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The hotel pool was just about empty today, much to Joanna’s delight.  Other than an elderly woman sleeping in a lounge chair near the poolside and a large hairy man soaking in the hot tub, it was just her and a young attractive man sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the water.

She contemplated walking down the steps of the pool to acclimate herself to the cool temperature of the water, before opting to just get it over with and to leap into the deeper end.  The cold water felt great on her skin and her body quickly adjusted as she swam across the pool.

When she surfaced, the young man was smiling at her, and she smiled back.

“It’s probably not going to get any better than this today,” he said.

“Temperature wise, you mean?”

“No,” he said with a shrug.  “I just mean that you know the pool is going to get crowded later.”

“Oh right.  Well, it’s best to get some swimming in while I can then,” she replied.  They both smiled at each other again.  He was probably a little younger than she was, she guessed about 21 or 22, but he had such a cute boyish face.  “Are you swimming today? It seems too nice to just sit at the edge.”

“I...didn’t bring my swimsuit,” he said with a little hesitation.  She observed that he was right, of course, he was wearing just a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt.

“You don’t have a change of shorts or a swimsuit in your hotel room?  Just jump in!”

“Well, as much as I’d like to say that I could, I also...”

He was interrupted by the sound of a woman clearing her throat behind him.  Joanna moved her head to the side slightly to see another woman standing a few feet away from the pool.  He had also turned around slightly as well.  However, once he made eye contact with the woman, he immediately hoisted himself out of the pool and stood on the sidewalk, looking nervous.

“Did you make a new friend, Robert?” the woman asked.  It was hard for Joanna to determine the woman’s age.  She was certainly older than he was, but it was hard to say by how much. He couldn’t imagine her being his mother.

“I...I was just talking to...”

“Oh, it’s fine, Robert.  You’re not in trouble.”  The woman shot a smug smile to Joanna, as if indicating something that Joanna couldn’t quite grasp.

“Hi,” Joana said to the woman, suddenly feeling like she did something wrong by speaking to “Robert,” though she couldn’t imagine how this was her problem.

The woman didn’t respond, instead looking back to Robert.  “Well, is there anything you need to tell me?”

Robert looked back to Joanna, as if nervous about what she might be able to hear, his face turning a bright shade of crimson.  Joanna swam around the pool a little, trying not to look or act like she cared about what was going on.  Even though that wasn’t the case at all.  Who was this woman, and why does Robert seem absolutely terrified of her?

“N-no,” he stammered.

“Should I check to be sure?”

“Well, no...I don’t think...you shouldn’t.  Not here.”

“Turn around,” she commanded. He did so.  Joanna poked her head up from under the water in time to see Robert facing her while the woman stood behind him.  Joanna knew that she should probably look away, but yet...she couldn’t.

She watched as the woman’s hand expertly pulled open Robert’s shorts from his body and she peered in.  This didn’t make sense to Joanna at first, because she couldn’t see a reason why she would need to do that.  It was the kind of thing a mother would do with a toddler...who wore diapers...

“You lied to me, Robert.”

“I...no...Stacy, please.  Not here.”

“It’s okay, by the way,” the woman called out to Joanna in the pool.  “If you want to watch, I won’t be offended.  Robert might get a little embarrassed.  But such are the conditions of his current punishment.”

Joanna didn’t even have time to react, as she was completely transfixed by the fact that the woman was now pulling down Robert’s shorts.  While Joanna didn’t know what to actually expect, she somehow wasn’t completely surprised to see that Robert was wearing a large adult diaper, which was completely swollen and sagging with a yellowish tell-tale tint.

“This is the reason Robert won’t get in the pool, honey,” the woman said.  “He’s afraid of his big baby diaper getting even more saturated than it is already.”  Then, adding in mock-babytalk, “isn’t that right, sweetums?”

Robert could say nothing, and though she was too far away, Joanna swore she saw a tear form on his face.

“I’d just change his diaper right here at the side of the pool,” Stacy said with a shrug. “I doubt she’d mind. But I’m sure someone would. Let’s go back to the room.” She turned to Joanna again: “Did you...want to watch?”

Joanna didn’t know what to say. Had someone told her an hour ago that a stranger would offer to let her watch a grown adult get his diaper change, she doubted she’d have wanted anything to do with it. But she was the tiniest bit curious.

“I’d have to change my clothes,” Joanna said. “I didn’t bring any with me and…”

“Well, how about this. We’re in room E309. If you get bored later, come stop by. I’d love to get you a drink. And if you happen to be around while Robert needs a diaper change, well then you get a little show too.”

It sounded insane, but it wasn’t completely unappealing.

“I may take you up on that offer,” Joanna said with a smile.

Stacy smiled and waved before taking a deeply ashamed Robert by the hand, leading him away.

Minutes later, Joanna was swimming back and forth alone in the pool again. She couldn’t quite shake the thought of that bizarre interaction from her mind. She realized that it wasn’t a matter of if she’d be going to Stacy and Robert’s hotel room - it was when.


John Doe

This is a GREAT one. Would love for this to be continued!