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“What is that?” Cassie asked skeptically as she watched Jamie take a sip of something that was definitely not Jamie’s usual cup of morning coffee.


“Tea? You’re going to make huge life changes like this and not tell me?” Cassie teased.

“I just...this coffee thing isn’t working for me anymore.”

“I don’t even know how you could blaspheme coffee like that,” Cassie said with faux-anger. “After all it’s done for you.”

“It just wreaks havoc on my poor insides. Like, coffee just lights a fuse and then it's only a matter of time before I have to immediately evacuate whatever I’m doing and run to the potty.”

“You know what would fix that?”

“Almond milk instead of regular milk? I know, I keep saying I’m going to buy some.”

“Oh, no,” Cassie said with a laugh. “I was going to say diapers.”

“You laugh,” Jamie responded while laughing herself, “but I feel like diapers would solve all my problems. Eat and drink whatever I want without having to run to the bathroom every ten minutes? Yes please.”

“Well, except for the fact that you’d stink after a while.”

“What, you’re saying you wouldn’t change my diaper?”

“Oh I would, obviously,” Cassie said, laughing. “What are best friends for?”

“So you’re saying that if I bought diapers...you would change me?” Jamie asked, a mischievous smile on her face.

“I mean...sure,” Cassie said. Neither said much for a moment or two. It wasn’t entirely awkward, but it seemed uncertain. Was this a joke? It had to be, Cassie thought.

“If you see me drinking coffee tomorrow,” Jamie said, “you’ll know why.” And Cassie wondered if Jamie meant that. Because she kind of, sort of, hoped that she was serious.

Friday Morning at the Cafe

This morning, Jamie was drinking coffee.


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