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Enough was enough.  It had been bad enough that someone kept throwing their bags of garbage into my trash can, but when I finally got curious enough to see just what the hell they were throwing away, I was in for a bit of a shock.  There I am, plastic gloves and some old barbeque tongs and a kitchen knife, performing surgery on this, the 5th week’s worth of mystery garbage, and I uncover the truth:  used diapers.  Not like baby diapers, though.  These were huge.

Now I was on a mission.  Who was leaving used diapers in my trash can?  There was only one sure fire way to figure it out, and so I put a motion activated camera above the garage door, near where I kept the trash can.  It would only take two nights before I caught the supposed Diaper Fairy in action.

He was a scrawny kid, 18 or so, I would’ve guessed.  The camera turns on just as he creeps up the drive, a bloated plastic garbage bag in hand.  He gives the perimeter a quick check and heaves his filthy gifts into my can and scuttles off.

Except I’ve got my shoes on and I’m outside now, and I’m following this kid.  Either he doesn’t hear me behind him because I’m quiet or maybe because he’s got other things on his mind; but regardless, he never looks back or changes his pace.  I follow him for half a block and watch as he turns into another driveway.  Suddenly I realize who this kid is - Teddy Morris, the college-age son of my neighbor Sophia.

“Stop,” I say.  He freezes, and I can just sense that he’s completely terrified.  “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

“M-Mr. Porter,” he stammers.  “I...you...how did you know?”

“A big bag of diapers starts showing up in my trash can every week, and you didn’t think I’d notice?  Or care?”

“I...I don’t know.  I guess that I just didn’t think you’d notice.”

“Start explaining.”

“You...uhm...you have to lower your voice,” Teddy begged as he turned around to face me, his face white as can be.  “I can’t have my mother know.”

“Explain what the hell is going on.”


“Why don’t I ask the questions,” I said.  “Whose diapers are those?”

Bashfully, he pointed to himself.

“Do you have some sort of medical issue?”

He shook his head, no.

“So this is, like, some sort of sex thing?”

He nodded slightly.

“And your mother doesn’t know?”

He shook his head, no.

“Cripes,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “So you’re running around, soiling yourself in diapers, and then hauling your crime over to my house and your mother has no idea about this?”

He nodded again.

“Are you wearing a diaper now?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Show me,” I demanded.

“M-Mr. Porter, I...I don’t know…”

“Show me,” I said again.  “Pull down your pants.”

He complied, quickly lowering his track pants to his mid-thigh, exposing a bulky white disposable diaper.

“Pathetic,” I said with a laugh.  “And what do you do?  Piss yourself?  Shit yourself like a little toddler?”

He nodded.

“And nobody knows?”

“Nobody, sir,” he said quietly.  “Except you.  B-but...I have to ask that you not tell my mother.  Please, sir.”

“I won’t,” I said with a sigh.

For a moment, there was a look of relief in his face.  Yet still, he stood there in his driveway, with his pants pulled down and his diaper exposed.

“But,” I added, “it’s not without a cost.”


“You can continue using my trash can if you want.  But when you come to the house, you’re going to knock on my door first.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And you’re going to ask me for permission to throw away your dirty diapers.  And I’m going to ask you to come into my house.  And then, before I allow you to throw away your diapers and go home, I’m going to pull you over my knee and I’m going to smack your ass just like I would a child.  Do you understand?”

“Y-yes, sir.  Of course.”

“Go inside, you pathetic baby.  I’ll be waiting for you next week.”

He didn’t say another word, he just turned and fled back into his house.  I walked home slowly, curious if I could slap his bottom so hard that he’d wet his diapers while dangling over my knees.



This appears to be "Surprise Visit" from Nov 19