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“So, Josh, I heard you’ve got a little secret...”

“W-what are you talking about?”

“Well Emily told me and...”

“Emily?  She told you my secret?”

“Well, yeah, but, it’s not like I’m going to run and tell everyone about it.”

“But...she shouldn’t have told anyone at all!  I told her in strict confidence!”

“Josh, I don’t get what the big deal is!  I think it's kind of...neat, actually.”

“N-neat?  Look...thank you for saying so, but this absolutely cannot be public knowledge.  I can’t have people knowing that I wear diapers and...”

“Wait.  What did you just say?”

“I said that I can’t have people out there knowing that...”

“No no, I heard that part.  Diapers?”

“Isn’t that...the secret that Emily mentioned...”

“No...  She told me about your addiction to that pony cartoon.  She never said anything about...diapers.”


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