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He had been rather stubborn about my demands for the wedding, but in the end, I was pleased that I had paddled some understanding into his little bottom. He had wanted to wear a suit like me - could you even believe it? He’s far too little for a suit, and everyone knows it.

There, in front of his friends and family, he made his way up the aisle, wearing just the cutest little sailor suit I’ve ever seen. I had to get it custom made, of course. Apparently they just don’t make toddler-styled sailor suits for babies of his size. But, gosh, it was adorable. The navy pin stripes? The little bow tie? The suspenders?

We had to make some alterations to the original plan, of course. The sailor suit’s little shorts simply couldn’t contain his bulky diaper and plastic pants very well, so we had to make do with a little skirt instead. Non-traditional, admittedly, but it was just more practical this way, as it gave his diaper all the room it needed. Sure...it didn’t quite cover it completely, but it's not like there was anyone coming to the wedding who didn’t know that he was wearing diapers for me now anyways.

There, before our guests, we went through our vows.  Well, I did at least. He opened his mouth to speak and I stuck a pacifier in it instead, to the delight and amusement of the guests. And, for good measure, I had Elaine lift the back of his skirt a few times during the ceremony to make sure he wasn’t in need of a change.

I’m proud to say he remained dry over the course of the ceremony! Now, the reception was a different story. Seriously, who goes potty in their diaper while cutting the cake? But, as always, our guests were more than happy to help with his diaper all night. I swear, there were more willing diaper-changers than there were diapers that needed changing. Admittedly, I even poured a glass of champagne into his diaper at one point just so that Macy and Kyle could take him back to our special changing table (just to the left of the dance floor, of course) and have some fun.

Our first dance was very sweet. If you missed it, you’ll probably see it on YouTube soon enough, as I saw everyone’s camera-phone out during the dance. It was so precious! Sure, sure, he got a little fussy and tugged at his skirt in the middle of the dance, but it was nothing a quick slap on his bum couldn’t help.

I could go on, but...ask him yourself sometime.  Ask him about our honeymoon, while you’re at it, and see if he’s capable of sitting down on his bottom yet.


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