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Hi friends! I've been a little quieter than usual the last few weeks, as far as blog posts go. I figured you knew I was alive. But just in case you need reassurance: I'm alive.

I did some traveling. I did some stay-cationing. I did a LOT of writing. A lot of writing that I feel really positive about, too. I've got a few messages and comments here on Patreon that I need to catch up on - so if you've reached out to me recently, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just getting back into the swing of things.

Let's take a look at some of the recent happenings and the happenings that are coming soon:

  • This week we had the premiere of the new First Access story: A Quiet Place Out in the Country. New chapters of this story will be rolling out weekly until its finished, and its being made available for all patrons. A month or two later, I'll be posting chapters of it in some public forums - but you'll not only have read it first, but you'll be ahead of everyone else.
  • For my Tier 3 patrons, I decided to pause the story-voting for the month of November. I'd like to bring it back in December or January, but I learned that my timing for these contests wasn't great, because I often gave myself very little time to get a new voted-on story together and published. But I'm going to play with the idea in the workshop a little and we'll give it another go soon enough.
  • If you're still interested in commissioning a story of your own, reach out to me and let me know! I'll be making a few recently commissioned stories available for my patrons soon, and I'm always interested in taking new ones on.
  • And, hey, thank you. Really. Y'all continue to motivate me to write more and to push myself harder. I've been really happy with my writing lately, and I owe a lot to all of you for making this platform worth my time.

Anyways, what's up with you? How have you been? Reach out to me and say hi! Tell me about the new diapers you bought. Tell me about your favorite story that you've read here. Tell me about a really good lunch you had lately. Let's chit chat.

Stay naughty.


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