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She felt a hand gently shake her shoulder, waking her from a dream about go-karts and...bananas, maybe?  Her eyes slowly pried themselves open, the morning sun blinding her.

“W-what time is it?” she asked groggily.  He laughed and rubbed the top of her head through her messy hair.  He did this often, it was his way of saying “Don’t worry about it.”

She slowly sat up and turned to him.  He was already dressed, suggesting that he must’ve been up for a while.  As she slowly become acclimated to reality again, she had a sudden thought.  Her hands rushed to the surface of the mattress that she’s lying on, and she feels it with her hands, all around her.  Then, she looks back up at him - her look somewhere between excited and shocked.

“I know,” he said with a grin.  “Dry, right?  The first time this week.  And do you know why?”

She doesn’t say anything, instead sliding back the bedsheet from over her body, revealing her t-shirt and her underpants...though they weren’t quite underpants, but instead a thick disposable diaper.  She ran her hands over the surface of it, feeling how dense and full they were - compared to how light and fluffy they had felt the night before.  She opened her mouth to say something, but he put a single finger on her lips to silence her, causing her to blush.

“Why don’t you lie down?  I’ll change you out of that diaper before you get a rash.”

She nodded, overjoyed that she didn’t have to say it out loud. Later, she’d ask him if they could try this again tonight. Maybe...this should just be the way things are now. 

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version is exclusive for my patrons.


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