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“Well well well, aren’t you looking quite...juvenile.  But this is what you wanted, yes?  You just wanted to wear your little diapers.  And what was it that you said I could have in return?  Oh right: anything I wanted.  Seems pretty fair to me.

So here’s tonight’s agenda. You’re going to be tied up in that chair, wearing just that diaper that you like so much.  Jace should be over in about 10 minutes, and we’re going to fuck each other senseless for most of the night.  Right here in front of you.  No, no, don’t worry, we won’t forget about you.  Jace already said that he’ll give you plenty to do with that mouth of yours.

Look, just do me a favor.  If you end up using your diaper, you need to tell me.  If my sex gets interrupted because I’m smelling your dirty diaper, there’s going to be hell to pay.”


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