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Me, wearing only a diaper and bent over the arm of the sofa.

Her, standing behind me while checking said diaper.  She first gives a light squeeze at the very bottom before letting her fingers slide up to the waistband where she carefully pulls it back just enough to peek in.  I cannot see her face, but I can’t imagine that she likes what she sees.  

“Unbelievable,” she says.  “I can’t believe this mess.”

I’m tempted to point out that I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, as it was her idea to make me wear diapers in the first place.  Though she would likely point out that it was my fault for ruining my big-boy pants in the first place.

“We’re out of wipes,” I say instead.  It’s not the best point to bring up, I realize, as it just goes to insinuate how long this punishment has been going on for and how little I’ve changed since it began.

“Well you’re not going to stay in those filthy things all night.  I’ll get more tomorrow.  But for tonight, we’ll need to borrow some.”

My heart sinks and my face flushes red.  


“Miss Frisch, next door.  She should have some.  Perhaps we can trouble her for some.”

Erinna Frisch, 20-something, drop-dead gorgeous mother of two toddlers.  My favorite person to run into in the elevator.  The last person on earth I’d want to know that I was wearing dirty diapers.

“I...don’t know about that...”

“Oh please, did you think that she already doesn’t know about your diapers?  It was her idea in the first place.  She spotted me in the laundry room scrubbing your slacks and she advised that diapers would keep any messes off of your clothes.  A wise young lady.”

“I can’t go over there!  I just can’t!”

“You can and you will.  You’re going to march over to her apartment door right now and ask for some wipes.  You’ll tell her that you need to borrow some so that you can be changed out of your dirty diaper...though I doubt you’d actually need to tell her that, she’ll smell you coming down the hall.  Then you’re going to thank her and assure her that we’ll buy her more tomorrow when we go to the store to buy you more.”


“I’m not going to change my mind.  The sooner you get your ass over there, the sooner you’ll be in a diaper that’s not practically hanging midway down your thighs.”

I silently said goodbye to the last of my dignity and stood up.  A firm swat to my dirty backside gave me my headstart towards the door, and the next humiliating moment of my life.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version is exclusive for my patrons.



I would love to see a continuation of this!

John Doe

Agreed! Also one of my favorites!