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“I...I really don’t think this is necessary,” she said. Her sheepish tone betrayed her. Had she even the slightest bit more confidence in what she just said, he might have humored her. Instead, all he could do was laugh.

“I wish I could believe that, Allie. But it’s not like I haven’t seen your panties. Stained; all of them. I even found some that were still damp.”


“I understand a drop here and there. But, let’s be real, you’re practically pissing your pants. I’m afraid to look at the crotch of your jeans.”

She was tempted to defend herself, but what could she even say? Everything he said was true. She hadn’t exactly been making it to the bathroom on time lately.

Truth be told, her little accidents weren’t that recent of a development - they had been going on for years. She wondered how bad it must’ve gotten that he was actually able to start noticing her pissy panties lying around. She could kick herself for not being more careful. It shouldn’t have come to this.

She sat on the bed, as he looked down at her. She was completely naked, per his orders. Next to him, on the ground, were a pile of her panties. He had started by picking out every single pair of her dirty panties from the laundry - which was just about all of them. Then, he went through every pair of panties in her dresser drawer - adding every stained pair to the pile.

When he was finished, every single pair of panties she owned was in the pile next to him.

“If you can’t keep them clean, I don’t think you should have them at all,” he said.

She silently nodded, hoping there was still a chance to get back in his good favor with some simple compliance.

“I brought two things in here with me today. Do you know what they are?”

She shook her head.

“I brought this,” he said, lifting up a trash bag from the top of the dresser near the door. There was another item there too, but she couldn’t see what it was from this angle.

Still, the trash bag was concerning enough on its own. She had a suspicion she knew what it was for, and it was confirmed as he unfolded the bag and began filling it with her panties. She watched helplessly as he grabbed them by the handful, tossing them in the bag. Finally, all of her panties - every pair - was in the bag.

“Stick your face in here for a moment,” he said, holding the bag close to her face.

She did so, easing her face to the bag’s opening. She didn’t have to try too hard to smell what he was alluding to - the damp acidic smell of her dirty panties hit her nostrils, and she blushed brightly.

He pulled the bag away, tied it shut, and tossed it near the door.

“When we’re done here, I’d like you to take that bag outside and throw it in the dumpster.”

“But...But those are my underwear! That’s all of my underwear! I need those.”

“Do you?” He laughed to himself. “Allie, if you needed panties, you’d be keeping them dry.”


“What would someone wear if they kept having accidents like this?”

She had a good idea of what the answer would be, but she hoped that she was wrong. She shyly shrugged instead.

“You don’t know? You don’t have any idea at all?”

“I guess...like...a diaper?”

“Hmm, maybe,” he said. “But a diaper? I mean...who wears a diaper?”

She shrugged.

“Really? You can’t think of anyone?”

She knew what he was getting at. It made her blush again just to think about. Still, she knew she had to say it. “A...baby.”

“Very good. So if you can’t keep your pants dry, you should wear a…” He pointed at her.


“Right. Because you’re a…” He pointed at her again.



He reached to the dresser and pulled the other item from it, holding it up for her to see. It was a diaper. An adult diaper - big and white, its plastic covering glistening in the light. She had never really thought about adult diapers before and she was surprised by how infantile they looked. She would’ve assumed that the adults who needed them would want something more discrete. But these? These looked enormous and thick. Every tiny movement of his hand on the diaper was a chorus of crinkles.


“But what? You really think I’m going to let you go about your business all day while you piss yourself? I mean, do you really walk around like that at work? With pissy panties? You come home, and sit your wet pants down on our couch? On our bed? I’m not just giving you these to wear as a punishment. I’m giving you these to wear because you need them. You’re a pissy little baby, and it’s well past time that you start wearing diapers.”


“I don’t want to hear it. If you need to use the potty like a big girl…” he paused, letting his humiliating words sink in, “...you can come ask me and I’ll take you to the potty. And that will be the only time you may use the potty. But everytime I check this diaper and find it's even the slightest bit damp, I’m adding time to this punishment.”

“But...what about work? Or going out? Or…”

“For your sake,” he interrupted, “I hope you learn to hold it. Or else you won’t just be wearing a diaper at work, or in front of your friends, you’ll be wearing a dirty diaper.”

She blushed. She was humiliated. She was furious - though maybe with herself more so than him. The worst part was that maybe he was right. Maybe she did need some sort of protection.

In the back of her mind, she felt like this was a trap. If she was depending on him to use the toilet from now on, that was even less access than she already had to a bathroom. If she was having accidents before, she was definitely going to have accidents now. And if she was going to keep having accidents, she was going to keep wearing diapers. And if she kept wearing diapers…

She wondered if she’d ever get to wear panties again.

“Let’s get this on you,” he said, waving the diaper in front of her, the loud crinkles seeming to be strangely threatening.

“I...I can put it on myself,” she said. She hoped that she’d at least have that comfort.

“Absolutely not. I can’t risk you not putting it on well and then leaking all over yourself later.”

She hadn’t even considered the possibility that a diaper could leak. It seemed better than the times she had just pissed her pants, but not by much.

“Fine,” she said, begrudgingly. She layed back on the bed, offering her already-exposed bottom to him for his diaper.

It was a surprisingly quick process. If she hadn’t known better, she’d swear he had done this before. He worked quickly and efficiently, his hands quickly straightening out the diaper as he eased it beneath her and wrapped her in it. He sealed it shut with the tapes, closing it rather tightly around her.

“All set,” he said.

She sat up, immediately feeling the new thick padding around her ass and between her legs. It felt shameful having that extra bulk there.

“You’re not going to be able to get that off without me noticing. So don’t bother.”

She nodded obediently, defeated.

“I mean it,” he reiterated. “If you think diapers are bad, wait until you find yourself over my knee on top of that.”

She nodded again, blushing brightly at the very thought.

“Alright. Well, you should get that bag of panties into the dumpster. I’ll check on your diaper in an hour,” he said.

“I...I can hold it for an hour,” she said, frustrated that he’d think that little of her.

“We’ll see,” he said with a shrug before leaving the bedroom.

She was tempted to just stay on the bed for the rest of the day, cursing her bad luck and cruel punishment. That seemed like a bad idea while spankings were on the table - especially in the very first night of her punishment.

With a sigh, she slid off the bed, listening to her new diaper crinkle with the friction of the bed. She put a bra and her shirt back on, and stepped into her shorts - only to find that when she pulled them up, she couldn’t quite pull them over her diaper. She let out an audible groan of frustration, wondering if this meant she was going to need to get bigger shorts if she wanted to remain comfortable this summer. Well, as comfortable as she could be in a diaper.

She settled for a skirt - not her first choice, but it would have to do for now. She sighed again as she grabbed the trash bag full of panties and she decided to make her humiliating trip to the dumpster.

In the walk out outside, a stream of thoughts drifted through her mind. The difficulties of hiding her diaper at work. The sheer embarrassment of needing to ask him to use a toilet. The potential shame of being caught in a wet diaper.

She felt herself peeing a little. Not much, but certainly enough.

“Fuck.” She hadn’t even lasted 10 minutes, let alone one hour.

At the dumpster, she was so distraught by her accident that she just mindlessly tossed her panties away. They were gone now.

Walking back, something nagged at her, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Slowly, the thought began to take form. It was...pleasure. She blushed. For all her pouting and frustration...she couldn’t deny that she also liked this a lot more than she could ever let on.

Well, she thought, if she’d be in diapers for a long time anyways, certainly there was no harm in just finishing what she started?

It barely took any effort for her to have her diaper completely saturated by the time she was inside.



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