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“So...do you remember last year?” Hillary asked her step-brother from the doorway of his bedroom.

“Well, I mean, I ate a lot,” shrugged Robbie.  “And drank a lot.  And...”

“You made a fool out of yourself.  You pissed your pants in front of the entire family!”

“Yeah, well, there’s 20-something people at Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, and only one stupid bathroom,.” muttered Robbie.

“Look, I get it.  I don’t think it's safe to use that bathroom a week after Thanksgiving is over.  But...I don’t want to end up like you last year either.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not going to make that mistake this year.  I’ll drink less.  And, like, I’ll just go out and piss in the woods if I have to.”

“Well...what if I told you that you don’t have to do that,” Hillary said with a casual shrug.  “I have an idea that I want to try out.  Maybe you’d be interested?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Diapers,” she said, slightly bashfully.

“W-what?  That’s ridiculous.  I can’t even take you seriously sometimes.”

“Hear me out!  Look, I bought a pack of these adult diapers the other day, right?  Maximum absorbency, or something like that.  I figure we wear them under our clothes.  Eat and drink all we want.  Then...instead of waiting in line for the bathroom behind people like Cousin Ernie and Uncle Paul, when we need to, we just...dart into Grandma’s spare bedroom and change out of them.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

“Yeah, well I’m doing it whether or not you’re in.  So...if you change your mind, let me know.”

“Doubtful,” Robbie said, rolling his eyes.

With Hillary gone, he had tried to go back to the book he was reading.  Except he found it rather hard to concentrate.  His mind kept circling back to Hillary in her diapers.  Crazy Hillary.  Weird Hillary.  ...Sexy Hillary who he regretted masturbating to at times.  Goddammit, he thought, the last thing he wanted to think about was his cute step-sister in a pair of diapers.

What if...what if she wanted to see him in diapers too? What if he was somehow proving something to her about himself if he did agree to keep her company in this wacky plan?

He sighed and quickly raced to her room. “Ok...I’m in too.”


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