But, as I’m sure you can guess based on it being a laxative, it will completely clean you out.”

All four of them started glancing around the room at each other again. There was a noted change in attitude for the most part, but no outright sudden disinterest either.

“The other part of this challenge is that the bathrooms have already been locked shut. There is a key, but it’s not in the house. I’ve given it to another friend of mine, with the instructions that they are to place it in the mailbox four hours from now. This is good news for everyone that gets the sugar pill. But, not so great news for whoever gets the laxative.”

“So...what, you expect the person who gets the laxative to just shit in a flower pot?” asked Richard.

“No,” Cammy said with a straight face. “You’ll be expected to go in your pants. Here in this room. With everyone watching.”

Now the temperature of the room was changing. Flora let out an audible groan of despair while Richard sighed to himself. Even the two who seemed either confident or mostly composed before seemed to be visibly shaken by this revelation. Murphy scratched his head, possibly imagining what that would even look like. Andrea’s face was in her hands.

“I wouldn’t propose such a thing if I thought you all would balk at it. It’s a lot to take in, and it’s not an easy challenge - but I think any one of you would be lying if you couldn’t admit that you were at least a little curious to feel that level of shame and degradation.”

Every single one of them nodded. Some slower, or more hesitantly, than others, but they all nodded to agree.

“There’s one last part of this, and it is optional,” Cammy said with a shrug. “I could see an argument being made that if you’re the unlucky one who ends up unloading your bowels into your pants, you’re going to eventually need to leave this house to go home, without another pair of pants to change into. Maybe you’d like that, but maybe you wouldn’t. So I’ve procured a solution for anyone not interested in walking around in stained pants tomorrow morning.”

Nobody could believe their eyes as Cammy held up what appeared to be...a diaper. It was enormous - clearly intended for an adult. Yet it’s surreal thickness and babyish pink and lavender colors didn’t seem to fit what any of them would expect of an adult diaper.

Except for Richard. “Are those for, like...those adult babies?”

“Indeed they are,” Cammy said. “Familiar with them?”

“Only in that I know of them,” he said. It was hard to say whether or not he was being truthful - it was hard to know how to take his bright red cheeks when everyone else in the room was blushing too.

“I just figured that if you’re going to choose to wear some protection, you might as well wear the silliest protection you can get. So I ordered a package of these. And so I propose this: If you want a diaper, I’ll give you one. But in wearing the diaper, you are forfeiting your pants as well until tomorrow. The alternative, of course, being that you keep your pants - but that you run the risk of completely ruining them.”

“Goddamn,” Murphy said, shaking his head and smiling. “That’s fucking devious.”

“I thought you’d like this one,” Cammy said.”

“So...if we don’t get the laxative,” Andrea said, “in four hours we have use of the bathroom again and we’re not expected to use the diaper?”

“That is true,” Cammy replied. “The bathrooms will be open again in four hours. But your pants will still be held until the morning. Whether that means you use the diaper anyways, just hold it until tomorrow, or figure out a way to keep wearing your diaper after using the toilet...that’s on you. But I can assure you - for whoever gets the laxative, it’ll take far less than four hours for it to work its magic.”

Flora’s face seemed to have lost a little bit of its color over the last few minutes. “But...we ate all that pizza before. And the ice cream and…”

“I admit,” Cammy said with a casual shrug. “I did have ulterior motives with my generosity as a hostess this evening.”

Everyone seemed to be deep in thought, weighing their options.

Cammy took a small plastic bin from beside her and dropped her phone into it. She passed it to Flora, who begrudgingly dropped hers in as well. It was passed to Andrea, Richard and Murphy before returning to Cammy. Cammy sealed the box shut with a lid and set it aside again.

“I promise, you’ll get your phones back in the morning. And your pants, should you choose to trade them for a diaper.” She held up the diaper again. “Who wants one? Richard?”

“I...don’t know,” he said. “It seems risky not to take one. But...do I want to wear that?”

“Only you know the answer to that.”

“I’ll take one,” he said. Cammy handed him a diaper.


“Y-yes, please,” she said shyly, plucking the diaper from Cammy’s hand.


“I’ll take it.”


“I’m going to buck the trend and take my chances,” he said. “I’ll keep my pants. The odds are in my favor that I’ll be the only one left with any dignity tomorrow. But what about you?”

“I’ll go with the diaper, personally,” Cammy said. “I wasn’t sure which direction I’d go, but I feel better about it knowing the majority of us will be wearing one.”

Everyone, even Cammy, looked at each other sheepishly; unsure of what the next move was.

“I...I guess I should get this on then,” Richard said.

“I’m not sure I know what to do with this thing,” said Flora.

“It’s not hard. The side with the tapes goes in the back. Just lay it out, position yourself over top of it, and fold it over yourself. It probably makes since to fasten the bottom tapes first before using the top ones.”

“You’re very knowledgeable about wearing diapers,” Murphy said with a sly smile. “Is this an unfair advantage?”

“It’s my first time too,” Cammy retorted. “Though I may have watched a video or two as research.”

Starting with Cammy, they entered Cammy’s bedroom one at a time, so that they could get into their diaper. When Cammy emerged, pants in hand, and only the childish diaper below her shirt, she looked humbled for the first time the entire evening. Say what you will about their commitment to the shame they were seeking - nothing was going to make their new undergarments any less embarrassing.

“There are people who...like this?” Andrea said, emerging next from the bedroom - diapered and pants in hand. Her diaper seemed to have been applied pretty well, and while she seemed to be trying to overcorrect her steps to account for the newfound bulk between her legs, she didn’t seem too humiliated by the diaper itself.

“Quite a few,” Cammy said with a shrug. “Who knows. Maybe after tonight, you’ll be joining their ranks.”

“Maybe,” Andrea said dismissively, tossing her bundled up pants and panties into the pile that Cammy had started with her own.

Richard was next, face blushing as pink as his diapers. He deposited his pants into the pile before waddling over to where Andrea and Murphy sat. His diaper was a little more haphazard in its application. The tapes were askew, and extra bits of the side flaps stuck out in wild directions.

Last, but not least, was Flora, who seemed to be taking a little bit longer than everyone else.

“Sweetie, is everything okay in there?” Cammy asked from the other side of the door.

“I...I dunno.”

“Do you...need help?”


Cammy opened the door and entered the bedroom. Nobody could see the nature of the help being provided, though a minute later Cammy and Flora emerged. Flora’s diaper looked to be perfectly positioned - perhaps from the extra set of hands. She deposited her skirt and panties into the pile.

“Alright. So...are we ready to do this?”

“The laxative - you said it’s not painful?”

“I’ve been told that there’s a level of discomfort associated with it,” Cammy said. “It was compared to, say, an enema or a suppository. I don’t have much experience with either - but given that both are available in drug stores, it can’t imagine it being that bad.”

“So...where did you get this from?” asked Andrea.

“Friends in the right places? Look...I’m not going to say that this is all completely ethical. But I also wouldn’t hand this out if I had any doubts about its safety. Yes...it’s quite powerful. But that’s the point.”

Murphy held out his hand. “Alright. Come on, I’m ready.”

“Go ahead and pick one,” Cammy said, pointing down at the capsules.

Murphy quickly glanced over each pill, but grabbed one at seemingly random. Up next was Andrea who just grabbed the one closest to her on the table. Richard came next, hemming and hawing over the remaining choices before selecting one for specific reasons nobody but him knew. Flora stepped up, with just two capsules left between her and Cammy.

“Do you want to pick first?” Flora asked.

“I’m not sure that it matters.”

“I guess I like the idea of having a choice, rather than just being stuck with one.”

“Well, by all means, make your choice.”

Flora grabbed one hesitantly. Cammy took the last one.

“Okay,” she said. “Everyone have something to drink?” Everyone nodded. “Okay. Down the hatch. Here we go.”

Regardless of any lingering fears or anxieties about what possibilities the future held, everyone downed the pill, washing it down with water. The room had fallen silent, and it stayed that way for a good minute or two. Everyone looked at each other with a little bit of fear and hesitation. Someone had just become a time bomb, of sorts. Not only would this night not end well for one of them, but it could very well be disastrous.

“So. How are y’all feeling?” Murphy finally said, breaking the silence.

“Fine,” Andrea said. “Though...I suspect it takes at least a few minutes to kick in?”

“15 to 20 minutes, as I understand it,” Cammy answered.

Murphy opened his mouth to say something, probably some sarcastic comment - but thought better of it. The room fell silent again, this time for a few minutes. Cautious glances darted back and forth as every one waited to see which of them would start to show signs that this was their fate.

Richard coughed, and everyone’s eyes darted to him. “I hardly think coughing is symptomatic of a laxative.”

The room returned to relative silence again. It stayed this way for a bit. Until, at last, Flora hesitantly spoke up.

“I...I think I’m feeling something.”

Everyone looked to her, unsure of what to say. Did you act supportive? Proud? Disappointed?

“Does it hurt?” asked Richard.

“No...I just...my stomach feels kind of...topsy turvy? It’s not completely uncomfortable, but it's just kind of...gradually building.”

There was a distinct look of relief on Richard’s face. Murphy laughed and shook his head, it was difficult to say whether he was relieved or annoyed. Cammy, who sat next to Flora, put her hand on Flora’s lap gently.

“It’s okay. This was the game. We all knew this was inevitable for somebody.”

“Do...do I have to stand up and do it in front of everybody?”

“It’s what we had all agreed on,” Murphy said. “I would do it if it were me.”

Flora nodded gently, brushing some wetness for her eyes. There wasn’t anyone in the room that couldn’t sympathize with her, but nobody knew how to convey that.

A new waiting game had begun. All eyes were on Flora as she gently rocked back and forth, clutching her stomach.

“How are you feeling?” asked Cammy. “Is the cramping getting worse?”

“I...I don’t know,” Flora said. “I think so? I’m not sure what it's supposed to feel like.”

Three or four more minutes passed, and most of that time was spent watching Flora. She didn’t change her position much, nor had the expressions on her face changed much. It was hard to say how close she was to expelling her bowels into her diaper.

“Well?” Murphy said with a nonchalant shrug. “Maybe we can bet on when she’s going to blow?”

Cammy shook her head in disappointment.

“Oh, come on. We all knew it was going to be somebody. And we’re all just waiting around for the show anyways. Why not have some fun with it? I’ll say...three more minutes.”

“I’d give it five,” Richard added, playing along. “She seems to be keeping it together pretty well.

Both guys looked over to Andrea to see if she’d be joining into this new game. But they were surprised by what they saw. Andrea’s face, normally a little on the pale side anyways, seemed even more pale now and she looked completely distressed.

“A-andrea? Are you okay?”

“I… I…” She seemed to stumble over her words. In general she seemed completely distracted and unfocused. Slowly she stood up and waddled into the middle of the room. Without another word, or any further warning, she squatted down. Everybody’s mouths hung open as Andrea’s bowels unleashed a thunderously loud mess into her diaper. It came in multiple waves. Everytime it seemed to be over, another bubbling ripple would be emitted from her diaper. The backside of the diaper had gone from the pastel pink color to a dark and putrid color. The bottom of the diaper hung even lower between her legs. She was helpless to move or speak, as yet another wave seemed to force its way into her diaper - sounding like it was practically spraying out of her grossly unprepared bottom.

She finally lurched forward, falling to her knees as tears streamed from her eyes. Everytime it looked like she was about to make an effort to stand back up again, or even say something, another loud blast would ripple through her diaper.

Worse, it was clear that whatever the diaper’s max capacity was had been met sometime ago. Dark pools swelled near her legs, and a dark brown liquid trickled down her thigh onto the hardwood floor below.

“I...I suppose I just have a stomach ache,” Flora confessed.

“Well...there you have it,” Cammy said, standing up. She walked to the center of the room, putting a hand on Andrea’s shoulder. “For the rest of us...we’ll have to wait a while for the key to the bathrooms to arrive. Or…”

Richard tilted his head. “Or?”

Cammy turned to face him, her face seeming to bend into one of concentration. For a moment, Richard couldn’t figure out what was happening, until he noticed the growing wet spot at the bottom of her diaper that slowly grew up her crotch.

“Or,” she said as she finished flooding her diapers, “we take advantage of the fact that we’re all in diapers right now. Why not give them a shot?”

Richard ran a hand through his hair and laughed, shaking his head. He seemed curious, but hesitant to indulge as she had.

Andrea looked up to Cammy. “Did you just…”

“I wet myself.”

Flora also stood up. “I...want to too.” A look of fierce determination washed over her face before a similar damp spot began to blossom from the bottom of her diaper too. “And...I...I also…”

“Go on,” Cammy reassured her.

“When I have to? I...I’m going to poop in my diaper too.” Her face became beet red as she sat back down again, eyes widening from the shock of sitting in her newly-dampened diaper.

“I...y-yeah,” Richard shrugged. “I’m curious, I guess. You know? Why the hell not?”

They all looked to Murphy, who had been quietly gawking and grinning and the chaos erupting before him.

“What? You expect me to...do that? I mean, I won. I kept my pants. I controlled my bowels. I kept my dignity.”

“Okay, sure,” Cammy said with a shrug. “You won. We can all agree. Now what? We’re going to have fun and waddle around in dirty diapers. Are you in?”

He thought about it. It was going to be a while until the bathroom key arrived. They did agree to stay overnight. And now he was the odd man out, just by not being the only one doing all the things he said he wouldn’t do.

“I guess I could...take a diaper. If you have one to spare.”

Cammy had many diapers to spare. Probably more than she cared to admit. Even if the reception to her challenge tonight hadn’t gone over well, it was something she had been interested in exploring a bit more herself. So, there were diapers. More than enough for everyone to get a change or three - if they wanted.

She imagined Andrea would definitely want one soon. She wondered if she’d need help. She’d offer, for sure. And if anyone was feeling especially gutsy, she had more Emptisall where the first came from. Again, it was something she thought that maybe she’d hold onto herself for a rainy day. But if there was interest, why not share?

Murphy won. Andrea won. Really, there had been no losers tonight.



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