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Amanda’s text arrived shortly after she left work:  I stopped by your place.  You weren’t home, but I left you a gift under your Christmas tree.

The bitch, she thought playfully.  They made a pact that they wouldn’t get each other gifts this year.  Or, you know, as much of a pact as you can make over a bottle of wine at 2 in the morning.

I didn’t ask for anything, Cara responded in a text of her own.

I know.  But you’ll like this.  It’s a gift for me too.

Interesting, she thought.  A smile formed on her lips in anticipation of what this gift might be, and it had stayed on her face on the entire subway ride back to her block, right up until the moment when she opened her apartment door and stepped into her living room.

As promised, there was a gift near her tree that had not been there this morning.

“My word,” Cara said with a little laugh.

“I did my best to wrap it for you,” Amanda said.  She was on her hands and knees, positioned close to the Christmas tree - completely naked, save a bulky adult-sized diaper wrapped around her bottom with a red bow stuck to her butt, which now waved gently at Cara as a greeting.

“I...didn’t think you’d remember this,” Cara said, a smile breaking through her blushing cheeks.  It had been another late night months ago, perhaps over another bottle of wine, when Cara had confessed her kink to a curious - yet seemingly uninterested - Amanda.

“Merry Christmas, Mommy,” Amanda cooed with a giggle.

“Dare I open my gift?” Cara teased.

“That depends on what you’re expecting to find.”

“I...hmm...” Cara wasn’t sure how to answer that.  Instead, she quickly threw down her belongings - her keys, her purse, her jacket.  She kicked off her shoes.  She marched right over to Amanda, helping her up from her position on the ground.  “Stay there,” she said, “I want to get a better look at you.”

It was Amanda’s turn to blush as she held still while Cara orbited her, getting a good look at her best friend wearing nothing but a diaper.

“Adorable,” Cara finally said.  “Simply adorable.”

“Y-you really like it?” Amanda asked.

“Very much so.  It’s...it’s the best gift I could’ve ever asked for.”

Cara stepped closer to Amanda, her hands finding Amanda’s hips, and sliding them around to her back, pulling Amanda closer.  A tiny “Mmph” emerged from Amanda’s lips as her bare chest was pressed against Cara, Cara’s hands gently squeezing her padded bottom.

“I think you did a good job with the wrapping,” Cara teased.

“I...well...it was hard by myself.  I bet it's easier when someone else does it for you.”

“Next time you need one put on you, I’ll be happy to help.”

“Oh, good, because...there’s more...over there...” Amanda motioned over to the shopping bag near the tree.

Cara, though, didn’t seem to notice.  Instead, her lips lurched forward, found Amanda’s, and she proceeded to kiss her.  Slowly and sensually.  Cara bit Amanda’s bottom lip gently.  She licked Amanda’s top lip with the very tip of her tongue.

“Uph,” Amanda said this time.  She was melting in Cara’s hands.  Perhaps she was literally melting within her diaper, because something was sure getting wetter.

There had been times, here and there, when they had rolled around a little with each other in the bed or on the couch.  They did their best not to overthink it in hindsight.  They were friends.  And sometimes they kissed.  Sometimes Cara’s fingers ended up between Amanda’s legs.  Sometimes they held hands tightly while they watched reruns of the Golden Girls.

This seemed a little different.  This didn’t seem like a flirty moment, this felt like passion.  As Cara gently nibbled on Amanda’s neck, she thought again of how lucky she was.

“What a good baby,” Cara teased.

“I’ll do whatever you want, Mommy.”

Cara paused, for just a moment, debating about what to do with her gift.  So many ideas, so little time.  Fleeting visions of Amanda sucking on her tits.  Amanda over Cara’s knees while getting spanked in her diaper.  Amanda’s face peeking up at Cara from between her legs.  Cara feeding Amanda with a spoon while she...

“We’re going to do it all,” Cara said to Amanda, fully aware that while Amanda didn’t know exactly what was running through Cara’s mind, she probably had a pretty good idea.

“Yes,” was all Amanda could answer.

“I’m going to take a shower.  And when I come out, you’re going to be on my bed.  And I’m going to open up that diaper.  And I hope to see something very wet inside of it.”

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue.”


“Merry Christmas, Cara.”

Cara kissed her again.


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