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"Mary, is this really neccessary?  I...I have a date tonight.”

“Oh please, don’t be silly.  It’s a first date.  You’ll be lucky if you even get a peck on the cheek, let alone a hand down your pants.  Now lift your legs up.”

He did as he was told, and she secured the thick disposable diaper in place, sealing his manhood away amid a cloud of baby powder.

“But it’s a thick diaper.  And you used a lot of baby powder.  And...”

“You worry too much.  Just go enjoy yourself tonight.  She won’t have any idea.  Besides, it’s not like you’d want to go out without your diaper on, right?  Remember what happened on your last date?  You got so nervous you pissed yourself right in the middle of that bar!  And then you cried about it like a little baby.”

“I didn’t mean to.  I just...”

“No, of course not,” she said, patting his head.  “Don’t worry about it.  This way, if you have a little accident in your pants, she’ll be none the wiser.”

It was hard to argue with his step-mother.  It was even harder to imagine how he’d survive a first date while worrying about his diaper getting noticed.


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